Foods That Can Help You Fight Your Gynecological Issue | NurviNaari
Gynecological issues? 
What if we say you can overcome those with some food. Sounds easy right. How often it is advised to eat healthy but do you know that healthy eating is not only to keep your health in check but also to avoid certain gynec problems. There are certain foods and drinks contain compounds that may improve vaginal health and symptoms of certain health problems.  And yes, this category includes loads of probiotics, prebiotics, and fermented food and beverages.Other than being constantly subjected to a lot of changes starting from puberty through menopause a female’s health is there are also so many typical processes a woman’s reproductive organs undergo which may involve sexual activity, injury,disease, pregnancy, and aging. There are a variety of gynecological issues that may affect their life at some point in their life. These problems were addressed by gynecologists in Thane, who can help woman across the world to overcome such complications with ease and get better with the best gynecological treatment. Some of the super foods that you can incorporate in your diet are as follows: Cereals or whole grains: female hormone named Estrogen is a vital for the development and regulation of the female reproductive system and secondary sex characteristics. However, increased levels of estrogen in the body can cause risk of breast diseases like cancer by stimulating the growth of cells in the mammary glands. Incorporating whole grains in your diet could benefit you as they can limit the levels of estrogen in the blood Whole grains are also abundant in iodine which controls the release of gonadotropin hormones from the pituitary gland. Carotenoids and phytochemicals:The common components of a plant otherwise called phytochemicals are seen as bounteous in red foods grown from the ground like red apples, carrots, red pepper, grapes, onions, tomato, beetroots, red cabbage, and so forth. Utilization of carotenoids found in carrots, yams, spinach papaya, and oranges can help forestall cervical disease. These phytochemicals and carotenoids can lessen or viably hinder the development of tumor cells into the female conceptive organs. Gynecologist InThane Vartak Nagar, Mumbai—adds that phytochemicals may even reduce the danger of breast malignant growth by decreasing the degree of estrogen in the blood.
Bananas: vitamin C, manganese, potassium and also high levels of vitamin B6 are some major components of bananas. Vitamin B6 are produced in red blood cells who functions to flush out unwanted chemicals from the body and maintain a healthy nervous system by stabilizing the nerves. Bananas is one such food which aids in alleviating pain caused during menstruation.
Foods containing Folic acid:It is observed that folic acid deficiencycan cause anemia and lead to cervical cancer. And hencefoods containing folic acid are highly recommended for woman.Some of the rich sources of folic acid are animal liver, fish, spinach, cabbage,eggs, and cereal. Consuming such foods in your diet can help you prevent and reduce the chances of cervical cancer.
Soy products:Soy and soy items are viewed as an amazing wellspring of minerals like calcium and iron. Popularly known plant proteins and these contain hormone-like substances called phytoestrogens. These phytoestrogens emulate the activity of the hormone estrogen that viably manages the discharge of the endocrine organs. It can likewise decrease the side effects of hot flushes in menopausal ladies. There are different results of soybeans accessible in the market like soya seeds, tofu, soy sauce, Milk, and so on.
Iron:Iron is the most significant constituent of blood. A satisfactory measure of iron in the blood can control the elements of the body pleasantly and without any problem. Inadequacy of iron in the body can cause frail working of the ovaries and unpredictable period. According to Gynecologist In Thane West GhodbunderRoad, Mumbai – Utilization of red meat, green verdant vegetables, fish, plant proteins, yam, and beans in your diet can satisfy your necessity for common iron consumption.
Calcium-rich foods: Calcium deficiency is something every women is more prone to and it is one of the most crucial factors for child health during pregnancy. Intake of calcium-rich foods such as milk and/or yogurt can help prevent weak bones in newborn child and also prevent ovary related diseases. Imagine getting away from the risk of ovary cancer just by drinking milk! Yes. Pretty amazing right?Visit Nurvinaari for further details and get your gynaecology problem solved with Good Gynecologist In Thane West TODAY!
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Why Choosing the Perfect Gynecologist is Important | Dr.Sujata Rathod - NurviNaari
Usually, when couple plan a baby the first thing they think of is their gynecologist. But how to choose the perfect gynaecologist as this may take some time and could be really tedious.Best Gynaecologist in Thanerecommends wanna-be parents to research and take their time while searching for their idle doctor. Take some time to determine what specialties you would like the most in a gynecologist. Whether its obstetrics,infertility or menopause, Dr. Sujata Rathod Gynecologist in Thane, Mumbaicould provide you the treatment ideal for your phase of life.
Below are some of the tips while searching for an ideal gynecologists:
·         Qualifications: While searching for the best gynaecologist in Thane, couple should consider the qualification of the doctor as well as his/her history with patients. You can start with, where the doctor has received training and his/heris a board-certified gynecologist. It’s also essential to find how long he or she has been practicing. With information readily available on internet, qualification of the gynaecologist you are interested could be easily obtained.
·         Gender: It is very importantto be comfortablewith your doctor and sometimes it may happen that women feel more comfortable with a female gynecologist rather than a male gynaecologist. NurviNaari offers the Best lady Gynecologist in Thane West as well as doctors with different race, religion and age if any of these factors matters to the couple or the family.
·         Research Hospital’s Quality: While in search for a good gynaecologist in thane, it is also crucial for you to consider hospital’s quality and the former patients review regarding its standards for fewer complications and better treatment success rates. Also consider the hospital’s location as the prime factor so as to make your hospital trips more convenient and manageable according to your routine schedule.
·         Insurance: It is not necessary that every gynaecology specialty hospital/clinic accept the same insurance policies and hence you would have to choose the one who either provide a broad spectrum insurance benefits or the ones which come under your insurance plan. This research will save your extra thousands during your search.
·         Evaluate Communication Style: It is seen that women who have good relationships or are comfortable interacting with their gynecologists are generally more satisfied with the care and considerably experience better results. Select a gynaecologist with whom you can comfortably interact and provides you every information you need, also notice how the specialist respond’s to your questions and respects your opinion or not.
·         Read Patient Satisfaction Reviews: It is very essential to know what other patients that acquired treatment previously review about the Ob/Gyn you have selected. This research will save your time as well as provide insight into how your doctor’s medical practice is operated. Reviews are often helpful in answering questions like, how well other patients trust the doctor. How much time the specialist spends with patients etc.
·         Reference:While choosing the Gynaecologist in Thane, picking one is not going to an easy task and you may end up with compromising with one or the other thing, but while you are at it you can ask health care providers for a referral list. Listen to the recommendations of family and friends as they have already experience the services and interacted with the specialists. Their preferences might narrow down your list of gynaecologist in the city making it easier for you to meet them in person and then select as per your experience of the first meeting.
·         Gynecologist Expenses: It is true that, gynaecologist fees vary from one to other and it is very important to select the one which is affordable as well as meet the above mentioned qualities. As the doctor’s consultation is not a one-time-affair as is usually not covered by the insurance which is mostly applicable to the hospitals, finding a perfect fit for your case could be little challenging.  
NurviNaari is one such clinic which is experienced and has provided years and years long services in the field of gynaecology in Thane in accost-effective prices. Though the treatment may differ from person to person, Dr. Sujata Rathod has managed to excel in every possible domain as a gynaecologist there is! They are committed to provide each woman that visits theclinic feels comfortable and enjoys her time with one of the most efficient team.
We recommend you to go with your instincts while searching for the idle gynaecologist for yourself and if your gut says otherwise at any point of time during the treatment, you can always switch to the other specialist. Comfort is the key to interact with any doctor and is necessary to consider this detail during your search for your perfect fit amongst the Best Gynaecologist in Thane.
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The mini IVF is known as a new alternative among in vitro fertilization treatments. Treatment is indicated for women who have low ovarian reserve and who choose to use their own eggs and not eggs from anonymous donors. It is a procedure that resembles conventional IVF and is based on the use of smaller hormonal doses for ovarian stimulation in order to offer fewer eggs, but of better quality.
Deciding between mini IVF or conventional IVF should be based on criteria such as the amount of follicles (structures that contain eggs) in each cycle and the woman's age. The woman with a low ovarian reserve will probably have the same amount of follicles in both conventional IVF and mini IVF stimulation.
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PROS AND CONS OF MINI IVF In the conventional in vitro fertlization technique , the dose of inducing medications is higher to stimulate the ovaries to produce a large number of eggs and increase the chances of fertilization. Thus, a larger number of embryos is obtained and the surpluses can be cryopreserved.
On the other hand, in mini IVF medications are administered in low hormonal doses, the procedure benefits couples who do not wish to have excess embryos and reduces side effects, such as abdominal swelling and fluid retention, produced by inducing medications.
The mini IVF can bring a great benefit for women over 40 years old, because with the low hormonal stimulus, the goal of the treatment is to recruit one or two eggs of better quality, because at that age the chance of recruiting eggs with chromosomal changes. The objective of the technique is to prioritize the quality of the egg and not its quantity.
Although the treatment of mini IVF provides success rates similar to conventional IVF, it is necessary to be aware that this technique can also lead to implantation failure because it may occur that a single formed embryo does not develop properly for transfer.
Therefore, it is indicated to make a bank of embryos, because with the production of few eggs in repeated cycles, they are collected, evaluated according to their quality and then fertilized with sperm, being able to form more than one competent embryo, increasing the pregnancy rate. In this way, good and competent embryos are transferred to the uterus after preparation of the endometrium.
However, the priority in treatment is to guarantee patients the best success rates, with the use of low hormonal dosages and, as a consequence, a lower rate of side effects, discomfort, stress, minimal risk of thrombosis, ovarian hyperstimulation and a higher cost accessible.
If you are looking for  IVF Treatment , Dr.Sujata Rathod, Obstetrician Gynecologist and Fertility Specialists Best Gynaecologist Doctors In Thane. Call on 9869174139 for the Advanced Fertility, IVF, IUI, ICSI and Highly Complex issue.
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5 Principles Of Good Nutrition During Pregnancy By Dr Sujata Rathod
Almost every pregnant woman during the first visit to the doctor always asks about a diet during pregnancy. We will tell you all about nutrition for pregnant women and help you adjust your diet.
As a rule, in a variety of articles on nutrition during pregnancy, you can find tables by week. But to force oneself for the sake of following a multitude (often contradicting each other) of instructions is completely not worth it. Even doctors admit that, despite all their efforts, 80% of pregnant women are gaining excess weight or are faced with the problem of iron, magnesium and calcium deficiency . When planning your diet during pregnancy, try to find a healthy compromise between “necessary” and “want” - practice shows that this is quite possible.
Your diet In the second trimester, the expectant mother, as a rule, wakes up a frantic appetite. What should be the proper nutrition for pregnant women during this period? Avoid fast foods, salads with lots of mayonnaise and be sure to keep food fresh. It makes sense to try to completely abandon the fried: the fact is that such heat treatment increases the calorie content of the dish several times. The same diet is recommended during pregnancy 3 trimesters.
If the doctor or relatives recommend products that you simply cannot stand, don’t in any case force yourself to eat what you don’t like. Proper nutrition for pregnant women is what gives the expectant mother pleasure. Try also to plan a balanced diet that has enough vitamins. And if you have already gained weight, read about how to quickly lose weight after childbirth.
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Example menu during pregnancy
The body needs 150 g of protein per day: a piece of low-fat fish, a handful of nuts, 50–70 g of cheese, 150 g of cottage cheese, a little buckwheat, mushrooms, a small piece of veal or chicken - the choice is huge, eat what you really like.
Fats in the diet of a pregnant woman should be 80-100 g per day: a small piece of butter or 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil is enough for you, and everything else can be found in complex products.
Need for carbohydrates increases to 400 g per day, but with obesity or a tendency to it, try to gain the required amount due to starch (it is found, for example, in rye bread). 100 g of bread per day is 70 percent of the required dose. The remaining 30 percent can be "extracted" from fruit.
And do not forget about the liquid! The body of the future mother needs at least 1.5 liters of water per day. Freshly squeezed juices, herbal teas and ordinary drinking water are suitable for you, but packaged drinks and a variety of sweet sodas are not necessary to take into account, they are definitely not needed to feed the mother during pregnancy.
Diet: Turn on micronutrients and drink water Normally, during the third trimester, a woman should add no more than 300-400 g in 7 days. But in fact, many women go on maternity leave with the words "now you can finally relax" and begin to get fat quickly, adding one kilogram per week. One of the main nutritional problems of a pregnant woman during the third trimester is an irresistible craving for sweets. As modern studies have shown, such a strong dependence on sweets is provoked by a lack of magnesium.
Starting from the 30th week of pregnancy, a woman's daily diet should contain 2900 kcal, with particular attention to the correct composition of trace elements in food. In addition to magnesium, iodine, iron and calcium are extremely important in the diet during pregnancy. If you still want sweets, try these healthy desserts .
Another important point is the liquid. Often, having noticed edema, expectant mothers begin to limit themselves in drinking - this is fundamentally wrong. The kidneys of a pregnant woman are arranged in such a way that, with a lack of fluid, they suspend its excretion. In other words, the less you drink, the more swelling can increase. So the basis of the diet for edema during pregnancy is water.
Keep track of weight during pregnancy Normal weight gain during pregnancy is 10-12 kg, which is exactly what you gain with a healthy diet. Of these, 5-6 kg - the weight of the uterus with a placenta, baby and water. Extra pounds are harmful for many reasons. Firstly, due to the growing abdomen, the woman’s posture changes dramatically: the natural curves of the lower back, thoracic region and neck increase. Secondly, being overweight weakens and disturbs labor. And finally, thirdly: the stories about “feeding the baby” in utero are not fiction of evil doctors - excessive nutrition of the fetus during pregnancy really helps to increase its weight!
What is impossible during pregnancy Some doctors recommend pregnant women to arrange fasting days once a week - curd, kefir or apple. In fact, practice shows that such a diet leads to the fact that the next day the pregnant woman “eats up” and even “eats” a useful “unloading”. Try a better diet when planning pregnancy - you can get rid of excess weight in advance by accustoming yourself to proper nutrition.
Remember: sudden jumps in weight are much more harmful to the body than a gradual increase in body weight. Therefore, just try to follow a healthy diet during pregnancy.
Are you looking for a  Gynecologist In Thane West? You can contact Dr. Sujata Rathod - Best Gynecologist & Obstetrician in Thane for quality and affordable women health services
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Common Reasons For Infertility | Dr Sujata Rathod, Gynecologist in Thane West
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1 - The absence of eggs or ovarian dysfunction is the main problem among infertile women. The diagnosis requires a detailed examination that can detect early ovarian failure. In this case, the patient may menstruate normally, but will not be able to get pregnant. Studies show that the disorder is related to unhealthy habits and contact with toxic substances.
2 - Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is caused by an imbalance in the production of hormones, which alters the woman's entire menstrual cycle or even causes the absence of flow. The problem causes dysfunction in ovulation and can decrease the chances of getting pregnant. Among the symptoms are hair in uncomfortable places, increased oiliness of the skin and accumulation of abdominal fat.
3 - Endometriosis is the elimination of the endometrium, tissue that lines the uterus, during menstruation. The tissue can reach other organs. The disease affects between 15% and 20% of women and is usually discovered when they decide to become pregnant. The main symptoms are severe cramps, discomfort during intercourse and abdominal pain. It also causes adhesion and inflammation in the pelvic area.
4 - Tubal obstruction can appear in the face of inflammation or infection and make any chance of pregnancy impossible. The sperm pass through the tubes to fertilize, if the path is closed the process is interrupted.
5 - Up to 50% of women may have fibroids throughout their lives, with a higher incidence from the age of 40. The disease originates from the disordered growth of cells and can affect the function of the uterus. Fibroids cause infertility when they grow into the uterus or when they develop in places that obstruct the passage of embryos.
6 - Old age is another factor that impairs fertility. Leaving to become pregnant from the age of 35 can be a risk for women. The more advanced the age, the more difficult it will be. This is because the ovary begins to decrease the quantity and quality of the eggs when the woman is approximately 40 years old.
7 - Thyroid changes can cause problems throughout the body and during pregnancy, causing neurological sequelae in the child. The thyroid is a gland that produces hormones that regulate metabolism. During pregnancy, they are transferred to the fetus, in addition to being responsible for maintaining the pregnancy. Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are dangerous for pregnant women. 8 - The increase in prolactin, the hormone that produces breast milk, can cause changes in the menstrual cycle and impair the correct functioning of the ovaries.
9 - Viral and bacterial infections, mumps, trauma to the testicles - such as a strong impact or burn -, use of anabolic steroids and inadequate administration of remedies for baldness can harm or interrupt the production of sperm in men.
10 - Male infertility can be inherited. For the male partner to be in full fertility, a detailed examination of the characteristics and quality of the semen is necessary.
How to prevent yourself
Avoiding cigarettes, alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs is the first step towards a healthy reproductive system, according to Maria Cecília. Another important point is to learn how to deal with stress. "If the traffic makes people nervous, or they move close to work, or turn on the radio and learn to deal with the delay until they get home," explains the expert.
Proper nutrition prevents not only infertility but most illnesses. The replacement of vitamins E and C and zinc contribute to male and female fertility. "Vitamin E is known as the fertility vitamin", commented Maria Cecília. Because of this, the expert recommends eating foods rich in these components for men and women.
Meet women speciality doctor Dr. Sujata Rathod is the Best Gynaecologist in Thane, Mumbai. Women with midlife problems find Dr. Sujata Rathod very approachable ,since she relates to each one of them ,due to her vast experience For more: https://nurvinaari.com/about-dr-sujata-rathod/
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Natural approaches to the Treatment of PolyCystic Ovary Syndrome By Dr. Sujata Rathod
Polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS is a disease that affects up to 10% of women around the world aged 16 to 45 years. Women with PCOS often have elevated blood insulin levels and are overweight, which is superimposed on many hormonal changes in the body, leading to excessive hair growth, acne, menstrual irregularities, and reproductive health problems.
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Causes PCOS is probably caused by many reasons. First, as you know, a diet in which there are many products of a high degree of processing, sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, cola and simple carbohydrates, contributes to weight gain. This can lead to insulin resistance and other hormonal disruptions and endocrine system problems that can contribute to PCOS. Prediabetes and high blood sugar also increase the risk of developing PCOS.
Another factor is hypothyroidism or inadequate thyroid activity - a disease that affects up to 10% of women. It has been suggested that some women with hypothyroidism have an increased risk of developing polycystic ovary syndrome. Environmental toxins can also contribute to hormonal disorders. Studies see a connection between the development of PCOS and bisphenol A or BPA, a chemical present in many types of plastics.
Symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome
Numerous cysts on the ovaries, which are visible on ultrasound
Excessive hairiness, often on the face and chest
Menstrual irregularities
Difficulty Conceiving
Fatty liver
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Male pattern baldness
Insulin resistance
Increased risk of developing an autoimmune thyroid disease
Blood tests show increased testosterone, the ratio of LH to FS
A doctor may make a diagnosis of PCOS based on the presence or absence of the above symptoms. After the doctor suggests the presence of PCOS, in most cases it will be necessary to conduct a series of additional laboratory tests or ultrasounds to further confirm and describe the nature of the course of the disease.
Lifestyle change
Lifestyle changes can help women regain balance and improve hormonal and metabolic profiles. This includes the following:
Weight loss - achieving optimal weight can help improve hormonal balance
Daily sports, at least 30 minutes with moderate intensity, five days a week
A diet rich in vegetables and fruits
Optimization of bowel function with diet and probiotics
As a way to normalize weight, many are considering a paleo diet , a keto or Mediterranean diet
Doctors often prescribe medications to help reduce the effects of PCOS and improve the spectrum of metabolites and hormonal profiles of women who are diagnosed with this. The most commonly prescribed medications include:
Metformin - often used to treat diabetes, this medicine helps make the insulin produced in the body more effective. Since most women with polycystic ovary syndrome have insulin resistance, therapy with this medicine can help normalize the menstrual cycle.
Clomiphene - This medicine helps women with PCOS to achieve ovulation and conception.
Oral contraceptives are often used as a means to normalize the menstrual cycle and balance hormones. However, birth control pills have little effect on eliminating PCOS.
If you are looking for more details or treatment visit or Meet women speciality doctor Sujata Rathod is the Gynecologist In Thane West, Mumbai.
OR Call to Book an Appointment: +09869174139 Visit Us : https://nurvinaari.com
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How is Recovery after Laparoscopic Surgery
Laparoscopic surgery is a minimally invasive surgery performed through small incisions in the abdominal region, where forceps ranging in diameter between 5-15 mm and a camera that transmits intra-abdominal images will be introduced to guide the doctor in performing the procedure.
It can be indicated for women who suffer from endometriosis when conventional hormonal treatment has not resulted in an effective improvement of symptoms. It can also be performed to identify and eliminate the outbreaks of the disease, reducing symptoms and increasing the chances of becoming pregnant.
Endometriosis is a disease that attacks women of various ages, its cause is still unknown and consists of the presence of an endometrium outside the uterine cavity.
Laparoscopic surgery, being a less invasive procedure, offers a faster recovery than traditional surgery. However, it must be performed at the hospital under general anesthesia.
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In general, the patient is discharged earlier when compared to conventional surgery. Recovery takes place in a period of 01 week to 30 days. During this time, the woman must rest (with a regular period of sleep) and avoid physical efforts such as: physical exercises, domestic activities, sexual relations, driving and working.
Rest can only be alternated with short, light walks, which can help eliminate gases (which accumulate in the abdominal region after this type of surgery), and which also aid in blood circulation - essential for the recovery and proper functioning of tissues affected by the procedure.
In the first days after laparoscopy, pain or discomfort in the abdominal cavity is common. Your doctor should advise you on the use of analgesic medications to combat these symptoms.
Even though it is a minimally invasive surgery - therefore, without major cuts - laparoscopy removes tissues and adhesions on the organs, so rest is essential not only for correct tissue healing, but also to achieve the expected results. .
In the post-surgical period, it is important to be aware of any changes in normality and to contact your doctor. The main signs and symptoms of poor prognosis are:
Increased body temperature (usually above 37.5 ° C);
Increased abdominal volume
Strong abdominal pain;
Redness or appearance of hematoma in the abdomen or pelvis;
Severe pain or redness in the lower limbs;
Sensation of pain or burning when urinating.
Among others
Before performing laparoscopic surgery, talk to your doctor about the specifics of healing and postoperative rest. The success of your surgery also depends on you.
If you looking for Laparoscopic surgery Treatment visit  Top Gynecologist In Thane - specialist Dr Sujata Rathod. 
Contact Dr. Sujata Rathod , Gynecologist in Thane, Mumbai. OR Call to Book an Appointment: +09869174139 Visit Us : https://nurvinaari.com
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9 Tips for Having a Healthy Pregnancy by Best Gynecologist In Thane| Dr Sujata Rathod
According to an article produced by the National Feminist Health and Reproductive Rights Network in partnership with the Ministry of Health, when the woman confirms the pregnancy, she must look for the nearest health unit to begin the ( prenatal ) health monitoring , which has to ensure a healthy pregnancy and safe delivery . In addition, it is the woman's right, if she feels safer, to be accompanied by a person she trusts in prenatal consultations.
Food and Nutrients
1. Food Rich in Nutrients - The myth power exaggerated in pregnancy lasted for centuries, but today is the world's knowledge that food must be of quality and balanced in nutrients. Because of hormonal changes, many women may feel sick to certain foods, but there are so many options in healthy eating that it is possible to find ways to replace them as long as necessary.
It is essential that the diet in pregnancy includes fruits and vegetables and whole carbohydrates. In relation to proteins, the ideal is that women prefer fish, chicken and lean meats, in addition to eggs and good sources of vegetable protein such as oilseeds, beans and vegetables, especially broccoli.
2. Care with Some Foods - Among the tips on how to have a healthy pregnancy, is the care with the cleaning of fruits and vegetables; do not eat raw or rare meats; wash your hands thoroughly before eating and avoid the consumption of sodium and sugar.
Cheeses: avoid some types of cheese such as camembert, brie, roquefort and gorgonzola, as well as fresh cheeses that are not processed is recommended, this to prevent listeriosis , a disease that can be caused by eating these foods and that can lead to abortion or complications in the child's health. Another precaution that must be taken is with salmonella, a food infection caused by the consumption of animal foods, eggs, milk and raw food.
3. Folic Acid - This is an essential nutrient for a healthy pregnancy, it is a vital supplement in pregnancy and acts both to protect the health of the pregnant woman and to prevent congenital problems in the child . The iron is also a very important mineral for the health of mother and baby and also often recommended for supplementation by doctors.
Exercises and Baths
4. Physical Activity - Physical exercises are essential for a healthy pregnancy, it is important to give women strength and resistance to the transformations that occur in the body, including the weight of the belly and wear and tear on the spine. The release of neurotransmitter hormones during physical activity helps to stabilize emotions and prevents the common feelings of sadness that the pregnant woman may experience due to hormonal changes.
Another benefit of exercising is the faster recovery of physical form after the birth of the child.
5. Hot Baths - Hot baths or a sauna are not suitable for pregnant women, as they can result in pressure drop or even fainting. Due to pregnancy, naturally the woman already has dilated blood vessels and hot water or steam from the sauna could increase this dilation.
6. Exercises for the Pelvic Region - Strengthening the muscles of the vaginal region is important even before pregnancy and can prevent urinary incontinence and contribute to increased sexual pleasure. Strengthened muscles can also contribute to a good birth and the exercises are simple: at least 5 times a day, the woman can contract the pelvic muscles 10 times. This contraction consists of simulating peeing and interrupting the process.
Medicines and Other Prohibitions
7. Beware of Medicines - Among the tips for a healthy pregnancy is the care with the administration of any medications. In case of headaches, body aches, treatment for colds, colds or sore throats, it is extremely important that the woman consult the doctor to know which medication can be taken during pregnancy. Another tip is to never be guided by the medical advice of other women , after all, if a medicine was prescribed for a woman, it does not mean that it can be prescribed for all, in addition, there are women who suffer from allergies to certain substances, therefore, informing the doctor about any eventuality is paramount.
8. Prohibited Habits - Smoking and alcohol consumption must be strictly abolished from the life of the pregnant woman, in fact, smoking can increase the risk of spontaneous abortion and alcohol consumption can lead to congenital malformation.
9. Moment of Rest - The woman needs to have moments of rest during the day, at least half an hour with her legs raised is recommended, as well as massages that can help relieve stress.
Much is said about how to have a healthy pregnancy and it is important for the woman to follow some recommendations to safeguard her own health and the baby's health, ideally, good habits and concern with lifestyle should persist after the child's birth, including the practice of physical activities.
If you are looking best treatment and Healthy Pregnancy consult with Dr. Sujata Rathod - Best Gynaecologist in Thane West, Manage High Risk Pregnancy Patients and infertility patients too.
visit our link https://nurvinaari.com
on  Call us at: 9869174139
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Experience Gynecologist in Thane West Ghodbunder Road at Nurvinaari
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Pregnancy management Review by Mrs. Pooja for Dr. Sujata Rathod: Gynecologist in Thane Vartak Nagar, handles high risk pregnancy and maternity cases
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Dr. Sujata Rathod is the  Best Gynecologist Thane, practicing in Currae Hospital. She has helped over 3000+ women with their gynaec problems ,which includes , Adolescent & teenagers, Infertility, perimenopausal & menopausal and Birthing cases.
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