dheartsss · 3 months
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dheartsss · 3 months
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XD that's how he always looks. Permanent bitch face.
pfft imagine what humans normally sound like to dragons, like, they just make murmuring sounds like Onion from SU.
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dheartsss · 3 months
I like to think in dragon years, 10 years = 1 dragon year
So Claw would be in his 400's (still middle aged)
That would probably make Orion about 50 to 60
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dheartsss · 3 months
Claw having two kids to raise now
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dheartsss · 3 months
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Who is this lil bean???
Hama. She thought her parents were heroes, risking their lives everyday to save the world from dragons. Maybe they were, but they were still wrong.
She lives in a common house, the village takes pity on her and hopes she will become a hunter and avenge the towns heroes
After watching her parents, the whole guild be erased in flames, well they make her train but she hopes a dragon never comes
So how'd she bump into Orion? Did she get lost?
I imagine he'd been getting a little too close to the village to steal some of their "really good food". Once he was spotted they sent her into the forest to kill him. Her first test. If she didn't come back with his skin as proof she may as well not come back at all
Oh fuck
She didn't know what she was going to do when she went out there. She hopes she would find nothing that the dragon would have gone and the village would take mercy and let her come home.
Orion notices how small she is and is curious because he's never seen a human child before
I think maybe he escapes at first but later hears her crying and follows the sound back to her
Lol what if
She doesn't look up yet when she's crying and he gets closer. He quietly asks "Are you ok?" She looks up expecting to see a person, but is face to face with the little dragon she's meant to kill.
Yeah man
Her face goes through a journey of confusion,fear,recognition. "Y.you you can talk?"
He backs up and pins his ears back a little fearful himself now, and tilted his head "You can talk???" All the humans he ever heard made no sense to him before, it was all garbled noises. But.. this human was different.
She almost forgot her fear for a moment "of course, all people can. Dragons are the ones who are supposed be all- rah roar grrr" she motioned claws with her hands
Orion sat down and couldn't help but laugh at the human's imitation of a dragon "You're the first talking human I've ever seen." He lowered himself to lay down and be less threatening, though his neck made him still be at eye level. "I've also never seen a human as small as you."
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She was fascinated by the sound of his laughter. It was almost a mix between a gutteral trill and the way she might laugh. " People tell me I was born wrong, so I'm smaller than the other kids." She still wasn't sure how much weakness she should be showing to what had only been a few minutes ago in her mind a bloodthirsty creature.
"you're not trying to trick me are you?" It was a silly question on its face she realized. Even if he was why would he tell her. Thought something about him seemed genuine
He made a puppy like sound as he tilted his head the other way "Trick you how?" He was confused, and sat there flicking his tail.
Her mind was battling to reconcile the images of dragon she'd lived with since birth and the way this beast now seemed more akin to her old dog than a monster. "So you don't want to eat me?"
Orion made a disgusted face. "Eat you!? I hardly want to smell you! Humans are gross." He stuck out his tounge with an exaggerated "bleh"
"I don't even eat meat. I eat nuts and fruit." He stretched and flopped onto his side. This human didn't seem like the others, he didn't feel endangered around her.
"Why are you in the woods all alone? Shouldn't you be in your human den?"
She chuckled despite herself as he flicked his tail lazily like a window cat. "Well I guess we have that in common". As he asked what she was doing out here she remembered what she was meant to be doing to this thing before her. "Well I was… Gathering some food that's all. This is the season guntsil berries are ripe." She didn't know why she felt compelled to lie. If she came home empty-handed she may not have a home for much longer. But the idea of taking any innocent life much less someone who could speak and understand like her felt stomach turning
Orion got a funny feeling at her answer, but brushed it off as the shock of talking to a human.
"Humans eat berries?? I thought you were carnivores! You guys hunt a lot."
He noticed a small cut on her hand, and it looked fresh.
He got back up and scooted closer. "Hey you're hurt.." He didn't let her respond before blowing a cool, slow breath over her hand. It glowed a nice greenish blue, and smelled like rain and mint. In seconds the light from his breath absorbed into the cut, and it healed up. You wouldn't even know it was there if you looked for it.
"oh yeah well some people do. I don't like eating animals though" her eyes darted away as if recalling something painful. When he began approaching her cut she couldn't help the way her hand trembled as if Shed look down and see it bitten off. Instead she was overcome with awe. A million thoughts were flooding through her mind as the wound closed like magic. "How- how did you do that?" She whispered
He smiled and perked up "I'm a healer, just like my momma." He puffed a little cloud ring at her and it poofed as it hit her face
"i didn't know dragons could heal I thought they-" only destroyed she cut herself off from finishing the thought suddenly worried about offending him.
He nods "I come from a family of healers. Not all dragons have fire." He backed up and sat down again. "I guess not all humans have fire either huh?"
It was her turn to tilt her head "we can't breathe fire. Probably a good thing." Realization struck her features as she understood what he meant. "But they still take it huh".
Excitement grew on her face "well this is great!, if the villagers hear you can heal people maybe I won't have to kill you".
He made an expression of fear and immediately got up to give himself a bit more distance. "No no no! I'm not going there.. Big humans are scary. Especially when they have those metal sticks and fire." He looked down "I wasn't even supposed to leave the den.. but I smelled something yummy and wellll…" He scratched at the dirt and looked down in shame then slowly looked back up at her. "How come you don't act like other humans? Every one I've bumped into tried to catch or kill me."
She immediately felt bad for the poor wording and scaring the cowering dragon. "Yeah…they scare me too sometimes. I don't know why I don't like the stuff they do. I guess after my parents died I didn't like the idea of hurting anyone. Animal or not".
she twirled a stray piece of hair nervously "im sorry for using the uh k word. you said you like our food?" she pulled out a small bread roll and tossed it his way
"its not much but they sent me out with some rations".
He cowered a little less and sat up again. He didn't realize humans could have emotions like them. He thought they were all scary monsters. But… It didn't feel like he was looking at a monster. It felt more like looking into his own reflection.
"My parents died too.." His voice was small and his ears lowered.
He perked up at the mention of food and got closer. The base of his tail wagged causing the whole thing to get wiggly. He sniffed the food and eagerly scooped it into his mouth. "Rations are yummy! Got'ny more?" He put his paws up into her lap and started sniffing and inspecting her coat for more 'rations'.
She'd never heard a dragon speak and so never knew they could sound so sad. She wanted to ask how they died but a part of her could guess the answer. Her thoughts her intruded by a massive weight on her lap as a large snout began nosing her tattered pockets. She started giggling uncontrollably with his breath tickling her. this is crazy a dragon is touching me and Im not afraid she figured some sort of madness was setting in from wandering in the woods so long. "Stop stop ahaha" she cried out with no real malice. it didnt take long for her food supply to go from full to 0
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As they finished off the food, he leaned his head on her leg as he lay down against her. Everything was peaceful for a moment, until he suddenly lifted his head up and looked off into the trees. The Earth rumbled more and more as something big approached. "Uhhh oh. We need to leave"
He looked around for a place to hide, but then scooped her up on his back and started running. "Hang on!"
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"Orion!" The big bellowing voice coming from the trees was Claw. His large form shaking the ground as he ran towards the smaller dragon. "Orion! What are you doing out of the den on your own? And so close to a human village?"
When he saw the tiny human on his back he roared in fear and anger "GET OFF HIM!"
Hama's previous thoughts became verbalized as she was hoisted onto the dragons back "this is crazy!" She struggled to hold on but dared not look back at the booming voice behind them. Orion..was that his name.
It was a mix of thrilling and terrifying, mostly terrifying
Orion spun around to face Claw and opened his wings, shielding the small human. "WAIT!" He stood up on his hind legs and made himself into a shield. "Don't hurt her! She's a nice human!" He was breathing heavily, keeping his wings in front of his new friend. He wrapped his tail around her leg to keep her from running off. He couldn't protect her if she ran
Her heart was racing faster than she ever remembered, she couldnt see anything past the relatively large wings and with her body tangled in his tail she could only stay quiet and put faith in the creature she met only hours ago. oh gods this is it, this is what i get for being me
Claw's tail was lashing back and forth in frustration. "What are you doing Orion? You don't know that! Hell just a moment ago it was trying to pin you down." He kept side stepping to try and get a clear hit on the human child, but the young Dragon continued to get in his way.
Orion got a bit frustrated and attempted to roar at the bigger dragon. It wasn't nearly as impressive or loud, but it was the loudest roar he'd ever directed at Claw He would fight if he had to.
"She was not! I grabbed her!" He barred his teeth anytime Claw got closer. He was really determined to get him to listen. "She can talk!"
Claw cease his snarling, and took a small, almost unnoticeable step. He had never heard Orion rawr like that before, he be proud of him if he wasn't so on edge right now.
"Talk? Did she hit your head or something?"
It was a confusing a jumbled conversation to her. The larger dragon still only sounded like loud snarls and growls but she could understand Orion just fine. She only hoped he was somehow winning
Orion shook his head "I'm serious! She's not one of the bad ones."
He gave Claw a very serious look. "You told me that everyone deserves a chance. You gave me a chance." He stared into his eyes, unblinking. "She could've hurt me if she wanted to, but she didn't." He didn't stop hiding her as he reasoned with Claw
She felt awful. Her whole reason for coming out there was supposed to be to hurt him. And they'd never believe this happened. If she came back with nothing they'd only send more people in to do the job
She fumbled in her pockets to find any food left over. Maybe a peace offering would help. She jerked her hand back out as she accidentally threw out the hunting knife they'd given her. She'd cut herself the same way twice. But more than that it had been thrown out in view of the pair.
Claw followed the blades movements until it was out of sight. His shoulders became less tense but now he was confused, was this a trick, or was the small human actually peaceful? After a few seconds of heavy silence, he scoffed up a puff of smoke. "Very well, I'll trust her that she won't harm us, but that doesn't mean the humans that'll come looking for her won't. We'll need to head back to the den right away before they find us."
Orion looked back at her and finally let go of the breath he was holding. He tucked in his wings and turned around to inspect her and make sure she was ok.
"Do you know your way back?" He was glad he calmed Claw down, but was sad to part ways with his new friend.
"Y…yeah" her voice was shaking and she still dared not look at the massive dragon lest she faint from fear. "Maybe I can see you tomorrow. I can bring more rolls". She didn't have any but she figured it was worth stealing some to make him happy.
She also bowed with much exaggeration "thank you for sparing my megar life oh great benevolent dragon". She figured she should address him the way a peasant does a lord
His tail wiggled at the idea of more human food When she spoke to Claw that way, Orion had to cover his mouth not to laugh. "Pfff he's not a king or something, he's more like.. well I guess he's more like my Dad than anything." He hadn't thought about it like that until now, explaining it to someone else. "He took me in when humans… When my family died." He lowered his head and whispered "Let's meet again tomorrow. Maybe by the huge tree with vines on the other side of the river?" He would definitely be sneaking out for more of those rolls.
The Human making strange noises and gestures was when he decided he's had enough human shenanigans for today. "Orin!" He yelled impatiently. "Let's go!"
At the loud roar she got the message and turned to leave in a rush. "Oh, Orion it was nice to meet you. I'm Hama".
Orion lowered his head at that and quickly nuzzled her cheek before running towards claw. He looked back once more with a raised paw "Goodbye, Hama." He looked down as he followed Claw back home. He knew he was in for it, but he had a feeling this might've been worth it. He was questioning so many things in his mind as they walked.
Normally he was a little chatterbox, but he stayed quiet this time, thinking about everything that's happened.
She was much the same. Maybe next time she'd have the courage to look his dad in the eye. Eying the knife she wondered if her own dried blood adorning it could fool them if she said it was from a fight with the dragon. Well it might have to
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dheartsss · 3 months
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Humans invaded his family's den and burned it to the ground
His dragon type is fireless so they had no way of defending themselves once they were trapped
He wandered the wilderness alone for days by himself His mother was able to get him out in time so he's the only survivor
I'm thinking… he finds a big threatening dragon that eventually becomes his father figure.
He was terrified but once he realized he wasn't gonna get eaten he followed the big guy like a lost puppy
He's much too young to fly yet or reach up in the trees for any fruit He pulled the puppy eyes and asked him if he could get him some
Just imagining this huge dragon watching this itty bitty thing scarf down it's own weight in food then curling up on his paw and falling asleep
He's only a baby dragon after all
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Imagine he's too shaken up to explain what happened so the adult dragon tracks down his den, and goes inside. He sees the horrible scene that played out and how the little guy is really all alone.
It was a group of dragon poachers that came through
Big dragon can breathe fire, big the skin on his wing were burned off in a fight, so he can not fly.
I'm just thinking about this lil guy curling up right outside the big guy's den and not leaving cus he doesn't know where else to go
He stays there even when it starts to pour down He's so tired and hungry after two days of this even if he wanted to leave he doesn't have the strength
When they can't find shelter and they have to sleep in the rain, he stays up to cover the kid up with his big hand like an umbrella.
I bet the smoke and fire is something that makes lil dragon feel uneasy He doesn't say anything about it but anytime the big guy starts smoking or using his fire, he gets really quiet and keeps a distance
He could use his fire on the sand to make a large sheet of glass so little dragon can play on it like an ice rink
Omg yes!!
It helps him see that fire isn't just this destructive thing, it can also create!
That and it sure does make it warmer when he sleeps on the big guy at night
Thinking of the name Orion for him
Big dragon (I'm gonna call him Claw now) Was part of a clan that hunted down humans, both to eat and steal their treasure, but one night the people snuck up on them in there sleep and burned the wings off him and his friend never made it out, could be the main reason why he letting Orion stay with him. Common ground.
Orion is still too young to understand why it happened, but he does know humans mean bad news
I think he's skittish and quiet at first, but once he sees that Claw is there to protect him, he becomes the playful, silly little guy he's always been
Him teaching Claw how to have fun again ;-;
Bambi 2 moment :'
Orion and Claw doing that thing lions do where they flick their tail around to encourage the cubs to follow their hunting instincts
It keeps the hyper lil guy busy and claw gets to lounge lol
Yoink that's Orion's voice now XD
Orion and Claw laying together one night quietly and out of the blue Orion innocently asks if humans did that to his wings
"Yes… they took my wings away… then they took so much more. Funny huh? I should have seen it coming, after all the taking I've done to them. It's only natural they would want to take back."
He looks up at Claw with big eyes "What did you take..?" He doesn't understand what humans could have that any dragon would want
He cringed at the thought of his past actions, the same kind that this little dragon was a victim of.
"…I took families."
Orion took a moment to process the information then stared away. "They took mine. Maybe they deserve it." It was cold and not like him at all to say something of that nature
Claw wrapped his tail around him. "No, Orion, no one truly deserves that."
Orion made a small noise and looked up at the older dragon with tears. "Why did they take everything then?" The screams rang in his ears every time he thought about it
"Most likely the same reason I used to take everything from them, greed. I hunted for sport, and I payed for it. I'm sure they will too. But if we were to do it, their hatred for dragons will only grow, and no doubt that will lead to more dragon blood spilling."
Orion nuzzled into Claw, and closed his eyes. "I hope humans stay far away."
Claw lays his head down with him. "Me too kid."
Hello hi yes I have a healthy attachment to these dragons
I've only had Orion and Claw for an hour and a half, but if anything were to happen to them I would kill everyone in this room and then myself.
I'm just picturing lil Orion getting into a situation where he cries out in fear and Claw bursts into frame in a cloud of smoke and roars so loud it shakes the ground Orion hides underneath him behind his front leg while he stands off with a huge beast
What if to protect him Claw has to uses his fire? It scares Orion seeing Claw burning people/dragon alive the same way his family died.
Orion would panic and run away to hide a mid fight
He's not afraid of claw, but the fire triggered him to run
He's getting deeper in the woods and the only thing in his mind is his mother saying "Run- and don't stop running until you can't anymore, then hide."
Claw is frantically looking for him and crying his name. He hears his sniffles and finds him curled up in a hollow log.
Orion was shivering and scratched up and wet from running through puddles and thickets
Once he was calm enough to take in his surroundings, he noticed claw was there and slowly poked his head out to make sure the monster was gone
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