"I see" Ben made a quick mental note of that "Well hopefully it won't come to that" 
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"So is that all you needed to talk to be about?" He asked, a little uneasy with Gabriel's attitude.
Open Office || Sylar + Benjamin || V6 w5 Monday Morning
"Well I think your little ability should protect you, but he does have a bit of a temper." he replied with a smirk. "With military experience. Sure hope you can defend yourself."
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Over the years, Ben taught himself several different languages to suit his foreign patients and as of now, he can speak French, German, Russian and Mandarin, though his Mandarin is pretty rusty.
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"I understand" Ben nodded. People who had intentionally blown something up he could work with. But a man who had supposedly accidentally exploded, well Benjamin didn’t really know where to even begin to help "Anything I should know about him prior to meeting?"
Open Office || Sylar + Benjamin || V6 w5 Monday Morning
For some reason the volatile comment irritated him even though Sylar knew it was true. “Yes. And he needs you help more than anyone on this campus.”  he seethed, narrowing his eyes ever so slightly. “He’s the one who went…’BOOM’.”
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[I accidentally saved this as a draft, I swear I was meant to post this a few days ago]
OOC-  Me and Lucy are going to a wedding up in Ireland so neither of us will have a computer for a couple days Should be back by sunday, so sorry for the delay on the replies :)
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"Alright then, I'll see if I can arrange an appointment" Benjamin nodded, smiling and leaning back in his chair as Gabriel began to speak again "Lucas Fallerman, yes, he's the volatile thirty-something student, right?"
Open Office || Sylar + Benjamin || V6 w5 Monday Morning
"I just generally want you to make sure that she’s okay. However, there is another, whom I’m very concerned about.” he replied, his tone darkening a bit. “Lucas Fallerman. I assume you know who he is, yes?”
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"Mercy Jones.." Benjamin repeated, scratching his face as he tried to put the name to a face "Ah, yes, I believe I've seen her file" "Is there something specific, or just generally making sure that she'd okay?"
Open Office || Sylar + Benjamin || V6 w5 Monday Morning
"Well I haven’t seen her in about a week, which concerns me, but I heard that she was back on campus. Mercy Jones. She’s an empath and her ability gets a bit…haywire, for lack of a better word, when her emotions are…questionable."
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"Well the door is always open" He nodded, gesturing with his hands vaguley "Oh yes?" He perked up a bit at Gabriel's final words, tilting his head before continuing "And who might that be?" 
Open Office || Sylar + Benjamin || V6 w5 Monday Morning
He walked over to the seat and sat, smirking a bit. “Oh nothing in particular. I just thought I’d come by and see you. We haven’t had a man of your…profession, around here. I actually have someone whom I’d like you to see.” he replied.
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"How very astute of you" Benjamin mumbled back, wondering what exactly it was that he'd done that had made this man dislike his so much. It couldn't just be the whole psychiatrist thing, he'd have to be more professional than that surely. Perhaps, the thought occured to him, Robert had an ability and didn't like it when it wasn't there. Oh well, nothing he could do about that.
"I wouldn't expect you to" He smiled, turning to face the man fully and raising his head "Well, Robert, honestly this hasn't been a fantastic conversation, but I hope that that can change in the coming months. If there's ever a student that you think may benefit from my help, as baseless as you think it is, do let me know" He nodded, shaking the man's hand before looking back at the empty car "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a daughter to find."
Explanations || Robert & Benjamin || V6 W4 Sunday Morning
He narrowed his eyes slightly, listening to what Dr. Benjamin Robinson had to say. Sarcasm. He was now being sarcastic. “You’re being sarcastic.” He muttered, more to himself than anyone really. Mentally Robert almost rolled his eyes. Supposedly a person in his sort of profession was supposed to deal in facts. What was the point of that if he were so sensitive to them? Of course, none of this would probably have happened if Dr. Robinson hadn’t possessed that negating ability. So, he was at fault in both accounts. 
Robert shrugged, deciding not to pursue the matter farther. After all, he had no idea whether the man was the violent type to blow your head off for insulting him or plot your demise, and probably wouldn’t until he had looked him up on the database. It was all very irritating. Especially an ability of this sort. “I’m sorry if you feel that I offended you.” Robert said, deciding for a more peaceful option. “However I won’t be apologizing for my opinion.” He nodded. 
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"Ah, Professor Gray, I was hoping to talk to you soon" Ben smiled, curious as to name that the man had almost given instead, he might see if he could find out more about that "Please, take a seat, what can I do for you?"
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Open Office || Sylar + Benjamin || V6 w5 Monday Morning
"Oh, right." he muttered, holding out his hand. "Sy—Gabriel." he introduced, still eyeing the doctor curiously, a slight irritated twinkle in his eye. It was rather obvious what this man’s power was…unless of course the Haitian finally showed up, though he hadn’t heard any news on the matter.
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"Sorry, dear, I didn't mention" Benjamin started, smiling politely, not entirely sure how someone with an ability would take it, lord knows it irritated Ellie enough. Not that he knew if Abigail actually had an ability or not, he'd just sort of assumed that she did because she was working here. However, it was possible that she didn't. Who would want to work around Specials when you have no way to defend yourself was beyond him, but still, it could be true.
 "But I negate abilities and don't really know how to switch it off, so, unless he has some smoke bombs up his sleeve-" He shook his head "He won't be disappearing" That would probably just anger the man more than make him want to stay and chat, but it wasn't like he was going to have much of a choice, was he?
Advice Given // Abigail and Benjamin // V6 W4 Sunday Evening
She looked confused for a moment. If Claude wanted to disappear around someone he sure as hell did it, there was no stopping him. “Um…” She started, shifting in her seat, “I’m sorry, but how are you going to do that?” 
Abigail just didn’t think he understood what kind of person Claude was, “Words won’t do it. If he decides to go…he,” She gestured vaguely, “He disappears like a puff of smoke. It’s very irritating.” 
She knew that well enough. It was maddening truth be told. The moment you got onto a touchy subject or upset him in any way he’d step into his own world and leave you shouting angrily. Granted, he’d gotten better at not doing it in recent years, but there were still things that he did do it for. At least she had the satisfaction that he did it the least to her, but for someone new like Benjamin… Well trust was simply earned with Claude, he didn’t give it easily. 
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Ben watched the new man with one eyebrow raised the whole time he looked around his office. Pausing for a second, the doctor tilted his head slightly and smiled "Can I help you?"
Open Office || Sylar + Benjamin || V6 w5 Monday Morning
Sylar walked in, a small little smirk on his face as he assessed the office before turning to the doctor with every intent of figuring the man out using his abilities. After a moment however, he furrowed his eyebrows, slight confusion on his face.
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"No, no, you're right. Saying that I've wasted my career in a pointless science could no way be possibly construed as insulting, what was I thinking" Ben smiled sarcastically, lightly hitting himself on the head like he'd been an idiot.  Where did this Robert get off saying things like that?
"Of course I encourage honesty, however, I never asked for you to be honest, or in fact, for your opinion. If I'd explicitly said "So Mr Wardley, what exactly do you think of what I do?" I'd be more than willing to accept what you said with the honesty and good nature that it was meant." He shook his head and put his hands in his pocket. He didn't particularly want to create any enemies on his first day, but he wanted to make sure that Robert understood how he worked
"But I didn't, and therefore, no, I don't particularly appreciate that but I'll certainly take it on board." Well, it had been an interesting conversation, though not one he'd particularly like to take up again with this man. Not to say he wouldn't help out if he called for it, he might think it was pointless, but hopefully his pride wouldn't get in the way of him getting help. 
Explanations || Robert & Benjamin || V6 W4 Sunday Morning
"I wasn’t insulting you." Robert answered, his face completely serious. "I was merely being honest. If I were insulting you I’d likely bring your mother into the conversation. Which clearly," He gave a knowing smile, "I haven’t." While Robert did respect the man for trying and that he clearly thought he was doing, Robert felt that he should be honest. Or more precisely, he was letting the man know what he thought, regardless of what the man might think. 
In all honesty he didn’t really care about that. He’d lived a life where you simply stopped caring about what other people thought. All he’d done, all he’d seen, all he’d experienced. It didn’t matter, not really. All that mattered was what he did and the ripples that were caused by that. It was a laugh.
"Or would you prefer me to hide my true opinion and lie to you?" Robert asked, "My opinion might offend you but at least you know where I stand, that I am not hiding behind manners or smiles. Honesty is the best policy, or so they say. And," He added, "I am fairly certain you encourage that." Most of them did anyway. Robert liked being honest when the moment afforded him to. Being in the school and keeping secrets would wear down on anyone. Being brutally honest was a way of coping with it. 
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"Well" Ben simply smirked. It wasn't as if he hadn't heard that before, almost all of the patients he'd seen didn't like psychiatry, they didn't like someone in their head, which is more than likely the reason that Robert didn't like him. "You'll just have to suck it up and deal with it, won't you?" He responded rhetorically. 
 Patients he expected this from, but a stranger that he didn't know and had no intention of treating? It was just rude. "Whether you think I've wasted my career or not is of no concern to me. Maybe I can't save someone from being killed in a car crash, but I can stop a  teenager killing themselves, or a psychopath from killing someone else, different perspectives really." He shrugged, he couldn't really care less about this man's opinion
"Now, you might not see those two as equal, I personally do and I know a lot of people who benefit from this sort of thing, so I'd ask you not to insult me quite so bluntly." If they were going to be working in the same school whatever amount of time, it would be better if they could at least be civil with each other, after all, this man was a was supposed to be in security, yet half the building was destroyed, and Benjamin hadn't brought that up.
Explanations || Robert & Benjamin || V6 W4 Sunday Morning
Robert nodded, appearing interested enough. He didn’t like Psychologists. They liked to poke around in your mind, imagining things to be wrong that weren’t. Robert himself poked around in their minds and learned enough as it was anyway, more probably then they could claim for him. They were annoying at best. He wasn’t even the useful sort of doctor. At least he could depend on Mohinder to save a life that he wanted saved. This one, well all he’d do was sit in his chair and ask questions for a useless science. 
One thing was for certain, if this one wanted to poke around in his mind. Robert was going to be very hard to convince. There would have to be a reason for him to, something where he wouldn’t be wasting his time. 
"I hate Psychiatry." He stated bluntly, letting the man know his view on the matter immediately. "I feel it’s a meaningless science and that you’ve probably wasted your career." He wrinkled his forehead as he spoke, wondering why he couldn’t have more of those proper doctors in the school. They were always useful. Oh well, Robinson could cause delays. That was always useful.  
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shaysloanloudmouth replied to your post:Open Office || OPEN || V6 w5 Monday Morning
Well that answers my question about the writing challenge X)
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Open Office || Sylar + Benjamin || V6 w5 Monday Morning
"Yes, come in" He called, responding to the knock at his office door
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Mr. Roth
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