drinkdrivingx-blog · 7 years
Funny how everything changed.
(via abdullahm-96)
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drinkdrivingx-blog · 7 years
The scariest thing about her is her ability to love. To fully love, to completely give her all and to do it in a way that shows no hesitance or reluctance. Her ability to share her goodness, sweetness her very essence with another soul. Love is beautiful when you love this woman, it's everything you could only ever imagine. old stories? Those fairy tales of breathtaking romance, heroes, lovers, painstaking, heart breaking, unrelenting love? It's all possible with her. When she loves you she really loves you and you'll feel it to your very soul. That's what's scary, that's what's so terrifyingly alluring about her. If she loves you then she really loves, welcome to the top of the world but when she doesn't love you she leaves nothing, only the memories of what were. Memories that undoubtably will ever be able to full erase and why would you? For to behold a love like hers is truly a gift a once in a life time experience. She loves hard she loves effortless. Her devotion is evident her loyalty unmatched. When she loves you, you'll feel it. That's why she's the most terrifying being you can ever encounter. That's why she's more powerful than she will ever realise. That's why to love her takes the biggest sacrifice humanly possible it takes the heart. It takes the relinquish of control. it takes trust, ounces or trust that you never knew you were capable of bestowing in a single person. It takes faith, blind faith in you her and the relationship. A love like hers is so precious surely you need to contain it, keep it, perserve it and never share it. What happens if she looks at someone else in that way she looked st you. What happened if she smiles for somebody the way you make her smile. If she laughs at their jokes in the way she only laughs for you. What if someone else makes her happy? When she's the very source of your happiness. When you can't breathe without her, when your heart hurts when she's away. When your mind tries to trick you when you don't know where. Is that the point where it all goes wrong? Where your own neurosis takes over? Where you do the things you never vowed to do when you first fell in love. When you promised to treat her better than those before you, yet that path they once travelled seems oddly inviting now. That's why she's scary and that's why those 4 letters changed to the opposite. That's why love became hate to the highest degree. She's scary because of what she has to offer, because of the way she makes you feel she's scary because when she loves you she really loves you and you feel it. You feel it to the deepest depth of your soul. That! Is why she's scary, truly scary. That is why the sweetest Angel and the brightest smile can turn into the source of all your pain. It's the darker side of love, the side we hear of often yet never prepare for, the side that catches us unaware, the side that makes us behave in ways we don't usually, act in ways we haven't before. So what do you do? You throw caution to the wind and you love her, you love her back the way she loves you. You give her everything, every fragment of love that you can conjure you give it to her willingly, freely. You give her your heart, you give her your soul, you give her the power to destroy you and you trust that she won't. That's what you do when you have a love like hers, that's what you give because when she loves you she truly loves you and you'll feel it to very soul. I know this because I observed her from day one. She entered my life quite unlike any other had done before. There was a certain freshness about her, a certain innocence in her charm. That's the best way I can possibly describe her was charming. She was sweet with her words, friendly, polite and graceful in way that seemed very old fashioned. It had been a while since I'd met someone with such manners, someone who seemed to genuinely care and pick her words so wisely. There it goes, there goes that intrigue that always gets me in trouble, that curiosity. I can't describe what I felt that day exactly but there was something about that, something that quietened the room, something that slowed time so it was just her, just her and I in that moment. For me I listened closely with yes that curiosity but for her she hadn't seemed to notice. If I had known her in a past life she didn't recognise me, not at all. For whatever reason something inside me told me to pay attention to her. Perhaps it was her presence, the way she spoke to me but I knew there was something very different about her. She a certina aura and as she spoke to me I remembered thinking you need to remember this moment, this initial meeting. So you can look back on it when you're together. Absurd, how often do you meet a complete stranger and have thoughts like that? How often to you meet someone who gives you a feeling that's very indescribable. Considering it all happened within a few seconds I pushed it aside and forgot about it. That was until she and I became friends, close friends and it seemed like the more time we spent together the closer that friendship grew. I knew soon that I wanted her, that I had feelings for her that were definitely strong. Did she feel it too? Did she think of me on the way I thought of her? Probably not. Why would she? We were nothing more than friends.
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drinkdrivingx-blog · 7 years
At least respect me enough to tell me you're done for good. Give me that at least.
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drinkdrivingx-blog · 7 years
You owe me 10 minutes, you owe the connection we shared. You owe the series of firsts we created.
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