dximonions · 1 month
Americans don’t wear cowboy hats all the time? What’s the point then?
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dximonions · 1 month
his dark materials really said heaven is not real and you will return to dust upon your death so you need to make your own heaven on earth by being a good person instead of wasting your time practicing a hateful religion headed by a corrupt church
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dximonions · 1 month
Live theater in the His Dark Materials universe must be wild. Surely an actor's daemon also has lines to recite, so their daemon's form probably also factors into casting decisions. Maybe some plays have vague character descriptions for daemons, but I bet other plays have really specific or central daemon characters. And sure, big-budget theaters can afford to hire a separate actor with a particular daemon to stand backstage while their daemon plays its part onstage, but community theaters don't have those kinds of resources.
Like if you're casting for Julius Caesar, surely the real historical Caesar had a pretty iconic daemon, right? Are you going to cast an actor with a pigeon daemon as Caesar and just have everyone suspend their disbelief that it's Caesar's lioness, ἁμαρτία?
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dximonions · 1 month
I read His Dark Materials trilogy when I was 12, so now I suffer from a condition called "I have to make daemon headcanons for all the characters from every piece of media I consume, or else I'll die"
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dximonions · 2 months
pullman should have instead committed to making an enemies to reluctant allies to friends to lovers between olivier bonneville and lyra in tbod. yeah he wants to kill her but honestly i see that as the lesser evil when malcolm is our only other option
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dximonions · 2 months
characters who have been aided and cradled by the narrative their whole life and are suddenly left behind by it and now they don't know how to go on
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dximonions · 2 months
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You see? They have been trying to convince us for centuries that we are born guilty. And that we have to spend a lifetime atoning for the crime of eating an apple. Is there any proof for this heinous stain, this shame, this guilt? No, not at all. We are to take it on faith, and on the word of the Authority. But Dust... Dust is an elementary particle that we can record, measure, study. We can take photograms of it. And it has given them what they need... a means by which to control, to oppress, to frighten, and to keep us where they want us... on our knees.
HIS DARK MATERIALS — 1.08 "Betrayal"
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dximonions · 2 months
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HIS DARK MATERIALS S3E08: The Botanic Garden
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dximonions · 2 months
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Day 5: Favourite adaptational change -> Paralleling Will and Lyra
[ID in alt text]
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dximonions · 4 months
"We're together in every universe" this "we'll always find eachother" that. What about this is the only universe that we're together in. What about there is no other way this could have worked. What about this is the only place that we have found each other. And goddamn it if we aren't going to make the most of it.
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dximonions · 4 months
I'm thinking about His Dark Materials again. Specifically the societal quirks that Lyra's world has as a result of everyone having their soul manifested outside their body in the form of dæmons. It's one of the most fascinating examples of worldbuilding I've come across tbh
Some of my most favourite tidbits:
Dæmons are named by the dæmons of the child's parents
It's taboo to touch another person's dæmon, but this is learnt, not instinctual
Children often settle arguments through their dæmons, with one accepting the dominance of the other (eg. Pan hissing at Annie's fox daemon in the first book to get her to back down)
The fact that people can tell when someone lacks a daemon even though they can be hidden out of sight (like a mouse in your pocket)
To the inhabitants of Lyra's world, looking at someone without a dæmon is like looking at someone without a head
These extra pieces of lore just make the world seem so magical but believable at the same time
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dximonions · 4 months
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Compass with sundial in shape of a pocket watch, perfect to carry it in the coat and to check the course from time to time, by Wolfgang Hager 1650-1700, Germany
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dximonions · 4 months
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"Well, suddenly finding I've got a whole life to live, but no…but no idea what to do with it, well, it's like having the alethiometer but no idea how to read it. […] I'm lost, really, now." They looked at her: her eyes were glittering more than usual, her chin was held high with a look she'd learned from Will without knowing it. She looked defiant as well as lost, Dame Hannah thought, and admired her for it; and the Master saw something else—he saw how the child's unconscious grace had gone, and how she was awkward in her growing body. But he loved the girl dearly, and he felt half-proud and half in awe of the beautiful adult she would be, so soon. He said, "You will never be lost while this college is standing, Lyra."
The Amber Spyglass; Chapter 38
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dximonions · 5 months
How do you define the different daemon form types used within the community?
For Fun
"Something I forgot"
"Some other secret type"
Got the idea after a very brief conversion about "for fun" forms. I know opinions about the other types vary, but I'm not sure if it was ever discussed on Tumblr yet! So, daemians of Tumblr, how do you define these form types!
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dximonions · 5 months
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PDF found here
For fun or to take seriously. I love divination and anything to do with intuition is always very daemon relevant to me.
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dximonions · 5 months
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Dust is beautiful… I never knew. HIS DARK MATERIALS (2019-2022)
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dximonions · 5 months
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C.S. Lewis, from “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe”
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