dropped-minah-blog · 11 years
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Girl’s Day
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dropped-minah-blog · 11 years
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Minah @ Expectation 1st album (cr.  DAI5Y Cafe)
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dropped-minah-blog · 11 years
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dropped-minah-blog · 11 years
{ ` watches the destruction of her flower, biting her lip as the other reprimands her yet again for something she's supposedly done wrong -- the eventual extinction of her flower left her still watching at the ground, head bowed as she struggled to contain her tears } that's not true. { ` whispers at first, almost tentative -- raises her voice a little loud } it's not true that i can't keep up. { ` eyes brimming with unsure tears, she crossed her arms, as though seeking self reassurance. the idea that after years of training, her work was being criticized simply because she wanted to be herself was insulting -- but of course, such feelings were often expressed through tears on her part }
(/raises a brow, her eyes glued on the ice flower; honestly, she’s tempted to crush it and let it obliterate into small pieces; rolls her eyes as she takes out the ice flower from her ear and crushes it on the ground) i don’t want my ear freezing because of that. are you trying to give me frostbite? (/shots her a glare; accelerating the supposedly, hair accessory’s molecules and lets it combust on the ground; the sounds of a tiny explosion somewhat audible; she steps back and clenches her fists) stop caring about stupid hair accessories and train for once, you’re too busy with this aegyo shit that you can’t even keep up on missions.
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dropped-minah-blog · 11 years
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dropped-minah-blog · 11 years
disregarded memories
It had been almost five years since she had been recruited into the Brotherhood; five years since she had left behind her old life, her former way of living. But to say that she left everything behind would be a lie. Her memories -- every single one, down to the last, most painful recollection -- were all intact, left to forever remain within the depths of her subconsciousness. It didn't mean that she dwelled upon them at every chance she got -- they were often trigged, by special dates, by symbols, words, people. 
Of all places to find herself in, she ended up in the shadier area of the city -- of all, it was all relative in perspective, and while she deemed it shady, it was quite lively and full of people. The particular street she was standing on -- moving frequently to avoid blocking the way of angry looking girls with weird glowing sticks and fans with people's faces stuck onto them -- seemed to vibrate with a pulsing beat, moving to some unknown rhythm underground. Curious, and thinking that perhaps there was some mutant nearby with an ability to create such a phenomenon, she followed one of the girls through a door and down a flight of stairs, where the sound -- now identifiable as music -- originates. 
Slipping through the throngs of people to somehow wiggle her way to a distance where she could identify the band, her wide eyes scanned the area, awed at how many people were compressed into the lower level of this relatively small building. Finally lingering on the actual band members, time seemed to with the beat of the drums, as her gaze moved from the vocalist, to the drummer, to the keyboardist, to the bass guitarist ... to finally the lead guitarist. Lips forming the shape of an 'o', she watched at they finished up with their last song, yelling out some words into the mic before departing from the stage. Breath catching in her throat, she slipped past the other audience, moving with the speed that she had trained with to run around the stage and out back, ignoring the people who were attempting to restrain her -- whether they were guards or rabid fans. 
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dropped-minah-blog · 11 years
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dropped-minah-blog · 11 years
xm-ricky replied to your post: Do some aegyo for us!
OMG!!! SHE IS SO CUTE!! I HAVE TO ADMIT! I SENT THIS ONE! fjkgasfsdlkfsdalkfgdslfg =) MINAH!!!! OTL
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dropped-minah-blog · 11 years
-- ooc replies
xm-hyunseung replied to your post: omf i’m so lazy right now i have no...
q o q crieees
xm-suho replied to your post: omf i’m so lazy right now i have no...
(/lightly pats bc knows your feels)
; uuu ; it's horrible.
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dropped-minah-blog · 11 years
{ ` stares at the elder, eyes wide in surprise -- she had known that many of the others disapproved of her attitude towards things at times, but hadn't really known the full extent of some of their thoughts } i-i'm sorry ... { ` ; ; is unusually subdued, biting the corner of her lower lip to stop it from trembling. if she was going to be scolded over her childish behaviour, she didn't intend to continue the same faults -- at least, not as long as she could control it }
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under what circumstance is it okay for us — for you to degrade yourself like that? have some respect. ( ` her face remains stern, not wanting to strain herself over this too much but by then it had genuinely gotten on her nerves. — ) think before you do things. it’s disgracing to not only you but the entirety of the brotherhood.
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dropped-minah-blog · 11 years
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dropped-minah-blog · 11 years
xm-hyomin replied to your post: xm-hyomin replied to your post: Do some aegyo for...
it was upon my understanding as a brotherhood member that we are to do all within our power to retain /dignity/. though…if you have other plans, who am i to be concerned?
but it was a grey face! { ` points excitedly, gesturing vaguely in some random direction that had no apparent connection to anything at all } it's not like they know me, it's a stranger -- oh. ... { ` nods as she finally gets that it's also a problem -- even more so because it was a strange. ; AA ; } 
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dropped-minah-blog · 11 years
xm-seohyun replied to your post: Do some aegyo for us!
.. minah, you’re at it again? (/glares)
... ; AAA ; i'm sorry, unnie ~ { ` holds both hands out, opening her cupped palms out to reveal a delicate ice flower that doesn't seem to melt } ah look! it matches with unnie's hair today! { ` tiptoes to tuck it behind the elder's ear, stepping back to admire her handiwork }
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dropped-minah-blog · 11 years
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Ice Crystal by Zen Roxy on Flickr.
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dropped-minah-blog · 11 years
xm-hyomin replied to your post: Do some aegyo for us!
(*/∇\*) was it too much? ; w ;
 xm-minhyuk replied to your post: Do some aegyo for us!
* uuu*
* ^^^* 
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dropped-minah-blog · 11 years
Do some aegyo for us!
{ ` asdjfoie shy for a moment, covering her face with her hands. after a moment, peeks through, biting her lower lip and smiling } maybe another one too?
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dropped-minah-blog · 11 years
Truth: Who here is your ideal man?
My ideal man … { ` furrows brow, tapping her chin with her finger as she thinks } I … { ` throws out both arms in a universal gesture of ‘i don’t know’ } I don’t think I have one. { ` smiles, mouthing an apology } But what about you anon? Or who do you think should be my ideal man? (ノ^▽^)ノ
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