Week 9 Prompt Response-
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The poster featured has been made from a Grade 5 student about information and fun facts on whales. This poster shows examples of written literacy, visual imagery and it will also accompanied by presentations that uses linguistic speech. Ultimately, this poster is an example of how these different multimodal areas can be used to create an outstanding presentation, hence is more than ideal to be used in modern day classrooms. 
Resource Image Link: https://www.pinterest.com.au/pin/342836590359848286/?lp=true
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Week 8 Prompt Response
Literature Assessment: Grade 6 Spelling Test
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Week 7 Prompt Response-
Literature Resource 1: ‘Key Characteristics of Effective Literacy Teaching P-6′
Resource 1 Link: http://www.agtv.vic.edu.au/files/Website%202015/keycharliteracyp6.pdf
This resource is an effective resource that is available to all teachers via an online booklet. The booklet features of four key components of each year level, which feature of ‘Teacher Knowledge’, ‘Literacy Focus’, ‘Assessment’ and ‘Planning and Instruction’. In more detail, the booklet emphasises the importance of each individual students’ learning needs, and strategies on how the teacher can cater for each individual students literacy needs. The booklet provides advice to all teachers on organisational structures, recommended teaching strategies and text selection. The resource also provides beneficiaries of importance including of advice on essential knowledge and skills that teachers need to focus on in their literacy classes. 
Literature Resource 2: ‘Fuse’
‘Fuse’ is an appropriate and effective resource accessible to all teachers. It provides to all teachers clear links to the ‘Victorian Curriculum Standards’ and relevant content descriptors for any lesson or activity planned ideas. This method would beneficial to all teachers for future planning in a lesson. It goes into further detail about how teachers need to closely organise their lesson for their students. As well as the lesson content involved, the teachers need to have an adequate knowledge on a topic before expressing that to the rest of the students in a class. This resource highly places the teachers in a good position, as they can learn new effective ways to change and adapt their immediate classes and future lessons. Another strong point about ‘Fuse’ is that it benefits all teachers, this is because it helps fill them in on background knowledge of a particular topic that they wish to teach their students on.
Resource 2 Link: https://fuse.education.vic.gov.au/
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Week 3 Prompt Response-
BookTrust is a non-profit organisation that’s main objective it too help find an appropriate literature book choice that assists individuals. This reading charity can be used for all age groups including children, teachers, parents etc. The website is simple to navigate, as the individually simply choose their ‘age group’ and then choose a specific type of ‘genre’, that they wish too read. From this search engine, the students are only shown relevant results that cater for their interests and they are granted with the opportunity to having access to over thousands of books. More specifically, they reach out to 3.9 million students across the U.K each year. The main goal of this charity orgainsation is also to provide other resources than books to help assist with children’s literature including of online resources, tips on reading and support methods.
Image Source: https://www.google.co.uk/search?biw=1200&bih=687&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=5PZdXcf5GKOcmgeM9re4Ag&q=booktrust&oq=booktrust&gs_l=img.3..0l2j0i24l8.6709.8911..9000...0.0..0.183.1834.0j11......0....1..gws-wiz-img.......0i67j0i5i30j0i8i30j0i8i10i30j0i10i24j0i10.FdqfyaaWUJM&ved=0ahUKEwjH-5rEsJXkAhUjjuYKHQz7DScQ4dUDCAY&uact=5#imgrc=NClhwNEVhY4AcM:
Website Link: https://www.booktrust.org.uk/
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Week 2 Prompt Response-
This poster had shown importance for me and it had been similar to the one I had observed whilst on placement at my local primary school. The overall aim of this poster was to help the grade 4 student’s in the classroom remember the key areas in order that help make up a good creative narrative. I saw this poster as very useful, as it clearly assisted the students with the organisational structure of their narratives and it outlined the all the key parts that a narrative should have, that was not too complex for the students to comprehend. This poster had a positive effect in the classroom as many of the students would always refer back to this poster when they seemed unsure and/or stuck on a certain part of their individual narrative writing piece. 
WeAreTeachers, ‘Narrative Organiser’, retrieved 22 August 2019, <https://www.weareteachers.com/25-awesome-anchor-charts-for-teaching-writing/>
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Week 1 Prompt Response-
The Goosebumps series by R.L Stine has been a prominent part of my childhood growing up. My brother first introduced me to this series, as he gave me his collection of these books. At first I was scared to read these books, as the front cover would always horrify and be off putting for me. However, after reading the one specific book ‘ Night of the Living Dummy’ I had always been excited to keep reading more, because I had really liked the way R.L Stine would make the storyline climatic and how he gave me the feeling of wanting to keep reading more, so I can find out what happens to a particular character. This series has helped influence how I teach literacy because I have learnt that I can encourage student’s to use their own unique imagination of settings, characters etc: to help them create fascinating storylines. This will incline them to enjoy their writing more and it can help the reader have the feeling of wanting to keep reading more of their piece.
Image- Front Cover of ‘Night of the Living Dummy’
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