dexfsurvivxl-blog · 7 years
Dying rp Starters
"Stay with me. Come on, just a little longer."
"You're gonna be fine, okay? You... You'll be fine."
"No. Oh, no. No no no. This can't happen. No. You can't die."
"Shush, just concentrate on staying awake, okay? Don't sleep."
"Oh my god... Don't give up! You can't give up!"
"You can make it through this. I know you can. Y-you have to..."
"Where did they shoot you!? Where did they sh-- Oh... Oh, god... Oh please no..."
"The doctor explained everything to me... I... I can't just let you go like this. I need you."
"Oh, god. Please be alive. Please still be alive."
"There's nothing they can do. I-- I'm so sorry."
"No. They're wrong. They're wrong, okay? You're not gonna die."
"Please, fight this. You have to fight it. You have to live."
"Don't die... Don't die on me. Please..."
"Listen to my voice, okay? I need you to stay with me. I'm bringing you to the hospital."
"I wish I could tell you everything was going to be fine..."
"Come on, now. You've lived through worse than this. Just... Just live through this too."
"I'm so sorry I let this happen to you."
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dexfsurvivxl-blog · 7 years
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dexfsurvivxl-blog · 7 years
The Meme for Those Who Hate Happiness || ACCEPTING10. Your muse purposely fatally injures mine.
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          It was an accident. There were too many of them surrounding their only exists. The moans increased as they drew closer. Sera was yelling for Felix to do something, anything to get them out of this situation. He was normally really good at trying to figure out how to get out of stressful situations. Yet, the amount of walkers that were closing in on them caused his mind to freeze. He could feel his surroundings change to when he was twelve, a flashback was occurring. Not once has he ever had a flashback, especially of the memory that made him who he was. He looked over and saw Lucas, firing. Lucas. 
         Dopamine flooded into his mind as he saw Lucas, after so long he felt so happy to be seeing the man who kept him safe even after his mother passed. Yet, even after Felix tried to grab him, he heard the gunfire. There was a walker coming up behind him, he didn’t realize, he was too far gone into losing his mind. The walker had grabbed him, nearing to bite him. Serafina reacted a bit too late. She fired the gun, thinking she saved him. She didn’t. 
         It was an accident. The bullet that went through the walker’s body also entered Felix’s and stopped. There was no exit wound. The bullet stopped mid-Felix and invested itself into his body. The blood started flowing to seal the hole it created. Too much blood. For the first time, he could hear the ringing in his ears. He could finally hear, was it worth it? There was a scream and more shots fired. He looked over at the bodies falling. Blood was splattering along every inch of the floor. A mix of his blood and the dead’s. Then, the moment came when there was no more moans, only the sobbing of her. 
         She was at his side. Trying to stop the bleeding by pushing on the wound. He grunted, giving a small howl of pain. “S-stop.” His voice was incredibly husky, it was barely even a voice, but he said it. His voice was growing as his body was dying. “Turn over.” Considering he never used his voice once, his words were a mix of broken English and almost barely understandable. Yet, she seemed to understand what he was asking and moved him from laying of his stomach to lying on his back. The cold floor connecting to the wound made him cry out but, after he calmed down, he looked at her. She was both surprised and sad. Tears were flowing down her face. “Don’t cry.” He whispered. “I’ll be.. okay.” 
         Her response was more sobs as she grabbed his hand and leaned over him. Apologizes began spraying from her mouth. Yet, his free hand lifted. Not to wipe tears from her face but to show a sign. The sign was his thumb, index and pinky being held up while the other two fingers were pushed down. This was the sign for ‘I love you.’ Something he hadn’t told her yet. Something he should’ve told her much sooner than this accident. He gave her a smile, attempting to reassure her that it wasn’t her fault. It was never her fault. The words that ran to him was now escaping him as the blood continued to trickle from his back. Losing blood this quick meant he was internally bleeding, there was no saving him. 
       “I love you, too.” She whispered between sobs. “Please don’t go. Please.” 
         Her words were lost in translation as he felt himself slip. He could feel the world spinning. Spinning him free of the stress of survival. Is this how it felt to die? He wondered how his mother felt the moment before death. His mother, he was able to see her once again. “I’ll be okay.” He whispered before his eyes fluttered shut. He felt himself lose consciousness, the heavy feeling of sleep overtook him. And he was gone.
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dexfsurvivxl-blog · 7 years
Send ❄️ to find my muse out in the cold and alone
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dexfsurvivxl-blog · 7 years
Who doesn’t love soul-crushing angst? Send me a 💔 and I’ll generate a number, 1-75, and post a starter based on what scenario I get. 
Please note that some of these scenarios may be triggering.
Keep reading
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dexfsurvivxl-blog · 7 years
Basic Angst Starters
because sometimes what’s left to the imagination is much more terrifying.
“Are you feeling alright? You don’t look it.” “I just heard something… Something bad…” “Why didn’t you tell me about this?!” “What’s all this blood?!” “Will you tell me what the fuck is going on?” “Don’t give me that look! It wasn’t my fault!” “You should probably sit down for this.” “Please tell me you forgive me!” “I can’t live without you!” “Oh god, It was a mistake coming here… I’m sure of it.” “What the hell happened to you?!” “Where have you been?! I’ve been waiting for hours!” “You promised you wouldn’t do this anymore!” “I knew not to trust you!” “What’s that in your bag…? Is that–? Tell me it’s not!” “Is this what a dislocated shoulder feels like?!” “How could you do this to me?!” “Wake up! Wake up!!! You’re having a nightmare!” “I feel weird… what was in that drink…?” “I don’t want to leave you, but you’re not really giving me another option.” “Please… you’re scaring me…” “Ssh, I heard something again. How aren’t you hearing it? It was loud… and getting closer.” “Are you okay in there? You’ve been so quiet.” “I came as soon as I could! Did he/she get to you already?” “I don’t know whether I want to do this. I don’t know whether I CAN do this.” “Do you remember anything?” “You have to tell me who did this to you!” “No, no, I’m not alright. I’m definitely not alright.” “What’s your fucking problem?!” “Are you crying?” “You’re freaking me out! Please calm down!” “I’m leaving. And I’m not intending to come back.” “You… are dying?” “Did you drink the whole bottle while tripping? Seriously?” “Do you have a deathwish or something? Jesus!” “Ever been held at gunpoint? Want to know what it feels like?” “Stop screaming! Shh, calm down! You have to keep quiet!” “When’s the last time you slept?”.
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dexfsurvivxl-blog · 7 years
Not-doing-too-good sentence starters
“Whoa, are you okay?”
“You took that hit pretty hard…”
“Don’t stand up yet.”
“That definitely looks broken…”
“Walk it off.”
“How are you feeling?”
“When was the last time you slept?”
“You look like shit.”
“Have you been eating enough?”
“Here, let me help you.”
“Why are you limping?”
“You’re really pale…”
“Did you just go throw up?”
“Why aren’t you eating?”
“______? You’re bleeding…really bad.”
“That looks infected.”
“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?!”
“I told you you’d get sick.”
“How many fingers am I holding up?”
“Wake up–you were hyperventilating, are you okay?”
“It was just a dream, you’re alright.”
“Look at me–you’re safe.”
“Take a deep breath.”
“Are you bleeding?!”
“How’d you get a bruise like that?”
“What happened?”
“Let me help you!”
“Can you hear me?”
“You hit your head pretty hard.”
“Don’t move.”
“I know it hurts, I’m sorry.”
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dexfsurvivxl-blog · 7 years
pregnancy starters
- announcing  ❛ so… i have some news. ❜  ❛ you look at it, i’m too nervous. ❜  ❛ it came back positive. ❜  ❛ so… hypothetically, if we were to have a baby, how would you react?❜  ❛ okay i just want to say that, yes, i have gained some weight… but it’s because i’m pregnant.❜  ❛ better get your dad jokes ready. ❜  ❛ you’re going to be a parent! ❜ 
- questions / hopes / concerns ❛ what names do you like? ❜ ❛ i wonder if they’ll like _____. ❜ ❛ do you think it’ll be a boy or a girl? ❜ ❛ what if i’m a bad mom/dad? ❜ ❛ i hope they like me. ❜ ❛ so… do you know… what breast milk tastes like? ❜ ❛ if my kid turns out like __insert person__ i’ll be pretty pleased. ❜ ❛ do you think they’ll have your eyes? ❜ ❛ who should we make the god parents? ❜ ❛ i haven’t told __insert person__ yet… how should i tell them?❜
- belly feeling / watching / interactions ❛ right here! right here’s a foot!❜ ❛ the little one is quite active today.❜ ❛ is that a hand?! ❜ ❛ maybe you should try reading a book to them? ❜ ❛ come watch my belly, it’s frickin crazy! ❜ ❛ the top of the baby’s head is about… here. and a foot is right this way. ❜ 
-  cravings  ❛ do you think the baby would be down if i ate some chipotle? ❜ ❛ coffee isn’t good for you while you’re pregnant or breast feeding, but damn i need some caffeine. ❜ ❛ watermelon with peanut butter sounds so great right now. ❜
- other ( reactions, complaints, etc. ) ❛ my feet are so swollen…! ❜ ❛ ew, my stretch marks are so gross… ❜ ❛ the baby will not stop kicking my bladder, so that is why i refuse to leave the toilet. ❜ ❛ i’m… going to be a dad/mom?! ❜ ❛ well how far along are you?!❜ ❛ you’re kidding! ❜
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dexfsurvivxl-blog · 7 years
the fault in our stars by john green.
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“You are so busy being you that you have no idea how utterly unprecedented you are.”
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            His silence was relevant considering he didn’t exactly understand what exactly she said. Felix gave her a confusing face before pointing to his ear and shook his head. It seemed that most people understood him once he pointed out he couldn’t hear properly. 
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dexfsurvivxl-blog · 7 years
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           Why, oh why was he traveling into the deepest of caves in the middle of a storm. The beach, seeming to be safe enough, had started throwing a tantrum when he arrived. The winds picked up and the rain started. His idea was to sit in a covered spot until the rain passed. Yet, within a couple of minutes, the rain picked up quick. He sighed and turned around to just find out that the cave went much deeper than Felix anticipated. He could feel its hands pulling in him but they weren’t strong enough to do it on their own. 
          Well, there could be a possible way out this way, he thought to himself as he pulled his bag from one shoulder and dug for his flashlight. He flicked it on and pointed it forward. The light turned on and off a few times before he shook it, then it poured brighter than before. With that, he ventured inside the cave. It wasn’t long before he came across a figure that looked like a walker. His slightly loud yelp didn’t do him justice as it started moving. He backed up a few times before he hit a rock wall, shining the flashlight to see what kind of walker he was dealing with. 
          The moment he realized it wasn’t, in fact, a dead one, he lowered his flashlight from shining it in the face of the stranger. His hand slowly went up as a silent hello as the flashlight flickered and died.
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dexfsurvivxl-blog · 7 years
color-coded starter call!
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dexfsurvivxl-blog · 7 years
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like this for a starter for when I’m back from the store
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dexfsurvivxl-blog · 7 years
“ You are very endearing when you are half-asleep . ”
Fluff Starters || Accepting !!
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            Exhausted, but not entirely crabby. They had been traveling for longer than they intended and the amount of sleep he had gotten the day before wasn’t doing its justice. His exhaustion lead to him pointing to a cluster of townhouses instead of attempting to avoid them. Sera silently agreed—maybe she did, he was too tired to comprehend anything she could sign. They were inside a house within a few minutes. Luckily for the two of them, there weren’t any dead ones that roamed the rooms of the house they chose.
           Blocking the front door with a large lounge chair, they headed upstairs to the master bedroom. Within the room stood three large dressers, two nightstands and a kingsize bed. The blankets and sheets were still on the bed. Sera had successfully shaken off the dust that rested upon the old blankets. With that, they both discarded their bags to the side of it and snuggled in. The warmth of the blankets forced his eyes to flutter close. The smell of Serafina next to him, he felt safe.
           She had gripped his shoulder lightly, attempting to shake him for his attention. His eyes groggily opened to meet hers. A small smile grew across his lips as his hand reached up to grip hers. Though, his small attempt to cuddle lead to a smile spreading across her face. “You are very endearing when you are half-asleep.” Her lips moved yet no sound came out. He had only caught a few words before she pulled her hand away and signed the sentence again. That he understood and his body rolled over to nuzzle his face into the warmth of her body.
           He could feel her giggle. Not that he had to hear it, but he could feel it. Only now realizing that he probably wasn’t going to be sleeping anytime soon. He moved his face to look at her and gave a confused look. As if to say “What?”
         ‘Nothing.’She responded. Moving her hands to run fingers through his hair. As greasy as it was, she did it a few times before pulling away and wiping the greasy on his shirt. ‘You need to wash your hair.’ She signed, pushing him playfully afterward.
         ‘Okay, I’ll get right on that.’He lazily signed. His eyes closing again. The grip of sleep held tighter this time. Though, as he felt himself drift off, he was brought back slightly by the soft peck of her slips to his forehead. The corners of his lips peaked. The kiss felt like a silent goodnight. Something he didn’t feel like he needed until that very moment. The warmth of her breath left his skin and he felt himself slip. Possibly the start of a nice, long needed rest.
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dexfsurvivxl-blog · 7 years
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carry on my wayward son,           for there’ll be peace when you are done lay your weary head to rest
                         now don’t you cry no more.
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dexfsurvivxl-blog · 7 years
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(( off to go watch Beauty and the Beast! If you are in need of plotting, I’ll be on my phone 
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dexfsurvivxl-blog · 7 years
Fluff Starters
“You’re hair is really soft after you wash it.”
“Ssh. Stop fussing. I’m just braiding your hair.”
“You smell really nice.”
“Would it be all right if I borrowed your sweater? It smells like you.”
“I might have slept with your robe when you were gone.”
“If you steal the blankets, I am going to put my cold feet on you.”
“Here, let’s share the blanket.”
“You’re comfy.”
“You are my new pillow.”
“You are very endearing when you are half-asleep.”
“But I want to hear you sing.”
“We can talk over dinner.”
“Don’t be stubborn. Try it!”
“Don’t get up - I’ll do it.”
“Will you let me rub your back?”
“Care to give me a back scratch?”
“Star-gazing was a good idea.”
“You look beautiful/handsome in the moonlight.”
“I’ll always be here for you.”
“I’ll be here to protect you.”
“I think I love you.”
“You are my love.”
“How about something warm? It will will help you sleep.”
“It’s okay. I couldn’t sleep anyway.”
“Don’t be silly. I want to stay up with you.”
“It is not morning yet.”
“Shush and go back to bed.”
“I heard you talking in your sleep.”
“Your bed head is really cute.”
“We’ll do dishes together.”
“How about a kiss?”
“I love your hugs.”
A few were inspired by these.
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dexfsurvivxl-blog · 7 years
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No matter how much I want Earth, Earth doesn’t want me.
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