echoes-of-the-mind · 3 years
So today (Sep.6th) marks the 5th anniversary of my Undertale AU, FURYTALE
I...Did not think I'd still be working on this AU for 5 years. Most projects I have don't even last a full year, tbh. This is the first longtime project I've ever had, and it always makes me happy to work on it or talk about it to people that tell me they're interested in this AU
It's not even an original concept XD. Its based off of DBZ Filler ._. Yet still, here I am still working on it
I've had my ups and downs in life, mostly downs, I've struggled in many ways and somehow always came through. I survived when the oddswere against me, heck, they're STILL against me. Yet here I am still working on it
This is more than just a hobby for me now. I plan to see this story till it's very end. I cannot wait to show you the culmination of all of my research, my storybuilding, my character developments. I really can't wait to show all of you the hard work I've put into this story
5 years without much info IS pretty dull ._. I've been trying to work on the Animation I announced back in 2018, but a lot has changed, especially my living situation (and the program I normally use also changed) so it's been a heck of a struggle. I did have a trailer ready to be finalized and processed with the wonderful VAs working with me on this project, but then during a stream I set up, my computer gave out and died. I got it repaired, but the cost was that I lost all of my files. Commissions, documents, and yes, the animation and its storyboard. So I get to rework that from scratch ._.
I just wanted to say Thank You for those who stuck with me through this crazy ride. To those who still support me to this very moment, to those who never stopped believing in me. To those who helped me when I was in a very dark place, and also to those who helped me through my emotional stumps. I really do appreciate each and every one of you
I do not plan to cancel this story. I've worked too hard to let it go now. I'll do my best to get something out for all of you to see, whether it be the animation or a comic. I'll continue to work hard and through the rough patches of my life. As for EOTM, that comic is not cancelled either. I've just been busy with other stuff lately, mostly commissions that I've yet to complete (I did have most sketched out, but you see, my hard drive went PBBTT...) So my apologies for taking this long to get them done. They ARE my priority and I refuse to go back to work on my comic until I've finished them all
Once again, Thank you for supporting me, and thank you for supporting FURYTALE. Without you, I probably wouldn't even be here, and neither would the universe I've created
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echoes-of-the-mind · 3 years
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Dabbing Gaster
Here's your dare Papy
Fury!Gaster belongs to @theegreatpapychu!
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echoes-of-the-mind · 4 years
Now that I've improved my trees I'm going to go into every previous page and fix the BGs XD
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echoes-of-the-mind · 4 years
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The hiatus is over
Expect some updates soon uwu
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echoes-of-the-mind · 4 years
EOTM Schedule Change
I have been off my hiatus for a while now and I'm getting back to work as soon as I finish some commissions and voice work for some friends. However, I've noticed uploading weekly has been strenuous on me physically and mentally, and I don't want to burn out like this again. So instead of uploading weekly, the comic will come whenever an update finishes, like, the split second the update is finished. There's no designated day anymore, as I'm afraid of I go back to my weekly schedule I'll burn myself out for a month again or get sick again
Once I finish my side work, I'll be posting updates again. I greatly appreciate your patience and I hope to see y'all in the next update
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echoes-of-the-mind · 4 years
Hey guys. Sorry I've been quiet lately. I feel like I owe an explanation as to why I haven't been active these past couple of weeks or why EOTM hasn't updated
First off, I keep growing very ill to the point where I cant stay awake or I can't get out of bed. I find this very annoying as I just want to get back to work. It's stressful to me that I can't get up to give you guys updates on the comic or the art I make, and I can't express how sorry I am. Things have been looking pretty bad over here financially too. Since I'm struggling with finding a job during quarantine and my commissions, I can't afford medicine to get better
EOTM hasn't updated for this and another reason. I was given a opportunity to work with a youtuber to make an animation for his channel. This might take me a while, and I wanna focus on this before I go back to prioritizing my comic. This is huge for me and I'm honored someone that kind wanted to work with me. They go by the name Nikachu on YouTube. So I'm trying to work on it through this illness, despite my inability to. Because of this, EOTM is going on a TEMPORARY hiatus, until I either recover or finish the animation. Whichever comes first
I hope you guys are being safe out there. Don't want yall to get sick too. I'll see you around. Stay safe 💜
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echoes-of-the-mind · 4 years
An Important Update
Hey everyone. I wanted to come over real quick and address why I've been so quiet on media lately. Things over here have gotten pretty bad.
The scare that has been stimulated by people panicking ovee the COVID-19 virus is staggering. People are clearing shelves at grocery stores. Events and stores are being closed and cancelled. Leaving the house it near impossible right now, which worries me greatly considering the virus isn't that bad compared to ebola or swine flu
I've been with my family, trying our best to remain vigilant during these tough times. However things aren't looking too good for us. With family members being unable to return to work because of the virus, we have no means of income for a while. There's 9 of us, including myself, my siblings, my parents, and my 2 year old niece. I want to do all I can to help my family while we are stuck in self isolation due to social distancing
My commissions are open to anyone that'd like to help us, and so is my Kofi. I'm willing to work hard from home so my family will be okay. The buy one get one free is still on the table while I'm in isolation. I live in San Antonio, Texas, and right now we have 5 confirmed cases of COVID-19, and it's still growing at an alarming rate. The city is pretty much going on a crazed lockdown. Stores are limiting their hours of buisness, and the toilet paper is gone X,D
Memes aside, this is a pretty serious problem. I myself am not too worried about what may happen, but I urge you to make sure you yourselves stay sanitized and clean, and wash your hands constantly if not hourly. I'll be doing my best to keep healthy myself, though I do keep falling ill, I can confirm it's not the COVID-19 virus. Just a little old flu ;--;
As for Echoes of the Mind, this will be the final week I do not update, since we are still getting our bearings together. The comic WILL resume next week, and I do thank you for your patience with me. I know the comic is still new, and those reading are dying for more. With self isolation, I can focus entirely on the comic now. So it will come back April 3rd. I already have the next update sketched out from last week ;u;
And yes, this Friday I will be opening Sketch Requests again as a thank you for being patient UwU. I do apologize if I didn't get anyones from the week before. I had caught the flu, and to take precaution I was forced to stay in my room ;u;. I caught it again, but I will be ok :D
If you'd like to help support my art or the comic, you can go to My Commissions or My Kofi. Anything helps in this situation, and I'd greatly appreciate any kind of support
Thank you for reading. I'll see y'all again next Friday UwU
Edit: Just checked the news. We now have 113 cases of COVID-19 .-.
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echoes-of-the-mind · 4 years
Unfortunately, due to catching the flu, I won't be able to update this week either. I really tried to recover so I can go back to work but I'm still sick. I'll try my absolute best to update next Friday
Hey guys! Due to some unexpected events, I won't be able to update the comic this week. I'll be sure to update next week though! Thank you for your patience and understanding :D
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echoes-of-the-mind · 4 years
Hey guys! Due to some unexpected events, I won't be able to update the comic this week. I'll be sure to update next week though! Thank you for your patience and understanding :D
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echoes-of-the-mind · 4 years
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{Echoes of the Mind}
Pg 7-9
Do NOT repost my art or dub my comic without my permission!
||Commissions||Kofi||Main Blog||Discord
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echoes-of-the-mind · 4 years
Requests will be through the Main Blog only. Please do not message this account if you want a request done. Note: it's only through Traditional Sketches. I've not the energy for digital ;--;
Hey Guys. I must've overworked myself or somethin, but the update for EOTM is gonna be late. I'm not feeling well again. Luckily its not by long. I should be able to finish up by tomorrow night.
This does mean I'll open Sketch Requests again from 2pm CST- 12AM CST tomorrow. I'll reblog once they're open. I've said that I'm gonna do requests everytime I miss an update and thats a promise I intend to keep
Thank you for your patience. I hope you enjoy the update tomorrow UwU
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echoes-of-the-mind · 4 years
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{Echoes of the Mind}
Pg 6-8
Do NOT repost my art of dub this comic without my permission!
||Commissions||Kofi||Main Blog||Discord||
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echoes-of-the-mind · 4 years
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commission for @theegreatpapychu
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echoes-of-the-mind · 4 years
Edit: I'm back on my feet again and I'm back to work. Took a little longer to recover than I thought, so I'll have the next update out either Monday, or save it till Friday so I can stay on schedule. I'll keep y'all posted. Thank you for your patience ;u;
If you follow me on my main blog, @theegreatpapychu , I'll make up for this updates absence ;u;
Due to running a fever, the update may be a few hours late. If it doesn't drop today, it'll drop tomorrow ;--;
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echoes-of-the-mind · 4 years
Happy Birthday Furytale Sans!
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Sorry..I would've drawn something, but I caught a really bad stomach bug floating around home, so moving is a pain rn ;--;
I'll make it up to Sans soon ;u;
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echoes-of-the-mind · 4 years
Due to running a fever, the update may be a few hours late. If it doesn't drop today, it'll drop tomorrow ;--;
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echoes-of-the-mind · 4 years
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{Echoes of the Mind}
Do NOT repost my art or dub this comic without my permission!
||Commissions||Kofi||Main Blog||Discord||
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