What a unique idea!!!!!!!
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Someone’s past ready for their face-up. I know decoden seems obvious but she’s so cute w/o a face, face.
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I love this so much! Very nice work :3
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My second face up ever. Sculpt is Fairyland Realfee Mari. It needs some serious work but will do for now.
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Saving these amazing hooves from the milliput monster. These came with the pukipuki i just bought. Hours later and i have two pretty, clean hooves. Luckily the leg bits that go with these werent modded at all. Win for the day 😊
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^^^^^^^^ this so muchhhh. I went to a doll meet recently and there were dolls of every shape and size and company and color. I showed off my Resinsoul Ming just as much as my Fairyland Lucywen. Buy the sculpts you want to buy and do it comfortably. If you want to save for a more expensive doll, do it! If you want to buy and spoil a cheaper doll, doooo it! ❤ as long as you loveyour doll that is the only thing that matters.
There is so much toxicity in the tumblr portion of the BJD hobby, and i want to send a reminder to those out there that might need to hear it:
You can have whatever legit doll you want, whether its from Fairyland or Mirodoll. You can have whatever size doll you want, from the biggest giants to the smallest critters. You can make your clothes/do the faceups/make the wigs or you can buy them. You do not have to have a high end, certain sized doll in order to be taken seriously in the community. 
Pair your Resinsoul with an Iplehouse, give that Soom a fabulous sock dress, try doing your first faceup on that Migidoll head, hybrid that Ringdoll with Mirodoll. Its YOUR hobby, just as much as it is everyone elses, and nobody has any right to police you or put rules in place that don’t exist.
As long as you buy legit, then you are welcome here, no matter what kind of BJD you have.
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Aw man, this was a tricky one both to airbrush AND photograph. @roterwolkenvogel got herself a Resinsoul Sui body with custom red transparent claws. The color was a lightish, gummy bear rosy red and I underestimated how tricky airbrushing that would be!
I first sprayed some Mr. Crystal Color Ruby Red on top of the parts for some red shimmer, afterwards I sprayed yellow onto the scales. The claws look like they were completely covered, but I actually just added some red here and there for some depth. But since the parts are transparent paint applied on one side is visible on the other side too, and if I airbrush both sides they add each other visually. On top of the yellow scales I added some iridiscent gold. The whole thing was first sealed flat, than glossy, to get back some of the transparent look. I added extra varnish and gloss on the nails. They look a lot cooler in real, but my camera had a lot of trouble with all that red :’D The hands are just a dark red to red gradient with some iridiscent gold on the tips.
The body is for Vogel’s Cumberbatch head, who is super tiny but also really cool. Added a pic of him at the bottom because I actually wanted to show the hands in action…oh well. Head wasn’t painted by me! Resinsoul Sui parts, owned by Roterwolkenvogel Customization, photos and editing by me
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Really excited about this little guy! I picked him up from the Chitowndollz swap&sell meet today. He was in need of a bath and some tlc so once we got home i got to work! This was a 2 hour bathe and scrub job but the results speak for themselves i think. This pukipuki is going to be Pearl's younger brother, Cupcake!! Hes a piggie shapeshifter. I cant believe i adopted Pearl's brother already! Definitely an impulse buy but look at this lil buddy!! Also i love all the stuff he came with.
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Working on Felicia today 💕 #bjd #balljointeddoll #lillycatkittyjolie #lillycatcerisedolls #lillycat
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Really excited about this little guy! I picked him up from the Chitowndollz swap&sell meet today. He was in need of a bath and some tlc so once we got home i got to work! This was a 2 hour bathe and scrub job but the results speak for themselves i think. This pukipuki is going to be Pearl's younger brother, Cupcake!! Hes a piggie shapeshifter. I cant believe i adopted Pearl's brother already! Definitely an impulse buy but look at this lil buddy!! Also i love all the stuff he came with.
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Some of the dolls who are coming with me to a doll meet in Chicago!!! Im so excited and i have pretty much the whole crew in my rolly bag :3
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The top (or only) thing I mind about Veylis is that Lilon is taller; horse boys ought to be taller than bunny boys
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Someone has her own personal hoooorrrrns.  See what I did?  I made something for myself and I am proud of me. 
Simar [Resinsoul, Mi]
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Random Reborning question for more experienced reborners--- Im looking to make a very "unnatural" reborn. I already have the pig parts. My plan is to make a baby version of a Zombie Pigman from the game Minecraft. I was trying to think of very permanent bright colors to get the look i need (the greens and pinks). I dont want to use too much paint because i looove the feeling of the vinyl. Could i possibly use sharpie markers to get the effect? Like, color it on thick, let it sit, and then lightly rub on it with isopropyl alcohol to pull the marker off so it wont get on my hands when i play with my pigbaby? The stains would be left behind, achieving both the color i want and a "zombified" look? Any advice is helpful
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So beautiful
My (so much razzle dazzle) Wol from armeleia/Seed Arts.
This is why we should support artists.
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Bought some fairy lights. Naeka loves them
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Velalu [Impldoll, Aurora]
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So beautiful!!!
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Can’t even find the words to say how wonderful this doll is
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I don’t ever “what-is-what” but let’s try it: Kyprian is a Fairyland A-Line Renewal Event head on their m-line boy body (faceup by me); Sage is an A-line MNF Tika (FL default faceup).  Both their eyes are Oscardoll.  Kyp’s wig is Leekeworld, Sage’s is Licht.  I made everything Sage is wearing, as well as Kyp’s shirt + shorts; his red socks are from my FL Ria fullset and the others (plus the fur capelet thing) are rRabit.  His boots are from Sage’s Tika fullset.
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