eklaize · 3 days
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"....Even to me."
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eklaize · 4 days
Second "hello, lover" image is done. D: It's always kinda nice to realize that when I know exactly what I want to draw and how (values/colors are planned out), how much faster and straight forward my whole process becomes. I guess that means you will get a new illustration tomorrow.
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eklaize · 5 days
AHHHHHH!!!! THE HELLO LOVER TENT SCENE IN YOUR STYLE!!!! AAAHHH!!! WAAHHHH!!! UWAAHHH!!!! sorry i am about 350 degrees of feral right now but you seeee you see!!!!! the fact that its you who drew it is what's blowing my mind right now
💕This is the energy I live for. 💕💕 No need to be sorry at all.
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eklaize · 5 days
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"Hello, lover."
I made the mistake with this one to change the lighting half way through the painting which always messes with the values and colors, but oh well. Sometimes a painting doesn't go the way you want to and then you got to let it go. But I still like the overall comp and all that, so you get to see it, haha. Maybe I manage to be a bit clearer in terms of values with that extra painting that I have planned for this scene, because this scene is just too good to only get one.
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eklaize · 6 days
I think i need to keep this illustration lying around a bit longer before I'm ready to post it... Sometimes it's hard to see why something in an image is not working.
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eklaize · 1 month
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"His eyes closed to just feel. Snippets of verse floated through his mind.  
In the columned halls, we embrace
His cheek rests against mine  
Happiness like this comes once
in a thousand years"
Captive Prince by C.S.Pacat
Erasmus and Kallias, our tragic lovers.
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eklaize · 2 months
Your artworks positively brighten my day. Is it possible to post a process video of your art? I'm learning how to do digital art and your work is a huge inspiration for me.
Thank you!
I won't be able to post a video, because i'm not drawing a painting in one go, but instead work on it over several weeks and switch between paintings, because I get bored easily lol.
I basically started 5 images at the same time after you all gave me suggestions this weekend.
But i'm honestly not doing anything different than all the people that already show their progress on insta and youtube. This video by Jackie Droujko is basically the process I go through as well
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But here is an example for the bathscene. I start with an idea that I sketch( the different colors are to not get confused which bodyparts go where between the two characters), then I think about light situations in black and white to see how the light would get me the feeling that I want to achieve. In that case I thought Laurent's face in shadow would work better with his anger.
Usually I go right to my color sketch after that, but I felt like Damen was not working yet (the proportions were off), so I did a cleaner sketch to figure that out.
Then color time! I have no color theory ideas I just paint and see what works. I used a "hard color"/"vivid light" blending mode for the light (bluish color) here and "multiply" (beige) for the shadow and "screen" for the orangy glow on the edge. It really helps to experiment with those to see what works for your image.
Orenjikun on insta has a few little videos on how the photoshop blending modes work, if you are interested.
And then it's just rendering the forms until you are happy with the detail. But most of the work is done in those phases above =figuring out the base that you'll work with during rendering
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eklaize · 2 months
Okay i've never done this before but I thought I'd ask: Is there a scene in the three books or something else capri related you guys would like to see being drawn by me? I'm a bit indecisive what to draw next and some suggestions would help. (Although this will probably take a bit of time, because work always comes first.) (If possible write it in the comments here, that's easier for me to check back on than the dms!) And as a little bonus here are some of the sketches from the sketching phase of the previous illustration:
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eklaize · 2 months
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-The Summer Palace -
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eklaize · 3 months
Do you have a kofi/patreon/store or anything where I can support you and your art more? Seriously I love it so much and I just can't get enough. It's so beautiful and makes me so happy.
Thank you so much for be willing to throw money at me, haha! I appreciate it a lot and it makes me so happy that my art brings you so much joy! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I actually don’t have either of those things at the moment for two reasons: - I have been fortunate enough to get hired for illustrations in the publishing industry and be able to pay my rent and food with that income. I don’t have much other stuff that I spend money on except for a few silly hobbies, so that is more than enough. ( In regards to the store, I actually wouldn’t be able to handle all that shipping and printing stuff from my little apartment.... also that's too much anxiety about packages go missing.😰) -Second is that I often see great artists struggeling to get by and I would much rather like you spend the money on their kofis and patreons (if you enjoy their art of course) than on me who has enough to live happily. This might change in the future in case we all lose our jobs to AI (I cri), but right now I prefer to not accept any money, even if I truly appreciate the thought immensely, because it shows that you respect the work, passion and time that goes into my art and the art of others.❤️ That said I also want to give a big thank you to you for your kind words and everyone writing hilarious tags and sharing their thoughts on my art, liking it and reblogging it. Messages like yours and others literally make my day everytime.❤️❤️❤️❤️
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eklaize · 3 months
You draw Laurent so pretty, I might be a little bit in love with him myself but them I see you draw Damen in veretian clothes and I'm just—*blushing ferociously*
That's kind of you to say, thank you so much! I think other fanart artists here on tumblr draw Laurent far prettier than me, I can't reach that level of bitchy-looking Laurent yet. But Damen's loyal puppy eyes I can draw. (I mostly drew him angry so far I have to admit).
A funny thing about the clothing: I have no image of the clothes in my mind, so everytime I draw a scene, I try different ones to test what would work time period wise. Because chitons would be something that existed BC but veretian clothing sounds like something past the 11th century. So I suppose I haven't made up my mind yet which kind of clothes I want to put Laurent in, 6 illustrations later. And for some reason whenever I put Damen into clothes his back is less broad....I think my mind can't comprehend the size of his biceps and back fitting into normal clothes, so he shrinks.😬
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eklaize · 3 months
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Apparently my last illustration (teaser above) doesn't appear in the tags for some reason. Did this happen to anyone before?
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eklaize · 3 months
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"Even before Laurent had hit the ground, the man had drawn his sword. Damen was too far away. He was too far to get between the man and Laurent, he knew that, even as he drew his sword—even as he wheeled his horse, felt the powerful bunch of the animal beneath him. There was only one thing he could do." -Prince's Gambit by C.S.Pacat
and a continuation of the same scene with more spoilers:
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eklaize · 4 months
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@delfeur I don't have a finished illu for giggeling Laurent, but have some sketches.
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eklaize · 4 months
You should definitely post your arts on twitter. I mean Pacat HAS to see them ?? i’m sure she’d absolutely love them as much as we all do. You’re doing her characters justice and deserve some recognition. Thank you for those amazing fanarts btw <3
Pacat did see at least the stare-down image from the garden scene in Capri and posted it for fanart friday, but it's only on her facebook page. Not sure why it vanished from the twitter and instagram. Thank you so much for the kind words!<3
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eklaize · 4 months
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"If Laurent moved back even a half-inch, he’d bump the shutter. To prevent this, he was plastered so tightly against Damen that Damen could feel every crease in the fabric of his garments, through which, the warm, transmitted heat of his body.
‘There’s no one here,’ said Volo." - Prince's Gambit by C.S.Pacat
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eklaize · 5 months
So there is a scene in Prince's Gambit that involves a sword going through the air and it's one of my favorites, so of course I want to draw it! But it's also kicking my butt and has probably gone though 10 alterations by now, not counting the third one where I forgot that Damen is supposed to be on a FRICKING HORSE and not on foot.
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