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Booyah! Got my target voxbox! @influenster #finditattarget #perfectseductia
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Lifeway Kefir
Just got my free Kefir smoothie courtesy of @influenster VoxBox Program. My stomach has been feeling kind of off, I am hoping the probiotics in this product will help me. It’s yummy!
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Bacon Made by Falling Food
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Excuse me, are you ovulating?
In any customer based business there are always a group of clients that can be both frightening and annoying. We had this one client, who just radiated crazy the instant she walked through they door. Since she is a licensed psychiatrist lets refer to her as Dr. Jekyll. Dr. Jekyll was not an easy person to deal with. You know how people refer to the old lady with all the cats? Well Dr. Jekyll didn't have the cats, just one dog, but still the same persona. Luckily, she tended to stick to the one nail technician who barely spoke English and in a lot of ways they had the same strange personality. There was no love lost on our part, as we wanted to avoid attending to her as much as possible. Unfortunately, I was forced to have to attend to her one day and from that day on, I was trapped. She would walk through the door and suck what remaining energy and tolerance I had. I remained polite and professional, as much as I could. On this one glorious day Dr. Jekyll pays our salon a visit. It is a Friday or Saturday and we have been on a steady workload. Once I'm on this keep moving course, I am pretty focused and try not to stray away from what needs to be done. I saw her come in, but was too busy myself to sit down to have a chitchat session. I acknowledged her presence and went about my business. Normally on the weekends, I may dress up a little more, with a pair of skinny jeans, a decent top and heels. An attire most people would deem normal attire. As she is seated for her pedicure, I am transitioning from completing one client and starting another. As I am filling the spa awaiting my next client she calls me over. She wanted to ask me a personal question. I am a private person, but I didn't think her personal question would be anything to cause me discomfort or anything of relevance. With a smile on my face I gave her the go ahead. She asked me, "Kieu, are you ovulating?". I stood for a moment and just looked at her with a look of shock and puzzlement. "Excuse me?", I say. Well apparently she wanted to know if I was ovulation because she is an "expert" on women studies. Normally women tend to dress sexier around the time of ovulation and oh my those heels I was wearing apparently bordered on hookerish. I really was still in awe with her question. I regathered myself and responded that no I was actually late in my cycle. As she looks at me with a look of disdain because my attire is a bit more provocative than her liking. Anyone who knows me knows I dress fairly conservatively. I looked down at my outfit, I didn't have any body parts sticking out were they shouldn't be. My legs were covered completely by my jeans. My heels were only about 2 inches. Did this woman just tell me I look like a hooker? It would seem based on her woman study expertise that women around ovulation give of pheromones (I guess) and dress in a way as to attract the opposite sex. Okay wait! Is she telling me I am a sex crazed whore? I smiled politely and went off to attend to my client. My cousin was working next to me on a regular client we had build a good rapport with. Both looked at me and laugh. I was still at a lost of words. They had overheard the conversation and found it amusing. I look at my cousin and questioned which part of my outfit makes me look like a whore? She just laughed. What more could you do in a given situation. I still laugh now as I retell this story. The reality is when all this was happening, what I wanted to tell her was she needed to find a new area of specialty. That as a psychiatrist she is quite judgmental and narrow minded. That I wasn't in a dress that barely made it pass my rear end and had spike as heels for her to assume I was on the prowl. I wanted to tell her that maybe she was the person who needed professional advice instead of giving professional advice. That maybe if she changed her attitude and possibly had some cosmetic surgery that she may be able to get some attention from the male species. I wanted to tell her that it's too bad that her face is in a permanent "Maddog" mode and the only living organism that would even come close to her was her dog! Still to this day I haven't completely made sense of the conversation. I suppose its a good thing in the nail business that 90% of clientele was women, otherwise she probably would have come to the conclusion I was trying to sell more than manicure/pedicures to clients. So ladies if you happen to be feeling a little more sexy and frisky, it's because your ovulating! Such is another day in the life of TheDiaryOfAnAngryNailTechnician.
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'Tis the season! Not!
So in light of the holiday season, this story taps into your typical everyday Scrooge. Our nail salon was located in a mall. Often times the technicians will step out to the hall to sit on a bench facing the shop. As I'm sitting with phone in hand texting, a client walks into the shop. Probably in her 60's with salt and pepper short hair. She signs in, I enter the salon and check the list. Mind you we are pretty accustomed to clients not being able to correctly sign their name and type of service they are waiting for. I look at the list barely able to read the name, it would seem the bold print that says please print name doesn't mean much, I look up at the client and start to think to myself, "should I call her or let one of the other girls take care of her?". So against my better judgement I approach her and ask what she would like to have done today. Her response was to ask if I worked there. Attempting to keep a straight face, as I'm often told my face tells it all, I respond to her yes I do. Though I really wanted to say, "No, I thought I would just randomly walk up to you and ask for the hell of it.". She wants a pedicure, so I ask her to pick out a color while I get the spa ready for her. Every voice in my head, because I probably have more than two, tells me to let someone else take care of her. I defy the voices and prepare the spa. The lady comes over with her chosen color and I direct her to sit on the spa. As I am using a cotton ball with acetone to remove her polish, my coworker starts talking to me. We are just making conversation and laughing with other clients. Once I have taken her polish off and applied cuticle softener I put her feet into the spa for a bit. She looks down at me and comments that she has never been to a salon where people laugh and talk so much. I responded to her that just because we are working doesn't mean we have to be miserable. Her rebuttal was that I could laugh but not talk. My response was if I laughed without speaking then you would think I am crazy. Before even getting a pusher or nipper into my hand she looks over at my coworker and says something in Spanish. My Spanish isn't great but I know enough to know she talking about me. She claims she fears for her life, because I'm too busy laughing and talking to pay attention to what I am doing. Anybody who knows me knows I can multitask, but aside from that I haven't started using any sharp utensils yet! So I respond to her that I am very capable of doing my job and that the only thing I have used on her is a cotton ball and a file. She is paying for a service, not to tell me I may or may not speak or laugh. So I decided to bite my tongue and each time anyone tried talking to me I would yell at them not to talk to me because I'm not allowed to speak. It was tempting to shut the spa off and dry her feet and tell her not to let the door hit her on the way out, but I refrained. I felt the need to set an example that regardless of how outrageous or idiotic a client was, we needed to bite our tongues and complete the job. As she sat and huffed and puffed about nothing, I reigned my temper in. Once finished I sent her to the light to dry, asked someone to charge her and went into the restroom to release my anger. Fist hit door, I was imagining it was her face! I silently hoped that when she left she would break a leg and wanted to tell her that it's not really my fault she is a miserable old hag who needed to get laid! In this type of business you meet people of all sorts. You can't make everyone happy and there's times that people are just miserable and that's not our problem. They may act as if they are privileged and entitled, but really often times they just have nothing good going for themselves and resent the world for it. The moral of the story is, just because you pay for a service doesn't give you the right to dictate how that person should behave. I apologize to this old miserable hag if I was not miserable enough to your liking. I still wish upon you a broken leg, but peace be with you. I thought the holiday season was a time of joy and happiness. I will acknowledge that perhaps in her personal life there may have been something bad happening, but I will not be her punching bag. I owe her nothing more than what service she paid for. I would like to let her know that her idiotic behavior became a great source of laughter for myself and other people that have heard the story. Thank you old bitter nasty hag for being the first story in my series of stories from TheDiaryOfAnAngryNailTechnician.
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How it all began...
Imagine a woman who never made nail care a priority in life. Never polished her nails clear let alone color! Had no idea how to use nail clippers or a file properly and certainly did not know what a buffer was! Here she is jumping into a new trade she had no experience with. Every profession comes with its pro and con. I can seriously say that there was never a dull day in this business. There was always at least one situation Each day that just made me stop and say, "OMG, For real!". On top of jumping into this foreign trade, the business was located in Puerto Rico where English is not the predominate language. This aspect only adds to the many stories that will give you a good laugh and possibly cause you to even wonder, "OMG, for reals!". This blog is for entertainment purposes and names have been changed to protect identities and avoid any possible lawsuits! For those within the nail business, I am sure you will be able to relate. For those who often visit nail salons it may help you understand a nail technicians viewpoint. Please enjoy!
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