eboninthehedges · 3 years
Did they just make Inej’s first kill for kaz.. wow
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eboninthehedges · 3 years
People watching Shadow and Bone who haven’t read the books will be judging people freaking out over the Kanej moments. Little do they know this is not minimal romance but is in fact peak romance, there is no room for debate on this matter. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
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eboninthehedges · 3 years
Kanej shippers:
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eboninthehedges · 3 years
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eboninthehedges · 3 years
when we follow alina’s storyline it’s like watching game of thrones or harry potter but when it’s the crows suddenly we’re in pirates of the caribbean baby. guns, humor and shady business transactions
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eboninthehedges · 3 years
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Me, reading any book with the crows in it:
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eboninthehedges · 3 years
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eboninthehedges · 3 years
every time kaz had ruffled hair i was like
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eboninthehedges · 3 years
Shadow and Bone TV series Comments
Episode 1 - A Searing Burst of Light
"I learned that darkness is a place"
The music score from the start is so full of tension!
Loved the DeKappel reference
The way Kaz senses Inej's presence when no one else can
"I only invest in the one of a kind. She isn't like you. No one is."
Pekka Rollins appearance had me shocked. Didn't expect him to appear at all this season
The Darkling's mysterious appearance along with him watching the skiff leave was so good
"I'll meet you at the Meadow" was kinda cute
When Dreesen's guard realised he had fake kruge😭Kaz's reaction was too funny
Poor Alexei :( He reminded me of an innocent lamb
The fact we thought Milana was going to be important...
Episode 2 - We're all Someone's Monster
Kaz and Inej's argument brought so many feels
The theme song as Alina is taken to The Darkling's tent🤌
"I know her better than anyone else." The scene after that proves you wrong Mal😭
Kaz's heavy breathing when Pekka's men restrained him...Such good acting
Inej and Kaz taking Jesper's shots🤣Poor guy can't get a drink
Jesper doing nothing but guarding the door made me sad :(
Kaz's intelligence and observance showing already
The way I despise Tante Heleen is so strong
Inej sneaking up on Jesper in the middle of his preening made my day
The Darkling using The Cut for the first time gave me chills
The fact Jesper was the first to call Inej an investment 💀
"Handsome decoy is also not a Jesper talent"
The slight change in The Darkling's facial expression when Alina says she didn't want to be more alone
Poor Inej manipulated by Tante :(
Kaz giving over the Crow Club will backfire...I can feel it
The way Kaz hesitated with Tante's hand...The details in the show are astonishing
Episode 3 - The Making at the Heart of the World
Genya's smirk when Alina talked back to the rude maids
Jesper smirking when Kaz and Inej argue in the carriage
We were so close for Nina to meet The Crows
Leigh hugging Alina to welcome her 💕
I hate Zoya even more, won't ever like her
Kaz with the goat was too cute
The tension between Matthias and Nina from the start
Loved the "Lives of the Saints" book reference
The taste tester scene was amusing
"This is how we die?!" + "I'm not throwing out the goat!" - Jesper's lines really are the best
Arken giving Jesper the goat for comfort 😭
Finally some Jesper appreciation with him saving them from the volcra
Episode 4 - Otkazat'sya
Didn't really like the fact that The Darkling already told her his true name
Jesper and Milo are the best duo
The Darklina fountain scene was so beautiful
"You and I are going to change the world, Alina." Yes I screamed
Kaz as Ivanovski😂
I loved their heist scene
Nina snapping back at Matthias was so good! Sh really embodied her character
"Shut up Jesper" + "I miss Milo" - Jesper is the bully victim of the Crows for S1
Inej and Jesper's act was amazing
"I have been waiting a long time for you." :(
Alina realising she's an independent badass and erasing her hand scar was great
Mikhael and Dubrov's deaths hurt, I really liked them, but the Stag was majestic!
Episode 5 - Show Me Who You Are
Jesper's smirk when the guard said "No guns" was everything
Alina choosing to continue to wear black was everything I needed
Genya and David's secretive glances
Kaz struggling with his limp was amazing. I'm glad they didn't erase his disability
Fedyor is so funny, he really tries
The Darklina kiss👏I can see what Ben and Jessie were talking about when they said they put emphasis on consent
The Darkling's face when he saw Alina in black for the first time
David trying to pretend like he isn't looking at Genya 🥰
Inej murmuring "Sankta Alina" along with everyone else was so wholesome...I love how they highlighted her faith
Once again, Kaz outsmarting his enemies 😏
The Darkling asking Mal about Alina's favourite flower just to give them to her. Sneaky...
The Darklina desk scene was so good!
"Unlike a spider, I only need one good leg." - I love Kaz so much
Inej killing someone for Kaz melted and broke my heart at the same time
Episode 6 - The Heart is an Arrow
The fact that The Darkling and Zoya had a past makes me 🥴
Matthias and Nina in the Whaler's Hut was exactly how I imagined it in the books!
"It's not natural for someone to be as stupid as he is tall and yet, oh, there you stand." - Go Nina😌
Nina making Matthias laugh like that made me go🥰
Inej once again being forced to kill :(
The small showdown between Kaz and The Darkling😳
Matthias being soft for Nina and giving her his fur cloak as they bond was so sweet
The way Kaz was immediately worried about Inej when he saw her injured. You could see how much he wanted to help her
David throwing a book at Jesper is a mood
When David raised his hand to speak to The Darkling 😭😭
Episode 7 - The Unsea
After that first scene, no one can say The Darkling is heartless ever again...
The creation of The Shadowfold was such an amazing scene! I loved Ben's acting!
The slight details that just show how Kaz cares about Inej despite him never outright showing it
Jesper being a drama queen when Inej was stitching herself🤌
The Stag Scene broke me...As soon as I saw him use The Cut I was just frozen😭
Kaz admitting Inej was right was such a wholesome scene! And then how he said he believes in himself and his crows🥺
Kaz's look of disgust at Inej calling Jesper, "Jes"🤣🤣
"No one's going to believe I'm that old." + "You tell yourself that" - Kaz really went there
"Fine, make me your villain." + "No mourners, No funerals." - 2 of the most Iconic scenes in the same episode? I can tell why it's Leigh's favourite
Episode 8 - No Mourners
Milo being Jesper's best friend🥰
Nina got her waffles!!!
"I will keep you warm." - I will never understand people who hate Matthias
I officially hate Fedyor...He ruined Helnik😩
Kaz saying Mal is apart of his crew made me laugh
Inej stabbing The Darkling was such a power move
Kaz coming to save Inej from the volcra🤩
The way The Darkling kicked Mal's ass gave me so much serotonin
Alina officially meeting The Crows was so good!
Inej's look of shock when Kaz called Alina a saint and the slight smile he sent her way!!! The development 🤌
Nina finally crossing paths with The Crows!!!!🚨
I kinda didn't like how easily Alina was just okay with Zoya after how she treated her
The Darkling coming back fully scarred made me gasp...I knew he was alive but I didn't expect him to look like that (He'll probably get himself tailored if there's S2)
Overall Thoughts:
I loved the amount of details and references to the actual books
Ben Barnes' acting was so good, I love the way he worked with his facial expressions
Kinda sad that Alina found out The Darkling's name so quickly and how she just told it to Mal, especially considering that it's something very important in the books
I just really don't like Zoya at all. Never liked her in the books, Never will like her in the show either.
The secretive glances and faint smiles Kaz would constantly send Inej melted me
Jesper's witty one-liners brought me so much joy
The fact that in the end we have all The Crows minus Wylan in the same place🥲
The way the series referenced The Darkling's loneliness, Inej and Kaz's trauma from their pasts was so perfect
I need Season 2 ASAP
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eboninthehedges · 3 years
I’m on episode 3 but my favourite bit of the show thus far is Kaz being all like ‘Jesper stop asking for a demolitions expert for every job.’ I was like OH MY GOD WESPER REALLY ARE SOULMATES 😭
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eboninthehedges · 3 years
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eboninthehedges · 3 years
i absolutely loved the scenes with nina and matthias they were literal perfection
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eboninthehedges · 3 years
watching shadow and bone having only read six of crows is so fun hello inej hello jesper hello evil shadow man i hadn’t heard of before a month ago hello kaz
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eboninthehedges · 3 years
I truly can’t believe how seamless the show included the crows into the storyline. I was weary at first but it actually contributed to their character arcs that we see in SoC. Also all the kanej scenes and jesper’s comedic comments were some of the best parts
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eboninthehedges · 3 years
Jesper calmly walking up to the middle of the train cart and shooting all the shadow-fold monsters while cuddling a goat is not what I expected to see in the first season of Shadow and Bone but it sure is something I love to see.
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eboninthehedges · 3 years
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David throwing a Ravkan edition of Shadow & Bone at Jesper
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eboninthehedges · 3 years
Me every time someone said a line from the books
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