eldermunson · 2 years
A wave of guilt made its way through his guts, and suddenly he didn’t feel like eating much, but he started anyway, albeit slower than ever before. There was so much Wayne didn’t know about what had happened, what was happening. All the shit with Vecna, the Upside Down, the bats, and now his thing with Steve Harrington. He had a right to know, but how did he even begin to explain the former stuff without sounding like a complete Fruit Loop? Yet, the creepy horror stuff still felt easier to explain than maybe being in love. They’d never explicitly talked about him being into dudes and girlies. Wayne just seemed to know somehow, like a freaking psychic. Maybe it was an old man’s sixth sense kinda dealio? Either way, he didn’t want to talk about it. But it also couldn’t be avoided forever.
He gave a typical teenage response instead of a mature twenty-year-old by shrugging sullenly. “It’s….you know…” The younger Munson gestured vaguely with his free hand and made as little sense as possible. Complicated? Absolutely. One does not simply date another man in Hawkin’s Indiana, especially not the former jock king of Hawkin’s High. A sigh slid from him, the fork clattering back to the plate in front of him. “What if I ruin his life?” Well, there was a full emotional one-eighty for his uncle. “People still think I murdered Chrissy, Fred and Patrick, probably Carver too. And they already hated me before then. I don’t wanna drag him down with me.”
he waited patiently, it’s one of his better traits and it has gotten him this far in life without everything falling into pieces.  the older man listened as eddie attempted to explain, but he can see the words get caught in his throat before they could come out, there was also the internal struggle that he could see. it was sad that eddie couldn’t come right out to say what he wanted to say, but he was already pressing enough buttons as it is, wayne did not want to continue and accidentally cause some rift between them.
there it is, the older man thought to himself as eddie mentioned about the previous events and in all honesty, he wishes that he could go back and throw a punch or two at some of the people that made his nephew’s life a living hell. alas, he cannot but wayne always made sure to throw the good ol’ glare here and there whenever he stepped into town.
“i can’t say that i know the inner thoughts of your partner, but i imagine he is aware of what them folks think of ya, but continues to stay with you because he knows better.” the older man looks over at eddie. “he knows that, despite what others think, you’re a good person, that you would move the moon and stars for him if he even thinks to ask.” elbows resting on the counter and hands clasped together, wayne leans closer. “don’t be so hard on yourself, son, you deserve to be happy.”
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eldermunson · 2 years
me just thinking about wayne and him possibly being a roadie in his younger years for some pretty big bands
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eldermunson · 2 years
Immediately, Eddie knew precisely who and what his uncle was talking about. There couldn’t be any other meaning to that question, and his uncle wanted to meet Steve Harrington. Alarm bells began to ring in his head, loud and real fucking annoying like. Not because he thought that either Wayne or Steve wouldn’t get along. But if Wayne met Steve, Eddie might have to finally admit that he’d fallen in love with Steve. At least, he was pretty sure that’s what’d happened. What did Eddie Munson know about being in love? Nothing. He’d all but written the idea off entirely until a few months ago, and now his bleeding heart told him every single day to rip that part out of the Munson Doctrine that said he was unlovable.
He remained quiet for a few moments, staring wide-eyed across the counter. It was too long to convince the wily older man that whatever came out of his mouth wasn’t a lie. It was gonna be such a lie. “Uhh…who are you talking about exactly, unc?” As if he didn’t know already. Steve hadn’t been exactly subtle when he came around to pick him up for whatever. He didn’t know how to be, and neither did Eddie, for that matter. They always stood too close, hands touching, smiles all-knowing. A dead giveaway.
munching on his meal, wayne watched with some mild amusement as eddie got that look of a deer that had been caught in the glare of some headlights, no doubt that he was caught off-guard by the question, which he did agree that it had been sudden, but if eddie had his way, he wouldn’t be hearing anything regarding eddie’s relationship. though he doesn’t have an exact clue on the details, wayne knows that his nephew has some difficulties when it comes to feelings, love being one of them.
“oh, i’m sure you know exactly who i’m talkin’ about. i’m old, but i’m not oblivious.” he points in eddie’s direction with the spoon. “plus, i have two eyeballs that still work, so i see things.” he didn’t want to name the boy out loud, instead giving eddie that chance to come out with it himself. “ya know i won’t judge, i’m jus’ interested to know if you’re being taken good care of.” otherwise, he and the harrington boy will have a really thorough talk.
but from what wayne could see, he can tell that the harrington boy was just as smitten as eddie is, how the two look at each other when they think they’re not being watched.
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eldermunson · 2 years
i’ve been sick for the last few days, it’s not the ‘vid but it’s been a while since i had a cold and it’s hitting me hard mfdklsmgdks
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eldermunson · 2 years
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“careful now.” his hand hovered at the younger man’s back, ready to give eddie a hand but also giving him a little bit of independence that he probably missed while being laid out at the hospital for the last odd weeks. “we can’t have ya go back after jus’ gettin’ out.” the housing was temporary, a placeholder until the government can secure them a new place.
“your room is this way, i tried to salvage as much stuff from our old place as i could.” fortunately for eddie, considering that his room was at the other end of the trailer, most of his stuff came out relatively intact with some minor damages. he couldn’t say the same for his own things, but they could easily be replaced, the wellbeing of his nephew came first above everything else.
⸻   @playindnd​ liked for a thing !
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eldermunson · 2 years
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“so when are you gonna introduce me to’im?” placing down a plate in front of his practically adopted son at this point. he’s not blind and he’s not oblivious either, wayne likes to think that he knows eddie to a certain degree after taking him in all those years ago. there was a look to his eyes and sometimes he would catch the younger man lost in thought.
though he never took a long-term partner didn’t mean he was inexperience in love.
taking his own plate and seat at the counter, the older man started digging at his food, he didn’t have to leave for work for a few more hours, an overnight shift that he wasn’t a fan of but it meant more pay, so he was willing to tolerate it if it meant more money to spend on eddie.
⸻   @munsontm​ liked for a thing !
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eldermunson · 2 years
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"what’re you?” shotgun held up and aimed at the intruder, who held the face of his supposedly dead nephew. there was an urge to drop the gun and take him into his arms, but his instincts were screaming at him that something wasn’t quite right. though this figure held the same appearance, there was just something off about him that kept the veteran at a distance.
“i ain’t gonna ask again after this, tell me who you are and why you got his face.” his hands were trembling, though so minutely that only those with a keen eyesight can catch it. “they told me he died.” his voice cracking slightly towards the end of the sentence.
⸻   @corrodedcoffyn​ liked for a thing !
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eldermunson · 2 years
in modern au someone, either eddie or one of his friends, changes wayne’s ring tone to cbat
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eldermunson · 2 years
like this post if you want wayne to make an appearance in your inbox ! right now it’s just easier for me to send in memes or an ic ask !
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eldermunson · 2 years
i know i gotta do stuff here, but have an image of wayne reading the hobbit and lord of the rings to a young eddie
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eldermunson · 2 years
wayne be lookin’ grump but not all that intimidating so it’s a gosh darn surprise for some ahole when he pulls a move that he learned back in the military cause wayne is a vet, can’t tell me otherwise
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eldermunson · 2 years
me just thinking if wayne was more involved with the upside down business, he would help his nephew and dustin distract the demobats
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eldermunson · 2 years
gonna work on them starters tomorrow, i’ve been drafted to babysit the nephew ( alongside with my other sister ) and thus, staying over at their house for the week ( and usually my rp drive kinda tanks when i’m not at home  mfkldsmg ) so just chillin’ for the day
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eldermunson · 2 years
wayne deciding early on that he didn’t want kids cause of his own history with his parents but the moment he learned what was going on with eddie, he quickly took him in and never looked back
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eldermunson · 2 years
wayne is that type of person where if eddie or his friends are too high or drunk to drive, they can call him whenever, be it 9pm or 4 in the morning, he will come pick them up, no questions asked.
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eldermunson · 2 years
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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) dir. David Yates
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eldermunson · 2 years
considering i’m not home atm but here i am making an official starter call ! like/comment on this post if you’re interested in me making a small starter for your muse ! multis please specify muse, much appreciated <3
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