dorkhime · 10 years
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dorkhime · 10 years
Your body is made of the same elements that lionesses are built from. Three quarters of you is the same kind of water that beats rocks to rubble, wears stones away. Your DNA translates into the same twenty amino acids that wolf genes code for. When you look in the mirror and feel weak, remember, the air you breathe in fuels forest fires capable of destroying everything they touch. On the days you feel ugly, remember: diamonds are only carbon. You are so much more.
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dorkhime · 10 years
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My therapist asked me to create something “motivating” so I made these.
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dorkhime · 10 years
mosaics are made from broken pieces but they’re still works of art and so are you
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dorkhime · 10 years
If you’ve ever doubted yourself, walk deep into any forest. Notice how the trees still stand even though they are given no recognition. Walk along any stream. The water still flows, though no one stops to praise it. Watch the stars late at night; they shine without acknowledgment. Humans are just the same. We are made out of the same elements as these beautiful wonders. Always remember your beauty and self worth. 
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dorkhime · 10 years
one bad test grade does not mean a failed class.
an unhealthy meal does not make you unhealthy.
one unkind remark does not make you a bad person.
one cut, one binge, one purge, one fix does not mean being clean is hopeless.
one mistake does not make you a failure.
one million mistakes do not make you a failure.
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dorkhime · 10 years
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Yes, you.
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dorkhime · 10 years
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dorkhime · 10 years
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introducing: tumblr users being smooth as fuck
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dorkhime · 10 years
When nobody else celebrates you, learn to celebrate yourself. When nobody else compliments you, then compliment yourself. It’s not up to other people to keep you encouraged. It’s up to you. Encouragement should come from the inside.
Joel Osteen (via wisdomisn-tfree)
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dorkhime · 10 years
loving yourself is so important though like
take a hundred selfies when you think you look cute and look back on them and tell yourself how cute you are
make a stupid joke to yourself and laugh about how funny and clever you are
look in the mirror and acknowledge all of your great qualities that make you who you are
why would you ever want to hate yourself when you’re the only thing that’s truly consistent in your life
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dorkhime · 10 years
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dorkhime · 10 years
whenever you’re in a situation where you need motivation just whisper “give ‘em the old razzle dazzle” to yourself and proceed to give ‘em the old razzle dazzle.
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dorkhime · 10 years
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i’ve been feeling rly sluggish and a little down, so just to motivate myself and remind myself 
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dorkhime · 10 years
1.There will be days when you don’t wake up feeling beautiful. Go back to sleep on these days. Set an alarm. Wake up over and over again until the sun kisses you so hard, you glow. 2. Learn to stop tattooing sad songs across your wrist. Your pulse will start sounding like a final breath, and that’s not the kind of music you want to make, baby. 3. There is an orchestra in your footsteps. There is a piano in your spine. There is poetry in your heartbeat. Your eyelashes cast shadows like stage lighting. You will wear musical notes across your chest that warn the others that this is no small production. 4. When they don’t want to love you, don’t stop singing. You can’t be everyone’s favorite song, no matter how beautiful you are. 5. Your heart isn’t clumsy just because it keeps walking into things. Sometimes, it takes a while to learn how to walk. 6. Even the stars feel dull sometimes. They’re still stars. They’re still a miracle. 7. You are still miracle. You are still miracle. 8. It’s okay if you don’t know what you’re doing. It’s okay. The trees have been alive for hundreds of years, and some days they still shake, too. 9. You are made of untranslated languages. Words no one has been brave enough to try to speak. That doesn’t make them any less holy. 10. The words inside of you can wrap around your heart like a cast. But only if you want to heal. 11. It’s time that you start wanting to heal. It’s the only way you can. It’s the only way you can.
Y.Z, Getting better (via rustyvoices)
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dorkhime · 10 years
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dorkhime · 10 years
who told me that i dont have laughter in my bones and sunlight in my hair? who lied and said that the stars outshine me? who taught me that the garden in my head was a graveyard? how dare they tell me that i am anything short of a miracle.
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