echoemer · 1 year
Sometimes , I wonder if everything happening around me is really Happening or is everything just a fiction taking place inside my head.
I get so scared , so scared , so scared that I feel like my organs inside might be trying to escape from my mouth and hide somewhere far and away from my brain. My brain has become a deadly disease and has started to spread in my body. I’m scared that I’m sleeping and whatever I feel like is happening , it’s not , and my brain is trying to takeover me. Like my brain is trying to eat me up as I lay in my bed shivering and thrashing, and I’m already partially connsumed. But I know if this is the real story then I must be putting one hell of a fight against my brain .
Then I wonder if this is not the case and I’m not in some coma and weather what is happening around me is real , influential and as true as the rising of sun. Then this thought troubles me a whole lot more than my first thought because in this reality , again my brain is playing the antagonist. My brain has me in such a chokehold. That my brain is trying to make me believe that anything and nothing is real. So when I go to bed at night, in darkness I , wonder which world is the one I’m really living in ? Am I in coma ; and my joys and pains, depressions and happiness are just a trick of my mind and my mind is trying to make me believe that am I really existing in this reality. Or if what is happening around me is my true reality?
All day , everyday these two thoughts of mine collide , bang against each other and they fight using the energy that comes from my body , draining me.
I’m scared of my own brain and its restrictions on me and my restrictions on it but then I wonder if restricted , my brain is so dangerous then I can’t imagine its powers when completely unleashed.
That it would just not consume me but as well as everything around me and I am terrified and thrilled with this thought all the same. So dear reader , you tell me if you feel the same way ? Are you overwhelmed like I am ? Are you in a deep , deep sleep or are you wide awake? Are you my reality or my fiction ? Am I your reality or mere fiction your brain like mine has come up with?? Please answer me.
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