elegantly-wise · 5 years
Lily’s Worst Trait is:
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You Are An Emotionally Volatile Nightmare
Your heart guides you and sometimes that's not as dreamy or romantic as it might sound. It's true that your feelings often inspire you to heal and create, and as long as those feelings don't steer you wrong, you're capable of truly visionary accomplishments in the name of empathy and love.
Feelings, though, aren't always gentle and sweet. You know that better than anyone, because your own emotions - the same overwhelming forces that inspire you to make the world a better place - can take you to very dark places, especially if you believe that the subject of your ire has shown unwarranted cruelty toward you or something you hold dear. You know that your feelings aren't necessarily rational, but that doesn't stop you from dramatically blaming other people for causing you pain. Of course, you might not even stop at crying; that notoriously brilliant creativity might even spur you to express your wrath artistically - nothing says “emotional stability” like a morose, vengeful poem.
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elegantly-wise · 5 years
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“Pleasure to meet you Eraqus and to answer your question you heard correctly. Since I’m not from this world, you probably don’t know but I was composer of Shibuya for 11 years over 18 years ago. There are numerous composers in Japan, but the one thing they all share in common is that they’re akin to demigods over over different sections of the country.”
Lily wasn’t really taken back by Eras use of her birth first name, it actually brought back a hint of nostalgia as the last ones to use that name was her parents over 30 years ago...a much simpler time. However, now wasn’t time to dwell on such things. It’s rude not to give the person you’re talking to your full attention after all.
A porcelain skinned woman supposedly around her late 20s with lavender roses laced into her pale blond hair is sitting by the shoreline of destiny islands sketching images of the star shaped fruit that caught her eye, humming a calming tune. (elegantly-wise)
Era woke up in his home on the islands, slowly blinking as the morning sun peaked through his window. His raven hair was slightly disheveled and there were circles under his eyes. Though he’d been here for a few years since being revived, he was almost always confused when he first woke up, for he thought he was still in the Land of Departure.
Lately, he hadn’t been keeping up with his routines. He hadn’t meditated for a few days, he didn’t get up as early he wanted (though he had liked his sleep in his training years), and he had taken up several different hobbies to try and keep his mind off of his worries.
Era pulled on his robe and opened his front door, feeling the light morning breeze. He blinked a few times before realizing there was someone sitting on the sand, a woman.
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elegantly-wise · 5 years
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椿(つばき)  「春曙光(しゅんしょっこう)」 Camellia japonica cv. Syunshokkou, Theaceae
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elegantly-wise · 5 years
“Who…are you?” Era questioned softly, cautiously stepping forward on the sand, tightening his robe around him.
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“I’m not dreaming, am I?”
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“My name is Elizabeth Rose Kiryu, but please call me Lily. It’s what everyone used to call me when I was alive.”
Her tone soft and hushed as she turned to face him with a gentle smile on her face, the sunlight behind her revealing the deep scar at the base of her neck on her left side. 
“I can assume you that you’re not dreaming. But I can understand your sense of confusion at a time like this. It’s not everyday you meet the lingering spirit of a regional demigod. But that’s enough about me, what’s your name kind stranger?”
A porcelain skinned woman supposedly around her late 20s with lavender roses laced into her pale blond hair is sitting by the shoreline of destiny islands sketching images of the star shaped fruit that caught her eye, humming a calming tune. (elegantly-wise)
Era woke up in his home on the islands, slowly blinking as the morning sun peaked through his window. His raven hair was slightly disheveled and there were circles under his eyes. Though he’d been here for a few years since being revived, he was almost always confused when he first woke up, for he thought he was still in the Land of Departure.
Lately, he hadn’t been keeping up with his routines. He hadn’t meditated for a few days, he didn’t get up as early he wanted (though he had liked his sleep in his training years), and he had taken up several different hobbies to try and keep his mind off of his worries.
Era pulled on his robe and opened his front door, feeling the light morning breeze. He blinked a few times before realizing there was someone sitting on the sand, a woman.
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elegantly-wise · 6 years
Lily gently smiled as she continued her sketch, enjoying the feeling of the remnants of the crashing waves rushing under her feet before receding back into the sea. It was a nice feeling even if the water didn’t feel cool to her. She knew it was only because of how cold her skin was in comparison. However, she stopped humming when she heard a door open. She knew their was a house near by...Did the resident by chance hear her humming and come out to see who was near by their house? She didn’t know but she wasn’t going to ignore them. It wasn’t often that she had someone to talk to after all.
“Kind stranger, come forward. I don’t bite. I can promise you that.”
A porcelain skinned woman supposedly around her late 20s with lavender roses laced into her pale blond hair is sitting by the shoreline of destiny islands sketching images of the star shaped fruit that caught her eye, humming a calming tune. (elegantly-wise)
Era woke up in his home on the islands, slowly blinking as the morning sun peaked through his window. His raven hair was slightly disheveled and there were circles under his eyes. Though he’d been here for a few years since being revived, he was almost always confused when he first woke up, for he thought he was still in the Land of Departure.
Lately, he hadn’t been keeping up with his routines. He hadn’t meditated for a few days, he didn’t get up as early he wanted (though he had liked his sleep in his training years), and he had taken up several different hobbies to try and keep his mind off of his worries.
Era pulled on his robe and opened his front door, feeling the light morning breeze. He blinked a few times before realizing there was someone sitting on the sand, a woman.
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elegantly-wise · 6 years
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a ▬▬ LUNATIC OF A GOD                                                                       or a ▬▬ GOD OF A LUNATIC
[ the world ends with you . rules . promo cred ]
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elegantly-wise · 6 years
Support TWEWY Final Remix
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i don’t usually put out posts like this, but there is a first time for everything.
if you are in a position to do it, please support The World Ends With You - Final Remix- upon it’s release outside of japan. coming up on October 12th, it will launch in north america and the numbers that were rostered up from the japanese sales of physical units were not the numbers that they were gunning for. 
tetsuya nomura has gone on record in interviews saying that this is the last time that we will be able to push for a sequel. if they see strong numbers for the launch then that will give square the information they need to okay the sequel. 
don’t sleep on this game. even if you do not own a switch, i’m begging you to pick up a copy of the game next week to help out a fanbase who has waited eleven years for a sequel. this game is nomura’s pride and joy next to kingdom hearts. even if this game is a port with new story and gameplay aspects, pick it up if you can. 
this world really does end with you. 
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elegantly-wise · 6 years
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I know many of you seeing my blogging about TWEWY wondering wtf it is. It’s a Square Enix game originally released on the DS that has gained quite a cult following over the past decade. It’’s got a phenomenal storyline, which deals with death, resurrection, ideological differences and second chances, all with a musical metaphor undertone - and the dialogue is incredible. It’s one of those underrated games that begs for a sequel.
Fortunately for the fans,  it’s getting a revamp for the Switch! This is huge. Tetsuya Nomura has made it very clear that a sequel is in order, but if it doesn’t get enough reception, that may not happen. And if it falls through the cracks again, this beautiful storyline will get buried, and I do not want that.
Unfortunately for the fans, Final Remix sales in Japan are not going that well, but you can help. Final Remix, the updated game (with a bonus day) is dropping internally on Friday, October 12th. IF YOU HAVE A SWITCH–EVEN IF YOU DON’T–PLEASE CONSIDER PICKING UP A COPY ON THE LAUNCH WEEKEND.
The reason Nomura is giving us this release is because the fans have been so vocal. We have to show Square Enix that we can stand behind our voices. And if you’re new to TWEWY and want to play a good game, please make your next game this one!!
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elegantly-wise · 6 years
Character RPG Stats
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elegantly-wise · 6 years
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the irony of choking on a lifesaver // all time low
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elegantly-wise · 6 years
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elegantly-wise · 6 years
Reblog if your muse is Demi-Asexual
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Other pride-flag bubbles for your muses: [LGTBQA+] [Ace] [Aro] [Bisexual] [Panromantic/-sexual] [Grey-Asexual] [Gay] [Lesbian] [Transgender] [Intersex] [Agender] [Genderfluid] [Nonbinary]
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elegantly-wise · 6 years
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dead and gone // state champs
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elegantly-wise · 6 years
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[🔫] “You know i’m never going to pass up an opportunity to have a taste of your wonderful tea, oh~ fresh too well even better then.”
There was always that time that Asher knew he could get to spend with Lily, so when he could get it he would take it without any hesitation at all, so walking up to her and slipping out a small gift from behind his back he’d had for her there was a small smile lingering on his lips when she spoke.
“Is that so? well i’ll be sure to give it to him when i go back, though it may be some time before i do, might have to wait a bit then~ i’m here for the long term if you would have me?”
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“Of course I would! you don’t even have to ask. I love having you around Asher. Please make yourself at home, you’re welcome to stay as long as you like.” 
She brightly smiled as she poured some tea into each of the teacups. Honestly, his words brought a sense of excitement and happiness that she had not felt in a long time. Living out in isolation was incredibly tough for Lily, yet she tried to make the best of an overall horrible situation. Asher’s visits were really all she truly looked forward to these days. So the sound of him asking to stay for a long term of time made her heart leap with joy.
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elegantly-wise · 6 years
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“Welcome back Asher, I’m glad to see you again. Would you like some tea? I just made a fresh pot.” 
She gently smiled when she saw him at the doorway. She always enjoyed his company, It was a reminder that she had not been forgotten to spend eternity with nothing but her thoughts and the trees to keep her company. While Lily loved nature as she always has since childhood, her interactions with Asher kept her grounded to reality and kept her from getting lost in her memories. 
“I apologize if I kept you waiting, I found a old memento, a photo album from when my niece was a little girl. I thought that Orion might want to have it for him and Lucy to look at someday.”
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[🔫] There was something about her garden that Asher had come to love, how he cared for it tenderly and affectionately, making sure that every bundle and leaf had been in top shape, showing the nurturing grace of their deeds upon the greenery that bestowed it’s beauty for them to see, Asher moved to stand straight once more and look back to the building behind him, the green house that he had created so that Lily could care for certain flowers and other aspects of their part time, left him proud in some way of the sight, he’d been visiting Lily for some time, even choosing to linger a bit longer than usual, more so staying when she would have him, the door parted from the frame a moment allowing him in and his eyes settled on the sight of her “there you are.”
[ @elegantly-wise ]
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elegantly-wise · 6 years
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elegantly-wise · 6 years
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