ek123-blog2 · 3 years
The Best Brands in Snowboarding
There are many different companies that make snowboards and snowboarding equipment, some make nicer equipment than others. I am going to talk about what I believe are the best brands in snowboarding based on personal use and what I have heard from others. To start off, my favorite snowboarding equipment brand is Salomon, I am biased towards the brand because I use their board and boots but I have been extremely impressed with their product and have not found anything to complain about. The next brand is Burton, although I have not used their products because they are really pricey, this is the biggest name in snowboarding and I know many people who use their products and absolutely love them. As far as bindings go I think the best brand in snowboarding is Union, they make very solid products that are extremely adjustable, so you can tweak and change them to match your riding style perfectly. I use Union bindings and I have absolutely loved them, they are super comfortable and I was able to adjust them exactly how I wanted. Another notable rand to mention is Rossignol, they are a very popular brand and I have heard many good things about the quality of their products. Now I am going to mention one brand to stay away from, and this is Flow, they make bindings and some people really like them but in my experience their products are cheaply made so I would not recommend this brand. 
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ek123-blog2 · 3 years
Boots and Bindings
Boots and bindings are a very essential and crucial part of any snowboarding set up, and it is very important that you choose the best set up for your riding style and abilities. Snowboard boots come in different styles including lace up, boa crank system, pull crank system and hybrids. Snowboard boots also come in different flex ratings from stiff to soft, the stiff boots are typically for more advanced riders who want more response out of their boot or those who are riding steep terrain. Soft boots are typically for beginner riders or people who prefer a softer boot for terrain park riding, soft boots are not as responsive so they allow more user error with less consequence. Softer boots usually come in the lace up style and stiffer boots usually come with crank systems. Now to talk about bindings, these come in a couple different styles too, you can get traditional two straps, quick release with a collapsing back, and even quick clip ins. Traditional two strap is the most common and in my opinion the best because they are the most adjustable and versatile for every kind of use. Quick release with the collapsing backs are also a popular binding and functional because they have a uniform strap that works like a 2 strap but you do not need to release your rear binding every time you get on a chairlift.  Lastly there are the clip in bindings which attach to the bottom of your boot and you just step onto your board to clip in and twist your foot to clip out, I think these are the worst bindings because they don’t hold your boot and give you the same ankle support. These are the different styles of boots and bindings for a snowboard, hope it helps give you some more information on the activity and equipment. 
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ek123-blog2 · 3 years
Why You Should Snowboard
You should go out and learn to snowboard because it is incredibly fun. Snowboarding allows you to try many different things and constantly expand on your skills which also makes it a very rewarding activity. When you snowboard you are outdoors and get to enjoy the fresh air and the wind blowing past you while you are on the slopes. Snowboarding is great to get into as well because it is a very physical activity so it keeps you healthy and in good shape. If you are considering learning how to snowboard do not hesitate any more, go out and get a snowboard or rent one and give it a shot, you will probably find that you love it. One thing I want to say about learning to snowboard is that you should really stick with it, it can be difficult at first but once you get the hang of it you will have such a blast. You should snowboard because you want to learn for yourself, not because anybody is telling you to do it, however if someone is pushing you to try it I promise they aren’t trying to cause you any harm. I believe everyone should try snowboarding at least one time and hey if you do not like it then you just don’t, but why not at least give it a shot? When you do decide to give it a shot, chances are you will not regret it!
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ek123-blog2 · 3 years
Best Places to Snowboard in Minnesota
On this post I am going to outline what I believe to be the best locations to go snowboarding in Minnesota. Before I start I want to point out that your favorites are going to be based on the type of riding you like to do the best. So for me personally my favorite place to snowboard in Minnesota is Hyland Hills, it is my favorite because I think they have the best terrain park and in Minnesota all I ride is terrain because I think the hills aren’t worth it. Next on my list is Afton Alps, Afton is really nice because it is significantly bigger than Hyland and they have a good mix of terrain park as well as slopes. After Afton, Welch is my favorite because I think they have the best slopes around the twin cities area, if I want to get away from terrain park riding for a while, Welch is my spot. Lastly, if I want to do terrain only and get a lot of reps in my favorite is Elm Creek, this is because Elm Creek is terrain park only and it is a very short run so you can just go over and over again. These are my favorite snowboarding spots around the twin cities, personally I have never been to Lutsen but I hear they have some good runs up there. Another one I have heard is decent but have not gone to personally is Wild Mountain, I have heard good things about it but have not made it over there yet. Regardless of my favorites always make sure you go try out several options and figure out what works best for you and your riding style.  
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ek123-blog2 · 3 years
The Different Snowboard Types
There are several different types or styles of snowboard and snowboard equipment, I am going to go over what they are. To start, a camber snowboard is one that has 2 contact points under the bindings of your board. Next, a rocker snowboard is one that has one contact point and it runs between your bindings, giving the board a banana shape. Last, the powder snowboard which has the contact point centered on the back foot so that the front of the board stays floating above the snow for deep powder. The benefits of a camber snowboard are that it turns aggressively and has a lot of pop which makes it easy to spring off of jumps and get more air. The benefits of a rocker snowboard is that the edges float up more so it is easier to learn on and do flat spins on the snow, but they don’t turn as well. Lastly, the benefits of a powder snowboard are that it is bigger and keeps all your weight on the back so that the tip doesn’t get buried in deep snow. Personally I ride a camber-rock-out style snowboard which is a combination of a camber and rocker, it is camber profile to give better turning and pop but the tips on both sides are rocker to make it easier to spin on the tips and are more flexible. 
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ek123-blog2 · 3 years
My Favorite Part Of Snowboarding
Many people have asked what what’s my favorite part of snowboarding, I feel passionate about why I love to snowboard so I am going to answer that question today. The number one reason people usually ask me what my favorite part of snowboarding is and why I do it is because of the injuries involved. Personally, I have broken my wrist and gotten several concussions partaking in the activity. Even though I have sustained some injuries snowboarding, I still want to do it for my entire life, or as long as I can. My favorite part of snowboarding is the creativity that is involved with the activity. Snowboarding allows you to do whatever you want, there is no right or wrong way to ride, its however you feel most comfortable. The creativity involved allows you to make your own tricks, go on your own hills and rock any set up you want to. So, my favorite part of snowboarding is the freedom I get to do whatever I want when I am doing it, there are endless possibilities. 
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ek123-blog2 · 3 years
Getting Your First 360.
I have been snowboarding for about 7 years now, but I did not land my first 360 in the air until last year. Doing tricks on a snowboard can be difficult and even painful to learn, but I promise it is well worth the effort. If you want to learn how to do your first 360, keep on reading because I will go over some steps that will help you land this awesome trick. So first, you are going to want to practice just rotating your upper body, you can do this standing still over your board. after you feel comfortable rotating your upper body while strapped into your board, your going to want to practice jumping in place and rotating. After you feel comfortable jumping in place and rotating, you are going to want to hit the hill and practice taking jumps and doing a 180. Doing a 180 will give you the feel for what it’s like to rotate in the air but it isn’t as difficult as doing a full 360. Once you have your 180′s locked in it is time to try the 360, when you to do the 360 make sure you are rotating even before you are in the air and look at the shoulder in the direction you are rotating. After doing these simple steps you will have your first 360 in no time!
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ek123-blog2 · 3 years
Cold Day
Snowboarding in negative degree temperatures is not particularly fun if your ill equipped. Even though it is really cold, if you wear the right protective equipment you can make it fun. Going out on cold days I would recommend wearing at least three layers, you can always take one off, never forget wool socks! Last thing to do on a cold day of snowboarding is to get a nice hot cup of coffee or hot chocolate, this will make the day 100 times better. On cold days you should also always bring hand and feet warmers, these can be lifesavers when your hands and feet start to go numb. You should always remember if you feel like you are getting too cold, go in and take a break or maybe call it a day, you do not want to injure yourself or sacrifice your safety. Some days might be just to cold to go out and hit the slopes, that is alright there will be many more opportunities throughout the winter that you can go and enjoy the awesome activity.
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ek123-blog2 · 3 years
Minnesota is cold, yes, but that is perfect to get out and go snowboarding! In Minnesota we have many snow days, instead of sitting inside and watching TV, why not get out there and enjoy the snow, we are one of the few states that gets enough of it to do winter activities regularly. I went snowboarding this weekend and can’t wait for the next time I get to go out! If you are considering snowboarding, do not hesitate any longer, go out and give it a shot! 
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