egoos · 2 years
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egoos · 2 years
Sometimes you need to request an oldie but goodie and belt out the song even if your voice isn’t the best.
Man I love music. 🎶🎶🎶🎶
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egoos · 3 years
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imagine that the two are embracing. You are with your head on her chest and she plays with your hair, then she whispers "I love you" and you turn around just to see her smile, while slowly separating yourself from her reality.
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egoos · 3 years
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-I love you like the stars.
-Without being able to feel or have you. Just admiring you from afar and watching you shine on high.
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egoos · 3 years
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When I started to fall in love with you, I am not going to deny that I felt a little fear but I also felt calm for the first time in a long time. It was quite nice to know that we liked the same songs and that we enjoyed them with the same joy. It was nice to have those interesting conversations that only happened at dawn. It was nice knowing your anecdotes, experiences and knowing that you liked doing your free time, what were your favorite movies, what kind of food you didn't like, what things made you happy. It was nice the times that I went to sleep with a smile on my face after saying good night to us. It was nice to wake up knowing that I have you. It was nice to meet you.
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egoos · 3 years
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Si regresaras una última vez no lo pensaría dos veces, daría todo por ti, todo lo que no pude en el momento adecuado. Te daría el suficiente amor para olvidar todo el daño, si tan solo regresarás una última vez.
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egoos · 3 years
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Por los sueños se suspira, por las metas se trabaja.
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egoos · 3 years
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"De nadie seré, solo de tí. Hasta que mis huesos se vuelvan cenizas y mi corazón deje de latir" - Pablo Neruda
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egoos · 3 years
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"Por ti me lancé al vacío. pero tú, solo me dejaste caer" -Autor desconocido
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egoos · 3 years
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"Los muertos reciben más flores que los vivos, porque el arrepentimiento es más grande que la gratitud" -Ana Frank
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