dreamingisforanyone · 7 years
It's a hospital--you know..a place where nurses take care of your child so they can stay alive/get better/go home. Isn't that what you should be focusing on?
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dreamingisforanyone · 7 years
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dreamingisforanyone · 8 years
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Starving Stray Dog Is Rescued and Taken to Pet-Friendly Restaurants All Over LA
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dreamingisforanyone · 8 years
he knows me so well. this made me giggle so much.
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my life
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dreamingisforanyone · 8 years
things I find incredibly romantic
picnics holding hands slow dancing in my bedroom falling asleep next to each other taking me to work and back home dress up dinner dates cheek/forehead kisses
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dreamingisforanyone · 8 years
why i worry people
me: *gets in car & notices rearview camera system*
hey! did you install this new thing into your car?
n: umm.....this isn't my car. i've been driving my parents' car for the past couple of weeks.
me: ...errr is this my first time in the car since you've switched?
n: umm..no. you've already been in this car a few times.
me: i'm really embarrassed right now. can you say something that will make me feel better?
n: uhh both cars are silver? did you not notice the entire interior is black?
me: mmm what was it before?
n: grey.
me: ...........
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dreamingisforanyone · 8 years
a typical day in peds nursing:a very long post
530:beep beep beep! slowly drag my ass awake and put on the same color scrubs I do every morning.
610:leave house to get to hospital shuttle.
630-640: stand outside in 30 degree weather waiting for shuttle.
650-700: get assignments. look at unit sheet. oh great ten discharges on my side. oh great I’m cocharge (charge nurse on my side of the unit, makes assignments, helps with procedures, helps with all codes)
0701: student comes up introduces herself and asks if she can get printout labs/medications/diagnosis of all your patients. **stress headache starts**
0701-0740: alarms beeping. call light dinging. saying hi to night shift nurses. TRYING to get report from all patients. doctors walking around halls asking who had what patient & can someone help them with a dressing change & can someone draw stat labs for them & hey their IV is beeping & hey can someone sign consent & can someone show me where scripts print? more students walk up and ask who’s who so they can be with their assigned nurse. transport comes up asking for the nurse to send patient off to surgery/MRI/CT/X-ray .
0740-0800: TRY to read up on patient orders while getting interrupted by parents coming up to desk asking if patient can get milk, if patient can get pain meds, if patient can discharge now “because the doctor just left the room and said we can go home after breakfast”, if we can find doctor again because we just remembered a question. ALSO try to get every nurses phone number, update assignment board. *BEEP BEEP BEEP* phone vibrates with new assignments . ER/PICU on divert. PACU wants to send two patients to floor.
0800-1000: see patients for first time. give all morning meds. send more patients to surgery. explain to parents AGAIN that yes the doctor said you could leave but STILL HAS NOT put in orders yet so we are still waiting on that before you can go home. tell parents that yes the doctors were here in the morning but now they are in surgery and cannot come back to answer questions. students still asking if you “have time” to print off stuff for their care plan. assignments are building up. get interrupted on average about 6-7 times from phone calls asking why rooms are still dirty when patients are waiting in pacu, ER. & who is getting what patient? and why is this patients discharge still on hold? another nurse asks for help with an IV. try to help start IV, in mid stick phone rings, ignore phone call, patient kicking and screaming and crying. alarms ringing, parents hovering. phone keeps ringing . finally get IV.pick up phone call. Doctor wants to let you know they decided to change the plan of care entirely and now instead of surgery the kid will receive a 10 hour infusion that requires hourly vitals and they need labs sent NOW.
1000-1100: run to get labs, pharmacy calls and asks about medication ordered , tell parents new plan of care, parents ask why the doctors changed orders and I essentially make up a neutral answer to satisfy their questions because who knows why they changed everything. get interrupted on way to draw labs from parent who comes out of room asking if they can get juice, more blankets, and can Susie get some pain meds and is andrew allowed to eat now? put down all lab materials log onto computer to find answers to these patients that you have no idea about.
1100-1200: try to catch up on discharges and the new admission that’s in pain. also sit down to chart for first time. student now thinks this is good time to remind you again that you have yet to print out medications and labs for them for their care plan. realize it’s been 7 hours since I’ve been awake and I’ve not eaten/drank any water/peed. oh well, print off stuff and try to chart while getting interrupted by visitors asking where patient room is, parents calling out asking for socks, and parents coming up to desk screaming they need a nurse because patient just threw up. in the middle of this–respiratory therapy, occupational therapy, X-ray, social workers, child life, physical therapy, speech therapy, dhs, are asking you questions about patients schedule for the day & what time is a good time to do what they need to do. catch up on charting yay!
1200-1300: noon assessments. out of four patients you started off with only two are the same from this morning. *gets interrupted by more assignments paging out* & more phone calls asking why we are holding when we need to get patients sent home. go out to desk and find nurse who’s in charge of these holding patients and ask why. meanwhile assign another kid to a nurse who’s having a rough morning but is only one who can take patient . gets grumbles and glares from other nurses. apologize (because you know it sucks getting back to back admissions but what else can you do at this point?) help other nurses with meds, setting up rooms, typing up discharges so they don’t feel so overwhelmed . throughout all this still giving meds, doing hourly vitals on kid getting infusion, got kid back from surgery - setting up patient, explaining to family post op care, assuring family it’s normal for patient to either be super sleepy or extremely cranky.
1300-1600: catch up on charting, say bye to student nurse and get other student immediately after. make more assignments, get kids from ER, outside hospitals, clinics, PACU. change out linens. change diaper ,feed baby, burp baby who’s by himself (this has been going on all morning too). try to discharge patient to find out that they need a wheelchair to be sent home. page Doctor to put order in for case management to get wheelchair. Doctor calls back asking why this wasn’t done earlier and why is this issue coming up right before discharge . ignore being yelled at and call case management only to leave a message to get wheelchair ASAP. case manager calls back hour later and asks what the issue is. explain situation AGAIN. hour later case manager calls back and says they found a wheelchair company but they won’t deliver until tomorrow. go explain to parents why their discharge is delayed a day later because equipment is not available (& parents just LOOVE THIS.) page doctors to tell them patient will have to stay another day. explain to clinical coordinator that patient can’t discharge because of wheelchair. case manager calls back 30 minutes after all this is done and says they found another company that WILL deliver today and it’ll be ready in an hour. go back and tell parents , doctors , coordinator that they will leave today after all but now the family is unsure they want to leave so late cause after all they have a 2.5 hour drive home. and of course through all this–meds, hourly vitals on infusion patient, and hmmm one of my patients seems to be going septic so of course septic work up with blood cultures, antibiotics are being done.
1600-1800:catch up on charting, decide now is a good time to finally go pee for first time. also I’m gonna pass out if I don’t eat something so clock out for my allowed 30 minute lunch in which I’m interrupted by phone calls asking questions about my patients. finally get wheelchair for patient and parents finally agree to leave.
1800-1900: try to get kids settled for night shift, give meds, get linens, do narcotic count for the day, help charge nurse make assignments for night shift. and night shift walks out to get report.
1900-1930: give report and rush back and give meds to patients who’s now hurting/throwing up when 15 minutes ago you had rounded and asked if they need any pain meds and parents said no.
1930-1945: clock out and stand outside in 30 degree weather waiting for shuttle to come pick you up to take you to car.
2000:finally, my car! drive home.
2030-0000:eat/pee for second time today. debate going to the gym.shower. try to prop aching legs up on pillows while watching shows to relax after the day. get ready for bed. zzzZzzZz
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dreamingisforanyone · 8 years
It amazes me how many new nurses will leave the profession entirely within the first two years . Something needs to change.
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dreamingisforanyone · 9 years
everything I do, I do for you.
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dreamingisforanyone · 9 years
freaking snape....always trying to prevent murder games!! sheeeesh
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dreamingisforanyone · 9 years
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dreamingisforanyone · 9 years
the new side of dumbledore
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dreamingisforanyone · 9 years
I'm dying. 😂
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dreamingisforanyone · 9 years
your love is my turning page where only the sweetest words remain;
it's so easy to get caught in everything and forget to appreciate all the people in your life--the little things they do, the small gestures that show how much you mean to them. I feel like I try so hard to search for more that I forget that everything I need is right next to me. 🌋 turning page-sleeping at last.
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dreamingisforanyone · 9 years
I love this song .
I’m gonna love you, like I’m gonna lose you.
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dreamingisforanyone · 9 years
when i met you in the summer;
little struggle: what’s the time we should stop going out, partying, being crazy and when we should start saving for investments?
i don’t want ever want to feel like i’m stagnant and “boring”, stuck-in-a-routine not exploring/experiencing adventures. but i also don’t want to feel like i’m blasting through all my money when ten years from now i’m wishing i had that money for my career, family, etc. speaking of which...
3/5: vegas. came back from trip, allowed myself one day before checking my credit card and overall i would say this is about the amount that i expected to spend--which makes me wonder is that a good or bad thing..? in the end i would say this trip is what i expected--better than last year in the sense that i tried not to wait around as much and go off and do my own thing. worse than last year in other stupid ways, but eh what can you do? all i can say is i’m thankful for good friends, can’t wait for my next adventure.
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dreamingisforanyone · 9 years
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