dreamsdontcomeforfree ¡ 2 years
mamaroo-x¡: ¡
Kaya couldn’t remember the last time she had gotten out of the house and actually had a good time. The movie was a classic, one of her favorites and the fact that she got to share it with Christopher? It was perfect, popcorn and all. However she was a tad bit nervous to see him again. Though she had a wonderful night she assumed they were just hanging out as friends. They had been best friends for so so many years, she didn’t want to ruin their closeness with a slight infatuation with him. Even admitting having a small crush on him was hard enough.
Kaya was wiping the flour from her apron when Christopher had walked in with beautiful bright yellow flowers. Oh gosh, this was going to be harder than she thought. Feeling her cheeks warm up as he approached she flashed a rather warm smile. “Oh Christopher these are just magnificent. You didn’t have to do that for me, though I do adore them.” She sighed happily with a beaming smile. “Thank you.” She replied genuinely, taking the bouquet from him gently. “I have the perfect place for these!”
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That smile --- he’d do anything to make her smile. It was worth bringing the flowers. He’d buy the whole damn flower store if that was what it took to make her happy. Over the years Christopher had seen how often Kaya put herself and her own happiness on the backburner. If not for her son, her friends, her customers. She’d do anything for anyone, but who did that for her? He just wanted to be a good friend. That was... all...
“Well, of course I didn’t have to, but I wanted to,” he chuckled, glad that she seemed to like them. Though he doubted she would tell him if she didn’t. She was too kind for that. “Good, I thought they were pretty. Joyful, too. I knew they’d be going to a good home with you. I couldn’t just let them sit in the store wasting away.”
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dreamsdontcomeforfree ¡ 2 years
Hopefully she wouldn’t get the wrong idea. It was a romantic gesture, wasn’t it? Showing up with a bouquet of flowers for a lady. Especially after going to watch a movie together. Not that Christopher was against that in the least, but the last thing he wanted to do was make Kaya uncomfortable. He hadn’t bought them for that reason. He would never want to overstep boundaries and ruin the friendship they had. He’d bought them because they made him smile when he’d seen them, cheerful and yellow, and he’d immediately stepped inside to purchase the marigolds, only overthinking it on the way to see her. But it was alright, no going back now. Any excuse to stop by the café. “Hello, hello,” he greeted the woman as he walked up to the counter, waiting until she didn’t seem busy helping another customer. Pulling the neatly wrapped bouquet out from behind his back, he held them out with a smile. “I saw these and I thought of you. I was hoping they would brighten your day as you always do mine.”
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dreamsdontcomeforfree ¡ 2 years
“Hello, hello,” he greeted the girl with a warm smile. “Oh, I actually made it myself. Have to put the Keurig to use every now and then.” Christopher rarely drank coffee, he had more than enough energy... if he slept. But lately, sleeping hadn’t been so easy. He spent all night fighting bedtime, and woke up early each and every morning. A terrible cycle. Every now and then his body longed for the caffeine. 
“But,” he added after a second, “I do know a place where you can get an amazing cup of coffee and the best cookies in town to go along with it.”
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There was just something so dramatically rewarding about throwing open your curtains in the morning and taking in the sun - well, morning was a bit generous. But it was just as rewarding to do it at noon as eight in the morning. The birds were still singing… somewhat… and the morning breeze was… kinda there. 
Perhaps it wasn’t as nice but the extra hours of sleep were priceless.
She gave a happy sigh, sinking her chin down into her hand and watching as the mid-day shoppers walked down the main street ahead of her. A little family. A couple holding hands. A man pushing his stroller. Someone with a delicious looking iced coffee...
She pushed up straight, calling out, “Excuse me, hi, hello!” She waved. “Where did you get your coffee from?”
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dreamsdontcomeforfree ¡ 2 years
“You’re spot on so you better watch out.” She teased with a rather large grin. Though hurting someone was never on Kaya’s agenda. She’d quickly throw herself into danger before hurting someone else. “Your absolutely welcome! I wouldn’t mind if you stopped by for breakfast more often.” She offered with a smile, bringing her coffee to her lips as he began to dig in.
Her heart ached with her little Roo out of the house but at the same time it was so full. She was so proud of everything Reuben had accomplished. He was far braver than she ever was and he taught her how to love fully and unconditionally. Kaya bit the side of her cheek speaking of an empty home. She knew he understood, that was enough for her. To feel comforted. “That’s why you’ll have to amuse me with visits like this. Keep me young and such.” His compliment made her heart leap bounds against her chest. Trying not to feel like a flushed teenager. “I just might you know, if you’re lucky of course.”
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“I’ll be on my best behavior,” Christopher promised, his eyes twinkling. She made him feel young again, too. Not that he ever really felt old. Sometimes it was hard to believe he was almost fifty. He was still interested in exploring, adventures, still had quite the imagination, and he seemed to have more energy than most guys his age. But she made him feel like... a college student, like he was in a completely different world with her, one that was brand new. Even if he’d known her years now. “Well, I’ll remember that. And I will pay you for all this hard work.”
He couldn’t wipe the smile from his face. He hoped he could bring her half the joy she brought him. Seeing Kaya would always make his day better. “Well, if you’d like to visit outside of work...” He paused for a moment. “I’ve heard they’re doing a few movies in the park this month. If you’re free one Saturday, I know I could use a break.”
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dreamsdontcomeforfree ¡ 2 years
Doug acted calm, but his heart was racing in his chest. He was surprised when his lie seemed to work - at least, it got him out of immediate hot water. He took another glance in the room, trying to be nonchalant about it as he tried to spy what he was looking for. “It’s… It’s okay. Don’t worry about it,” he said, not feeling the best about lying to this man. He was so nice. But it was less nice that he didn’t seem like he was moving or planning on leaving so Doug could look for what he needed. Maybe he could work this to his advantage. If not, he would have to sneak back in the same day. If Robin found out from Christopher that he’d been there - it’d be all over. “- Do you see a big feather, kind of exotic looking, anywhere in here? She wanted to give it to me.” Another lie. It still didn’t feel good. It felt easier, though.
The young werewolf smiled, pleased that he’d hit the nail on the head and guessed correctly. “I’ve got the best nose in my pack,” he said to affirm Christopher’s statement, unable to help wanting to brag a little. He He starred at the cookie, his cavernous stomach speaking to him. “S-sure, if you’re offering,” he began, reaching to take the cookie from him. It was hard to deny free food. Especially when it came to cookies. “Do you run this place?”
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“Hm, a feather?” Christopher gave the question some thought. He didn’t remember seeing a feather at all, but he’d hardly seen Robin since she stopped by. It was either because she had important things to do, or because he spent most of his time holed away in his office. “I can’t say I have,” he admitted, trying to see through Doug’s reaction. “But I’m sure she’ll be back soon; you’re more than welcome to stay and wait for her. Here, or the lounge area. I think some of the others are having a movie night.”
Pack. A werewolf, then. Most likely. He could be something else. Christopher’s knowledge of all the creatures that lived in Prentiss Town wasn’t complete, but he did know of some that came and went. Whatever Doug was didn’t matter to him. He wasn’t even bothered by him technically breaking and entering. “I do. I’d say I built it, but I wasn’t the one out there with a hard hat on, nailing these boards together.” He had to give credit where credit was due. The people that made the Imaginary Friends’ Home did a wonderful job with it, it was everything he’d hoped for. More, even. “I did come up with the rough draft, though.”
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dreamsdontcomeforfree ¡ 2 years
“I’m gonna hold you to that.” she laughed, already indexing in her brain that very good recipe that was already forming in her mind. Conversations like this were so good for her, so healthy. In the moment, she’d often wonder why she didn’t work a little harder to seek them out. Christopher’s response, whether wittingly or not, reminded her of why.
An all too familiar pang reverberated through her chest at the mention of family, especially when he inquired about Hiro. “Oh gosh, umm, he’s great the last I spoke with him! He’s always off with that crew of his and since I haven’t had a call from the precinct, I’m going to assume he’s okay. He knows Aunt Cass’s arms and door are always open.” she explained, silently fretting over whether or not she was doing enough.
The question about Kaya caused her to laugh out loud, a genuine belly-laugh like she hadn’t had in a while. “Probably be embarrassed and a bit cross thar we are holding her on such a pedestal, I’d imagine. She’d smile and laugh, scrunching her nose up a little because she doesn’t have the heart to tell us off, especially because she knows it comes from a place of love.” Cass reasoned, making a solid mental note to shoot Kaya a text the moment she got home.
“How have things been with you though here at the home for imaginary friends? Are things going well? Are you doing well, Christopher?”
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“I hope you do,” Christopher chuckled softly. “I suppose he’s at that age where he’s never really home, huh? At least his friends seem to have good heads on their shoulders, from those I’ve met. They seem like good kids.” Not that they were kids anymore, any of them. But Christopher considered anyone under thirty to be a kid these days. Sometimes it took his breath to stop and look around him, realize how much everyone had grown, how much he had grown. He spent most of his time with never aging imaginary friends, it was hard to keep track of time that way.
He laughed and nodded. “You’re right. She’s too humble to accept all this bragging. She’d insist we’re only flattering her.” It was another thing he appreciated about Kaya, though it was sad as well; she didn’t see how lovely she truly was.
“Things are going well, I’m well,” he assured her with a smile. “Always trying to think of things to do to keep the residents happy and fulfilled.” The last thing he wanted was Pooh, Teger, Benji, any of those that relied on him to grow bored. They were all welcome to move out if they found a more suitable home for themselves, he wasn’t keeping them there against their will, only trying to make their lives easier. But sometimes they seemed restless, and he wasn’t sure what to do to make the living situation excitable when Robin wasn’t dropping by. “I’m not as creative as I used to be, and certainly not as energetic.”
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dreamsdontcomeforfree ¡ 2 years
She brightened at his words but it was quick to fade. “I wish my parents thought of it like that…” It was said beneath her breath though still loud enough for him to hear. Riley hadn’t felt like she’d been able to open up to anyone about this, she wasn’t sure what was different about him. “You were?” She exhaled. “I bet not as bad though… I’m a weirdo.” The girl’s eyes stayed to the ground as she spoke of herself. Perhaps this loneliness was her own doing after all the trouble she’d caused. “It’s probably better if I’m alone.” That way I can’t hurt anyone.
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“I think it’s hard for some people to understand.” Christopher’s parents hadn’t been around much when he was younger, they hadn’t belittled him over playing with plush toys but he knew they didn’t see the worlds he created in his mind. They just saw a little boy talking to a stuffed bear. “Why do you say that?” There was nothing wrong with keeping to oneself if they weren’t a people person. But Christopher didn’t get the feeling that Riley was anti-social, especially after her weirdo remark. “Do you prefer being alone?”
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dreamsdontcomeforfree ¡ 2 years
I’ve been roaming around, always looking down, And all I see, painted faces fill the places I can’t reach. You know that I could use somebody, You know that I could use somebody, Someone like you and all you know and how you speak.
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dreamsdontcomeforfree ¡ 2 years
“Ooh, don’t you tempt me Christopher. You’re going to commit the worst crime imaginable right here in this office: making me hungry.” Cass laughed, her mind already thinking about how she’d pull off a peach cobbler. “You know, a peach bubble tea might not be so bad, though…I’ll need to poll the kids and see if they’d be interested. This definitely seems to be the season for it.” His mention of Alaska piqued her interest, and she crossed her arms with a sigh. “Alaska…Does Alaska have a signature food? Like, I know Ohio has Buckeyes and Georgia has peaches, even Florida’s got oranges. I’d be curious to see what would be considered Alaskan delicacies.” she mused aloud, her nose scrunching a bit in thought. If nothing else, such a factoid would be excellent for trivia.
“Ahh, sweet Reuben. Remind me, where is he at again? I’m such a poor friend, I haven’t kept up with that entire family…” she trailed off a bit at Christopher’s remark about Kaya, unable to contain the smirk that crossed her lips. “Yeah, she’s really got the whole package, doesn’t she? She’s strikingly beautiful, both inside and out, is an amazing cook and has her own business. If the world was full of Kayas, we’d all want for nothing.”
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“Well, I know you of all people could do something about it,” Christopher laughed. He had to admit, a peach cobbler sounded like Heaven now. It had been awhile since he’d had any peach desserts. “Not bad at all. I will march down to the café the moment that bubble tea goes on the menu,” he promised. He hadn’t tried bubble tea before, that he could remember, but coming from a trustworthy source he’d be happy to. Especially now that he’d gotten himself craving peaches. He made a clicking sound with his tongue as he thought her question over. “I am not sure on that, but I know what I’ll be researching when I can’t sleep tonight.”
“You are not a poor friend,” Christopher was quick to reply. “You have your own things to keep up with. Your store, your family.” His expression softened as he thought about Tadashi. A loss that crossed his mind from time to time, a loss she had to live with every day. “How is Hiro doing?” It was terrible, tragedy could not have struck a nicer family. “He’s moved out, I know she’s missing him, but she’s proud of him too. You’re right about that --- I believe the question we should all be asking ourselves on the daily is What Would Kaya Do?”
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dreamsdontcomeforfree ¡ 2 years
“Yeah, it tends to do that a lot. I don’t know why we can’t just get along.” She frowned at the thought, unsure why the wind was always out to take her pictures away with it. “You think?” Her nose scrunched up as she spoke. She almost didn’t believe it but he didn’t seem like he’d be dishonest. After all she was a stranger. “It’s just how I know how to be myself is by drawing. My imagination is a little… out there. Not everyone understands it.” 
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“I would call it a gift.” Christopher nodded in understanding. While he was never very good at art, he would spend most of his free time playing in the backyard with his made up friends or conversing with his plush toys. He’d never been ashamed of his imagination, though it did make his life harder in many ways. “Well, there’s nothing wrong with that. Not if you ask me. I was the same way when I was your age.” He paused. “But it could feel rather lonely.”
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dreamsdontcomeforfree ¡ 2 years
Doug stiffened, his breath catching in his throat as he turned and looked at the man he’d met two weeks ago. He’d been kind to him, and kind of comforting in a moment of frustration. This had suddenly become an awkward predicament for him to be in. 
The young man whipped around to face Christopher, taking a step back instinctually. “H-hi,” Douglas stuttered, his mouth pulling into a thin-lipped smile, trying to think fast on his feet. If the man was here, he must have surely known Robin. He needed to run with that. “I was - uhm - Robin let me come by to pick something of mine up. Sorry if I startled you, sir. I’ll just be in and out.” His eyes couldn’t help but drop to the cookies in his hand.”…Are those from Kaya’s bakery? I remember the smell.”
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“Oh, no need to apologize --- I’m sorry if I startled you. She probably told me. I can be so absentminded.” Christopher’s smile didn’t falter. He liked to see the good in people, he chose to, and while he wasn’t completely buying Doug’s story, he also didn’t see him as a harmful person. Based off of the impression he was getting, the kid was polite and kind, so the conclusion Christopher had drawn was that he’d caught him mid-prank.
“They are, you have a good nose.” He was impressed. He loved Kaya’s sweets, but he didn’t think he was able to tell the smell of the cookies she baked apart from other bakeries’. Christopher had a hunch Doug was not human. “Would you like one? These are for Robin, but I have a few left in the kitchen as long as that silly old Pooh hasn’t gotten to them. You’re welcome to what’s left.”
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dreamsdontcomeforfree ¡ 2 years
Kaya could only smile brightly in return at his compliment, a little lost for words to respond. Sure, her bakery brought in business but to hear a dear friend compliment her cooking meant the world to her. Especially from Christopher. “That’s because you haven’t seen the mama bear side come out of me yet. I could maybe last a couple hours, at most.” She replied, another giggle spilling from her lips.
“Don’t worry Roo’s made me sworn off the dish for eternity.” Kaya teased, plating the finished eggs delicately on a plate. “Eggs are done!” She hummed, before setting the plate in front of him with some silverware. Then proceeded to pour herself a cup of coffee of her own and filled the empty seat next to Christopher. She’d count this as her break but if another customer walked in she’d be on her feet once more. “It’s been okay, y’know Reubens grown now. Already has his own place and everything. Which as a mother I’m happy to see him thrive, I just miss him sometimes. But he’s doing great! Honestly I get more socialization when I’m here working. The house can get lonely sometimes…”
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“I’m sure you’re a force to be reckoned with, but only if someone deserves it.” Christopher had no doubts Kaya could hold her own, and he wouldn’t want to be on her bad side. She had spunk. But he could never imagine her going off on someone that didn’t do something terrible. In any case, he’d back her up. “Oh, these look wonderful, thank you,” he beamed, picking up the fork immediately. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d had a home cooked meal.
Nodding as he took a bite, he felt he could understand it in a way. Winnie was not his son, there was a time he’d been ‘older’ than Christopher, but at his age, he’d come to the realization that he was most likely the closest thing he’d ever have. He was trying to branch out and live his own life now, and let Pooh live his, but it left an ache in his chest. “That’s why I stay at the home, usually. It’s nice having people around. Going home to an empty house...” Christopher shook his head, catching himself. That was a depressing conversation, and he wasn’t trying to bum either of them out. “This is delicious, Kaya, you’ll have to show me your secrets one day.”
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dreamsdontcomeforfree ¡ 2 years
“Georgia? Like the state or the country? Either way, I’d be delighted to hear all about it.” Cass replied, pulling up a chair. “I’ve always wanted to visit the East like that, but I’ve heard the humidity is terrible. I’m not sure my hair could stand it.” She couldn’t help but laugh, though a tinge of sadness was in her eyes. She’d always wanted to travel and see the world, but it seemed life had other plans for her.
“Mmm, well while I’m sure you could live without mine, I don’t think either of us could exist without Kaya, her sweets or her sweet personality. She’s one of those genuine people, ya know? She’s just so good inside and out and it reflects in her cooking. I need to catch up with her. Is she doing well? I’m sure you’ve seen her sooner than I have. This is my first trip beyond my block in…god, probably weeks!”
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“The state. I bet you could make a mean peach cobbler with some Georgia peaches.” He laughed. “It is, it is. The humidity is worse than here, I’d say. I suppose I don’t mind it.” Come rain or shine or snow, hot or cold, Christopher could be content, nothing bothered him much. “You could always go somewhere cooler. Alaska, maybe. I’ve never been there, but I bet it’s beautiful.”
He started shaking his head immediately. “Don’t sell yourself short! I’d be lost without you both.” His smile met his eyes as she talked about Kaya, Cass knew what she was talking about. “She seems to be, I just stopped by the other day. I think she’s missing Reuben, keeping herself busy in the shop. She really is a lovely person, isn’t she?”
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dreamsdontcomeforfree ¡ 2 years
Christopher always appreciated when Robin dropped by. She livened up the house, it never failed to brighten the residents’ day, and for himself... while he adored the imaginary, it was nice having another human around, one that was so passionate about keeping those like his good friend Pooh safe. As far as he was concerned, his doors were always open to her, and anyone that needed a place to crash --- though he wasn’t as quick to trust most humans, knowing that hunters were still lurking, possibly even in this safe haven of a town.
Though Robin was out for the moment, he didn’t want to leave her out when he’d brought everyone cookies from Kaya’s bakery, and they wouldn’t last much longer on the kitchen counter. They had to be out of eyesight. He took it upon himself to head inside her room and leave a couple on the desk for her to find when she returned. He figured everyone could appreciate a fresh, sweet snack, even if they weren’t warm any longer, and if anyone deserved the nice gesture, it was Robin.
Opening the door, expecting the room to be empty, Christopher had taken three steps inside before he realized that wasn’t the case. The boy was silent enough to not draw attention to himself, but not quite small enough to go unnoticed for too long.
“Oh, hello.” He paused momentarily, confusion clear on his expression. He recognized Doug from their brief conversation, the talk of bad service and cell phones. But seeing him in his own home --- well, not his home, but the home he’d built for others, and the one he stayed at more often than not --- was... strange. Perhaps he was a friend Robin had invited and forgot to let him know. He offered him a warm, but still confused, smile, frozen in spot with two wrapped cookies in hand. “I certainly didn’t expect you to be here.”
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Surely, Douglas knew better.
This was obviously a crime, he knew that. But as he climbed up the side of the building, jumping to a ledge from a nearby tree, he was smart enough to recognize that if the police showed up, there was a reason for it. He wasn’t thrilled by having to break and enter, but he’d procrastinated on this long enough. He needed to come up with something, and wandering around the woods and beaches weren’t helping him get anywhere with finding a lead. He was chasing the wind when he knew he where he could find something that would immediately lead him where he needed to go.
Doug had Robin’s scent after being in contact with her. He found where she had been staying. Still, his friends made him procrastinate taking action - and when Alphonse showed up, he knew he’d made a mistake. This beach vacation of his wasn’t going to last forever. He had to produce results. 
The home for imaginary friends was dark, and quiet. A few people were there, but they were minding their own business. Easy enough for him to skirt around or pretend like he was there with purpose. But what came unexpectedly was when he spot Christopher, the kind, older gentleman who had spoken to him a couple of weeks ago that this became a little harder. He dodged out of the way of his trajectory twice, before he finally got back on track and found the room where Robin’s scent was strongest.
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Douglas was quiet while he looked through her things, searching for where she might have put the feather. He spent a few minutes being careful, putting things back in their place, adjusting items to be arranged the way they’d been left before, and carefully closing anything he opened. Finally, at the corner of his eye, he spotted something distinctly feathery –
Then, the door opened up behind him.
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dreamsdontcomeforfree ¡ 2 years
She smiled back, already appreciative that he cared enough about her work to not step on it. Another person might not have been so kind. “Oh, you’re fine, it’s my fault anyway for not putting something heavy on them so they didn’t blow away. I tend to do that…” Her voice trailed off as she thought back to the many times she’d made a mess of her sketches as they flew around her room when the window was open. “You… You really think so?” Initially she was shocked by the comment but couldn’t help but feel it warm her heart a bit. “I’m trying to get better too! I was self taught for most of my life, only recently have I actually been learning actual color theory and stuff. Soooo, I’m glad it’s paying off!”
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“It sounds like it’s the wind’s fault for being pesky,” he smiled. He would forget things like that too, easily distracted, every bit of his energy often going into whatever he was focusing on instead. A one track mind... that was also all over the place. “I do.” Christopher was a nice person, but he wouldn’t say something that wasn’t true. He was honest to a fault, even if it was sugar coated honesty. “That’s even more wonderful! A natural talent is a good thing to have. All people can learn the same, but you can’t teach someone talent.”
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dreamsdontcomeforfree ¡ 2 years
“I’m just smitten you enjoy the food, that’s enough for me.” She chimed in with an airy laugh of her own. Kaya knew Christopher could go anywhere in Prentiss for a bite to eat. So it warmed her heart that he chose her little bakery. Plus she adored his company, when he was around she felt a little less lonely in the world.
Cracking two eggs open over a pan she flashed a warm smile towards Christopher. “Of course! I can’t let you leave here on an empty stomach. That would be a crime!” Kaya giggled, grabbing everything else she may have needed for his plate. She didn’t want to go overboard but she had a habit of doing so, especially for the ones she loved. “It was busy earlier, but things are starting to slow down again. So it’s no trouble.” She reassured, multi-tasking watching over his eggs and pouring him a hot cup of coffee. “Jambalaya I’ve been told, Roo was not a fan.”
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“Anyone with taste buds would,” he smiled, inviting himself to take a seat while she cooked. He appreciated the gesture and even more, he appreciated having an excuse to have a longer conversation with her. His smile growing at the sound of her laughter, he shook his head. “Oh, no, don’t worry, I’d bail you out. I think you’re far too sweet to be behind bars.”
Letting out a laugh of his own at her answer, he shook his head. “I’ve been warned. If you ever offer me Jambalaya, I will run for the hills.” As if. He would take the meal, and he would eat every bite, no matter how awful it may be. He didn’t think he’d have the heart to tell her he didn’t like something she made. Luckily, he’d never had to worry about it. “How’ve you been outside of work? How is Roo? I feel like I haven’t seen him in ages.” 
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dreamsdontcomeforfree ¡ 2 years
He was not paying attention. If it hadn’t been for the girl popping up in front of him, Christopher was seconds away from stepping on the piece of paper, his attention focused on a red bird twittering away on a nearby tree. He liked to wonder what it was saying in its’ bird language, his distractions always getting the better of him.
“Oh no, I’d hate to have left a footprint on this! My apologies.” Smiling at Riley, he scooped the paper up to hold it out to her, though he couldn’t help but take a quick peek at it first. “You are quite talented.”
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Riley adjusted her position on her blanket in the grass and she continued to stare up at the clouds. They twisted and morphed into shapes inside her head. Something so simple always ended up all jumbled up until it turned into something new. That was until the wind began to pick up, taking her sketches that she had been making of the things she created in the sky. “Ah, freakin’ fiddlesticks…” She groaned and quickly got to her feet to chase around the pages. 
One blowing straight into the feet of someone, to which she stopped in front of them quickly, turning bright. “Oh, I’m sorry… Do you mind…” Riley spoke softly and nodded down toward her rouge paper. 
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