eagleeyecherrypie · 6 days
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here's a bunch of spongebob titlecards i hoarded
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eagleeyecherrypie · 9 days
My two favorite crazy people 🖤
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eagleeyecherrypie · 11 days
It seems there are still some people out there who wish to belittle, disregard and reject Michonne's importance to Rick. So for those who seem to have such a problem with Rick and Michonne let me just say:
This is Michonne Grimes
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She is everything to Rick Grimes. His partner, his lover, his confidant, his best friend, his saviour, the mother of his children, his sun, moon and stars, she is his wife, his soulmate and the love of his life. She is his entire universe, his reason for everything and he would choose her in any life and any universe.
Contrary to what I've seen some people say, Rick would not walk away from Michonne if Lori miraculously returned from the dead, he would not do so if Jessie came back either. Had Lori or Jessie lived, Rick and Michonne still would have found their way to each other because they are meant to be, in any lifetime and in any and all versions of reality.
Rick is the man who didn't think of moving on even after 8 years, who wrote love letters and dreamt about her to keep himself going, and lets not forget what he had to do just to be able to go on without her. And for Michonne, she couldn't truly believe he was gone despite the fact she saw the bridge he was stood on literally explode, she kept believing and searching for years, never moved on and went through hell to find him again.
The Walking Dead and especially The Ones Who Live have made it exceptionally clear what their relationship is, how important they are to each other, how deep and unbreakable their love is and how they would go to the ends of the earth for each other. Not everyone is going to feel a connection to Richonne, I get that and I'm not trying to say otherwise (despite the fact I don't think I'll ever understand how anyone can watch their love story and not fall completely in love with their love!) but canon is canon, you can not feel a connection to them and still respect their story and acknowledge that they are 'it' for each other. To disregard that is to ignore their whole story.
Michonne Grimes is Rick Grimes one true love, she is his whole world, she and their children are his priority, he will put them before anyone else, and yes, even above Daryl. So, while we are all entitled to an opinion no one can really deny that Rick and Michonne are completely and utterly head over heels in love, someone's personal view of them as a couple does not change that fact.
This is THE couple of The Walking Dead and IMO the best couple to have ever graced the screen. They are everything to me and they are everything to each other
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eagleeyecherrypie · 13 days
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Happy Birthday @flanaganfilm! Thank you for all the incredible gifts you've given us fans throughout your career!
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eagleeyecherrypie · 15 days
****Meet the Grimes****
A second chance and heartbreak
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A new life on the road
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A united front
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A well deserved reunion
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What a family ❤️‍🔥
The Last Grimes
Some context before a rant:
I can’t believe some people still exclude Michonne and RJ from the Grimes family. I saw an old post with Judith tagged as #TheLastGrimes, and a recent one claiming Michonne wasn’t Judy’s mother? I beg your pardon? (yes, it was on twitter).
Since the early days on the mothership, TWDU fandom has been so oblivious to racist bias and tropes, to the point of marginalizing Michonne fucking Grimes from her own family, the hero, supermom and wife, who *actually* raised "the last Grimes" mind you!
We really don’t respect Black women, their labour, their love and loyalty, neither irl nor in fiction.
This shows up everyday in very real ways in our lives. Whether for Black girls, gals, wives, girlfriends, single mothers, baby mamas, widows and their children. Whether they gave birth to their children or not, whether they’re mixed or not, Black motherhood is systematically denigrated. I wouldn’t recommend to anyone who doesn’t see how disastrous these optics are to engage with this.
The disrespect of Black women, the erasure of mixed children, claiming ownership of kids one didn’t raise, minimizing the bonds of a new family... See, I don’t fuck with that bs and it will be read as anti-Blackness and misogynoir on my part. People can argue with a wall.
The Grimes all chose each other, went to hell, and only some came back. A lot of us wanted nothing more than to see them reunited and finally at peace, and we did. Such canon is too much for some. Not for me. It was well-earned, by the characters as well as by the audience, and so refreshing in such cynical times. On one hand, I wish I could see more of them, on the other, I’d rather not have anyone mess it up (shout out to our TOWL S2 truthers out there though ^^).
I honestly pity those who’ve imprisoned themselves in blood lineages and narrow 'legitimate' families, unable to grasp the gifts of community and found family in a freaking post apo zombie show. That must honestly be depressing in deed...
Whether we are called dramatic or aggressive, Richonners will keep calling this out, especially Black women who don’t even need to do anything to deserve those exhausted epithets in everyday life. We see the double standards, we see the fans defending their buddies’ racist takes, the apparently infinite plausible deniability and benefit of the doubt afforded to some, never to others. It's not bright, it's not new, and we know the game.
No wonder this fandom can feel so segregated sometimes.
Anyway, if you’d like for me to expand on this lmk, I’ll always have more to share. Thanks for reading.
Happy Shipping
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eagleeyecherrypie · 15 days
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You're the love of my life. I'm Yours.
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eagleeyecherrypie · 16 days
thesandmanofficial The Endless have finally assembled: Introducing Adrian Lester as Destiny, Esmé Creed-Miles as Delirium and Barry Sloane as the Prodigal in the next season of THE SANDMAN. It’s going to be one Hell of a family reunion.
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eagleeyecherrypie · 17 days
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TWD s11x3 // TOWL s1x6
Judith: My mom always comes back.
Requested by anonymous
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eagleeyecherrypie · 19 days
So I wanted to expand upon this post I made earlier with the following statement:
Claire isn’t done with Carmy. In fact, I’d argue she wants him to fight for her attention—just like she did for him.
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Throughout her scenes with Carmy, there is a theme of “trying to get him to do things/open up/talk more/be present” etc.. And when he does open up to her, their conversation centers around him. He has no interest in getting to know her on a deeper level, nor does he take her on dates. Everything is done on his timeframe/at his apartment. No gifts, no outings, no romance.
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This may be up for contention but I personally don’t think Carmen is shy at all. I think he’s reserved with people he isn’t wholly interested in or who he doesn’t find compelling.
And how do I know this?
One word: Sydney.
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From the very beginning, anyone with eyes could tell there was chemistry between them. The way he looks at her, watches her, waits for her, and talks to her denotes a level of interest beyond colleagues. It was clear from early on that Carmy was taken with her.
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He has a fascination with trying to please her, despite his misgivings about Michelin Stars and even back in S1 - the to-go’s fiasco. He’s infinitely more experienced and seasoned in the kitchen than she is but his attention to cultivating the restaurant in her image is surprising, and honestly beautiful. Several times over the course of both seasons, I asked myself why is he doing all this? He seems miserable lots, if not most, of the time until he’s around Sydney. The fire reignites in his eyes with her and he even modeled interior of the Bear based on her notebook.
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The relationship Carmy has with Claire isn’t meant to be permanent. It always had an expiration date and it’ll reach it next season.
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The two gifs above are interesting parallels to each other. There’s this innate, childish awkwardness about Carmy and Claire that looms over their scenes together. The conversations don’t flow naturally or in a way that eludes to a deep connection. It’s hollow. It’s him needing favors and her being too willing to do them for a man she barely knows.
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While his relationship with Sydney isn’t without flaws, they challenge each other in a way that is necessary for progress and growth. There can be no love without conflict. Love is in fact all things: it’s scary, passionate, intense, difficult, exhilarating, and troublesome. Anything less isn’t love—it’s limerence.
More than anything, Claire wants Carmy to choose her … because he never actually did. My prediction is he’ll call her but she won’t answer. Then after the grand opening, she’ll reach out and they’ll get back together. Homegirl will start making her presence really be known at the restaurant (joining them for family dinner/picking him up/etc” and she’ll notice the perplexing tension between him and Sydney. This will lead to internal questions and eventually she’ll confront him about it. This confrontation will lead to a fight and they’ll break up for good.
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eagleeyecherrypie · 22 days
American movie be like
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eagleeyecherrypie · 23 days
"It was like there's only the two of us in the scene"
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eagleeyecherrypie · 24 days
Richonne Shippage My Favorite Key Moments...
Okay, soooooo five moments were key for me….  BULLETS!!!
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*’kay I get it, not your type, but just know that you’re super-fine up there moving walker corpses, so I had to try*
Nah, Do Your Thing  @fangirlnovel  hit on this moment well, but yeah… Rick washed his beardy face and tried for an in and was rejected(!). Poor guy, but great shipping moment.  
We Eating His Stuff Now?  Mat Said Welcome and the ~~Booty~~ Gaze This was important, because it was the first sense of a casual rapport between them, where they aren’t sizing each other up with those Richonne-Stares™ of theirs (which is still stupid hot) but being light and teasing.  The subsequent booty-gaze was the first time he let us know that he was aware that she was a well-built woman, a “brickhouse”  so-to-speak, just “mighty-mighty, letting it all hang out.” in a THOROUGHLY non-platonic way.
There’s a Woman Shacked in Up in Here… Is She Hot?!                     This moment was interesting to me, because you actually see Rick pause in what he’s doing and listen closely to these sleazeballs discuss Michonne’s shirt and who would get to “claim” her, first.  You already get a sense of how terrible these men are because Rick is awakened by the sound of a man’s pleas and pain, and their laughter at that but that moment of pause and their gross foreshadowing discussion of her solidifies how personal the danger is for him and IMO, is a HUGE factor in why he went as far as leaving the door open for that guy he strangled’s walker.  He also planned on taking them all on himself, when he saw Carl and Michonne coming back. It was the most explicit scene of Rick protecting wifey apart from the finale, which in that case seemed more skewed toward what was going to happen to Carl for them both.
You Don’t Ever Have to Be Afraid of Your Father                               So, this scene was a great bonding moment for Carl and Michonne, but it also was another time, apart from them both seeing things, where it was shown just how similar they both are in the lengths they’ll go to for their loved ones.  She was reassuring Carl and explaining just how fortunate he was to have a father go that far for him. That that is what he’s supposed to do. No matter how violent, it’s out of love and so he need not be afraid.
All of you?  *breathes* All of Us. I never see this part talked about but… In the initial interviews with Deanna, she asks Rick about himself and he’s all ‘scary paranoia’ and ‘everything is out to kill you’. She is aware that he is the leader, so I’m sure she gathered that someone in his state wouldn’t be likely to trust Aaron and come to Alexandria. But then we see Michonne and she’s calm and assured.  A REAL contrast to “the leader” of the group and she simply says they were ready.   “All of you?”  she asks, and Michonne blinks and sighs and says with the utmost my-word-is-bond finality “All of us.”  THIS was the moment when Deanna realized who the leader deferred to.  It’s why she gave Michonne and Rick the same job too. Because she figured out from those tapes that Michonne was THE stabilizing influence on Rick, the ONLY one he’d listen to in a pinch (alsosheshippedthem).
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eagleeyecherrypie · 1 month
Finally watched the Addams Family Values recently! and honestly. my main takeaway is
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Debbie slays. And Joan Cusack is a QUEEN
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eagleeyecherrypie · 1 month
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"Girl with a Pearl Earring" earrings - 10% off code: chandelyer
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eagleeyecherrypie · 1 month
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Deborah Ayorinde and Dan Jeannotte in Hallmark's Sense and Sensibility
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eagleeyecherrypie · 1 month
Reveling in Richonne - Master List
TWD Season 8 - Season 11 & Richonne Top 30
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Season 8
#100: The Treasure (8.01)
#101: The Happy Place (8.01)
#102: The Alarm (8.03-8.07)
#103: The Heart (8.08)
#104: The Peace (8.09)
#105: The Shock (8.09)
#106: The Bond (8.09)
#107: The Brother (8.09)
#108: The Best Friend (8.09)
#109: The Determination (8.09)
#110: The Future (8.09)
#111: The Aftermath (8.10)
#112: The Preservation (8.10)
#113: The Lost (8.10)
#114: The Focus (8.10)
#115: The Voices (8.10)
#116: The Steadying (8.12)
117: The “He Will” (8.12)
#118: The Golden Rule (8.12)
119: The Commitment (8.13)
120: The Staying (8.14)
121: The Turn (8.14)
122: The I Love You’s (8.14)
123: The Messenger (8.15)
124: The Found (8.16)
125:  The Living (8.16)
126: The Saving Grace (8.16)
Season 9
#127: The Art (9.01)
#128: The Duo (9.01)
#129: The Famous (9.01)
#130: The Lucky Ones (9.01)
#131: The United Front (9.02)
#132: The Light (9.03)
#133: The Perfection (9.03)
#134: The Thank You (9.03)
#135: The Family Fun Day (9.03)
#136: The Right One (9.03)
#137: The Night & Day (9.04)
#138: The Presence (9.04)
#139: The Stand (9.04)
#140: The Ditch (9.04)
#141: The Courage (9.05)
#142: The Heart & Wisdom (9.05)
#143: The True Love (9.05)
#144: The Close (9.05)
#145: The “Still Here” (9.06)
#146: The Boss (9.06)
#147: The Royal Baby (9.06)
#148: The Defender (9.07-9.12)
#149: The Search (9.14)
#150: The Little Ones (9.14)
#151: The Shoulder To Lean On (9.14)
#152: The Intensity (9.14)
#153: The Chosen (9.14)
#154: The People We Love (9.14)
#155: The Fair (9.15)
#156: The Reward (9.16)
Season 10
#158: The Brave (10.01)
#159: The Insight (10A)
#160: The That Walk (10.04)
#161: The Unison (10.04)
#162: The Ocean (10.08)
#163: The Sailing Off (10.08)
#164: The Set Up (10.13)
#165: The Set Back (10.13)
#166: The Trip (10.13)
#167: “What If I Hadn’t Saved Her?” (10.13)
#168: What If They Didn’t Save Me? (10.13)
#169: “What If They Needed To Be Saved From Me?” (10.13)
#170: The Takedown (10.13)
#171: The Discovery (10.13)
#172: The “Believe A Little Longer” (10.13)
#173: The Little Brave Man (10.13)
#174: The Cherished (10.13)
#175: The “Who Are You?” (10.13)
#176: The Next Chapter (10.13)
Season 11
#177: The Unstoppable Life (11.24)
#178: The Ones Who Live  (11.24)
Richonne Top 30
Top 30 List Links & Poll Results
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eagleeyecherrypie · 1 month
Reveling in Richonne - Master List
TWD Season 3 - Season 7
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Season 3
#1: The Fence Arrival (3.06)
Season 4
#2: The Rescue (4.08)
#3: The "It's For You" (4.09)
#4: The Claiming (4.11) 
#5: The “Hey, You Too.” (4.16)
#6: The “I’m Okay Too” (4.16)
Season 5
#7: The "You Ready?" (5.11)
#8: The Knock Out (5.15/5.16)
#9: The "I'm Still With You" (5.16)
Season 6
#10: The Rescue pt.2 (6.09) 
#11: The Domestic Intro (6.10)
#12: The Low Five (6.10)
#13: The "Want" (6.10) 
#14: The Toothpaste (6.10)
#15: The Listening (6.10)
#16: The "I'd Do It For You" (6.10)
#17: The Couch Conversation (6.10)
#18: The Mints (6.10)
#19: The Reveal (6.11)
#20: The "This Is Different" (6.11)
#21: The RV (6.11)
#22: The Shot Calling (6.11)
#23: The "Don't." (6.11)
#24: The "We’ll Win" (6.11)
#25: The Checking In (6.12)
#26: The East (6.15)
#27: The Concern (6.15)
#28: The Dread (6.16)
Season 7
#29: The Memories (7.01)
#30: The Look (7.01) 
#31: The Speaking Up (7.01)
#32: The Co-Leadership (7.01)
#33: The Dream Wedding (7.01)
#34: The Bed (7.04)
#35: The Watching Her Go (7.04)
#36: The Protection (7.04)
#37: The Request (7.04)
#38: The “Are You Going To Let Me?” (7.04)
#39: The Deer Drop (7.04)
#40: The Pallet (7.04)
#41: The Fight (7.04)
#42: The Disclosure (7.04)
#43: The "I'm Gonna Try" (7.04)
#44: The Grimes 2.0 (7.05)
#45: The “Good Luck” (7.05)
#46: The Kiss (7.05)
#47: The "Even If" (7.05)
#48: The Walkie Talkies (7.07)
#49: The Reflection (7.08)
#50: The “Me and You” (7.08)
#51: The Holding Hands (7.08)
#52: The Stepping In (7.09)
#53: The Holding Hands pt. 2 (7.09)
#54: The Side Eye (7.09)
#55: The Mow Down (7.09)
#56: The Smile (7.09)
#57: The Arm (7.10)
#58: The Push (7.10)
#59: The Collaboration (7.10)
#60: The Hug (7.10)
#61: The Enemies-To-Friends (7.10)
#62: The Cat (7.10)
#63: The Everything!! (7.12)
#64: The Montage (7.12)
#65: The "We Gonna Win Today?" (7.12)
#66: The "What's That Smile?" (7.12)
#67: The Pretzels (7.12)
#68: The "Just A Little More" (7.12)
#69: The Sleeping (7.12)
#70: The Owing (7.12)
#71: The Rounds (7.12)
#72: The “Think We Can?” (7.12)
#73: The Fall (7.12)
#74: The Candlelit Dinner (7.12)
#75: The Proposal (7.12)
#76: The “…Together” (7.12)
#77: The Wakefulness (7.12)
#78: The Eight (7.12)
#79: The Great Plan (7.12)
#80: The Flirting (7.12)
#81: The Deer (7.12)
#82: The Ride or Die (7.12)
#83: The Embrace (7.12)
#84: The Collecting (7.12)
#85: The Heart to Heart (7.12)
#86: The "I Can't Lose You" (7.12)
#87: The “I Can Lose You” (7.12)
#88: The “You Led Me Here” (7.12)
#89: The Cat pt. 2 (7.12)
#90: The “Few More Days” (7.12)
#91: The Package Deal (7.15)
#92: The Matriarch (7.16)
#93: The "We're Together" (7.16)
#94: The "You care?" (7.16)
#95: The Showdown (7.16)
#96: The “Somebody Important to You” (7.16)
#97: The Discovery (7.16)
#98: The Relief (7.16)
#99: The TLC (7.16)
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