rider memo from abroad
Dear Olympian Lara Lessmann.
I hope you are enjoying your experience in Tokyo. Your performances were energetic and show lots of talent. My reason to contact you is to make some recommendations that I hope will aid your next Olympic efforts. Its not so much trick catalog as how to approach the courses. Choosing a line is the staging of what tricks you will complexify, modify or want to learn and not stringing a bunch of unrelated tricks together. Japan is the best place to make these suggestions as there is amble visual practice of feng shui and other visual principles of balance and assymetry. My first point is work against the natural setting of the park. In the middle of park is double sided ramp with a roller splitting it “in half/thirds/ 4/13ths”. That roller is a natural decision maker for a natural orientation of expected trick lines. To show off your tricks , the suggestion is you want to be putting your own lines as far perpendicular to that compass. .
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My second point is avoid the expectation of the structure Unless your trick is so big that its like marquee event. In your runs you should consider 2-3 marquee events necessary for points with stellar next tricks that are well practiced. Pretty much double tap everything. Big trick.. 500ms .. exclamation point trick. (Line 3). Tail whip over or at height the vert ramp. And then come down vert ramp face or land it on the otherside. I've never seen someone stop their tail whip with the face of the wall and then hand plant.. and come off/down the ramp. Thats a combo thats out there yet to be claimed. Or flare- late tailwhip landing “revert”.. 180 barspin correction on flat. Landing and moving in reverse is a clear difference between the guys skill and womens. No so much that its a trick to itself but improves the sense of location during and before/after tricks for correction.
The statement of repeatability and theme is the big point point. Double tapping the same obstacle from the front side and the far side but ending on the same side. (Lines pt1 and pt2) . From the looks of the events the pegs were not allowed and that made me sad. Because the examples I use here will unfortunately rely on pegs to make their point. But it assures adaptation so thats good. Line 1(pt 1) finds its way up the ramp, jumps across the roller and chooses a peg grind.(perhaps you can still grind with the downtube, it was hard enough finding topdown park images. I didnt). Lets say If this were your own park , I'd say start with right side front peg WITH the rear wheel rolling on the peak.
Reaching the platform ideally its a front manual(front wheel wheelie/stoppie) and then down the ramp to the left. < Showcasing the front wheel tricks and style> 3-5 tricks later you find yourself on the far side of the ramp in-question approaching from the opposite side. This is a good time to jump the gap with a tailwhip. Land in a regular wheelie or transition to it on the platform before exiting the ramp. Another option would be a near side rear peg grind get to platform(building speed) .. and tailwhip coming off the ramp. (plenty of room to land it). Personally I feel pegs will be back in competition once they have enough plastic resin on it to avoid damages and easier sliding. . Ie competition pegs vs extra rider pegs.
Two linked style tricks is both all the audience can absorb per obstacle and it leaves enough time to make them sufficienty complex with enough practice. That also means looking for a large enough obstacle to peform them. . In the end of 2nd line I make suggestion of the floor the ramp being used for a smith grind. In this case I'm going to abide the “no pegs rule” and unveil something impossible or very near to it. Coming up the smaller ramp near the half pipe. Jump onto the floor of the pipe on the front fork only (balancing) and tilt the whole body of the bike off the edge like its a mock smith grind .(Skate inspired) Its more like a turndown where you've purposely caught the front wheel on the ramp to roll on it. Subtley tricks on a big marquee are also 4th concept. Eventually that line will slow down into the ramp transition. 180+ whole bike . to get it on the lower ramp. And roll down infront of the stage of your mayhem. In the picture I said icepick grind but decided to unveil the real idea.
Subtley is important. “ Whats that, I've never seen that before??” The forcing the crowd to get quiet also effects the judges.. When they applaud its like 175% more influence than boosting crowd excitement from a average level. Its just the sense and consideration of these tricks for the usage of lines that I wanted to put forth; Not necessarily influence what tricks you put there; Your decision of lines while looking at top parks will itself be cause/excitement to learn new things.
Womens BMX has very important role in its formal world event 'infancy' of stars that it can establish new types of tricks for the guys through its unique sense of line.. And not just by guys making subtle suggestions either. This ramp course is more park than actual freestyle, afterall..So number 5 point is that no matter what the event is named.. consider that if its a freestyle event.. it should have actual freestyle in it. Make sure the event organizers are seeking truth in the history of the sport whether it never appears in Olympics. So on the point of freestyle /flatland stationary trickriding. (stoppies , balancing on each wheel and each peg/edges of the tire. Working that into 1 minute mini exhibitions at home will be something that will help to make use of pauses on elevated platforms for 1-3 seconds.
As for workouts.. I'm only going to mention 2. Core strength: Finding one of those ab wheels, put both your feet on it and roll around the floor like you're a rear paralyzed dog. The actual exercise is measure out 50 feet.(10foot increment markings) From the start you pull yourself forward on your arms (“running” if you can) and then every ten feet do 3-6 pushups. Repeat up to three times. As you get stronger, use one arm and rest the other.. alternate arms. Torso and core will develop together. Turning the bike needs to muscle it around in the air and not by effort.. more like bullying a pigeon for its street-found popcorn. 
 Dips, fore-arm curls, and grip strength exercises... AND 3 minutes of very very very hard cycling repeats on stationary bike. 5 repeats now, eventually 7- 10, If for some reason your legs start getting a little bit overmuscled without the gains for landing tricks, then dial back the resistance and take the time up to 3:30-4 minutes and plateau at a lower intensity. Make sure to coldwater bath afterwards and do more stretching. I should expect you dont need to take the time up beyond 5 minutes .. and in that case.. its straight up cardio at 20+minutes. Strictly divide your muscle twitch workout specificity workouts between fast and slow. 
Considering the way you got your bike.. The lottery might make you feel a little lucky.. like its already dream come true being an Olympian. Personally I 'd strike away that narrative from here on in . call it coincidence and suggest the real luck is what you establish in trick and style for  BMX and not how you got here. 
So thats about it .. I hope to see you in 2024/5 and watch your further career. Bests
Michael Bench, MEP, WGSGC
Exercise Physiology , Gender Studies.
Pennsylvania, USA.
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My first class report.
The Dr. Lorem Ipsum Nature Reports Series. 
Dear Teacher fellow 4th grade.
Bears and Deers dig caves together to sleep somewhere for the winter. Bears use their paws and deers use their antlers, teeth, and stone tools. If a bear and dear  get into a  fight about 'complicated things” or their cave architecture era, a wise centipede will officiate the breakup. Sometimes the forest did an ignorant thing not voting. They didnt elect a wise centipede to office that year. So then they fight to the death   Animal politics are complicated.  Other times when the centipede is wrong for both  the both parties make up while ripping the centipede in half and eating it.
There are many oxygen breathing animals.  Most of visitors of the zoo do not realize they are participant to a Tarwinian fight of the fittest over mere breathing gasses. . Some animals make shrill scary noises. Owls are very scary when I dont see them. Cutting edge technology doesnt exist to exactly count how many turns my grandmother makes in the grave when her soul hears the dirty language about night scary noises.  Mosquitoes are similarly scary. They carry diseases like rabies, bot flies, and estee'ds.. Its a French illness also transmitted in eyeliner. Mosquitoes and flies, and ticks drink blood mainly and breath swamp gasses. If  mosquitoes and friends were a type of christian they'd be a jehovah witness. I want to be an Ebola-revolutionist when I grow up.
Another shrill noise is the Massachusetts fishercat. He/She/They are very impressive weasels. I like weasels and otters who are part of the muskibutt family.  Fishercats make very shrill sounds from their mouths. My research suggests this is a 'sound of fatigue'  when their adult tail pops out of their body. They lose their baby weasel tail at about 16 months.  I told someone my hypothesis and they laughed at me. The internet said They should have instead 'made me feel empowered and scholarly”. Even more odd is they said it was a mating call.
Since I have a crush on Nicky Tokerico , I know what the call of love is and I am never turned on when I hear the fishercat sound. It cannot be a mating call. #Brilliance.
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