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Thanks to the Height Comparison Website, I can finally get an actual scale for how tall everyone is! Comes in both Cohesive and Canon-Color flavored.
I actually think I might've lowballed it with Akayama, though. and maybe also Greg.
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dreamatia-stories · 2 months
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I have discovered that I hate bezier curves
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dreamatia-stories · 2 months
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Gaze upon my creation
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dreamatia-stories · 2 months
Neither of them have much of a role in the story but honestly 9-Volt and Parappa would hit it off SO WELL.
They're both autistic kids with a firefighter parent who's never around, and they both love hip-hop. Heck, Parappa could even rap battle with 18 or 13.
Pretty much the only thing separating them (aside from Sony's lifelong grudge with Nintendo) would be gaming knowledge, and I'm sure 9-Volt would be perfectly willing to bridge the gap:
Parappa: Hey, none of these games are cursed, are they? 9-Volt: Of course not! You've seen way too much creepypasta, haven't you? Parappa (remembering the Noodle Incident): ...Yeah, I think I've seen enough creepy pasta for a lifetime.
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dreamatia-stories · 3 months
Just hit me that Barbie Girl is, like most songs, actually about sex.
This is both strangely appropriate in context and also SO much worse.
Working on playlists and am VERY tempted to add Barbie Girl in a serious context to a certain character's
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dreamatia-stories · 3 months
The Peggle Academy Gang
Way, way back on Bjorn's blog, tucked in a post he made about sequel ideas, he told us about an organization known as the Peggle Academy. As the years have gone by, the only member of the Academy that has ever come up is Fnord.
Considering the Academy is pretty important to the plot of OoD (and how EA doesn't give a damn about the franchise), I would almost definitely have to design my own evil counterparts.
Bjorn gives the description that "they look just like us, only with eyepatches, goatees, and hue-shifted color palettes", but I'll be real with you, if everybody looked like that it'd be boring design-wise and hard to take seriously. (Plus Fnord breaks two of those rules anyway when he shows up again in Blast.)
My design philosophy here is basically to pick a similar species to the Original 10, give them traits that clash with their counterparts, and do something with their eyes. (The eyepatch is Fnord's thing now.)
The Control "Group"
Fnord Unicorn: Bjorn's brother. The oldest of four, Fnord was once the heir to a noble and highly respected clan of unicorns, until a tragic Thunderball accident destroyed one of his eyes and cost him everything. Using appearance-altering magic to cast away his former self, he's since dedicated his life to destroying everything the culprit holds dear.
As you can see, Fnord's stake in this is just a tad more personal in OoD. I'll be the first to admit I never actually finished Blast (and probably never will with how broken it is now), so if Fnord DOES give a backstory in that game I'd be glad to hear it.
Fnord used to have a white coat and green mane (which makes it a LOT more believable that they could be related), which was altered into an orange coat and red mane by the time of Blast. In addition, if I do get the chance to draw him, I'd probably give him electricity scars behind his eyepatch.
The Most Complete
Lilah Nightshade: The first one I designed way back when, Lilah is all about fun, the nightlife, and most of all herself. Her sole interest is in her own pleasure, and she doesn't care who or what might be hurt by it; after all, who cares about the future if you're living in the present? Lilah joined the Academy's ranks to stick it to that uppity little Sunflower who works for the Institute, who won't stop whining about "consequences" and "keeping the planet healthy".
Since she's Tula's counterpart, I wanted to go with a plant that invoked the night. I went with the Nightshade, which is purple to contrast Tula's greens and yellows, star-shaped to invoke how she thinks she's the star, and famously poisonous to mirror her toxic personality. She wears sunglasses, both as a sort-of rejection of the sun and their association with being cool.
I don't remember which specific kind of nightshade she's based on, but since she's a super old concept I probably didn't actually bother distinguishing that. There's at least one drawing in my archive of her true form.
Ivan Roseberry: A mysterious plant who lives in the basement of the Academy building, and whose vines are embedded into its foundation. Unlike the others, Ivan has no particular ill will towards the Institute, merely doing what Fnord says because he's one of the few people who will actually talk to him. He cares for a rose garden on the Academy grounds, which he is fiercely protective of.
I'll be real, Ivan came to me in a dream, so he doesn't actually have any real-life inspiration; his name (both in- and out-of-universe; nobody at the Academy knows what he is either) is mostly just from the fact that he's a berry who tends to roses. Googling "roseberry fruit" brings up several different kinds of fruit, but none of them are light pink like Ivan. He's mainly a Magic Realm-exclusive species, like unicorns and dragons; which coincidentally gives him a contrast with Renfield, who is heavily implied by PvZ to have sprouted in "our" world. His powers also contrast Renfield's, with Ivan's being associated with life rather than death.
Ivan has blue rings around his eyes, which also were just there in the dream. So far, he's the only Academy member to actually have both of his eyes visible.
Less Concrete Characters
Doc Thunder: A smug guinea pig scientist who believes only the worthy should be allowed in STEM. He has no qualms with experimenting on others in the name of advancing scientific knowledge. Believes that Jimmy's own scientific pursuits are an insult to the field.
Doc Thunder is the first character I don't actually have a design for yet, despite him being kind of important. That said, he'd probably look pretty similar to the Fake Jimmy from Peggle 2, for plot-related reasons. I picked guinea pig both for the science ties and for the fact that I thought Jimmy was one for years. (That, and it's a similar size to Jimmy's ACTUAL species, the gopher.)
The Doc will probably wear opaque goggles, "because SOMEONE has to wear PPE around here and it CLEARLY isn't that pathetic excuse for a so-called 'biologist'-"
Count Ashheart: A former member of the Order of the Flame who disagreed with its rules and attempted to form a splinter faction: rather than controlling the Flame to ensure it lasts, Ashheart believed the Flame should consume all and burn as hot and bright as possible. As such, he decided he would become one with the Flame, immolating his body to serve what he believed was his higher power. Now undead, he continues to attempt to influence the Academy's students to follow his example, to Cinderbottom's anger and Fnord's annoyed chagrin.
Ashheart technically DOES have a design: a charred dragon skeleton, who occasionally wreathes himself in blue flame. But I neither know how to extrapolate a skeleton from Cindy nor how that's supposed to work with the Humanoid Filter, so I'm kind of at a loss for how to portray the guy. As a skeleton, he pretty obviously doesn't have eyes at all.
Jack Rabbit: Okay I'll be real I basically just have a name for this guy. My idea is that he's a con artist and a thief who grew up on hard times, who doesn't see any real difference between himself and the magician and treasure hunter Warren. But obviously, Warren is held in fairly high regard and Jack isn't.
"Jack Rabbit" most likely isn't actually his real name, and he's probably actually either a hare or a jackalope. (Or a hare pretending to be a jackalope.)
I don't have much for Kat Tut, Splork, Claude, or Hu. I can imagine KT's rival being an actual Ancient Egyptian mummified cat, and I did briefly float around the idea of Claude's rival being the old friend he winds up fighting in Nights, but that's about it on that end.
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dreamatia-stories · 4 months
Re: Playlists
My Playlists will be arranged based on the events in their timeline, and will include relevant music from their source if they have any.
As an unintended side-effect, this ends up creating such vast tonal differences as Akayama's playlist having Hair Scare immediately followed by Full Disclosure from Steven Universe.
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dreamatia-stories · 4 months
Working on playlists and am VERY tempted to add Barbie Girl in a serious context to a certain character's
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dreamatia-stories · 5 months
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Why come to Dreamatia?
💛 To find shelter from a dying world.
💚 To start anew.
💙 To delay the inevitable.
💜 To prove that there's something more.
🩷 To find a way home.
❤️ To protect those you care about.
🧡 To earn your freedom.
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dreamatia-stories · 5 months
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Tula has made her way above the clouds! Her palette looks a lot better on my TV than on my tablet, but whatever.
It took an ungodly amount of time to figure out a solution for her raincoat, but I think the dolman dress works.
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If you look carefully, you'll see she actually has brown eyeshadow; both of her canon designs had it the whole time and I never noticed until recently.
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dreamatia-stories · 5 months
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I spent a long time trying to figure out what outfit parts I'd use for her, but I think I'm happy with this. Priffy is supposedly the stylish one, so her style would probably be the most fluid.
No Muse shot for this one. I could NOT get her to look right.
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dreamatia-stories · 5 months
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I'm gonna admit, Tupley is the character I have the least attachment to in his home game. He wasn't really given much to go off of besides being "the food guy", so I don't have much of an image for him.
That said, I DO have a design for the guy, and this is the closest I could get to it.
No Muse shot here. He may be generic but he isn't THIS generic.
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dreamatia-stories · 5 months
For those of you who are really attached to the Fashion Dreamer posts: I have made a sideblog for them.
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dreamatia-stories · 5 months
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Ivan Roseberry is a member of the Peggle Academy, and is very much the least evil member of the group.
He was rooted under the Academy building when Fnord bought the property, and rather than weed him out the man offered him a job.
He's technically Renfield's counterpart, but he doesn't really have much reason to hate anyone at the Institute, or really anyone who doesn't harm his precious roses. All he was told about the conflict is that Bjorn did something to ruin Fnord's life; a statement which isn't entirely false.
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Ivan's concept actually came from a dream I had a long time ago. His true form was that of a pale pink berry on a vine with dark blue circles around his eyes, which in the dream was traced over Renfield's original portrait.
Whereas Renfield is associated with death, Ivan is associated with life; specifically, roses and vines.
I'd imagine most of the Academy's Magic Powers would be more hindering to their opponent than helpful to them (barring Fnord's Superior Guide). Maybe Ivan can summon a vine that can block pegs or kill the ball's momentum?
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dreamatia-stories · 5 months
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Unlocking the Type B High Tops was not the major uncorking I hoped it would be, but it still served me well for Kulche.
No Muse shot here, cause try as I might, I could NOT make a Muse with Kulche's general vibes. It's also very important that he has an ahoge, which is basically not an option in this game.
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dreamatia-stories · 5 months
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Heeeeeere's Jimmy!
I waited for AGES to unlock the Type B Multicolor Hi-tops for this only for them to Not Fit. Great.
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I'm gonna be real this portrait was a massive rush job. I think I got the important bits though.
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dreamatia-stories · 5 months
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We have here our first character from Dreamatian Chronicles, Hunter Baretta. She's a pretty major character, being a soldier in Dreamatia's army when shit goes down.
Is it probably very impractical to fight in chunky heeled sneakers? Yes. But Chronicles operates primarily on Rule of Cool.
Her weapon of choice is the Wired Lances: extendable blades that are more like whips than their namesake. She also wields the power of ice.
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One of my first forays into character creators was Phantasy Star Online for the Dreamcast, which supplied multiple characters to Chronicles; Hunter being one of them, based on the Hunewerl character class.
In fact, Hunter, Rala, and Phos are all named after the three major classes: Hunter, Ranger, and Force.
(Rala isn't actually a Ranger, though; if I could afford the GameCube version things might've been VERY different!)
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