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 Sea Slugs That Prove Aliens Already Live On Planet Earth 
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*takes the collar off my dog* ur nakey
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April showers bring…mushrooms? Sure, why not.
Here are some fungi from Birds and Nature, v.14, 1903. We’ve digitized this serial for the Biodiversity Heritage Library. They are celebrating 10 years of existence this week. Not looking to trace mentions of a specific species over centuries of biodiversity literature? Their Flickr account, with over 100K images, is full of amazing scientific illustrations.
You can wish them a happy birthday on Twitter or Facebook. 
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Terry makes an appearance in the latest @newyorker 
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The Tango in the The Triple Sink! The Deathmatch in The Dishpitt! You heard it folks! Tonight, for one night only, The King of Clean will come out of retirement to join in the creation of the greatest Tag Team duo in the history of food service sanitation! Tonight We answer the age old question: can He possibly get stoned enough to counteract his magic dishwashing powers?!?
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Low key just need my own Stan smith in my life
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me rn
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As A Lyricist And Novelist, The Mountain Goats’ Lead Man Writes About Pain
“I really think there’s a lot of music you can use to heal and save yourself. It’s not like I have some magic power and I reached inside somebody and said, ‘Oh, you didn’t know this about yourself until I wrote this song.’ That’s not true. What I did is I made a thing, and somebody who needed to find something found mine and chose to meet me out on that ground.”
– John Darnielle of The Mountain Goats 
Darnielle’s novel, Wolf in White Van, which was nominated for the 2014 National Book Award, is now out in paperback. 
[Originally broadcast September 2014]
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Your boss is not your friend. Your boss is not someone you can trust. Your relationship with your boss needs to be entirely professional.
Do not do your boss favours. No working for free. No doing unreasonable duties. No working outside the hours you state as available.
Do not say anything to your boss. About anything. Keep it work related. They will only use personal information against you.
Know your rights. Know the laws. Your boss will come at you trying to get you to quit like its a favour to you. Its usually because they can’t legally fire you.
Be wary around your coworkers. Some will have no problem passing things along to your boss. Such as your mental health or financial standing
Never offer to pay for anything lost, stolen or broken. Especially if money is missing from the till.
Demand safe working conditions.
Your boss is only there to exploit your labour for profit. Unfortunately you need that labour to sustain yourself. Just be careful.
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I don't have many people to talk to about Books
I’m reading The Road by Cormac McCarthy
The coca cola scene brought tears to my eyes.
This is my new favorite book
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N++ is finally here, and we couldn’t be more proud.
If you haven’t seen the launch trailer yet, watch it right now! If you have seen it, watch it again!
We are so proud of the game, and of the launch trailer, which was made by Raigan and Mare, in-house. This trailer took a very long time due to the amount of precise footage and editing required. We had initially planned for the colour changing and position matching to be done programmatically, but hilariously ran out of time to write that functionality as the launch date approached and had to do it the old-school manual way. That alone took about five 12 hour days!
But you can see why we’d want to include that, it looks fantastic. We’ve included some screenshots of what we call the “manifesto” section too – this video is not only a great showcase of the gameplay and features of N++, but also a showcase of our vision for N++. We love how the music and the statements are so well matched to each other: bold, punchy, unashamed.
That music is awesome, isn’t it?! it’s Odyssey, by Yser C:
It’s masterful. The rhythm, mood and progression are so perfect. As soon as we heard that song, we knew it was the one. It helped put the icing on the cake.
And it’s one hell of a cake. So please, watch that trailer again (and turn the music up!) and then go buy the game:
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