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not here! the white north has thy bones
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Kinda adore the fact that any time the Master comes back to Doctor Who the Doctor basically pauses the story and tells their companions "sorry, gotta deal with some psychosexual romantic drama with my on-and-off-again genderfluid homicidal ex/narrative foil that WILL traumatize you (and your family/boyfriend/loved ones) for the rest of your lives" all the while the companions are literally just the Live Slug meme
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A research team completed a new reconstruction of the skeleton of Tiktaalik. This reconstruction shows that the animal possessed an innovation thought to be crucial for supporting the body and for the eventual evolution of walking.
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watching the terror 2018 rn. so far my favorite guys are the sad little doctor man and this slimeball gay dude. they look like an elderly cartoon rabbit and an anthropomorphic weasel respectively. i like slimeball gay dude in particular i love how his main squeeze rats him out and calls him a freak and then like an episode later he shoots his shot again. dick situation DIRE on the hms terror ig. on a more serious note giving the ship a literal built-in dutch angle by it ACTUALLY TILTING as it freezes in the ice was an insanity inducing choice in a show already full of some truly crazymaking filming decisions. you love to see it.
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I feel like a lot of people don’t quite get what a butler is. The role tends to get rounded off to ‘male servant’ pretty regularly in some media, whereas actually butlers are typically not just servants but chief servants. The butler was generally in charge of either all male servants or just all servants, period, in the household of an aristocrat or other very wealthy person. This meant that butlers have often been fairly powerful and influential people, and sometimes even had a manservant or two of their own.
(Also, fun fact: Mary Roberts Rinehart, the early 20th century mystery writer who is widely credited with popularizing the whole ‘the butler did it’ trope was nearly murdered by one of her own servants, a chef whom she had passed over for promotion to butler. He came at her with a pistol, but it jammed, allowing her chauffeur time to wrestle it away and restrain him.)
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There's definitely some story mileage in a British dude with no cultural sensitivity whatsoever still wanting to return every artifact that Britain has ever stolen out of pure self-interest because one of those motherfuckers is Maximally Cursed and he can't tell which
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I think it’s funny. And the people have spoken.
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I don’t think I have the chops for D&D or other tabletop RPGs but I could make a good DM’s assistant. I don’t play the game but I sit and listen and then after the session the DM can ask me for ideas.
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hey can you do me a favour?? Can you go get that nice pristine sketchbook or journal you've been hoarding and put some kind of mark on the first page? Anything will do, like a smudge of graphite or a blob of ink, or perhaps a very scribbly dinosaur. Just put something there. Please, or the dinosaur will be sad.
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I thought I needed a new laptop but nope, youtube is slowing down your PC if you have adblock on on any open tab...
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Japanese tea bag maker Ocean-Teabag has been making waves by creating little parcels of aroma in the shape of marine animals. Luckily for us, their wide range of tea bags are available at online Japanese novelty retailer Village Vanguard, maker of such fine products as Space Tea and cat-shaped kitchen utensils.
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Ocean-Teabag’s earliest designs included beautiful dolphin tea bags filled with blue mallow tea leaves. Steeping them turns your otherwise normal pot of water into a tranquil ocean. Proving to be a hit among tea lovers, Ocean-Teabag expanded their repertoire to many other sea creatures including the sea turtle (butterfly pea jasmine tea)…
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the distinctive ocean sunfish (Japanese hojicha — roasted green tea)…
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the graceful manta ray (tropical mango tea)…
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and even a blood-thirsty shark (blended herb tea).
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The newest addition to their robust series of marine creatures is a tea bag shaped like an innocuous sea cucumber. This little parcel is filled with jasmine tea, as well as a smidgen of sea cucumber powder to lend some authenticity. Ocean-Teabag warns that some people who have a sensitive tongue may find it tasting a little fishy.
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The company also crafted a deep sea series that will satisfy even the most adventurous of tea drinkers out there. A few such examples are the anglerfish (earl grey tea)…
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the creepy giant isopod (Eastern Beauty oolong tea)…
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the horseshoe crab (white apricot tea)…
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…and lastly the king of them all, the enormous giant oarfish. ( Delicious Assam tea of epic proportions! ) Just like its namesake, it measures a whopping 19 centimeters (7.5 inches). Drinking tea becomes an art when half of your tea bag hangs out of your cup.
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 While the notion of turning your cup of tea into fish-inhabiting waters is not new, these tea bags will hopefully conjure up images of gentle ocean waves in your mind. 
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btw I’m obsessed with the way the 1995 persuasion handles Anne and Wentworth’s proposal scene because the whole circus randomly goes by and yet it’s like they’re the only two people in the world. they create for each other an oasis of peace and quiet and understanding. they are each other’s safe harbor.
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goodbye 2023👋hello 𓏏𓉔𓇋𓋴 𓇌𓅂𓄿𓂋 𓇋 𓅃𓇋𓃭𓃭 𓎼𓅂𓏏 𓄿 𓅓𓅲𓅓𓅓𓇌 𓃀𓅱𓇌𓆑𓂋𓇋𓅂𓈖𓂧 𓅓𓄿𓇌𓃀𓅂 𓉔𓅲𓋴𓃀𓄿𓈖𓂧 𓇋𓆑 𓉔𓅂𓂕𓋴 𓎢𓅱𓅱𓃭 𓅃𓇋𓏏𓉔 𓏏𓉔𓄿𓏏
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Dunno how to put it properly into words but lately I find myself thinking more about that particular innocence of fairy tales, for lack of better word. Where a traveller in the middle of a field comes across an old woman with a scythe who is very clearly Death, but he treats her as any other auntie from the village. Or meeting a strange green-skinned man by the lake and sharing your loaf of bread with him when he asks because even though he's clearly not human, your mother's last words before you left home were to be kind to everyone. Where the old man in the forest rewards you for your help with nothing but a dove feather, and when you accept even such a seemingly useless reward with gratitude, on your way home you learn that it's turned to solid gold. Where supernatural beings never harm a person directly and every action against humans is a test of character, and every supernatural punishment is the result of a person bringing on their own demise through their own actions they could have avoided had they changed their ways. Where the hero wins for no other reason than that they were a good person. I don't have the braincells to describe this better right now but I wish modern fairy tales did this more instead of trying to be fantasy action movies.
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seals make all sorts of incredible noises, obsessed with this guy
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she's everything
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