akuma .
     Another day, another useless game of waiting for someone to call on him. They’d put the muzzle on the humanity in him, that voice now no longer heard, but it’s memories still there. Slowly they’re fading into something fuzzy, but the only thing allowed to stay seems to be the emotions. Maybe it’s because the wraith hangs on too tight for his owners to remove them. Not that he’ll let them close enough to wipe him like they did a familiar partner of his. He’d kill them; and they knew it. It was a fair trade, as fair as Talon got. 
     Still, they’d saved him. Offered a hand when he was fresh born from that explosion, picked him up, raised him into the killing machine he was now. Perhaps in his own twisted way, he was grateful. Albeit horrifically and utterly fucking bored. They saved him for heavy missions after he proved the small missions are useless to him. He’d get lazy, uncaring, uninvolved. They took him off those after information they needed was destroyed because Reaper didn’t pay attention during a fight and lazily shot the servers holding the information they’d wanted to extract. 
     So it was that his heavy footsteps echoed aimlessly through the halls, freely signalling his position and approach. He turned the corner of the hallway with ease, and paused for a good moment at what was in front of him. He’d been made aware of this ahead of time ( knowing Sombra has it’s perks, naturally ), but he’d not expected to see the archer on his first day before Talon had started to put their hands on him. Slowly does the off white mask tilt as crimson eyes dart up and down, sizing up the Shimada. The only one that Gabriel had worked close with was this ones brother, surely a sore spot now ( it’s a good guess that is why he’s here; and it has the smirk curling on cold lips ). 
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     ❛ You lost, archer? ❜
     Reaper begins the approach, his words falling from his mouth with a certain practiced ease. Almost like the velvet tones Gabriel used to take, with the added gruff growl that Reaper took to signify himself separate from Gabriel ( it could almost be considered a purr the way it sounded ). Amusement played somewhere in his tone, and a short chuckle passes him as he draws up close and comes to a full stop. 
     ❛ If you ask nicely, I might find it in me to pay you a favor and help you out. ❜ 
     He’s not exactly ever been known for how nice he is.
      The archer could not have mistaken the footfalls approaching. Their heavy tone gave away an arrogant sense of confidence and their even pacing betrayed someone who was measured in action albeit rash when combined with the former feeling of the sound. Cold, dark eyes watched the hall from their periphery, his lips drawn into a scowl. The moment that the alabaster mask came into view, the eldest Shimada son turned and tilted his head towards the mask's owner.
      "No more lost than those who have forgotten the intricacies of life."
      Hanzo turned in that moment, fully facing the specter clad in black, his eyes taking in all of the more obvious features. The male’s reputation preceded him. He also observed how he carried himself, mentally smirking at the fact that his assumptions about how the male walked were clearly accurate. A cocky, self-centered creature. Normally, he would think loudly and view him as human but when it came to Reaper?
      The man was a technologically-made yokai. . . an oni in the flesh; never to be trusted.
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      That being said, the current predicament left the male in a situation where he did require aid. Pity. Hanzo's eyebrow twitched briefly, his eyes closing for mere moments as he took a deep breath. How does one ask a demon for assistance without requiring payment in return? The answer was simple:
      You don't.
      "If you could find the time, Wraith, to assist me through this labyrinth, I would be most grateful."
      The dishonored and wrathful heir bowed at that moment, giving Reaper respect even though every fiber of his being told him it did not matter; that the abomination (  the monster ) did not deserve it. Soon after, Hanzo straightened himself out, eyes once again open and peering into the gaps of the other's mask. The specter was close now; the dark hues of his garments black as the devil.
      ' May this encounter be short and you save your forked tongue for someone else, wraith. '
      "I am to be heading into a meeting room to discuss the terms of my involvement and integration with Talon. Of course, with how this place is setup, it would appear I am to be arriving late."
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She didn’t expect any visitors that day. And to be completely honest, she never expected any visitors. Most people did good avoiding her and her domain, leaving her alone and in peace. Joe preferred it that way anyway. People were strenuous and social interactions were bothersome in most cases. The scientist simply saw no point in spending time to socialize with those who are beneath her.  
It seemed today was different. She rolled her eyes, took off her latex gloves, disposed of them accordingly and slowly made her way towards the door. But other than that she didn’t care for her appearance, that her laboratory coat was stained with blood dried to a dark crimson shade, that she looked overly sloppy with her loose tank top, her loose pants rolled up to below her knees and her footwear of choice - a simple pair of flip flops.
Joe opened the door. Her eyebrow raised she glanced down upon the one who dared to interrupt her. A woman, easily a head shorter, short black hair and overly a rather cute appearance. An unfamiliar face she noticed. She leaned against the door frame, her hands in her lab coat pockets and just stared at her in silence. Then she took out a pack of cigarettes.
“State your name and your reason for coming here. You got a minute.” The red haired said fairly apathetic and was busy lighting up a cigarette. She didn’t even have enough respect towards the stranger to look into her face while striking a conversation. After all, why should she? 
      While naturally, it did not take long for the lead scientist to answer the door, Sam found herself quietly tapping her foot in a show of impatience. Once this introduction was completed, she could take the time to setup her new laboratory as she saw fit. Perhaps Talon included a kitchen like she asked? After all, certain ingredients were best served fresh within a few hours of acquiring them.
      Dragged from her thoughts as the door opened, the smaller woman's foot immediately stopped, cold eyes being cast upwards at the red-headed and messily dressed scientist. Samira wasn't one to care for appearances so she took no mind. The woman's curt attitude was to be expected; some of Talon's little recruitment crew had given her ample warning. This was fine; more than fine, actually. The smaller woman wasn't one for making friends or acquaintances. As such, being told to make this little meeting was a less than a desireable task.
      "No worries. I will not require a minute of your time. I was told to come here and introduce myself. My name is Samira Savona. Samael or Sam, however, is fine."
      Sam returned the level of attention she received with equal interest. . . or lack thereof. As the doctor spoke, her hand reached into her pocket to produce a small, personal device, her thumbs soon working over the display to check in on some of her experiments that were shipped over. Remarkably, Talon was able to hold up their end of the bargain.
      "I already know who you are so there's no more effort on your part required. If you'll excuse me-" Her hand slipped back into her pocket, cold eyes glancing up at the scientist for a brief couple of seconds. Did she smoke around experiments, too? Oh well; didn't matter to her. Or rather, she didn't care. "-I have to go ensure that my laboratory equipment and tech has actually arrived safely."
      Without hesitation, the not-so-kind doctor turned in that moment to head down the hall. Her lab was rather close by; perhaps it was for that reason that they wanted her to introduce herself, regardless of how wasteful it was. Or maybe by chance, it was some stupid initiation ritual. Speak with the lead scientist and see if you survive sort of thing.
      "Should you require medical attention, or access to poisons and life-draining tech, I am a couple of doors down."
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[ooc:] I’m finally home and omg I miss being up north already? IT’S SO DAMN HUMID AND THERE’S A SPOTTER FOR THE WEATHER TONIGHT. Fffff-
That being said, I had a great time with @calavcro <3 Love you so much~!
We’ll have to plan more trips in the future~! Missing you already <33333
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Hey; you’re into stuff you shouldn’t be, right? Good. I knew I pegged you right. Confused? Here; let me put it into perspective for you. See, my name is Lucifer. Otherwise known as Satan. The Devil, the Morning Star, Serpent, Abomination… Oh, does the list ever go on. 
But see, that’s not what you and me are here for. Oh no, no. See, you’re here because you’re interested, right? I know I’m right. So, let’s you and me make a deal. You get to come down and spend time with the one, the only, Lucifer. Sounds good, doesn’t it? Yeah, thought so. Now. For the payment. It’s really easy. Just share the news with your friends. 
So, a refresher: For one easy payment of sharing the news and your soul you get to have the one and only Lucifer to talk to. I can promise you, I’m a real gentleman when it comes down to it. And I would never tell a lie; I’m not that kind of guy. Promise.
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[ooc:] sorry for my absence! Work was hectic and I had no time to breathe from working constant open to close shifts. I am back now and also super excited for this week. ♡♡♡♡♡ I get to see Caston ♡♡♡♡♡
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Hunters are extremely close-knit and form strong bonds with those they hang out with daily. They will die for people who are just like them. You are probably very suspicious of outsiders, especially those who might harm your group. You are also mature, and often the voice of reason and calm to others. You have a natural talent for smoothing out discord, and you also give pretty sound advice. You also have a knack for getting out of trouble, the rare instances that you're in it that is. Artemis represents all that is wild and mysterious, and you might have distinct sides to your personality people are not usually privy to. Much like the Hunt/Moon duality of Artemis, Hunters of Artemis can be enthusiastic, athletic, and in-tune with nature; or they can be calm, soothing and mysterious. However, sometimes your perspective can be narrow, and when circumstances do not fit your unique view, you can brutally shut down the other person. When disrespected, you can become harsh and unforgiving.
Maturity, protectiveness, camaraderie, reason, harmony, athletic, outgoing, wild, unforgiving
tagged by: @talonsaconite - thanks for the tag~!
tagging: Whoever wants to do it~ Just steal it from me <3
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Angela, I tried, but not hard enough. I wanted you to look at me the way you look at him. I did my best, and it isn't good enough, but that doesn't keep me from wanting you. You're​ so beautiful, it hurts to look. I wish I knew what I did wrong, why you don't believe in me, trust me, love me like you love him. I hope he tells you how precious you are and how lucky he is, because he's the luckiest man alive. Please take care. Know how much I love you and believe in you, and I'll never stop.
The very tired doctor takes the note into her delicate hands, her blue eyes starting to water as each word is read.
“Jack… ?”
Her lower lip quivers as she understands just how much damage she has caused from trying to support Gabriel where no one else would. Angela soon sets the note down, gaze casting down now to the floor as her vision is obscured by tears. As if the guilt she already had wasn’t enough.
“I’m so sorry…”
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Send my muses anonymous love-letters. Bonus: leave a hint of who the author is.
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         [ooc:] Venting for a moment under the cut! >:C
      Am I completely daft or something? My rather neurotic English professor is saying that my topic does not compare nor contrast two items or topics.
      The topic which I started with was comparing the old 16 and 32 bit gaming consoles of the past to today's modernized consoles with higher graphics and technological capabilities. I thought this was focused enough as it's comparing two very different levels of technology but it apparently doesn't cut it? I'm not sure what to do. She said it wasn’t comparing two different things at all. :/
      Another topic I was playing around with was the use of motion capture cameras and recognition software, taking the contrasting approach by explaining the differences for the technology when it is in a different field of use. I would be comparing them from gaming, to medical, and then to internet and social media use. I'm not sure if this topic would be a good one either but I’ve sent it to her for approval. 
      My problem is that she doesn’t understand the technological area much at all and I believe I am the only IT student in the class. Unfortunately, these papers need to have a topic from our fields and I’ve tried to explain to her that the original topic wasn’t broad at all, but it’s just not good enough.
      This is legitimately the first English class that I have ever struggled with and I’m like so majorly concerned about my financial aid if I don’t pass this class? I mean, it would only be the first class I didn’t but even do, I need to keep above a certain grade point average in order to keep my funding. ; 3 ; 
      I hope this new topic is approved otherwise I have no idea what I’m going to write about and the class is already halfway over.
      Rest in shit, me.
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Hello there! This is a sideblog for a Xenomorph from the Alien series. If you’d like to interact with one of the cutest little creatures with the brightest of smiles, go ahead and give this a like or reblog!
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“My friend is highly into Reaper being a shadowy eldritch horror. Naturally, hijinx ensue… So kinda.”
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      “I see. . . Perhaps it’s a nano-machine assimilation then. This seems plausible given whom we’re speaking of.”
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      “Is there a disease spreading or something? I feel like I missed some outbreak.”
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talonsaconite replied to your post: Hey Sam, were you actually ever in love? Mun is...
// goddammit she’s adorable, can I keep her? XD
[ooc:] she says no but mun overrules xD so sure~<3
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Hey Sam, were you actually ever in love? Mun is curious !
“What a preposterous thing. Love, just like any other emotion, leads to irrational thoughts and choices. I do not fall for such common human errors.”
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"Oichi-sama, if I may ask...what was Azai-shi in relation to you?"
“I… he was someone I loved once… but I am the reason he no longer exists. I’m the reason I must live alone the way that I do. Poor Nagamasa-sama… he hated ‘Ichi’s constant crying…”
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Ask my muse personal questions, if they lie, the mun will answer it truthfully in the tags
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