dimensionvvitch · 5 days
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dimensionvvitch · 13 days
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Criteria for candidates include: (a) his mother's name is Sakura, (b) his mother is a dream seer, (c) they are vaguely Sakura and Syaoran shaped, (d) they end up in the Jam Jar
Potential Answer 1: Cardcaptor Sakura and Syaoran Li, from Cardcaptor Sakura
Hints in favour: Almost everything. Clamp drop constant hints that imply Cardcaptor Sakura, including but not limited to: the world Lava Lamp is 'from' resembles our world, his father's name is Syaoran Li, his mother's magic circle is the same one from Cardcaptor Sakura, his father's sword is identical to Cardcaptor Sakura!Li Syaoran's sword, his magic circle, Touya and Yukito (in 216, his relatives) are shown in ordinary clothing resembling our world, Lava Lamp's mother gave Yuuko the Star Wand, Lava Lamp's grandmother looks like Nadeshiko, Lava Lamp's father is descended from Clow Reed.
Counterpoints: Lava Lamp doesn't seem to recognise Touya and Yukito in the Clow Kingdom, CLAMP wouldn't need to hide their faces if we already correctly know who they are, Lava Lamp doesn't seem to know how Cardcaptor Sakura is related to Clow Reed.
Also: It's a bit dark! Even though Clamp are OVERFLOWING with hints that Lava Lamp's parents might just be the Cardcaptors, it would be a bit of a downer for the main characters for such a sweet and uplifting manga like Cardcaptor Sakura to end up here.
Theory Status: The one the narrative most strongly backs up, but still doesn't feel quite right
Potential Answer 2: Someone from Tsubasa
Hints in favour: THEY DON'T SHOW US THEIR FACES. EVER. Why leave their faces out unless we would recognise?
With this in mind, let us narrow down the potential Syaorans we have seen who could be considered JUST KIDDING THERE'S ONLY ONE: CLONE SYAORAN. He's the only one with an appearance distinctive enough to be immediately recognisable: he has heterochromia.
What if Clone Syaoran is Real Syaoran's father? Which would make Lava Lamp's mother either Clone Sakura or the new Fusion Sakura we just met.
Counter point: That's completely batshit.
Counter Counter Point: Logic in the universe is dying. Also this is CLAMP. It should be completely batshit.
Another Counterpoint: Hiding their faces could be a red herring just to torture us on purpose
Which I have no defence against that is 100% what they would do
Yet Another Counterpoint: Clone Syaoran and Clone Sakura are currently dead.
Unless? There is a gap in the timeline where they could have disappeared for a long period of time? Ie, long enough to disappear to another dimensions, have children together, raise them, and then hop in the Jam Jar for an undisclosed number of years? And then time travel to still make it back into the narrative on time?
And - sure! There are MANY holes times where Clone Syaoran disappears from the narrative entirely. Most notably, his magic growth is extreme between the end of Nihon and his reappearance in the Reservoir. Also that was arguably when his soul was restored. So he MIGHT have disappeared, done all that, and still made it back in time to die in the Reservoir.
Also, if that IS the order of events, that would explain why we can never see his face AND ALSO why he still has Fai's eye when fighting in the Reservoir. Because he hasn't died yet.
Big Counter point: Yuuko has never met Lava Lamp's parents. Also, Lava Lamp's parents don't have the power to cross dimensions.
Which, yeah. That seems to rule them out entirely. Yuuko has met Clone Syaoran.
(Unless she means technically, since she wasn't in the same dimension as Clone Syaoran when she first met him in Chapter 1/2, but surely that's splitting hairs.)
So that seems to... rule them out pretty solidly?
Unless Yuuko HERSELF doesn't know exactly who they are, which seems even more unlikely than anything else.
Theory Status: Doesn't compute but I kind of want it anyway
Potential Answer 3: A completely unrelated pair of Sakura and Syaoran
Hints in Favour: It wouldn't counteract with any other facts we have so far, since we know nothing about them.
Counter point: It's boring.
Theory Status: It would work but it would be disappointing.
PS - no confirmations or denials in either direction please and thank you :D
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dimensionvvitch · 30 days
@completeoveranalysis I eventually decided not to include Emeraude and Zagato because I've never really heard anyone speak poorly of them.
Ashura was a good idea though.
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dimensionvvitch · 30 days
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Anyone else catch the Yuuko cameo?!
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dimensionvvitch · 1 month
what if clow was buff under all that fabric
what if clow was ripped
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dimensionvvitch · 1 month
i'm obsessed with problematic relationships with age gaps where the age gap is the least problematic thing about their relationship
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dimensionvvitch · 1 month
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“One day, a man had a dream. He dreamt he was a butterfly. He flew and he flew, fluttering his wings, basking in his freedom. Then the man opened his eyes and realized that he was not a butterfly, but a man. The man thought, ‘Did I just dream that I was a butterfly? Or is this a dream too? Am I simply the dream that a butterfly is seeing?’”
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dimensionvvitch · 1 month
now hold on
clow: creates super powerful magical objects
yuuko: curates super powerful magical objects
i-is this why they started dating
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dimensionvvitch · 1 month
you came back wrong and i am racked with guilt because i cannot bear to see you like this and i should have let you rest. i loved you so much that i defied death itself but i do not think either of us are happy
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dimensionvvitch · 2 months
alternative take: she’s divorced!
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en los primeros episodios watanuki llama 'señora' a yuuko, pero luego cambia a 'señorita'
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dimensionvvitch · 2 months
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dimensionvvitch · 2 months
It's his birthday :D
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Happy April fools his life is a joke <3
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dimensionvvitch · 2 months
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revised for 2023
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dimensionvvitch · 2 months
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Clamp Day 🌸
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dimensionvvitch · 2 months
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New Key Visuals: Color - Love - Adventure - Magic - Phrase
The National Art Center, Tokyo July 3 - September 23, 2024
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dimensionvvitch · 2 months
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I am loving the big sister vibe she got going on
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dimensionvvitch · 3 months
it…it just occured to me that clow and yuuko’s philosophies are pretty aligned with the architect and the oracle in the matrix trilogy.
absolutist plan vs choice-based path
this is why they got divorced
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