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As requested, here is the CC for my skeletons! The clothes are actually accessories. The skeleton itself is a full body outfit and each skeleton has a correct mesh that works with the clothes: it's the outfit with matching thumbnails for each set. The hairs can be found under hats. Let me know if there's any problem :)
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Introducing some other characters. Meet Lord John Grey, the son of the governor who got kidnapped by pirates some months ago. Or how the Captain would put it, their special guest. As you can see, he is not impressed by the Captain’s hosting, not one bit. If he were to be honest with himself, he’d have to admit that he can’t get out of this hellhole soon enough. The ship is disgusting, the pirates are a bunch of illiterate brutes and that mermaid is creepy, though he should probably be grateful for the fact that she spared him of that terrible curse. Even so, he misses his luxuries, his social life at court, his father’s allowance… hell, even the simple pleasures like having scented water for his bath. After all, how is a man supposed to get by without the very basics?
If there is one thing he doesn’t miss though is his arranged engagement with a daughter of a influential family of Sulani’s high society. He only agreed to it because his father threatened to disown him and to choose his cousin as heir if his own son continued to refuse to get a respectable wife with a sizeable dowry to bear his children and carry on the family name. In that regard Lord John can’t help but feel relieved he wasn’t up for this dreaded task any longer. He is quite pleased with his new lover, Amber.
Amber is the ship’s engineer who keeps the whole place up and running. Amber is so skilled, he can take care of everything and never mocks Lord John for not knowing how to fish or how to tie a knot. Like that’s the kind of skill he would ever need in his world! What he knows about is how to choose a wine for a party, or the right fabric and cut he should ask from the tailor for an attire. He isn’t useless, he is just out of his environment, that’s all. But Amber didn’t seem to make a big deal out of it, he was always happy helping John around and never acted like he thought less of him. He makes him feel safe. Lord John can’t help but wonder what is going to happen to both of them when his father finally recues him. He surely hopes he isn’t forced to choose between his inheritance and his lover.
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This is my Island Living save, a game about a mermaid and a ghost ship where the skeletons dance at night! Meet the Captain. He is unbearably self-absorbed, a music lover and jealous, so much jealous of his beloved mermaid. Even though she stole, stranded and trashed his ship and cursed him and his entire crew to turn into skeletons every night. Now for the long intro.
After months raiding at sea, it was finally time to stop at the traders port to negotiate their cargo. The Captain was quite pleased with himself for the profit he made of all those smuggled goods, he always had a knack for bargaining and getting the best deals. Once at the trading table, he’d eat all of the merchants alive and pick his teeth with their bones. Of course the credit was all his, it had nothing to do with the fact that the villagers had no other choice due to the constant pirate raidings leading to the disruption of the trade routes.
The Captain was walking the streets, basking in his own glory, when he realized his ship was gone from the port. Vanished, along with the crew. Full of thoughts of vengeance for what he assumed was a mutiny, he spared no efforts nor coin in order to recover his precious ship. Word came to him one day that it was last saw sailing at the isolated shores of Mua Pel’am, with no soul aboard. Rumors soon spread and no one dared to approach the cursed ship, no matter the size of the reward.
Trusting no one but himself, the Captain went to recover his ship. He found it stranded on the beach of one of the islands. Inside, nothing but the bones of his old crew. At the distance, there was a faint note of music hanging in the air. As the Captain listened, the music got louder until he felt he could barely breath. He could listen it with his whole being and feel it in his bones. A melody, so otherwordly, so enticing, it was like the sea itself was calling for him. And he was going to answer their calling.
(Bonus pic of a deadly siren knitting by the bones of her latest victims :))
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The ghost ship. Thanks @shandir for the amazing CC and @simdoughnut for the ship!
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Maid dress - Maria
New mesh (EA-mesh edit)
45 swatches in Autumn Shade Palette (by @double-plumbob)
35 swathes in my palette
Female only
Adult only
For humans, vampires and aliens
[DOWNLOAD – simfileshare]
Enjoy ♥
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Sims 4 Historical Default Overrides
As usual, please let me know if any of these links/overrides stop working or if you know of anything that could be added! :)
Timeless: A world decluttering mod (overrides much of the modern stuff in the world)
DR for TS4 Mop (turns mop into an old broom) 
Wood Firelighter
Bugspray Replacer
Linen Hanging Laundry Override
Toilet Bush Recolors
Medievalish Sheet Music Override
DR Trash Assortment (Make trash bags look like burlap)
Plate & Fork override (makes them look like wood)
Medieval Silverware Replacement Set
WFS2 Coffee Maker & DR Oblivion Coffee Mug (Makes the coffee & tea mugs sims use look more old timey)
Rusticized Kitchen Project Set 1 (cutting board & related tools)
Rusticized Kitchen Project Set 2
Medievalish Cook Book Overrides
Baby and Crib (Gets RID of the bassinet and allows you to put the baby wherever you want (aka in cc cribs)
Crib Recolor (Makes bassinett shades of brown and look woven, good for any time frame)
Baby Skin Default replacements:
Prehistoric Baby Defaults
Early Civilization Baby Overrides (plain white onesies)
Medieval Baby Override 
Old Western Baby Overrides 
Little Lamb by Martine Default Skin plus build your own baby (Some more inconspicuous clothes & a cloth diaper)
DRs for Pencil and Children’s Homework (Turns pencils & book into a quill & old timey book)
1920s Grade School Homework Override (Makes homework look era appropriate)
last updated: july 6, 2020
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De-modernize Your Gameplay
DEATH TO CELL PHONES! (but only in the sims!!)
I made this list before the ecogeddon patch, so please let me know if any of these no longer work. And definitely let me know if you have anything to add! <3
@srslysims​​‘ Blank Save File (+ optional world rename tool)
@pandorasimbox​‘s Timeless: A World Decluttering Mod
World Sim Control 11 - Empty Streets (LOGIN REQUIRED to get the mod - Removes all NPC activity, including spawning food stalls from the streets, could be useful in certain situations)
Cell Phones & Computers:
Block Phone Dialog While Silenced
Leave the phone alone! (No autonomous gaming or browsing the web on their cellphones)
No More Annoying Invitations (Phone)
Phone Animation Replaced with Listening Animation 
Copy Everyday Outfit (Helps when dressing townies)
MC Command Center (MCCC) - For many things, including using the dresser feature to help quickly and easily dress your townies.
SimSpawn Overhaul - Keep your sims from wandering other worlds, reduces sim spawning in weird outfits, service sims will always be homeless, and more.
As always, please let me know if anything is broken/out of date, or if you have suggestions of things to add to this list! :) 
Default Overrides
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Ye Olde Robotics Station! from Discover University
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Here is another antique recolor for your historical sims. Perhaps they have just discovered electricity and need to tinker with it to make a few new inventions! Download from Simfileshare
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Maid dress - Maria
New mesh (EA-mesh edit)
45 swatches in Autumn Shade Palette (by @double-plumbob)
35 swathes in my palette
Female only
Adult only
For humans, vampires and aliens
[DOWNLOAD – simfileshare]
Enjoy ♥
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TVs that hide the fact they are indeed TVs
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As the title suggests, some televisions that blend in a bit better for historical games.  In the zip you’ll find the retuned base game objects with their recolours.  I’ve converted Evanesco’s TSMtoS2 skulls so you get deco versions of those as well as the TV versions.  The table is from Game of Thrones converted to S4 via hafiseazale’s S2 version.
Get them here
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[Lonelyboy] TS4 1930s Maid Uniform Set
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Included contents :
lonelyboy_ts4_1930s Maid Uniform (Outfit, 4 swatches, For female)
lonelyboy_ts4_1930s Maid Uniform (without apron) (Outfit, 4 swatches, For female)
lonelyboy_ts4_1930s Maid Cap (Hat, 1 swatches, For female)
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SimFileShare  (No adfly, ※ Do not Reupload my CCs!)
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※ If you want to Re-edit and Share to everyone, Please ask a permission~!
Plz tag my nickname(happylifesims) when you posting with my CCs! Then I’ll reblog or like your post! :)
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Prudence | Colonial Dress
This simple dress can work for a variety of time periods. Comes in 31 swatches.
[Download on Dropbox]
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Elisabeth, a modest Victorian daycap by pandorasimbox
Mesh edit from DW9, thanks to @zouyousims for the conversion!
Comes in 30 swatches
Works with @absolutelyiconic‘s Hat Slider Mod
Custom bump map, no specular
Please read my terms of use, keep this mesh free, don’t put behind any paywalls, and do not claim as your own
Got all that? Great! Download on Simfileshare
cc. @maxismatchccworld
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Maid dress - Maria
New mesh (EA-mesh edit)
45 swatches in Autumn Shade Palette (by @double-plumbob)
35 swathes in my palette
Female only
Adult only
For humans, vampires and aliens
[DOWNLOAD – simfileshare]
Enjoy ♥
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First World War VAD Nurse Uniform- 3 swatches
DOWNLOAD (sfs + no ad*fly)
Base Game Compatible
3 swatches
Colour tagged + tagged for everyday, career, hot + cold weather
Enabled for occult
Disallowed for random
Custom thumbnail
During the First World War, VAD nurses were part of the Voluntary Aid Detachment, a voluntary unit of civilians providing nursing care for military personnel that was run by the British Red Cross Society. Receiving just ten days of first-aid training, they supported the fully-qualified doctors and nurses by doing ward cleaning and patient care.
Oversleeves were worn on top of the blue chambray dress to protect the dress from soiling and the patients from infection. A series of sleeve stripes were introduced in autumn 1917 to indicate the years of experience attained by VAD nurses. Most fastenings were kept to the back or sides of the uniform, to protect patients from discomfort when close contact was required.
The uniforms were intended to emphasise purity, and to provide a beacon of hope to convalescing soldiers. VAD nurses were beloved by soldiers, and became known as the ‘Tommy’s favourite’.
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Must have Blender tool!
Created for: Blender by renderhjs
Download: http://renderhjs.net/textools/blender/
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[Lonelyboy] TS4 1930s Maid Uniform Set
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Included contents :
lonelyboy_ts4_1930s Maid Uniform (Outfit, 4 swatches, For female)
lonelyboy_ts4_1930s Maid Uniform (without apron) (Outfit, 4 swatches, For female)
lonelyboy_ts4_1930s Maid Cap (Hat, 1 swatches, For female)
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SimFileShare  (No adfly, ※ Do not Reupload my CCs!)
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※ If you want to Re-edit and Share to everyone, Please ask a permission~!
Plz tag my nickname(happylifesims) when you posting with my CCs! Then I’ll reblog or like your post! :)
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