dregdens · 1 year
i have decided to proceed forward with archiving/moving this blog. this should be taking place within the next day or two as i settle transferring a few things over there.
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dregdens · 1 year
i have decided to proceed forward with archiving/moving this blog. this should be taking place within the next day or two as i settle transferring a few things over there.
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dregdens · 1 year
i may… take a page from sage’s book and archive this blog within the next week or so.
as some of you may have been able to put together— i’m a little overwhelmed by the amount of drafts/memes/starters i owe and i always do pretty good moving to a new space. i might also try and limit my following as well for my own sanity. (i’ve also been seeing some weird stuff on my dash, which i’ve dealt with accordingly through my block button so this has nothing to do with current mutuals, but i don’t want to continue garnering followers with those same ideals & i think that’s part in due with… posting promos and having my blog inside certain fandom tags.)
n e wayz - if this does actually happens, i’ll be sure to communicate it accordingly and all that. this post is more so just… a heads up ig.
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dregdens · 1 year
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when the war came, i did bad things. but after the war, i thought nothing of doing bad things.
independent niko bellic of rockstar's grand theft auto 4. written by gabrielle.
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dregdens · 1 year
@wsteros said: “where'd you get the money for this?”
it never ceases to amaze walter how incapable some people are of following simple instructions; his niece being one of them. stay out of his affairs— he thought skyler handled the problem, drawing away any suspicion genesis may have had about the illicit activities happening behind their bedroom door. (once again, he had been proven wrong by his doting wife. go figure. luck can only take a person so far.) he's halfway through the front door when the question is asked, his son's brand new dodge challenger parked in the driveway for all to see. for a moment, he contemplates— lips parting as he searches for the words, the simplest explanation as his blood still boils from his argument with skyler from the morning. [i am not in danger, skyler. I AM THE DANGER.] instead, he chooses to slip past the smaller woman with a scoff, directing himself to the kitchen for a glass of water. (what will the excuse be this time? gambling addiction, the carwash, or maybe just the honest truth? lord knows it's worked on hank before.)
with his tall glass filled with water, he takes a drink— eyes finally falling on the blonde. eyes sharper than shattered glass, his choler becomes undeniably transparent. (heisenberg slipping through the fissures of walter white.)
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“drop it, genesis. now. my business transactions are none of your concern.”
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dregdens · 1 year
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i was just a kid.
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dregdens · 1 year
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they can never escape what they're made up of, including the blood on their hands.
independent multi-muse of various characters from mixed media sources, written by gabrielle. featuring characters from: fallout, star wars, cyberpunk, call of duty, and many others!
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dregdens · 1 year
he'd once been dubbed the hero with no fear. she remembers that day— the holonet ringing it in, the laughter they'd shared over a statement that had eventually built his reputation as a jedi general. the man had also once been her master, her friend, a man once admired and who she'd strived to be. now, she gazes at a stranger who had consumed her friend whole, leaving nothing behind but a pit of bones. when her lightsaber had sliced through his visor, she was greeted with a glimpse of what remained behind the mask. everything he'd tried to burrow inside, everything he'd tried to keep concealed; a stygian reminder of how consumption worked and renders her virtually useless. it scared her. he scared her. the cold pull in the force as they stand apart, a reckoning of sorts, ahsoka was faced with the only fact that remained: anakin skywalker was dead. the man darth vader had killed him, leaving nothing behind but his corpse to roam in.
she watches as the blade is inched towards her, her feet begging to step backward. ahsoka doesn't move, rather igniting her own lightsaber through trembling fingers, arching into a position of defense. staring at the monster who had destroyed her old master, her mind attempts to find the word she seeks— she is no jedi, and perhaps she will die like anakin had— facing down a path he never should have sauntered toward. but she won't go down with a fight. “anakin may be gone. he might even be dead, truly dead. but he still taught me everything i know, and i won't let that go to waste. especially not on you.” a step forward is taken, the trembling subsiding— a play with fire.
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“for a man who is barely alive, you sure talk a big game.”
@dregdens said: that way you’d kill two souls. is that what you want?
cold. the abandoned rebel station was lit and painted a dark red, yet frost permeated every inch of it. bone-chilling and terrifying, vader stood architect of the ruin he was surrounded by. corpses strewn about the empty corridors, their anguish and pained laments snuffed like a candle by the sith, but one straggler remained. one single reminder of his weakness, personified, the embodiment of everything he needed to kill, the sole source of the righteous anger brewing within the deepest pits of his stomach. vader’s anger, however, was controlled. calculated in its destruction. wielded like the weapon in his hand. weaponized to its fullest extent. [ahsoka tano needed to die, because anakin skywalker needed to be put to rest.]
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cold. his respirator struggled and strained to combat the loss of oxygen she’d caused as her blade lacerated a hole into his visor, exposing the remains trapped behind it all. his breath froze as it seeped through, head held low— looking at the other through his brow. the grip on his lightsaber’s handle tightened, leather creaking against the cold metal.     “WHAT I DO IS NO LONGER OF YOUR… CONCERN, AHSOKA.”     soulless, broken, and void of life, the man she once called a friend spat words like venom.     “ANAKIN IS… GONE. AND SOON…”     the humming of his saber filled the gaps between his labored breathing, red beam raising ever so slightly towards her.     “YOU WILL DIE LIKE HIM. SCREAMING.”
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dregdens · 1 year
@wsteros said: “do you see a stranger when you look at my face?”
it's a presumptuous statement, one that catches rhaenyra off guard— her demeanor falling flat. years ago, she would have seen her best friend upon looking at alicent's face. the girl whom rhaenyra would see while daydreaming of running away, pondering in their thoughts as they ate cake. royal structure a distant memory, their lives in their own hands. (as she's grown older, rather than daydreaming, she dreams of it at night. she can't help but wonder whether alicent does, and whether it awakes her in a pile of sweat as it does with rhaenyra.) they had been young, though— perhaps too naïve for such thoughts at their age, and yet they're the memories the blonde cherishes most.
now, upon examination of alicent's face, she's not sure who she views. (her grace, her best friend, her found foe on this battlefield.) a shaky deep breath is inhaled and exhaled. [no air / no god / no life.] how many times can an olive branch be extended before it's snapped in half? “i'm not sure, your grace.” the truth descends off her tongue, bile residing on the latter half. divorced from one another, rhaenyra turns her back on the woman— a common kinship between politicians. the masquerade of an heir in standing.
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“i presume you did not come here to discuss our childhood. if you have— i suggest leaving. i have no desire to hash out old fights. i'd rather discuss something meaningful.” a lie that fits perfectly inside her mouth, her gaze fixating on the window inside alicent's chambers. the olive branch snaps.
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dregdens · 1 year
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dregdens · 1 year
I want to send you memes but whenever I have in the past, you never do them :(
hi! to be honest with you, i don't have an excuse for this and i'm not even sure how to exactly answer this. i'm slow, i have always been slow, and i will most likely always be slow. my philosophy has always been that i rather give quality replies at the expense of being fast/quantity. i'm sorry if that's a bother for you/comes off odd, but i've always been this way and i've never advertised (or tried to advertise) my blog as anything but being slow.
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dregdens · 1 year
𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙻𝙰𝚂𝚃 𝙾𝙵 𝚄𝚂 [𝙴𝙿𝙸𝚂𝙾𝙳𝙴 𝙾𝙽𝙴] 𝚂𝙴𝙽𝚃𝙴𝙽𝙲𝙴 𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚁𝚃𝙴𝚁𝚂.   feel free to change pronouns/tenses/anything to suit scenarios, etc.
and that’s your biggest worry?
the whole world becomes sick all at once.
i presume the prospect of a viral pandemic keeps you up at night as well.
well, now there is reason to evolve.
i was gonna’ make you birthday pancakes.
you know i don’t really like pancakes.
you’re still alive, you old fucker.
he’s dependent on me. not the same.
i’m not splittin’ this job.
i barely wanna split it with you.
we could work a double.
i’ll bring back a cake.
shit. hope for us yet.
can’t tell you how exciting it was listenin’ to that fuckin’ conversation.
i swear you will use this later in life.
hey, is everything okay? like, on the news?
there was just a lot of police and stuff on the road today.
people out there need to get right with jesus.
i was thinkin’ we’d make some cookies.
you wanna’ give me a hand?
you locked the door for once. good job.
that doesn’t mean anything to you, i’m sorry.
i’ll get us one tomorrow. 
you got me a present?
where’d you get the money for this?
i sell hardcore drugs.
it’s better than what i do.
i could’ve stolen 60, but i put the change back because i’m an honest thief.
besides, it’s the thought that counts.
you were never gonna do it for yourself, so.
but i’m in jail. 
wasn’t my fault this time!
look, it doesn’t fuckin’ matter.
it’s a fuckin’ madhouse, [name].
get in the truck! right now!
we’re gonna’ be brave, and we’re gonna’ get outta this.
[name], you get back inside the house!
they’re saying it’s a virus— some kind of parasite.
minute ago, newsman wouldn’t shut up.
how do you know we’re not sick?
they’re saying it’s mostly people in the city.
somebody else’ll come along.
fuck! everybody had the same fuckin’ idea.
i can’t get through this.
son of a bitch, gotta’ go around. grab somethin’!
i can’t drive through ‘em all.
there’s nowhere to fuckin’ go!
easy now. we’re not sick!
we’re gonna get you somewhere safe first. 
i gotta’ get you up.
there’s gonna be a little tickle right here. 
or i could just shoot you. 
yeah, but then what would you do?
i just know they’re real.
pills and bullets, bullets and pill.
well, the more you shoot people, the harder it is to sleep, i guess.
i need the bag back.
hey, do yourself a favor… stay off the streets for the next few nights.
fuckin’ fireflies been blowin’ shit up all week.
two of our guys got shot this morning. 
it’s easy to make a mistake in the dark. 
what do you want me to say, [name]?
it’s not like i planned on… rippin’ you off.
how about we just let it go?
what else are you gonna’ do?
you gonna’ keep me here? kill me?
i want you to forget this ever happened.
i paid you for it, you sold it to someone else, and you spent my money. 
i mean, you think i’ve never done shit like that?
my guys fucked you up.
you cut off a finger or whatever the fuck you want— i don’t care.
they’re your fuckin’ guys. 
i give you my word that he won’t hurt you.
they’re shooting. they’re shooting at us. 
one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, fuck… you. 
hey, people are gonna come looking for me!
let me out or you’re gonna pay, motherfuckers!
i’m not supposed to be here!
is there any chance it’s comin’ in at night?
it’s never taken him more than a day to respond.
you’re a capable guy, but there are worse things than infected out there.
i got jumped by a couple guys. 
you know these guys were born after the outbreak. never learned how to argue, they just start swingin’. 
it’s a miracle you’re alive. 
it’s a miracle any of us are alive. 
nothing’s lost. shit like this is gonna’ happen. 
now we just shake it off, and we go get our cards back, or the battery. 
okay, fuck it, we get our money back and the battery. 
but i would very much like for you to hurt him. 
let’s go hunt that motherfucker down. 
my answer is to follow fuckin’ orders.
why do you have some random girl locked in a room?
we are in a war against a military dictatorship to restore democracy and freedom.
are we winning?
you tell me to look for the light and i’ll break your jaw.
how about we start with thank you?
i am the one who told ‘em not to shoot you, if you recall.
you that anxious to be a soldier?
you think i chose that place?
they put me there when i was a baby. it’s for orphans. 
you my fucking mom or something?
do i look like your mom?
why won’t you let me go home?
you have a greater purpose than any of us could’ve ever imagined.
what i’m going to tell you cannot be repeated to anyone. because if you do, i assure you, you will die. 
take it he wasn’t down here last time?
you think he came down after he was infected?
it’s like they reframed the whole structure. 
what the fuck? someone put a piano in front of this?
war must be goin’ pretty shitty for you to be buying from scumbags like him. 
he obviously didn’t take fuck off for an answer. 
i need it for a better reason than you do. 
you’re the cause of it. you turned my own brother against me. 
we won’t make it anywhere like this. not for a while anyway. 
oh, you don’t have time?
i know what you’re capable of— for better or worse. 
my team will not jeopardize that. 
remember what i told you?
the radio’s a smuggling code, right?
i’ve never been on the other side of the wall.
so, what’s the deal with you anyway?
you some kinda bigwig’s daughter or somethin’?
holy shit, i’m actually outside.
you stay close and you follow my lead. 
okay, let’s talk this out. 
yep. we’re doin’ this by the book.
you would’ve killed me!
i should fucking kill you!
it doesn’t matter! you have to trust me!
they’re gonna catch us if we don’t run!
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dregdens · 1 year
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DARTH REVAN in Malak: An Old Republic Story   Teaser Trailer | by Unreal Cinema
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dregdens · 1 year
maybe eccentric was putting it lightly, but after all— lukas was her best friend. how else could she describe him? (batshit crazy depending on the day of the week, helps me dissolve bodies in acid time-to-time, we also shared a rat once for lunch in a kabuki alleyway. not the ideal way of introducing a relative to someone, clarke surmises.) but if there was one thing she was beginning to recognize with lukas and his family, including long-lost family relatives, it was that they were all slightly nuts, so perhaps matters weren't as bad as she believed. (although she'd never admit it, the outlandishness made her feel right at home.)
“same brand of crazy as everyone else might be an understatement. you'll understand once you meet him. he's one of those guys you have to meet, to actually understand what type of person he is.” it's easier to word it like that, allowing a benign smile to spread across fatigued features.
the mention of money perks clarke's ears even further, though. money was already tight, but if anyone would have any money in this city prison, it had to be her. she was the aurora ridgewell, after all. (or once was. after introducing herself as rory, the blonde questions whether aurora, night city's famous actress from the '20s, stands inside her clinic or whether a complete stranger does. only time will time.) nodding her head, clarke waves a hand to calm the other woman's nerves. “don't worry, your secret is safe with me.”
moving inside her clinic, she saunters behind her desk and retrieves her keys, motioning for the woman to follow her. “i'll take you over there. it's a bit of a walk, but... i'm poor, so no car for us. i'll spare the sob story. i'm curious, though— where'd you get my number? you said you were looking for him but found me instead? it's happened before, but it's usually patients.”
" eccentric, huh? " there's a second of apprehension. she'd gone to so much effort to not be recognized, and now here she was, trying to reach out to some random distant relative that may not be of any benefit to her at all? what could possibly go wrong? " honestly, all my relatives were eccentric. i'm sure he's the same brand of crazy as everyone else. "
maybe it's genetic.
she combed a hand through her hair and peered at the various pieces of medical equipment scattered throughout the room. she'd originally been looking for a new ripperdoc. to say her wetware was archaic would be an understatement— but she needed to find someone she could trust. sure, maybe this lukas guy wasn't like... closely related to her. but with all of her immediate family stuck in an icy grave, pickings were sort of slim at the moment. it was just too bad that his number somehow redirected to this clarke person's number instead. perhaps one of his many eccentricities, she'd suppose.
" look, i am willing to pay a large sum of money to make sure this whole exchange stays between us. if that's okay. i'm sure you can understand that my situation is a bit... complicated. "
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dregdens · 1 year
“so, let me get this right— you’re one of lukas’ relatives, have been in a cryogenic freeze for over fifty years, and you want to meet him?”    repeating the words leaves her as dumbfounded as she was moments ago, when the ghost of night city's cinema past walked into her clinic.   (how could she not recognize her? lukas had made sure to mention it a billion times, and another billion times for safekeepings.) to say her interest was piqued was the biggest understatement of the year.   (but curiosity killed the cat far more often than not.)   with a raise of her eyebrows and a few nods of her head, clarke runs the scenario over her head— showing up to lukas’ clinic, him most likely playing on his ar headset, inevitably leading to himself shitting his pants when he sees the relative he proudly brandishes to every stranger he encounters on the streets.  how could she refuse such an offer?    
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“you know, i have so many questions, but i’m in.  he’s going to...  i don’t even know what he’ll do.  lukas is a little, eccentric, to put it nicely.”
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dregdens · 1 year
the biggest ooc thing for lamar in the contract dlc is him burning the weed, i just know that mfer would be stealing those plants and raising them as his own 😪
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dregdens · 1 year
he was a strange man, by all definitions of strange.  falling from the sky and landing in their prison yard— and yet, he hadn’t hesitated since day one in helping themnor protecting them when the time came.  [if god existed, like her daddy had spoke about for all those years, then this was his gift from above.]  she had been trepid of the man at first glance, but then again, who wasn’t?  daryl still kept his guard up, picking fights here and there with the male.  she understood his stance, regardless of whether she agreed or not.  (with every passing day, she was growing to accept anakin more and more.)  by now— she trusted him with their lives.  just as she hoped the thought was mutual.  he was one of them now, whether some in the group liked it or not.  he had proven himself.
“we appreciate it, truly.  don’t know what we would’ve done back there if you hadn’t been here.  the governor is...”    she trails off, lips pressing themselves together as her shoulders shrug.  what wasn’t that man?  maggie could describe him in two words: pure evil.  to this day, she remembers her encounter with him at woodbury— it sends chills down her spine, enough to make her stiffen her posture as they look at the fence line.    
“we gotta’ clear out these walkers by tomorrow.  if they decide to come back and attack again, we gotta’ be ready to fight back.”    woodbury had caught them by surprise today, but they wouldn’t make the same mistake again.  they couldn’t afford it. 
// featuring. maggie greene. ( @dregdens )
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it was a strange feeling. he knew he was the hero of many back home, after all he wasn't called the hero with no fear for nothing, but he was also aware that many were scared of him. didn't trust him. even those who were supposed to be like his new found family always kept things from him, refused to understand him. obi-wan being the first of many. and while he wasn't sure he understood what happened, what lead him to this strange planet ... if at first he was looking to fix his ship to go back home, it was no longer the case. why would he when these people he stumbled upon clearly needed him? and in a way, it seemed like he needed them just as much. if not more.
a little chuckle escaped him following her words ; she could never understand just how happy he was about hearing that. rare were the times that he would hear such things directed at him. " you are good people, so i definitely want to keep you safe. " he told her, plus not that he would tell her straight out but he did take a liking to them. even daryl, even if he seemed the most suspicious of him. with reasons.
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