disguisedscars · 9 years
Does anyone actually have their shit together cause I feel like we’re all just faking it
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disguisedscars · 9 years
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disguisedscars · 9 years
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disguisedscars · 9 years
I am cryingggggg. They are goldd.
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disguisedscars · 9 years
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disguisedscars · 9 years
throwback to when i thought i was inlove ...haha
When I first met you I never ever thought we would ever be close. but at one point we got to be so close that we told eachother every detail of our day. We talked on the phone for hours every night. We texted 24/7. We would always talk. When we saw each other in the halls we would say hi and u would walk me to class and give me a hug every day. You would take me to ur friends and we would always hangout together. Whenever we weren���t with each other we would ALWAYS be talking. Then one day.. me and u were apart. For 3 hours. And we just lost controle. U went to other people and it hurt. So I did it back. We were both hurt. Very much. And ever since that one day, we fought. We would be on and off. Happy, miserable. It would never end. I remember, we would always try and make it work out. But it never would. All we did was argue. Then one day. We broke apart. We decided to not speak. So school ended and we didn’t speak for about 3 weeks. Then one day I was going to hangout with ben.he did NOT tell me he was with you. But walking out of my house onto the street and looking into your eyes for the first time in over a month. Was crazy. Its like, all the memories flashed through my mind and I was suddenly happy. The day went on and we didn’t speak. We would just look at each other. By the time my mom called me to go home it was around 10pm. Him and ben both walked me home. I said bye to ben and gave him a hug. Jayden was just standing there, he looked at me with those eyes, perfect blue crystal eyes. And blinked. He went in for a hug. It was the first time I hugged him in so long. It was.. perfect. Then we were talking to facebook and we just connected again. We hung out the next day, but this time, things were different. We were walking and he was trying to hold my hand. We would both look at each other and just smile. With the biggest smile. We would lay together at bell park on the grass and laugh like old times. It brought back memories. We would talk about the past and how if we could go back, we could. And change everything. That week it was like the beginning all over again. The next week we just didn’t really talk. It was kinda a mystery the week before. It was just like a shadow. Following me in my memories, but not believing that its actually there. As we started to talk more things changed. School started up again and we started to talk more. We hung out after school almost every day. On his birthday I stayed up till 12:00am and was the first person to say happy birthday to him. I posted on his wall and messaged him. That day at school I said happy birthday and he said thanks bbg<3. That day after school I went up to him and blew up balloons. I threw them at him and said happy birthday! I had a big banner that I held up. Then as he was standing there smiling I wrapped him up in streamers. All of them, blue and yellow. He was laughing and it was just perfect. That day we hung out, we invited me to his house that day with kaely to just hangout. So we walked to his house and as we were walking home he was still wrapped in the streamers. We hungout all day and it was just perfeccctt. Later that night we were laying on the grass and he was holding my hand, him and Brandon walked me and kaely to kaelys house and we were holding hands. After that the next morning at school we were hanging out like friends. We were just friends, I liked it that way. Then a couple days later we started talking. And he asked if I liked him. And I said yes, I told him why and he said “thanks bbg<3”   I asked if he liked me and he sais yes. But we both decided we weren’t gunna date cause he didn’t want that thing happening again like last time when we messed up everything. Then, one day mckenzie asked him out and he told me. He said he was thinking about it and I said do it, he said why, I told him because if he wants to. Then go for it. Then he said he was gunna, I said “bye” he said why bye and I send him this big paragraph on how much I liked him and why I was pissed off, he said “well let me tell u something bbg, people change, get used to it” it broke me. I didn’t know what to do.  It was hard. Now at school he just looks at me like im some alien. And it confuses me. He broke me once again. And I thought.. just maybe, maybe.. tings would go back to being perfect. But I guess I was 100% wrong. And they will. Never, ever. Change..
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disguisedscars · 9 years
Sorry I bitched when I had no reason to, but it hurt even though we don't talk we used to be so close and now you act like I don't exist just like everyone else at the school and it sucks walking down the hallways and feeling like you have to look down cause you don't want to see the looks on people's face when they see you and it sucks having to sit in the bathroom at lunch by myself on my phone because the one, ONE friend I do have is busy with her other friends and it sucks when I try to talk to people and make convo and just in general try to make friends and you feel like your talking to a brick wall because no one has an interest with being anything else but a classmate with me and it sucks because it hurts so bad and no matter what I can't do anything about it.
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disguisedscars · 9 years
i was crying in art class today and this girl was all “why are you crying?” and i didnt really wanna answer and we sorta know each other so i was all “why arent YOU crying?” and then she looked at me and ACTUALLY sTARTED TO CRY  I just?? wAS NOT PREPARED FOR THAT
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disguisedscars · 9 years
How it’s possible to hate living so much but be so afraid of dying at the same time?
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disguisedscars · 9 years
relationship status: slept with laundry I was too lazy to fold
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disguisedscars · 9 years
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disguisedscars · 9 years
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disguisedscars · 9 years
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disguisedscars · 9 years
When men say, “I only fuck girls with tight pussies.”
Do you know what a tight pussy is?
An un-aroused pussy.
Your sex game weak.
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disguisedscars · 9 years
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disguisedscars · 9 years
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disguisedscars · 9 years
7 Things I Wish Parents Would Stop Teaching Their Children:
That nudity is inherently sexual
That people should be judged for their personal decisions
That yelling solves problems
That they are too young to be talking about the things they’re already starting to ask questions about
That age correlates to importance
That interacting with someone of the opposite sex is inherently romantic
That the default for someone is straight and cisgender
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