eclairbrun · 12 days
“apologist.” “critical.” y’all are doing too much. when my favorite characters do evil reprehensible shit I simply don’t fucking care cause it’s not real
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eclairbrun · 13 days
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eclairbrun · 14 days
I don’t get how in fantasy fiction, the women who actually enjoy sewing/embroidering are always painted as the weak, boring, and anti-feminist characters 
Sewing and embroidery take skill, patience, and artistic talent and it was also the ultimate way to ignore the annoying men in your life in past centuries 
If you didn’t feel like talking to a man, you just “took up your sewing” and he’d have to leave you alone, especially if he needed that shirt mended
Women also got together all the time to sew, weave, embroider but also talk, gossip, assist each other’s work, and enjoy each other’s company in peace 
The skill the female character has doesn’t have to be sword-fighting for her to be strong, because there’s strength and power in any skill she has 
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eclairbrun · 15 days
This is all true, but ejaculated is still a dialogue tag that you may laugh at.
I keep seeing people making fun of using growled, hissed, roared, snarled etc in writing and it’s like.
have you never heard someone speak with the gravel in their voice when they get angry? Because that’s what a growl is.
Have you never heard someone sharply whisper something through the thin space of their teeth? Or when your mother sharply told you to stop it in public as a kid when you were acting up/being too loud? Because that’s what a hiss is.
Have you never heard a man get so blackout angry that their voice BOOMS through the house? Because that’s what a roar is.
Have you never seen someone bare their teeth while talking to accentuate their frustration or anger while speaking with a vicious tone? Because that’s what snarling is.
It’s not meant to be a literal animal noise. For the love of god, not every description is literal. I get some people are genuinely confused, but also some of these people are genuinely unimaginative as fuck.
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eclairbrun · 16 days
I think some people forget that some literature and some media is meant to be deeply uncomfortable and unsettling. It's meant to make you have a very visceral reaction to it. If you genuinely can't handle these stories then you are under no obligation to consume them but acting as if they have no purpose or as if people don't have a right to tell these stories, stories that often relate to the darkest or most disturbing parts of life, then you should do some introspection.
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eclairbrun · 17 days
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i did this instead of writing
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eclairbrun · 18 days
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eclairbrun · 19 days
there's no greater betrayal than finally starting to read a book you've had sitting for months on your shelf or your desk or your nightstand and then finding out it's bad. like. i gave you a fucking home.
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eclairbrun · 22 days
I'm gonna be a biiiiit of a devil's advocate and say that current lingo is fine if you're specifically trying to set your book in a very specific point in time and not, like, writing a story set in ancient China but with steampunk where people make Among Us jokes...
But like 99.9% of the time it does just feel like an attempt to be hip, or a lack of awareness from the writer. Especially when they try to drive humor from referencing a specific meme that the reader won't find funny if said reference wasn't viral enough or is just... too old of a meme. And it's especially bad for trad pub where you know half the lingo is going to be out of date by the time the book releases.
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eclairbrun · 2 months
I have been inspired today and wrote 9,000 words. Which is really great aside from the part where it's all fanfic.
I mean, I had a fun time either way but like... I wish I could be that productive with a novel project.
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eclairbrun · 2 months
I swear there is no better high than writing; even just frantically outlining a novel concept that I feel really excited about has left me with a lasting like "omg I am a genius I am such a good writer the best to ever do it" even though I know full well that once this honeymoon period wears off I'm obviously going to have frustrations/writer's block like we all do, but like for now AHAHAHA I AM GOD
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eclairbrun · 2 months
A reminder to all my lovely fellow writers: progress is progress, even when it isn't. Writing four thousand words in a session is progress. Writing a hundred words in a session is progress. Removing an entire scene because it doesn't flow well is progress. Rethinking your plan for the plot in order to get unstuck is progress. Development looks different for every writer and every story.
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eclairbrun · 2 months
I love when you start reading a book and you're not even 5 pages in and you already just know it's going to be an amazing book
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eclairbrun · 2 months
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Found on twitter, going to adopt this now
Writer friends, tell me how many WIPs and how many UFOs you have. I have 2 WIPs and [redacted] UFOs (jk it’s around 16 across my three main fandoms)
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eclairbrun · 3 months
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eclairbrun · 3 months
I've said this before and I'll say it again: it's more important to know and understand fully why something is harmful than it is to drop everything deemed problematic. It's performative and does nothing. People wonder why nobody has critical thinking skills and this is part of it because no one knows how to simousltansly critique and consume media. You need to use discernment.
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eclairbrun · 3 months
Yes, your worldbuilding is thorough, your geography meticulous, your plotting elaborate, and your characterisation nuanced, but answer me this: is there a fucked up little guy?
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