some troll on reddit started dming me and telling me to kill myself and calling me a tranny and all that. and then, a half an hour in, they spring this on me
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some troll on reddit started dming me and telling me to kill myself and calling me a tranny and all that. and then, a half an hour in, they spring this on me
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some troll on reddit started dming me and telling me to kill myself and calling me a tranny and all that. and then, a half an hour in, they spring this on me
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some troll on reddit started dming me and telling me to kill myself and calling me a tranny and all that. and then, a half an hour in, they spring this on me
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dysgraphicprogrammer · 10 hours
God help you if you made a wrong turn and fell off your mapquest directions.
The paper did not recalculate. You were now in the never never, and had only your own wits to get you back to your path.
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dysgraphicprogrammer · 10 hours
This is Caulk In Balls Torture
nothing makes me feel more well adjusted than hearing about the problems that straight people in the periphery of my life are always having
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dysgraphicprogrammer · 10 hours
A woman whose epilepsy was greatly improved by an experimental brain implant was devastated when, just two years after getting it, she was forced to have it removed due to the company that made it going bankrupt.
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dysgraphicprogrammer · 11 hours
told my social worker abt fanfiction like as a concept,
"so there's fanfics about anything?"
"yeah anything in the world :)"
"even house?"
"can you send me one? :)"
"*remembers every post i've ever seen about house and wilson* ...how do you feel about these two guys kissing"
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dysgraphicprogrammer · 11 hours
A lot of people around me are having kids and every day it becomes more apparent that hitting your children to punish them is insane because literally everything can be a horrible punishment in their eyes if you frame it as such.
Like, one family makes their toddler sit on the stairs for three minutes when he hits his brother or whatever. The stairs are well lit and he can see his family the whole time, he’s just not allowed to get up and leave the stairs or the timer starts over. He fucking hates it just because it’s framed as a punishment.
Another family use a baseball cap. It’s just a plain blue cap with nothing on it. When their toddler needs discipline he gets a timeout on a chair and has to put the cap on. When they’re out and about he just has to wear the cap but it gets the same reaction. Nobody around them can tell he’s being punished because it’s in no way an embarrassing cap, but HE knows and just the threat of having to wear it is enough.
And there isn’t the same contempt afterwards I’ve seen with kids whose parents hit them. One time the kid swung a stick at my dog, his mother immediately made him sit on the stairs, he screamed but stayed put, then he came over to my dog and gently said “Sorry Ellie” and went back to playing like nothing happened, but this time without swinging sticks at the nearby animals.
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dysgraphicprogrammer · 11 hours
So may Social Horror movies mis-labaled as "Comedy.
people love to complain about sex scenes in tv shows and violence in movies when the real danger is scenes that make you feel second hand embarrassment.
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dysgraphicprogrammer · 11 hours
I got a laptop with Windows 11 for an IT course so I can get certified, and doing the first time device set-up for it made me want to commit unspeakable violence
Windows 11 should not exist, no one should use it for any reason, it puts ads in the file explorer and has made it so file searches are also web searches and this cannot be turned off except through registry editing. Whoever is responsible for those decisions should be killed, full stop.
Switch to linux, it's free and it's good.
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I used to write "hookers and blow" in the memo line when I payed my parking tickets.
i dont know who needs to hear this but as a general PSA for those who pay people online for goods and services: KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT ABOUT WHAT YOU'RE BUYING. While it might seem funny to write a clever note along with your transaction, any sort of hint that you're buying something nsfw or even mildly suggestive poses a huge risk that the person you're paying is getting their method of payment shut down permanently. transaction services are stricter than ever. "thanks for the boobs" is a pipe bomb that only needs one pair of eyes to be noticed. loose lips sink ships
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no piece of teen media has ever accurately depicted the quiet psychological warfare of bullying. bullies on TV are always dumb brutes and not the evil geniuses of emotional manipulation that they are in real life. being given a wedgie and having your lunch money stolen is nothing in comparison to a classmate quietly creating a taboo against speaking to you that they intend to enforce against all the other kids. it’s nothing like continuous cutting comments from people you thought were being nice to you. that way that the work of one kid can make you feel like every person on earth silently hates you and that you are dirty, disgusting, worthless, creepy and useless. that you can have friends but many of them will not speak to you at school for fear of the social consequences on their end. how that damage lasts in any social setting for the rest of your life
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Trump is proposing to genocide trans people. Even assuming your frame, all you are doing is choosing to have 2 genocides instead of one.
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I’ll say it again, please just grit your teeth and vote for Biden…
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I've got real problems worry about. I don't need to worry about micromanaging other people's pronouns on top of that.
how do we feel about a cis girl using he/him pronouns
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5 I got distracted by cool shit on A03
I'm putting a marker here on my own dash. It is august 8. The last time I returned to the top of my dash was august 2nd. I am 6 days behind. Will I ever catch up? Who knows! (The Shadow knows!)
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