eilf · 16 days
Apparently we've moved from 40 to 20 to 12 fans-of-Jared and still Jared's success is head and shoulders above everyone else's because he works for it. And he's made things successful for everyone he brings along with him. And because we fans consider him and his work entertaining so we support him.
But that's beside the important point that, as one of the 40 down to 12 remaining fans-of-Jared, I am personally getting considerably more powerful! My fan concentration...ness* is higher!!
I can feel it! 😇
(*I know, I'm workshopping it still...)
Now I'm just wondering why 12 ardent supporters gives you lead roles while the great and famous Misha Collins can't even get auditions.
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eilf · 2 months
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eilf · 3 months
Speaking as someone who had 2 days of my life and one day of my precious holidays wasted when I was young and poor (it's funny this came up because I just remembered this yesterday and how pissed I was - this was the only time it happened when i was told afterwards, its probably happened on other occasions too though) Please DO NOT waste people's time being called in for interview if you have no intention of hiring externally.
If you are legitimately trying to decide between candidates pick the best fit, whoever that turns out to be.
On the occasion i mention (where 24 hours later i was told they were "hiring internally") I was "interviewed" by 2 young women who told me that the HR and manager i was supposed to be meeting suddenly couldn't be available and who during the interview made it clear this was a time-wasting exercise for everyone involved. It was insulting how poorly run that interview was.
This was for a pharmaceutical company with a well known name. I would never now work for them or encourage anyone else to.
Employ the best person for the role.
ughhhh this week's discussion post is really hard. should we hire an internal or external candidate?
internal has been with the company for 5 years, but has no direct experience with this team that has the opening.
external has 3 years direct experience with a competitor.
there are so many pros to hiring internally, but the external ones i find kind of weigh more. i'm not sure who to hire now. :(
can we hire both?? no one's feelings get hurt???
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eilf · 4 months
“You want to spend the rest of your life knowing Dean Winchester’s on your ass, ‘cause I don’t.”
Okay, I have to ask: how did Dean ever earn this reputation? Because it sure as hell wasn't from canon:
(citations and spoilers under the cut)
1x15 The Benders – Spews idle threats while sidelined by a 13-year-old girl. Sam frees himself and overpowers an armed bad guy.
2x10 Hunted – Gordon hunts Sam, Dean gets himself captured. Sam rescues Dean.
2x21-22 AHBL 1 & 2 – Jake kills Sam. Sam is the one who kills Jake.
3x03 Bad Day at Black Rock – Bella shoots Sam, Dean does nothing
3x07 Fresh Blood – Gordon hunts Sam again, Sam decapitates Gordon with razor wire
5x16 Dark Side of the Moon – Walt and Roy kill Sam. Dean throws away the Samulet and forgets about Walt and Roy
6x22 The Man Who Knew Too Much – Castiel breaks Sam’s Hell wall. Dean forgives him in 7x17.
10x2 Reichenbach – Cole tortures Sam, Dean later decides to become Cole’s bestie
11x11 Red Meat – Corbin attempts to kill Sam, Dean tries to kill himself. Sam kills Corbin.
12x01 Keep Calm and Carry On – Watts tortures Sam. Mary kills Watts.
12x02 Mamma Mia – Toni tortures Sam, Dean spends most of the episode in heartwarming getting-to-know-you sessions with Mary. Dean later allies with Toni.
Seriously, why would anyone be afraid of Dean? He's more likely to ally with someone who hurts Sam than he is to hunt them down.
Now let's look at Sam for comparison:
3x05 Bedtime Stories – Sam kills the crossroads demon that made Dean’s deal
3x11 Mystery Spot – Spends 6 months hunting down the trickster and stakes him for killing Dean
4x09 I Know What You Did Last Summer (flashback) – Sam kills another crossroads demon who refuses to let Sam switch places with Dean
10x1 Black – Tortures a demon for Dean’s location
10x17 Inside Man – Shoots Metatron in the leg for information about saving Dean from the Mark
10x22 The Prisoner - Almost kills Crowley for getting Dean to take the MoC
Clearly Sam is the one you should be afraid of if you mess with his brother.
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eilf · 4 months
7.02 final thoughts? (Idk if this one has been requested yet)
7.02 Final Thoughts
*rubs hands* Ah, yes, the episode that got me into SPN. I could talk forever about season 7. 
Fun drinking game: take a shot every time someone makes a different colorful idiom about Sam being insane. Hint: you’ll die, because I counted 25.
(I WONDER WHY Sam didn’t want to tell Bobby or Dean about his active symptoms of psychosis. Truly, a mystery for the ages.)
Even setting Hallucifer aside, this episode highlights so many of the things I high-key LOVE about season 7: the erosion of Sam and Dean’s support network (as tenuous as that already was)—take away Bobby’s house, take away angelic healing, take away the Impala, make them vulnerable and alone and crumbling under the weight of the trauma they’ve accumulated. The broken leg, Sam’s head injury and seizure in the ambulance? Strapped down, badly injured, the fates of their friends uncertain, headed into the belly of the beast? ICONIC. Over the top. Amazing.
It’s a similar kinda thing to Jody’s predicament—sure, she’s capable enough ordinarily, but if you give her surgery and drug her and leave her alone in a hospital with a liver-eating monster on the prowl, the stakes look a lot different, don’t they? I’ve seen this episode approximately one gazillion times but every time I get tense for her.
Quick thoughts on the Leviathans, which have a reputation as an underwhelming SPN villain. Perhaps because of how unsubtle and half-baked they are as metaphor for corporate greed/capitalistic consumption, perhaps because of how their promise of truly terrifying Old Ones, Cthulu-esque devourers, never quite came true (except for a bit in 7.01 and 7.02, yikes!). But honestly I’ve always liked them—I like how their organization and assimilation of knowledge drives the Winchesters deeper underground than even the Apocalypse did; I like how they made the Winchesters’ entire world into something mundanely unsafe and miserable; I like how they showcase the horror of a enemy composed of lockstep drones, the way that Heaven (and Hell, sometimes) tries to be, but never truly manages; I like Dick Roman’s gleeful ravenousness; I like their spooky mouths; hell, I even like the Dick jokes. 
Bobby’s solicitousness towards Dean, and how awkwardly he talks to Sam a little later in the episode, is very emblematic of how bone-deep uncomfortable he is around an honest-to-God mental illness, and, well, around Sam’s issues in general. Which doesn’t make him a bad person, or unsupportive, necessarily. But it’s very evident that he’s got no clue what to say to Sam or how to handle him, that he’s leagues more comfortable dealing with Dean’s problems (as has often been the case regardless of Sam’s mental health).
A related, but separate point: the lengths the show goes to to emphasize “look, Dean’s not okay,” while Sam’s in the middle of a psychotic break… It baffles me a little every time I see this episode, when Bobby walks away from Sam all “yyyyeah I gotta go do some work” and then is immediately all “ok but Dean, how are YOU feeling?” It’d be one thing if Dean weren’t emotionally demonstrative, and if Sam were—if Sam, at this point in the episode, was so obviously struggling to such a painful degree that Bobby wants to make sure Dean’s not overlooking his own reactions. But that’s not really the case. Apart from some flinching, Sam’s been very matter-of-fact about the whole thing so far.
This is our first deep-dive into Sam post-Cage, a full season about he returned. And I love it to pieces, you guys. I love how these inescapable, soul-deep consequences are the inevitable answer to the moral of Sam’s story, where he interred himself with his worst nightmare, forever.
Dean after Hell is clawing for moral high ground. Dean focuses on this bleak kind of virtue, this idea of martyrdom and righteous struggle that eventually unspools and reveals itself to be fundamentally unmoored. He needs some kind of redemption for himself after what he was forced to do in Hell; he needs to own his destiny, and he needs that destiny to be meaningful and good, and he channels his violence outward in that cause.  
Sam does not take any kind of high ground. He hurts... himself. He gnaws inward. No illusions about how “messed up” he is—he sidelines himself before Dean or Bobby can say a single word; he figures he needs to be on top of it, needs to get out ahead of the danger he could represent and reassure his family that he knows he’s a hazard. Sam has learned to repress and downplay and hide his traumas and his freakishness both to avoid feeling stigmatized and to avoid being a burden on the people he loves, especially on his brother. So when Dean reacts with fear (understandable) and anger (less so), Sam takes it in stride.
Hallucifer is probably my favorite thing this show has ever done. I could probably write another thousand words on Hallucifer alone—on how Sam’s using this face for coping, for compartmentalizing; both to hurt himself and to keep himself company, to sort through his pain and arrive at a place where it’s at all tenable for him to exist. 
Sam’s skepticism about professional mental health treatment—his idea that this is a problem he can handle himself, that a doctor would "just stuff [him] full of pills”—is clearly one born of the family mold. This is his dismissive response to Hallucifer!Dean’s accusation that Sam won’t be able to cut it on his own. This denial, this idea that Sam knows he needs to get a handle on this, and therefore that he MUST do it himself, make a science of it, is fascinating. 
On the subject of denial: Hallucifer poses a simple question to Sam: are you sure you got out? And Sam’s NOT sure. Faith that he’s free is yet another maybe-lie that Sam must tell himself with maniacal intensity this season, for the sake of his own sanity, to avoid the voice in his head telling him to shoot himself. 
That Scene in the warehouse. Dean’s advice to Sam is to trust in Dean as the cornerstone of his reality. Asks him to build his whole world on his trust in Dean. What choice does Sam have? Who else can Sam rely on? What else can he do? There is no one else, nothing else. There’s only Dean, or Lucifer. It’s a dichotomy. It’s so CHILLING.
Especially in the context of what we know comes next—7.03, where Dean lies to Sam’s face, murders Amy, and uses Sam’s ~insanity~ to defuse Sam’s (justified) anger. And then, season 8, and 9, and 10, and, y’know what, the entire show. 
Sam drives his thumb into his bleeding hand, and it’s SPN in a nutshell—forever choosing the claustrophobia of the path of slightly less resistance, forever clinging to the misery of a life that’s only just this side of bearable, burying yourself in the toxic fallout because the alternative is unimaginably nightmarish—using the trappings of free will, of defiance, to choose to claw holes in yourself so that someone else won’t. There is no escape.
Dean’s threat of murder-suicide on the phone is so clearly meant to be sympathetic. And yes, on a certain level it absolutely is; and then on another level, it’s, y’know, MURDER-suicide, where Dean’s taking explicit responsibility for and ownership of Sam’s life, even though Sam’s pretty clearly lucid. Dean’s assuming as a matter of course his ability and right to make that decision for Sam. How Dean views and deals with Sam’s instability in season 7 lays major groundwork for Dean’s willingness to let in Gadreel in 9.01.
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eilf · 4 months
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eilf · 6 months
This is so exactly what would happen...I can't even.
achievable dreams for the revival: the threat is the empty (canonically awake and mad about it last we knew) has started leaking. ruby and alastair are out, lucifer is next. none of this is explored in any depth, the pacing is atrocious, all of the emotional investment in seeing ruby and lucifer in the room again comes from slightly out of focus reactions padalecki gives us from the background. they film some okay scenes focused on just sam-and-ruby and just sam-and-lucifer, each of which have a couple stellar lines and deliveries, but those scenes are cut. they needed that airtime for an extended visual gag where dean eats a submarine sandwich. this is funny because a submarine sandwich is shaped like a penis. jack does get a scene with lucifer but aside from alcal's wounded calf eyes it's not super apparent that they have ever had a conversation before in their lives.
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eilf · 6 months
Funny thing is when you look at their posts they seem to think they ome across as a thoughtful, open-minded person. They have OPINIONS.
This one post proves their opinions on anythng to be pretty much worthless. It negates everything else they have to say. It's childish and pathetic that they have bought into lies about someone and chose not to educate themselves or listen to others.
Therefore anything else they ever happen to be on the right side of is clearly just a coincidence.
i think we as a fandom should agree to crop jared out of every single photo. i never want to see that man again in my life. sam can stay i love sam but jared is banished to the shadow realm.
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eilf · 6 months
I am fascinated by all of these because they ALL look like major aspects of my current job. 😁😁
the fact that we only have “herculean task” and “sisyphean task” feels so limiting. so here’s a few more tasks for your repertoire
icarian task: when you have a task you know you’re going to fail at anyways, so why not have some fun with it before it all comes crashing down
cassandrean task: when you have to deal with people you KNOW won’t listen to you, despite having accurate information, and having to watch them fumble about when you told them the solution from the start (most often witnessed in customer service)
feel free to chime in i ran out of ideas much faster than i anticipated
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eilf · 6 months
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Sam Winchester. My favorite character of any book, TV show, or movie in all time. He’s a scholar, a warrior, and a healer. He was chosen by the darkness before he was born, yet dreamed of the light. He lost his mother, girlfriend, father, best friend, and brother (multiple times for the latter two). He defeated Lucifer and Michael in one move, all for the sake of saving his brother. Sam took on the Trials of the Tablets and almost killed himself to close the Gates of Hell. He fought against the angels Gadreel, Bartholomew, and Metatron and joined God in taking down the Darkness and fought the Knights, Princes, and Kings of Hell.
But the best thing about Sam? He’s a normal guy. He loves dogs and loves to read. He’s terrified of clowns. He aspired for a normal life, and worked every day to gets scholarship in to Stanford. When that didn’t work out, he learned to accept the life given to him and make it work. Sam makes mistakes, he struggles with depression, addiction, and who knows what else. But he acknowledges his mistakes. He learns. It may take time, but he will ask for forgiveness quickly and will forgive others just as fast. He analyzes situations and tries to understand the viewpoints of others who he doesn’t agree with. He is the mediator and an advocate of second chances. He’s willing to die for almost anyone that needs his help. Sam Winchester is trying. He’s fighting. He’s a man trying to understand his life, make the most of what he was, and leave the world in a better place than when he found it.
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eilf · 7 months
I have on occasion been one of the "don't give them oxygen" people. Because sometimes it is people reacting to drama with more drama. I do report what look to me like genuine incitement to violence (or threats of violence, or suicide baiting).
But this level of hate, lies, death threats, suicide baiting, and death wishes towards JP (and JP ONLY) HAS been going on for the entire time I've been in the SPN fandom (about 10 years now). And it has been subtly been condoned by many of the actors related to SPN if their own popularity (and moneymaking) is linked by fandom to their perceived lack of support for JP. This shit is endless and nothing has ever been done about it.
Daniela from JiB came out the other day when she had been COMPLETLY cornered into saying something and [shocked Pikachu'd] pretended that this (hateful people attacking JP) was the first she'd heard about this behaviour... when JiB has long been one of the primary reasons these people have thought they could get away with this stuff.
Anyway it's clear that reporting threats no longer even gets lip service and pointing out to others what is happening gets the response of "oh, ok, is that all? Get back to me when something/interesting/ happens" (two responses that have both been made to me personally when reporting or commenting on literal DEATH THREATS in the past few weeks).
Maybe it IS time to make an unholy fuss to the people responsible for JPs security and loud noises on social media about this. These people need to know that there can be consequences- both to them and caused by them.
can i ask respectfully what you think screeching about these threats etc on twitter and tumblr actually does? i think that hanmei person is right. the only way to react is to report to CE and the social, quitely, and ignore. people are seeking a reaction. by reacting, you are legitmising it and making it worse.
I"m legitimizing it because I'm not tolerating the behavior....that's some backward ass logic. What emboldens them is people liking and reblogging their posts because they think its funny. They're used to not getting pushback that's the problem. It's why those posts became popular in the first place.
They started deleting their tweets, blocking and whining the minute they got called out. So yeah I think it makes a difference.
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eilf · 7 months
season 1 supernatural really was just so iconic because they took two of the grumpiest, ill adjusted, stubborn twenty year olds you could imagine, threw them into a cramped car that only played classic rock by law, and made them fight monsters and childhood trauma together. while they were actively dumbass twenty year olds whose version of research was going to the local library, doing a quick google, and harassing locals while pretending to be government agents. it was a mini horror film every week and the main characters were prissy tough guy idiots. and it was filmed on film so like the haze baby the haze! impeccable vibes
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eilf · 7 months
Lady Ramkin's bosom rose and fell like an empire.
-Terry Pratchett, Guards! Guards! when Lady Ramkin faced the mob.
Look i reread Guards! Guards! just to find this magnificent line again
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eilf · 7 months
I love all this Terry Pratchett love I see on here. I'm sort of used to not being able to share it with people.
But I remember when his books were newly in paperback and you'd be sitting on a bus or a train and all of a sudden you'd hear this loud snort. And you'd know that when you looked around there would be someone looking startled - because they would NEVER laugh to themselves in public - holding a book with a familiar cover and still giggling over a joke they had NOT seen coming. 😁
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eilf · 7 months
Castiel's job was to make sure Sam and Dean became the vessels in the first place.
Including only rescuing Dean from hell once Dean had broken the first seal.
And making sure that Yellow Eyes met Dean in the past thus ensuring Mary would sell Sam for John's life and Sam would be fed demon blood as an innocent baby.
And Castiel left Sam in the cage for a long time when he knew he was there. And then blamed Sam for everything Castiel caused
And broke his hell wall sending him mad.
Castiel was the villain and Sam and Dean's lives would have been endlessly better without him.
what would have happened to Sam and Dean without Castiel's intervention?
well not much, they would just have served as Michael's and lucifer vessels, destroyed the world, and then probably die painfully, just like in every other universe Chuck created.
if Cas doesn't rebel, then there's just nothing Sam and Dean can do to stop Heaven, Dean just can't escape the room without Cas's help, and they never learn how to defend from angels, they could barely fight demons at that point.
there's no Sam and Dean without Cas.
and no Cas without them, because if he doesn't rebel, then he's just another soldier.
Any angel would have gotten Dean out of hell. Maybe Sam and Dean would've been happy to fuck their lives away in every hotel room? Ever thought of that? No one gives a fuck about cashole and that's eating you up. 🤣🤣🤣
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eilf · 9 months
THE GLAM KITCHEN👄Shrimp Tacos✨🔥we love good food in this house🔥this is one of antuan’s favourite
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eilf · 9 months
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Golden dawn reflections
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