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[[Hey guys! I know I haven’t been super active lately, but if any of you are also into the Marvel fandom, this is my new project]]
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The Age of Marvels has begun! The Cosmic Cube, an artifact capable of granting omnipotence to the wielder, has been stolen from SHIELD’s vaults, and the world is in uproar. Superheroes from around the globe are desperately searching for the thief, hoping to find him before he can use the Cube to remake the world in his image. Age of Marvels is a fusion chat/forum Marvel roleplay, set in its own universe which draws from both the comics and the movies. We are a new literate site with no word count and a reasonably brief app. If you’re interested, please look closer at the links below!
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Send me ‘💨’ for a starter where our muses are stuck somewhere because of terrible weather.
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captain picard: we have a good team, just need to get rid of the kinks
beverly: *throws will out airlock*
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“omg you’re just blogging for attention”
and you’re blogging??? for gold? Women? Immortality?
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Fandom: Star Trek: The Next Generation
Rating: M, for disturbing content
Pairing: Picard/Q
Tags: Eldritch Abomination Q, The Works of HP Lovecraft, Body Horror, Cosmic horror, Literary References & Allusions, Sharing Body Heat, Interspecies Romance, No Sex (strictly speaking), Angst
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If Picard thought Q would listen to that seminar, he would give it in a heartbeat. 
I'm like 99% sure that Riker asking Picard to buy him a sex totem was a roundabout way of hitting on his captain
Picard comes back and recommends a sexual harassment holoseminar
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ive been looking for pictures of picard smiling like this because it makes me feel so happy. im starting a collection
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@qisforqaos @dancerdoc
I just realized that this also means that Picard has to get Beverly’s permission - and possibly Necheyev’s - before he can bang Q. 
are we ever going to talk about how you have to get actual permission from both your captain and doctor in order to have sex with an alien
like who sits around Starfleet and makes these rules
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Okay but imagine what this rule must be like for Picard, because A) Picard is 100% more uptight than Kirk, and B) Picard has Riker on board, who absolutely does try to fuck anything and anyone he encounters. Half of his job and Dr. Crusher’s job must be approving Riker’s weird alien sex paperwork. 
are we ever going to talk about how you have to get actual permission from both your captain and doctor in order to have sex with an alien
like who sits around Starfleet and makes these rules
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My Cover to Star Trek TNG Mirror Broken #5
This was soooo much fun, I loved it. I even loved colouring it now that I’ve upgraded my laptop. 
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18 - LoQtus 8D
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I love this ship so much, they’re such beautiful monsters. 
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sometimes…. things that are Q…. are worse
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Ships where Person A and Person B call each other “sir/ma'am”, “Mr/Ms. ___”, or “Boss/Captain/Commander/etc.” in public and around an audience but calls each other by their first name when they’re alone or when one of them is in clear distress?
Gets me fucking weak.
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remember, we are captains first and people second
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'Got important things to do,' said Granny, without turning around. 'Been letting everyone down.' 'Some might say THIS is important.' 'No. It's just personal. Personal's not the same as important. People just think it is.'
Lords and Ladies, by Terry Pratchett
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Supportive Sisko is a cleansing for the soul.
Dax wants to go against Trill society and throw herself in the arms of the woman she loves? Sisko checks that she has thought this through and is 100 % supportive.
Dax wants to disappear to an alternate plane of existence for 80 years or something because she’s in love? Sisko checks that she has thought this through and is 100 % supportive.
Dax is unsure about her wedding plans? Sisko talks with her and supports her decision without telling her what she should do.
Jake wants to go his own way and not join Starfleet? Sisko loves him and supports his decision no matter what he wants to do with his life.
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