dreelonkusayang · 2 years
Tutur cemerlang, hati yang tulus, tak bisa ku lewatkan. Sungguh ku cinta dia, ku sayang dia.
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dreelonkusayang · 3 years
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Hello baby, welcome to my first post! Let me start this one by saying… Happy birthday!! Well, this one might be written before the day of your birthday but I wanna tell you that this one definitely goes to you, love.
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dreelonkusayang · 3 years
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I hope, I truly hope, that the world will always treat you right. Even if everything seems cruel, and that even if you feel like nobody’s by your side, I hope you will always smile as bright as you were in this picture. I want you to know that I’ll always be by your side, to support you when you’re down, to pull you up, to be your leaning shoulder, to be your comforting home. Never be discouraged as you are the best person, you’re worth it, and you are worth of your own happiness. You’re doing okay, you’re amazing. It’s okay to be not okay. Please tell me if there are anything that bothers you. If there are anyone who hurt you, tell me. And I’ll be your number one supporter.
I love you yesterday, today, tomorrow, and for a long time after this.
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dreelonkusayang · 3 years
My current favorite song that describes us a lot. About me, about you, us.
You came into my life unexpectedly. You saw my imperfections. And you saw who I am. Through all my insecurities. You stood by me,  so I love you for the peace that you bring to my soul.
It’s true that you came in my life so suddenly. I really didn’t expect it at all... Padahal aku cuma iseng reply menfess kamu yang ngajak 72h loh, tapi malah keterusan. And I don’t regret it. After that, you’re always with me and brought the best of me.
You told me how to feel so beautiful. To forgive all my faults, to accept all my flaws. 
And for that, thank you.
You're my person in my home. You are real you're my earth. You're a million dollar things that you don't even know. You're my sun you're my rain. You're the twinkle in my eye. Oh I wish I found you sooner, so that I, I can love you longer.
I love you, happy 4th monthversarry!
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dreelonkusayang · 3 years
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A letter to Dreelon Maverick. An angel who was born on a beautiful day, November 7th 1997.
It’s actually hard to put into words, about the things that have been running in my mind lately. Although there are many things that I wanna say, but it seems so hard to type them and let it out. Especially when those words are for someone who actually mean a lot to me, for someone who I adore a lot. Kakak, you are my favorite human being that ever existed on earth, and for that, today is one of the greatest day of your life. Even if you said that you don’t care and that you’ll accept anything, let me write this letter to you okay?
Today is the day where the universe collided and created the most amazing person ever. One of your important day, and in fact, it’s one of my favorite day of the year. Even more, I favor it more than January 16 (maybe, but that didn’t really matter anyway). Because if you weren’t born on that day, then we won’t be here, today, right now. Our story would’ve been so fucking different.
Baby, I love you for so many reasons. I love the way you think, the way you laugh at my jokes, the way you pay attention to me, the way you speak, the way you love and every bit of you..... I just love you in many ways. To me, you are genuine, loving, sweet, hilarious. Because you tried your best to work your relationship with me. You always brought the best side of you when you’re with me. Because you tell me that I’m beautiful everyday, and even if I looked like I hate it, I love it always. Even if I’m in my ugliest state, and even if I looked like a different person with my friends, you always told me that I’m pretty. Because you care about me, about us. And the bond that we have, I love it to bits. 
Baby, I love you more than how much I love my dramas, more than my sappy AUs that I read everyday, more than my love for Kim Mingyu (just a bit tho), and even so much more than my love for McDonald’s McSpicy. It’s just that much. You always encourage me beyond belief, you believe in me, and so do I that I believe in you. And when I don’t feel like myself, you always put me to a standing position, to hug me, and to tell me that I’ll always be the best, at least to you. Right?
You always see the best of me, and I am too, always seeing the best of you. Thank you for catching me when I fall, for hugging me when I crumble, for holding my hand, and telling me that I’ll be alright. Thank you for being my boyfriend, my partner in crime, my love. Thank you for being the love of my life. 
You’re one of the best thing that ever happened to me baby. And I’m so fucking blessed to have you. I love the journey that we are on, and I’m looking forward to more adventures with you.  And I’m so lucky to be with you to celebrate your special day.
Kakak, happy birthday sayang. Happy happiest birthday to you baby. I love you so fucking much words can’t explain. I’m so glad you were born to this cruel world. Please always be the most loving person you’re ought to be.
Always and forever,
dede. ❤
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