Problemas con su matrimonio o en el trabajo? Sus ninos tiene problemas en la escuela on en la familia? Problemas de communicacion? Baja autoestima? Depresion o anxiedad?
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Continued from part one.
Now I am all alone and have no one to depend on but myself.”
As an ADHD person myself, when my sister died, I felt as if my personal agency had gone also. I lost my best friend, my personal secretary, my good mother, the magic angel who helped me make sense of my life. The Higher Powers had ripped her away from me. Suddenly there was no one to bullet proof my slips ups. Nothing stood to pad me from the raw, hard reality of life and all my ADHD screw-ups. I spent years searching for false securities. Frantically search for my good twin who would plug up the dark corners of my life; someone who would shelter me from the shame and humility of missed appointments and unpaid bills.
The lack of being able to properly mourn the loss was assaultive to me. It created intolerable anxiety which led to a range of process addictions.
I found my way back to myself by facing the grief and loss as well as learning new skills to deal with the ADHD. By incorporating the unconditional love and sweetness of her as well as learning new skills to deal with the ADHD, I began to come to terms with my vulnerabilities and carve out a new respect with folks with learning and social disabilities. Coming to terms with my sometimes turned up-side down world that I was running from was a labor of love.To my knowledge, made a bit more complex by the challenges of my disabilities. Contact more.
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Dr. Kramer specializes in counseling and therapist services for couples, families and individuals in Berkeley, Oakland and other East Bay areas. Call 510.841.8242
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Those suffering from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder can seek professional support with Dr. Kramer to work through this anxiety disease; call 510.841.8242.
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Aging brings many changes in health, family roles, end of life concerns, job activities, challenges to find meaning and purpose...Contact Dr. Kramer for berkeley,CA
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ADHD/ ADD children and adults can be affected by social and learning challenges that many of us know only too well: hypersensitivity, emotional intensity, impulsive reactions to stimuli, lack of executive functioning skills,distraction and focus issues, procrastination.
Because it may be the propensity of the ADHD/ADD person to rely on one’s loved ones to provide stability, mentorship, emotional and executive skill support as well the understandable attachment and love that exists between them, the loss can be devastating. That ineffable connection is forever lost when a major figure dies.
For example, in my practice I have been witness to hearing, upon the loss of a key figure in a patient’s life,remarks such as “when my mother died last year, I became destabilized and desperate. The person I most depended on for reminding me about my routine life appointments is gone. Now I am all alone and have no one to depend on but myself.
See part 2 for continuation.
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The challenging mother daughter relationship in the mother later years
The mother daughter relationship is universally complicated and intriguing. As well as being the fountain of nourishment and strength, it can also be the source of frustration and disappointment throughout the lifetime of both parties.
As a woman ages and becomes more vulnerable, it is natural that her dependency needs will be greater. In her later years, she may turn to her daughter/s to provide family structure and support. However, unresolved prior issues between them may taint or contaminate the very connection they both yearn for.This article will present a case study that illustrate this theme. Interwoven in the study will be psychological interpretation that may help the reader to understand the case
Ellen, a twenty two year old school teacher, married Charlie, her school sweetheart ,when she found herself pregnant in the summer of 1963. However, despite good intentions on their part, the marriage failed. Young and naive, Ellen began dating a military man who convinced her to follow him to his job in the Middle East. Prior to leaving, a custody contract was set up wherein the child would live in each country for six months. The plan broke down when Charlie, not only broke his promise to send Charlotte, but secretly took Charlotte to another town in Florida to live. Ellen did not see Charlotte for two years.
During the hiatus of time that Ellen did not see her daughter, certain psychological and personality changes took place in Charlotte. Charlotte desperately missed her mother. In lieu of a maternal presence, she formed a deep attachment with Charlie. Charlie became what is known in certain schools of psychoanalysis as the “good breast”. To explain the “good breast” concept, the “good breast” is the literal and figural icon of the good mother figure who feeds, is affectionate, warm, sweet and kind to the infant. In turn, the infant takes the psychological and physical nourishment into him/herself and feels loved and, secure by the unconditional loving other. In other words, the child, psychologically swallows the good mother image inside of him/her. This swallowed good mother internal photograph is the nucleus for positive self esteem (the child/infant feels loved by the secure and constant maternal object), and later healthy relationships with others, and self. It is not only the good mother feeding which is interjected or swallowed but also her visual presence, her smell, her voice her taste and her body holding the child. it is the goodness infants/children take into their lives. Read More.
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Counseling can help you think through the best ways to plan for, or recover from the often traumatic events of divorce and relationship loss. Learn more.
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Work through the pain of grief and loss with therapy and counseling from psychologist, therapist & counselor, Dr. Gabi Kramer. Call 510.841.8242.
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The Link Between ADHD, ADD and Celiac’s Disease
Celiac’s Disease is an allergy to  glutens, such as wheat grains, and to a lesser extent, rye, corn and oats. There is some evidence that sensitivity to gluten, which is the heart of Celiac’s Disease, may be at the root of ADHD/ADD.
According to an article on the internet by Dr. Mercola, a nutritionist dealing with the relationship between diet and mental conditions, eating wheat grains can aggravate pro-inflammatory parts of the intestines which affect how the brain functions. Improperly digested wheat proteins and stomach bacteria, can cause systemic inflammation and brain dysregulation.
Keys to Treating ADHD/ADD Disorders With Dietary Changes
1. Eliminate most grains and sugars. Grains and sugars can cause allergies in sensitive individuals. Give your child a break from eating wheat, corn, oats, barley and see if there is a behavioral difference.
2. Take away all soft drinks, fruit juices and pasturized milk. Get your child to drink pure, clean water.
3. Avoid all processed food especially those containing artificial colors, flavors and preservatives. Gluten is also present in soy sauce, soups, candies, luncheon meats, as well as in bread, pastries, cookies, pizza dough.
Gluten products are becoming more available in the grocery stores. Make sure the label read “gluten free” for the product to contain less than 20 parts per milllion grains of gluten.
Dr. Mercola also recommends patience and time with the dietary treaatment. He states that the cure may take up to 12 months to see any behavioral changes.
As a clinician working with many ADD/ADHD students, over 35% of the children and adult patients in my practice have reported  improved memory  and study habits  within the first 6 months when they went to gluten and sugar free diets.
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The Dr. Gabriela Castello-Kramer provides family therapy services to families in the Berkeley, Oakland, and surrounding areas.
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The Autism Spectrum including Asperger’s Disorders
The Autism Spectrum including Asperger’s Disorders
The autism spectrum describes a range of conditions classified as pervasive development disorders in the diagnostic manual of mental disorders. Both autism and asperger’s disorder include social and communication difficulties,stereotyped and repetitive behaviors and interests, and in some cases, cognitive delays .Individuals are considered “in the autism spectrum” based on the severity of their symptoms.
Autism, in itself, is characterized by delays or abnormal functioning before the age of three in one of the above areas plus communication difficulties including lack of speech, avoidance of social interaction with people, and something called echolalia which is repeating words over and over.
Asperger’s syndrome can be differentiated from autism by lack of delaying in early speech development. People with asperger’s disorder do not have significant cognitive delays. However, an individual with asperger’s can have inappropriate affect or social behavior problems. They have a hard time making social connections with others.
As of this time, there are no definitive factors for the cause of these disorders. Genetic factors may play role. Prenatal complications, such as age of parents, maternal diabetes, use of prescription drugs may be factors. Nothing is conclusive.
How to Help a Child with Autism. Some Successful Techniques I Have Used.
Get the child to talk to you, using colorful picture cards, magazine illustrations and short
Referral to nutritionist for a possible change of diet, including less gluten-free products.
Incorporate sensory integration activities such as exposing the child to different textures and
smells gradually. Children with autism can be oversensitive to light, smells and touch.
Teach the child social skills, such as how to handle meeting new people, how to read
nonverbal cues in people, how to enter a conversation, how to manage eye contact.
Give child lots of support, encouragement and strokes.
Engage in an activity called “floor time” wherein the parent gets literally on the floor and
engages the child in a fun game with at least one other child.
Encourage parents to get their child into school or play groups early.
Refer parents to the web site TACA which may be a helpful resource
Contact more http://www.drcastellokramer.com
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Berkeley therapist  Dr. Gabriela Castello-Kramer can help you learn skills for coping with and ... Counseling and Somatic Therapy can help relieve Depression and Anxiety.
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PTSD.The Incredible Story of Janet S.
While in Mexico, looking for a summer home, I met the acquaintance of an older American expatriate named Jane S. The following is her life story and her struggle to overcome the tragedies of her life.She wanted a safe person to whom she could tell her story and not feel ashamed or demeaned. Janet long suffered from depression, and later PTSD.
Janet confided in me tht she was isolated and lonely in her life and that she had no friends with whom she could trust. She was very attached to and dependent on her brother who brought her to Mexico as get-away retreat from her mental problems.
Previously, she had been living in Portland, Oregon where she spent most of her time watching TV  and ordering in Chinese food. She told me that once her brother brought her to Mexico, he left her there and went on to do other things.She felt abandoned and isolated. The few friends she once had were no longer in her life as they found her too needy and demanding.
Janet felt that she was “damaged goods” and could not progess in moving on with her life. She wanted to have someone to talk to, someone who could listen to her. I decided to take on the task  as I was curious about her life and somehow, felt I could heal my own troubled past by listening.
Janet was born in  a well-to-do family. However she was often rejected and demeaned by her mother for having learning disorders and severe depression. Her mother compared her to her older brother who was a high achiever in school. He was smart and had many friends. Janet told me that her mother was a cold, narcissistic , judgemental person with no affection or warmth for her. Her mother often put her down by calling her a useless, worthless person because of her mental and learning difficulties.Contact More http://www.drcastellokramer.com
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