devotedlyshinyblaze · 3 years
How to Extend the Service Life of Portable Crushed Ice Maker?
The crushed ice maker is a machine that mainly crushes ice cubes into crushed ice sand with smaller particles. The ice crusher is unique in design, small in size, light in weight, reasonable in structure, and beautiful in appearance. The blades are made of high-quality stainless steel, which have advantages of safety and durability. Portable crushed ice maker is a necessary equipment for making iced drinks, widely used in cola, cold drinks, smoothies and other drinks. Many large cold drink shops have imported OEM portable crushed ice maker from us. So as a professional manufacturer, we will share you with how to use the crushed ice maker correctly and maintain it?
Performance and characteristics of portable crushed ice maker
High-quality selected materials, stainless steel blades, silent and waterproof motors, sprayed appearance.
The ice crusher part is made of titanium alloy material, and the surface is treated with a special process, and the appearance is generous and beautiful.
The blade is made of high-quality stainless steel, which is not easy to wear, has high efficiency in crushing ice, and is safe and durable.
Humanized design, the machine is simple and easy to control, easy to operate, in line with ergonomics, and more humane.
The thickness of the blade can be adjusted at will. The blade is made of high-quality stainless steel and is not easy to wear.
How to operate the portable crushed ice maker correctly?
First check whether the power supply voltage is in line with the voltage indicated on the nameplate, and the power socket is connected to the ground wire.
Raise the pressure ice handle to the top dead center, plug in the power source, turn on the main switch, place the ice tray on the bottom shelf, put the ice material into the ice crushing cylinder, and then press down the ice pressure handle, and thenmake the protection switch automatically open, to achieve the effect of crushed ice. After the work is completed, please move the ice pressing handle to the stop point. The next time you use it, repeat the above operation.
After finishing the work, turn off the power, dry the ice particles on the body with a dry towel, and place it in a dry place.
How to maintain the portable crushed ice maker?
Be careful not to drop hard objects into the shaved ice tray during daily use, otherwise the blades and shaved ice tray will be damaged.
The chopped ice particles flow into the tray through the discharge port. Pay attention to the smooth discharge of the material outlet and it cannot be blocked, otherwise it will cause the cutter head to be stuck and the motor to burn out.
If you find that the cutter head is stuck, you should immediately raise the handle of the pressing cover, turn off the switch, unplug the plug, and troubleshoot in time.
When in use, the outlet of the ice pellets should not be blocked, otherwise it will cause the cutter head to jam and burn the motor. If the above phenomenon occurs, immediately raise the handle and cut off the power to find out the cause.
After working every day, it must be cleaned. When cleaning, turn off the main power switch, unplug the plug, and then wipe the water on the machine with a clean towel and place it in a dry place.
When cleaning, do not directly rinse the interior with water. It is forbidden to use detergent to avoid dampening of electrical components, affecting safe use and damaging the machine.
After cleaning, remember to lift the handle of the pressing cover. Daily maintenance and cleaning can not only improve work efficiency, but also increase the service life of the machine.
 We also provide:
 Black liquid eyeliner supplier
OEM portable crushed ice maker
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devotedlyshinyblaze · 3 years
Should I Get a Robot Vacuum or Vacuum Cleaner?
Have you ever doubted if I only buy a cleaning appliance at home, should I buy a robot cleaner or a wireless vacuum cleaner? Although the two products are clean home appliances, there is actually a big difference in the usage scenarios of the two. Which is better? Let's explore together.
Why are cordless vacuum cleaners so popular now?
Today’s urban families have rarely seen broomsticks, replaced by vacuum cleaners, especially in some younger families, wireless vacuum cleaners will appear more frequently.
Why wireless vacuum cleaners have become a new choice for this generation of household cleaning? This is also due to the British brand Dyson. Under the influence of Dyson, it has not only changed the Chinese people’s habit of using wireless vacuum cleaners, but also forced domestic competitors to achieve reforms and upgrades. With the iteration and upgrade of product technology, wireless vacuum cleaners in 2021 can basically be said that it is a relatively mature product, and most mainstream and high-end wireless vacuum cleaner products are worth trying.
Wireless vacuum cleaner V.S. robot vacuum
✔️Wireless vacuum cleaner
Different from robots vacuum, wireless vacuum cleaners can be said to be a must for household cleaning because of their wider application scenarios. First of all, from the perspective of the scene, the wireless vacuum cleaner can meet the application of the whole family scene such as the floor, sofa, mattress, gap, and furniture surface. Secondly, from the perspective of usage, the wireless vacuum cleaner can be cleaned as a whole or partly, which is more flexible in use.
In the selection of wireless vacuum cleaners, the first consideration is the price. At present, the price of mainstream wireless vacuum cleaners is around $200-$650, and lower prices (suction power, insufficient battery life, and poor user experience) are not recommended. Secondly, in terms of suction power, the maximum suction power is not less than 100AW, which can basically meet the cleaning of common household garbage. Finally, in terms of battery life, it is recommended that the suction power in the mid-to-high range is not less than 15-30 minutes. (It can guarantee the cleaning of the three-bedroom indoor area at one time)
✔️Robot vacuum
Robots vacuum mainly focus on unmanned floor cleaning. Therefore, from the perspective of functional use, sweeping robots cannot completely replace the function of wireless vacuum cleaners. Therefore, sweeping robots can only be regarded as improved cleaning home appliances.
The technological development of robots vacuum is also very mature, so there is no need to worry about the cleaning effect of the sweeping robots being inadequate. The floor hygiene can be handed over to the mainstream sweeping robots currently on the market to get a better cleaning effect. As long as the sweeping robots regularly clean every day, The cleaning effect is not inferior to wireless vacuum cleaners, and the whole process is unmanned, without the need for users to worry about it.
Of course, the working method of the robot vacuum uses a method similar to unmanned driving technology for unmanned work, so some problems will inevitably occur during the period. The most important problem is that during the work process, there will be obstacles on the ground. Let the robot  vacuum stop working, so after purchasing the robot vacuum, be sure to ensure that there are no obstacles on the working floor, such as socks, wires, slippers, etc., that will affect the sweeping robot's work.
In conclusion
Back to the original topic, how to choose between the two products? In fact, after reading the above, I believe everyone should have the answer in their minds. The advantages of the sweeping robot is totally hands-free. If it is used in a comprehensive way, the wireless vacuum cleaner is more rigid and diversified. After all, the cleaning of a family includes not only the ground, but also the cleaning of some non-ground areas. At this time, the use of the wireless vacuum cleaner will be greater. I believe that you who pursue cost-effectiveness will prefer wireless vacuum cleaners! If you want to have oem Wireless vacuum cleaner, plz contact us at any time.
 We also provide:
 Black liquid eyeliner supplier
OEM portable crushed ice maker
oem Wireless vacuum cleaner
oem baby pillow
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devotedlyshinyblaze · 3 years
Everything You Should Know about Eyeliner
An essential step for many girls to make up must be eyeliner! Appropriate eyeliner can highlight and beautify the eyes. At the same time, it can also trim or even change the shape of the eyes, making the eyes have a strong black and white contrast. However, some inferior eyeliner pencils may appear hazy makeup, which will make you more embarrassed. Maybe you need a good waterproof black liquid eyeliner.
What are different ways of drawing eyeliner?
By drawing eyeliner, you can also express the temperament of a person. For example, put the focus of the eyeliner on the bottom, that is, the lower eyeliner is thicker than the upper one, and the position of the eye is lowered, which is innocent and lively; if the focus of the eyeliner is placed on the upper side, the higher the position, you will look more mature and stable.
How to choose a waterproof eyeliner?
Draw a line on the back of your hand with the eyeliner to check the smoothness and color rendering of the eyeliner, as well as the softness of the refill. (The refill is soft and smooth enough to make it easier to apply, and it does not irritate the eyes.)
Rinse the back of the hand with the eyeliner under the faucet and rub it gently to check its durability and smudging degree.
Choose a thin and gentle makeup remover to see how easy and clean the eyeliner is to remove.
What should I do if the eyeliner is dry?
Wet the nib: You can wet the nib with toner or makeup remover, and then use a cotton pad to absorb the nib moisture, powder and debris, and finally draw on the back of your hand or white paper a few more times, it can restore the original eyeliner color.
Add lotion or eye drops to the liquid eyeliner: Add an appropriate amount of lotion or eye drops to the liquid eyeliner, then close the lid tightly and shake it vigorously.
Soak the eyeliner in warm water: first close the lid of the eyeliner tightly, then put the eyeliner into a small bag, and then soak it in warm water for about an hour. However, this method can only maintain a relatively short-term effect.
The difference between eyeliner and gel eyeliner
The effect is different: the eyeliner drawn by the gel eyeliner is thicker, and the eyeliner drawn by the eyeliner is thinner. Gel eyeliner is not easy to smudge, but it breaks easily; while eyeliner is easier to smudge.
Different materials: eyeliner pens are available in solid and liquid form, while gel eyeliner pens are in solid gel form, so it is more convenient to use gel eyeliner pens to draw inner eyeliner. When using it, the gel eyeliner pen is not suitable for drawing the end of the eye because it is thicker, and it is easy to smudge or fail to achieve the desired effect.
Is frequent eyeliner harmful to the eyes?
The main ingredients of eyeliner are titanium oxide, liquid paraffin talc, hemioleate, zinc laurate, preservatives, coloring pigments, fragrances and so on. Frequent drawing of eyeliner is harmful to the eyes. Long-term use of eyeliner will not only affect the skin around the eyes to a certain extent, but also damage the eyes when used improperly. For example:
Risk of allergies when used
When using an eyeliner, a little carelessness can easily cause cosmetic particles to fall into the eyes, causing redness, tearing, and even swelling and pain in the eyes. If the makeup is not removed thoroughly for a long time and the eyeliner remains, it may also induce allergic conjunctivitis.
Contaminated when used for too long
Some data show that the contamination rate of the new eyelashes before use is less than 1%. As the time of use increases, the bacteria on the eyelashes will increase exponentially. Eyeliner and mascara are both eye cosmetics, and they are also prone to bacterial infection during use. Therefore, using eyeliner may cause the risk of eye infections.
But as mentioned above, regular use of a certain product will definitely produce some side effects, no matter what, so don't worry too much about the potential harm. But for sensitive skin, before buying an eyeliner, try to show it in a physical store to see if it matches your skin type. The most important thing is to try to maintain good hygiene when using cosmetics. We are Black liquid eyeliner supplier, if you have any requirements, please feel free to contact us.
 We also provide:
 Black liquid eyeliner supplier
OEM portable crushed ice maker
oem Wireless vacuum cleaner
oem baby pillow
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devotedlyshinyblaze · 3 years
How to Choose Pillow for Your Baby Correctly?
Moms all know that the newborn’s spine is straight and has not yet formed a physiological curve, so pillows are not needed. But when do baby start using pillows? there are different opinions. Some say that after 3 months, and some say that they will raise their heads. In fact, when the baby has these 3 performances, the pillow can be used.
The signal when baby can sleep on the pillow
Babies like to sleep on their parents’ pillows
Babies basically slept with their parents. If mom suddenly finds that the baby is lying on her pillow when she coaxes her to sleep, it means that they are used to the pillow and feel uncomfortable to sleep on their back, so at this time you can add a pillow.
Increased number of night awakenings
Under normal circumstances, babies wake up at night because they are hungry or have nightmares. At this time, they usually cry and swing their heads from side to side. If the parents calm the baby for a while and still can’t stop the crying, first consider whether they are uncomfortable. After excluding sickness, hunger, and nightmares, it is time to consider whether the neck is uncomfortable causing crying and whether it is time to prepare a pillow.
Like to pillow on plush dolls
Plush dolls are a kind of toys that babies prefer, and they often play with them in their arms. If mom finds that the baby often puts a plush toy under his head while sleeping, it is time to prepare a pillow.
How to choose a pillow correctly?
Different months old babies have different choices.
A one-month-old baby does not need a pillow. This is because the physiological curvature of the newborn’s spine has not yet appeared, and it is basically straight. At this time, the head is also relatively large, basically shoulder-width apart, so when it is lying flat, the headrest is at the same level as the back, and it also assumes a natural posture when lying on the side. If a pillow is used for a baby about one month old, the cervical spine will bend artificially, which will easily affect the baby's breathing and swallowing.
Three-month-old babies can choose a pillow or pillow towel with a height of 1 cm (the height is calculated by lying down on the pillow). Most babies' head control ability is fully developed at three months, when the first curvature of the baby's spine (neck curvature) is formed, you can consider using a pillow at this time. Proper pillow height can maintain the baby's normal spinal curvature.
The height of the pillow for a six-month-old baby is about 3~4 cm (the calculation method is the same as above). As the saying goes, "three lifts and six sits", a six-month-old baby will start to sit, and at the same time slowly form a second physical curvature of the spine (chest curvature). Compared with the past, this time you need to gradually increase the height of the pillow according to the baby's situation. .
The height of the pillow for babies after one year old should be 6~9 cm. After one year old, the baby's walking ability is basically perfect, and the third curvature of the spine (lumbar curvature) is formed. At this time, the baby's autonomy is also improved. In addition to the comfort of the pillow, the height needs to be within a reasonable range.
The choice of pillow height seems complicated, but in fact, it only needs to master one principle to simplify it, that is, when the baby is resting on the pillow, the head and torso are basically in the same straight line.
Factors to consider when choosing a good pillow for your baby
So what kind of pillow should I choose? We suggested that the following three points should be mainly grasped:
Firstly, choose fabrics with good breathability and moisture absorption. Pure cotton is an ideal material for pillowcases and pillow cores.
Secondly, moderate soft and hard. Press the pillow with your hand, and the pillow will rebound naturally after you leave your hand. The softness of the pillow is appropriate. Before one year old, the baby’s skull is relatively soft, and pillows with too hard texture can easily cause deformation of the head and face, while pillows that are too soft can easily trap the baby and increase the risk of suffocation.
Thirdly, the length and width are appropriate. The length of the pillow should be slightly longer than the distance between the shoulders on both sides, so as to ensure enough space for the baby to move, and the width should be roughly the same as the head length.
After reading this article, you should have a comprehensive understanding of the importance of choosing pillows for your baby. We sincerely wish your baby grow up healthily. If you want to have oem baby pillow, please feel free to contact us.
We also provide:
Black liquid eyeliner supplier
OEM portable crushed ice maker
oem Wireless vacuum cleaner
oem baby pillow
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devotedlyshinyblaze · 3 years
Four Mistakes to Avoid When Buying a Baby Pillow
The choice of pillow is also an extremely important issue for the baby's healthy development and growth. Moreover, parents should not be ignored, because improper use of pillows can cause a lot of injuries and drawbacks. The main factor that causes the baby's head to deform is also due to the improper use of the pillow. Regarding this question, we summarize some lists and hope to give you some references.
Why are there exclusive pillows for babies?
How to make the child's head beautiful? Some parents mistakenly believe that a pillow with a harder sleep on a baby can make the skull longer and stronger, and the shape of the head is longer and more beautiful, so they like to use millet and sorghum rice as a pillow for their children. In fact, this approach is not conducive to the development of children. A pillow of high quality may fatigue the neck muscles after going to bed. When turning over or turning the head, the amplitude is slightly larger, and the soft tissues of the neck can be stretched and damaged, causing stiff neck. In addition, children’s skulls are soft, and the portal and skull sutures are not completely closed. Long-term use can easily cause head deformation, flatten the head, or have a large face on one side and a small face on one side, which affects the appearance and even affects the development of the brain.
Babies have a strong metabolism and sweat more on their heads. They tend to soak the pillows when sleeping. Sweat and dandruff are mixed, which can easily cause pathogenic microorganisms to stick to the pillows. This not only emits a rancid smell, interferes with the baby’s falling asleep, but is also easily induced facial eczema and scalp infection. Therefore, the baby's pillow should be washed and exposed in time to keep the pillow surface clean. In addition, it is not suitable for babies to use adult pillows. Adult pillows are often too high and large in area. After babies use them, they can increase the curvature of the neck and thoracic spine. The peculiar smell of adult pillows also often interferes with babies falling asleep. Therefore, babies should use their own dedicated pillows.
Common misunderstandings in choosing baby pillows
The proportion of the baby's head is large, the pillow is optional, not important
This is a very wrong idea. According to the needs of the baby's growth and development characteristics, the newborn baby can not use the pillow within three months. But babies older than 3 months should use pillows.
A higher pillow is good for development and growth without the problem of milk overflow
This view is very one-sided. The baby's bones have not been fully shaped, and they develop very fast. If you disregard your baby's physical characteristics and raise the pillow at will, it is easy to cause the development of cervical and spine deformities. If mom and dad are worried about milk spilling, they can be solved by raising the head and upper body together, instead of simply raising the pillow.
Extremely soft and hard pillows
Some mothers think that hard pillows will restrict the baby’s free development, so they use cotton wool as pillows for their babies; while some mothers think that soft pillows are not conducive to the shape of the baby’s head, so they use hard crops such as rice, millet, and sorghum as a filler, they think that the back of the baby's head will be very flat and beautiful when sleeping on a rice bag pillow. This two is totally a mistake.
Heath-care pillow
Some people think that the various baby pillows such as health care, medicine are high-tech products, and they blindly follow the purchase and use. In fact, some products are made entirely to cater to the superstitious psychology of young moms and dads, and do not have the advertised scientific and technological effects; although the pillows produced by some regular manufacturers are qualified, they may not be suitable for your requirements, blindly pursuing novelty may result in some side effects and even harm the baby.
We are professional and leading pillow manufacturer, providing customers with oem baby pillow, if you have interest, please contact us for a free quote.
We also provide:
Black liquid eyeliner supplier
OEM portable crushed ice maker
oem Wireless vacuum cleaner
oem baby pillow
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devotedlyshinyblaze · 3 years
How Much Do You Know About P3 Dust Filter?
P3 dust filter is an indispensable protective equipment for workers engaged in and exposed to dust. It is mainly used in working environments that contain low concentrations of harmful gases and vapors. For firefighters and flour mill workers, P3 dust filters can protect them from dust hazards. However, due to the different functions of masks, many people do not know how to choose when wholesale p3 dust filter. The following content may give you some references.
For dust masks, what do N, R and P mean?
According to NIOSH's standard, it can be classified:
N series: protection against non-oily suspended particles, no time limit;
R series: protect non-oily suspended particles and sweat oily suspended particles, the time limit is eight hours;
P series: protection of non-oily suspended particles and sweat oily suspended particles, no time limit;
For people in some special industries, P3 dust filter are undoubtedly the best choice, so do you know what’s the difference between P3 mask and N95 mask?
The difference between P3 mask and N95 mask
The grade types and standards of P3 masks and N95 masks are different. The P in P3 mask refers to "Oil Protective" (oil-resistant particulate matter), which means that it can filter both oily and non-oily particulates. The N in the N95 mask stands for "Non-oil" (non-oil resistant particles). Generally, non-oily particulate matter refers to coal dust, cement dust, acid mist, microorganisms, etc. In the current haze pollution, most of the suspended particles are non-oily. The oily particulate matter refers to oil fume, oil mist, asphalt fume and so on.
The filtration efficiency of P3 mask and N95 mask is different. P3 mask means that the filtration efficiency of non-oily particles (such as dust, paint mist, acid mist, microorganisms, etc.) under the test conditions specified in the standard is at least 99%, while N95 mask is 95%.
What factors affect the performance of P3 dust filter?
Dust filters, as the name suggests, are to prevent the inhalation of dust. The key to its role is the performance of the filter material, mainly:
Fiber fineness of filter material
It is expressed in terms of fiber diameter and the unit is micrometers. Generally, the fiber diameter of the filter material used for dust masks is preferably less than 5 microns. The diameter of the commonly used polypropylene ultrafine fiber is 4.0 microns, and the fiber diameter of the perchloroethylene ultrafine fiber filter material is less than 2 microns. The drug abuse of fiber is positively correlated with the dust blocking efficiency, that is, the thinner the fiber, the higher the dust blocking efficiency.
The composition structure of the filter material
The organizational structure of the filter material is related to the manufacturing process of the filter material. At present, the molding process of synthetic fiber non-woven filter material mainly includes acupuncture method, direct injection method, bonding method, hot melt method, etc. The hot melt injection molding method is mostly used, and with this method, two or more different fiber materials can be used for composite molding, which improves the efficiency of dust resistance, is relatively soft and has good air permeability.
Chargeability of filter media
The size of the filter belt classic two is positively correlated with the composition efficiency, that is, the greater the amount of static charge, the higher the dust resistance efficiency.
When dust passes through the filter material, the following happens:
Collision retention: When the particle size of the dust is larger than the gap between the filter media fibers, the dust collides on the surface of the filter media, changes direction due to the reaction of inertia and force, and settles and adheres to the surface of the filter media.
Hooking effect: There are burrs on the fiber. When the dust passes through the filter material, it is hooked by the burrs on the fiber to prevent particles from penetrating.
Multi-layer filtration: The filter material is made of superfine fibers lapped and woven into a net, and it has a multi-layered "three-dimensional structure". When the dust passes through the filter material, it is intercepted layer by layer.
Electrostatic effect: The filter material is electrostatically charged, which repels quite polar dust particles, and has an adsorption effect on dust particles of the opposite nature, that is, capture dust.
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devotedlyshinyblaze · 3 years
Common Vacuum Cleaners Problems and Theirs Solutions
Vertical vacuum cleaners have now almost replaced traditional manual labor, bringing great convenience to our lives. It can not only help us clean up large debris, even mites are also possible. However, for people who know less about vacuum cleaners, any malfunction is a big trouble for us. In this blog, we have summarized the problems that may arise in the process of using vertical vacuum cleaners and the corresponding solutions.
The motor of the vacuum cleaner can rotate but does not vacuum
The dust bag in the vacuum cleaner is full and the air path is blocked. Just remove the garbage in the dust bag.
The hose, suction nozzle, and dust bag interface are blocked by foreign matter. Check whether the channels and micropores are blocked, and remove foreign objects to make them unobstructed.
Poor connection between hose, brush holder and extension tube causes air leakage. Check the connections and reconnect them.
The connection part in the middle of the shell is not connected well or the sealing rubber ring is aging and invalid. Check each connection, and check the sealing ring, if necessary, replace it.
The whole machine does not work after power on
The fuse is blown, replace with a new fuse.
The power cord is in poor contact or the motor lead is loose.
The power switch is damaged (Note: Some vacuum cleaners have two switches: one is installed on the shell and the other is installed on the handle of the hose).
The motor is damaged. Only replace the new motor. If the bearing in the motor is damaged or the carbon brush is worn out, the bearing or carbon brush can be replaced with a new one.
Vertical vacuum cleaner is weak in vacuuming
The motor speed is too low. Check whether the motor is normal (such as whether the winding is short-circuited, whether the bearing is flexible, whether the fan blade is blocked), if it is damaged, replace it.
The fan and the motor are not fixed well, causing the fan to not rotate or the speed is too low, just fix it again.
The hose, suction nozzle, and dust bag are seriously blocked. Remove foreign objects to ensure smoothness.
The housing is not tightly sealed. Replace with new sealing ring
Leakage of vacuum cleaner shell
Insulation failure of the motor. Only need to carry out insulation treatment after drying, if no effect, replace with a new motor.
The live part is in contact with the metal rod. Find the contact point and use an insulator for insulation treatment.
The interference of the vacuum cleaner to the TV or radio
This is mainly caused by the poor contact between the brush of the motor and the commutator. The solution is to replace the carbon brushes to maintain good contact with the commutator and connect a capacitor between the two carbon brushes.
The vacuum cleaner cannot be braked after the power cord is pulled out
The main reason is to check whether the contact between the brake wheel of the brake system and the friction disc on the spool is good, and if necessary, replace the spring and other related parts.
The noise of the vacuum cleaner increases significantly when it is working
The fasteners are loose. Check the fasteners everywhere and reinforce them.
The motor fan is loose, or the fan blades touch the shell. Just re-adjust the fan.
The motor bearing is damaged. Replace with new bearings.
The motor carbon brush is worn. Just replace the carbon brush!
If the vacuum cleaner fails, you can repair it according to the above methods, but this is not absolute. When necessary, please feel free to contact professional maintenance personnel. We are a leading and professional manufacturer in China, providing oem Vertical vacuum cleaner. We are happy to serve you at any time.
We also provide:
Eyebrow styling cream supplier
oem Vertical vacuum cleaner
wholesale p3 dust filter
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devotedlyshinyblaze · 3 years
Do You Know How to Use Eyebrow Styling Cream?
For girls, this may be a public “secret”, that is, eyebrows can directly determine a person's temperament. Conversely, how can one improve a person's temperament? The color, shape and curvature of the eyebrows all play a vital role. Therefore, in addition to eyebrow pencils, eyebrow styling cream can also help you become more attractive!
How to choose the color of eyebrow styling cream?
Method 1: According to your own eyes. The size of the eyes is also related to the choice of the eyebrow pencil color. Girls with big eyes can choose the darker color, and the eyebrows can also be drawn thicker, which will be more harmonious with your big eyes. Girls with small eyes can choose a lighter color, and match with a thinner eyebrow shape, which will be more coordinated with the eyes, but the specific eyebrow shape depends on your face shape.
Method 2: According to your own hair color. When choosing the eyebrow styling cream color, it is best to choose the same color as the hair color, and the color difference should not be too large, so that the overall makeup will be more harmonious.
Method 3: According to your skin color. The skin tone should also be matched with the eyebrow styling cream shade. For darker skin tones, do not choose too light eyebrow pencil shade, otherwise it will not be effective. So try to choose a dark-skinned eyebrow pencil, the common eyebrow pencil colors are dark brown or gray-black. For light skin, you can choose a lighter color, such as brown or light gray.
How to use eyebrow styling cream?
Firstly, usually clean the eyebrows, and then apply an appropriate amount of styling cream to the eyebrows, and then apply evenly along the direction of the eyebrows. Applying eyebrow styling cream to the area of the eyebrows can usually improve the color of the eyebrows, but also improve the shape of the eyebrows, and can also make the whole person look more energetic. But when applying, you need to apply an appropriate amount of styling cream to the eyebrows, and apply it evenly along the direction of eyebrow growth, and wipe off the excess styling cream. If you feel that it is troublesome to rub the eyebrow styling cream, you can also improve it by doing eyebrow tattoos. After the eyebrows are tattooed, the eyebrow should be kept clean and hygienic to avoid inflammation and infection of the wound. Repair drugs can be applied locally for adjuvant treatment.
How to remove eyebrow styling cream?
Prepare a cotton swab and paper towel, fold the paper towel in half on the lower eyelid, close the eyes, and then use a cotton swab moistened with makeup remover to wipe down from the root of the eyelashes. Then open your eyes, put a paper towel on the bottom of the lower eyelashes, and then use a cotton swab to wipe down from the root of the eyelashes.
Dip a cotton pad into the special eye makeup remover, and press it gently on the eye area for 5 seconds to allow it to have enough time to dissolve the waterproof ingredients on the eyelashes and eyeliner.
Put a little makeup remover on the cotton pad, then close your eyes, and slowly wipe away from the corner of the eye to the corner of the eye according to the texture of the eyelid; look up when you remove the eyeliner. Try to avoid excessive stretching of the eye skin to produce fine lines.
To clean the eyebrows, first wipe it from the inside and the outside, and then use the opposite side of the cotton to wipe the eyebrows from the outside to the inside.
After the eyelashes and eyeshadow are removed, the residual makeup of the eyeliner or eyeshadow is still left in the small eyelashes or eyelid folds. Dip the makeup remover with a cotton swab and carefully wipe it perpendicular to the eyes, in order to prevent the cosmetics from staying on the delicate skin around the eyes and harming the skin.
Gently wipe the eyebrows to remove the shadow of the eyebrows.
In fact, girls do not put on makeup to please others, but more importantly, to please themselves. A delicate makeup gives you extra confidence and full of vitality every day. We are an Eyebrow styling cream supplier, please feel free to contact us if you have any requirements.
We also provide:
Eyebrow styling cream supplier
oem Vertical vacuum cleaner
wholesale p3 dust filter
kids blue light blocking glasses exporter
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devotedlyshinyblaze · 3 years
How to Protect Children's Eyes?
Eyes are the windows of the soul. When you were young, did you ever admired people who wear glasses and think they are very intelligent and cool; but when you grow up, you start to envy people with healthy eyes; nowadays, not only adults but also children have myopia. Why are children so nearsighted? How to tackle these problems? Kids blue light blocking glasses can help you.
Why are children myopia?
Excessive use of electronic products. Many children grew up playing mobile phones, watching TV, and playing games. The premature and excessive use of electronic products is one of the main reasons for children's myopia.
Poor reading and writing habits.After children go to school, if they do not develop the correct reading and writing posture, they can also cause myopia.
Imbalanced nutrition. Some children have the habit of picky eaters. Insufficient nutritional intake during the growth and development stage can also promote the occurrence of myopia.
Less outdoor activities. As soon as the child goes to school, his time is full of Various courses, cram schools, and interest classes all occupy the child's time. If parents no longer have the awareness of taking their children outdoors, the children will not be able to rest with their eyes for a long time, which will also promote the occurrence of myopia.
How can parents prevent children from myopia?
Guide the child to maintain the correct reading and writing posture daily
Remember the following jingle: read and write three times, chest away from the table a circle, hands an inch away from the pen tip, eyes a foot away from the book. Let children develop a good sitting posture in daily learning, not only to protect the eyes, but also to maintain a tall and upright posture.
Bring your children to outdoor activities
As a parent, take your children to outdoor activities on weekdays to increase the time for their children to look far away and look at green plants. Reduce the time to use eyes at close range.
It is recommended that parents bring their children to play ball sports, such as table tennis, badminton, football, golf, etc. In this way, while exercising, the eyeball will follow the target, so that the eye muscles can be relaxed and contracted, which can effectively reduce eye fatigue.
Do eye exercises frequently
Encourage children to persist in doing eye exercises and pay attention to correct techniques and acupuncture points.
Control the time of using electronic products
Don't let your children play with electronic products and watch TV for a long time. Parents need to establish good rules with their children, and insist on implementing them to lead by example, which will help children develop a good habit of self-control. When playing with mobile phones or computers, it is best to let children wear blue light blocking glasses, which can effectively avoid damage to children's eyes.
Try to avoid taking children to the movies, especially children under 6 years old. The child’s eye development is still immature, and movies that take two or three hours at any time can cause great damage to the child’s eyes.
In addition, do not buy laser toys and low-quality sunglasses for your children, which will affect the normal development of your children’s eyes.
A balanced diet
Parents usually match a reasonable diet for their children daily, so that children are not picky eaters, and eat more vegetables, dairy products, and nuts that are rich in calcium and protein.
At the same time, it is necessary to control the intake of sweets, because studies have shown that the metabolism of carbohydrates depends on vitamin B1. If children eat too much sweets, they will lack vitamin B1 and are prone to optic neuritis.
Create a good light environment for children
Don’t let children read books in places that are too strong or too weak, which is flickering and dimming; turn on the lights when watching TV, and keep a distance of more than 3 meters from the TV; when using the computer, keep the distance between the eyes and the screen no less than 50cm .
With the development of science and technology, there are many various electronic products around us. Both children and adults should plan our time wisely. If needed, various protective tools are available, such as kids blue light blocking glasses. We are kids blue light blocking glasses exporter, any requirements, please feel free to contact us.
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devotedlyshinyblaze · 3 years
Common Problems and Solutions about Flexi Light
With the improvement of people's living standards, flexi lights have been instalLED in every corner of the home, such as cloakrooms, drawers, and cabinets. Among them, LED flexi lights are widely used. Do you know why?
Compared with incandescent lamps and fluorescent lamps, the price of LED linear lamps is indeed higher. However, due to the extremely low energy consumption of LED, a large amount of electricity bills can be saved in the long-term, and the investment in lamp replacement can be saved, so the comprehensive use cost is more cost-effective.
Advantages of LED flexi lights
The shell of the LED linear lamp is made of aluminum alloy, which has the advantages of clear lines, simple structure, beautiful appearance, sturdiness, corrosion resistance, and convenient installation. The surface of the LED linear lamp is electrostatically sprayed, which has good high temperature resistance and weather resistance. The reflector of LED linear lamp adopts imported anodized aluminum plate to ensure high output of light energy. 3MM thick high-strength tempered glass makes it high light transmittance and impact resistance.
The built-in LEDlinear lamp has a guaranteed protection level up to IP65.
Color range: red, yellow, blue, green, white and color.
The beam angle of the LEDline light: 15°-60°.
Lighting distance of LEDline light: 20 meters.
LEDlinear light control system: DMX512 controller or simple wall washer controller.
Shell material of LEDlinear lamp: aluminum alloy.
LEDline light connection method: standard signal power cord connector 3-pin signal connector.
Common problems and their solutions
In the process of using LED line lights, some failures may occur. We have summarized some experience and hope to give you some reference.
LED line light does not light, please check whether the circuit is connected, whether the connection is poor, whether the positive and negative poles of the light bar are connected reversely. The brightness of the light bar is obviously low, please check whether the rated power of the power supply is less than the power of the light bar, or whether too much power is consumed because the connecting wire is too thin. If the front of the light bar is obviously brighter than the back, please check whether the series length exceeds 3 meters.
LED line lights need to be anti-static: because LED is an electrostatic sensitive component, if you do not take anti-static measures when repairing LED line lights, the LED will burn out and cause waste. It should be noted here that the soldering iron must use an anti-static soldering iron, and the maintenance personnel must also take anti-static measures (such as wearing a static ring and anti-static gloves, etc.)
LED linear lights cannot sustain high temperature: The two important components of linear light manufacturers' LED linear lights are LED and FPC. LED linear lights are products that cannot continue to withstand high temperatures. If the FPC continues to high temperature or exceeds its withstand temperature, the cover film of the FPC will bubble, which will directly cause the LED line lamp to be scrapped. At the same time, the LED cannot withstand the high temperature continuously, and the LED linear lamp chip will be burned out by the high temperature for a long time under the high temperature. Therefore, the soldering iron used when repairing the LED light strip must be a temperature-control LED soldering iron, and the temperature is limited to a range, and it is forbidden to change and set at will. In addition, even so, it is necessary to pay attention to the soldering iron not to stay on the pins of the LED line lamp for more than 10 seconds during maintenance. If it exceeds this time, it is likely to burn the LED line lamp chip.
Hoping that the above content can give you some references. We are leading and professional LED lights manufacturer, providing china oem flexi light, if you have any requirements, please feel free to contact us by [email protected].
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devotedlyshinyblaze · 3 years
What’s the Difference Between IR and RF Controller?
With the development of science and technology, the technology of wireless remote control is becoming more and more mature. IP and RF is also widely used in many industries. However, many people cannot distinguish between IR and RF. Therefore, in this blog, we will mainly discuss the difference between the two.
Principle of wireless remote control
The radio remote control is a remote control device that uses radio signals to control various institutions in the distance. Commonly used radio remote control systems are generally divided into two parts: transmitting and receiving.
The transmitting part is generally divided into two types, namely the remote control and the transmitting module.
Generally speaking, the receiving part is also divided into two types, namely super heterodyne and super regenerative receiving methods. The super regenerative demodulation circuit is also called the super regenerative detection circuit, which is actually a regenerative detection circuit that works under intermittent oscillation. The superheterodyne demodulation circuit is the same as the superheterodyne radio. It sets a local oscillator circuit to generate an oscillating signal, which is mixed with the received carrier frequency signal to obtain an intermediate frequency signal, which is amplified and detected by the intermediate frequency to demodulate Data signal.
How do IR and RF work?
There are two common types of wireless remote controls, one is the IR remote control commonly used in home appliances, and the other is the RF remote control commonly used in anti-theft alarm devices, remote control of doors and windows, and car remote control. The principle of wireless remote control is that the transmitter encodes the controlled electrical signal first, and then modulates it. Infrared modulation or wireless frequency modulation and amplitude modulation are converted into wireless signals for transmission. The receiver receives the information-carrying radio wave, amplifies, decodes, and obtains the original control electrical signal. The electrical signal is then power-amplified to drive related electrical components to realize wireless remote control.
What is the difference between IR and RF?
RF (also known as "radio frequency") and IR (for "infrared") are two types of energy used in remote controls to convey commands. RF uses radio waves, while IR is a type of light that cannot be seen by the naked eye.
Many people may not know what kind of remote control they are holding. As long as it works, few people care. But if you are curious, the easiest way to judge is whether you need to point the remote control directly at the device you want to control. Your TV remote is IR. Your garage door is RF.
Each of these two technologies has advantages and disadvantages. IR is fast, efficient, and provides the ability to communicate various commands. Its disadvantage is that you always need sight to work properly. If there is any obstacle, you will sink. It is also suitable for relatively short distances. The size of a room is as much as you expect.
On the other hand, RF can work over longer distances. You can be on your street and still open your garage. Some high-end remote control vehicles may be far away from their radio frequency control devices. RF can also pass through solid walls-as long as they are not metal. However, the transmission mode of RF is not as complicated as IR, so the command must be simpler, such as switch; up, down; on, off.
Since the RF data payload is very small, the manufacturing cost of the components will eventually be reduced. You can find them in common equipment such as ceiling fans and garage doors: the commands don’t need to be complicated, and RF can increase the range while reducing the overall cost.
We are leading and professional manufacturer, providing china oem RF controller, if you have any requirements, plz feel free to contact us.
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devotedlyshinyblaze · 3 years
A Comprehensive Introduction to Infrared Controllers
With the development of infrared technology, our life is more and more convenient. For example, as long as you return home and open the door, the porch light will naturally light up. Do you know why? Do you know how it works? This is all because IR controller. Let's discuss it together.
Development of infrared controller
Infrared (IR) technology dominates the remote device operation market. The IR controller sends encoded infrared waves to the IR receiver, where they are converted into device commands. The technology is best known for home remote controls, which have been able to operate almost any home entertainment device remotely since the mid-1980s. Beyond televisions, infrared controllers can operate almost anything that receives digital commands, from home appliances to cars and computer systems.
How does the infrared controller work?
The technology behind the infrared controller is deceptively simple. The panel on the device emits a brief infrared light when the button on the remote is pressed. This light is invisible to man; It's just out there in visible light. A receiver on the connected device reads the invisible flash and translates it into a command. In many ways, it works like Morse code, with the selection of long and short pulses corresponding to commands.
Because the technology works through invisible light, it has some of the same properties as visible light. The pulse train from the IR controller needs to be visible to the receiver. If a solid object blocks any of these parts, the signal will not pass and the command will not be executed. Properly placed mirrors, on the other hand, will allow light to bypass walls and enter other rooms.
When infrared controllers are able to penetrate walls or other solid objects, it may be more than just infrared. Since IR is just light, it can't do things that light can't do. When a remote control needs additional functionality, it usually includes a radio transmitter. In this case, the system will identify short radio pulses that do not reach the receiver and emit analog infrared signals. The signal will penetrate objects and travel farther than standard infrared.
To prevent infrared controllers from interfering with other devices, manufacturers install different codes into different systems. This basically means that all devices that support remoting use different languages. When a receiver sees a command it doesn't recognize, it simply ignores it. This opened the way for programmable remote controls; In essence, they can learn the language spoken by other devices, allowing one IR controller to perform multiple jobs.
What are the application of IR controller?
IR controller is only suitable for digital equipment. If a system has an on-board computer system, it can use the technology; Devices without digital systems cannot. Some manufacturers use digital receivers as intermediaries in analog equipment to enable IR communication. In these devices, the remote creates a digital response that activates analog functions -- it does not interact directly with the analog system.
We are leading and professional manufacturer, providing china oem IR controller, if you have any questions or interests, please feel free to [email protected].
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devotedlyshinyblaze · 3 years
Do You Know the Magic of Drawer Light?
With the rise of domestic living standards, the family's requirements for decoration design are also increasing. How to store them cleverly and how to make furniture more beautiful have been paid attention to. As an important factor to improve the quality of the home, lighting has become popular in various cabinets of furniture. So is the drawer light useful? What other uses does it have?
Why do we need drawer lights?
I don't know if you have encountered the following situations in your daily life:
"I was looking for a piece of clothing in the closet but my body blocked the light and it became a mess; when I was sleeping soundly, my spouse got up to look for something and turned on the main light and I was awakened by the light; the operating table was too dark to see clearly, so I cut my finger carelessly in the kitchen; the cabinet drawer is too deep to find something, I have to take a mobile phone and turn on the flash to shine inside;
I believe you must have one above experience, or even more.
Storage in a residential environment is a compulsory course. Almost all families have many large and small cabinets, such as the TV cabinet in the living room, the cabinet in the kitchen, the closet in the room, the mirror cabinet in the bathroom, and so on. The main light can be used to meet the lighting of the whole house, but it is not necessary, because we can choose a better method, which is to install local lighting fixtures in various cabinets. Such as drawer lights.
The design method of installing lamps in cabinets has been popular abroad for a long time. It was first applied in his works by American lighting designer Bentley Mick. Mick has always advocated that different lights have different functions, which will give space. Bring different lighting effects.
What are other applications of drawer lights?
🔸TV cabinet
In addition to putting the TV set, the TV cabinet also takes into account the function of storage. The traditional open TV cabinet does not look tidy. The modern and popular one is the closed or semi-closed TV cabinet. If there is a display, you can install a transparent door. The lamp on the TV cabinet can be installed with a light trough above the TV cabinet to provide diffuse reflection light for the entire space, or an embedded light bar can be installed on the back of the TV to reduce the contrast between light and darkness in the living room and also help protect eyesight.
🔸Wine cabinet
Most of the people who like drinking will set up a special wine cabinet at home. As a drinking person, we must not only consider the professional knowledge of wine cabinet temperature and humidity, but also let the wine cabinet take into account the sense of beauty and make it a good place in the home. Most wine cabinets will use transparent glass cabinet doors, and embedded light bars or glass laminate lights are installed inside the cabinet, which can make the entire wine cabinet form a high-level atmosphere.
There are thousands of storage rules in the kitchen, but if you want the kitchen to look less dark and messy, the lighting design of the cabinets must be done well. It is essential to store the local lighting fixtures of key parts. If there is a wall cabinet above the operating table, then installing cabinet lights at the bottom of the wall cabinet is your best choice. In case of a kitchen with poor lighting, some cabinet lamps should be installed in each cabinet to illuminate the inside of the cabinet for the convenience of users.
The importance of the wardrobe in the bedroom is second only to the bed. Although the wardrobe occupies a small area in the bedroom, most of it can be seen through the main light, but as time goes by, the brightness of the main light in the bedroom will change. Gradually darkening, this subtle change is hard to find, but it has a great impact on the use of the wardrobe.
Because the wardrobe space is not large, the light for finding clothes is easily blocked by the body, but the wardrobe lamp can provide the most sufficient lighting effect in the cabinet, and it is no longer affected by the dark weather or other factors.
In recent years, drawers have played an important role in cabinets and wardrobes. They are the best choice for storing small items. But precisely because they are all small items, when the drawer is large enough, it is not so convenient to find things. It is the most popular way to install a sensor-type drawer light in the drawer. The door-touch sensor drawer light can illuminate the drawer as long as the drawer is open.
🔸Storage cabinet/bookcase
If the home is not enough to build a bookcase alone, there must be a cabinet that integrates the storage of sundries and books. The cabinet body divided into multiple small compartments will block the light due to the influence of the partition. If there is no special spotlight on the ceiling to illuminate them, you may try to install lighting fixtures inside the cabinet. You can install light bars on the partition horizontally. Point light sources can also be installed, everything depends on the size of the compartment.
The appearance of the drawer light bar greatly facilitates our lives. After reading this article, do you want to install drawer lights in your home? If you have any requirements, don't forget to contact us! We not only provide high-quality china oem drawer light, but also reliable and professional services.
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devotedlyshinyblaze · 3 years
Common Problems and Solutions about Optical Network Unit
Optical network unit, abbreviated as ONU, is a terminal device accessed by optical fiber suppliers, which can be divided into active optical network unit and passive optical network unit. ONU is a user-end device in an optical network. It is placed at the user's end and used in conjunction with the OLT to implement Ethernet Layer 2 and Layer 3 functions to provide users with voice, data, and multimedia services. Optical network units are widely used in the construction of smart grid data communication platforms.
Access mode of optical network unit
FTTC (Fiber To The Curb): ONU is placed in the central computer room of the community;
FTTB (Fiber To The Building): OUN is placed in the junction box of the corridor;
FTTH (Fiber To The Home): OUN is placed in home users;
FTTSA (Fiber To The Service Area): Fiber to the service area;
Function of optical network unit
Choose to receive the broadcast data sent by the OLT (optical line terminal);
Respond to the ranging and power control commands sent by the OLT, and make corresponding adjustments;
Buffer the user's Ethernet data and send it to the upstream in the sending window allocated by the OLT.
Common faults and solutions of optical network units
Indicator light and fault:
Description of ONU panel indicator:
POWER light: green; off: power off; on: power on
PON light: green; on: long light indicates that the board has passed the self-check and the device is operating normally;
LOS light: off; normal state: orange; abnormal state: the first PON port has no optical link, and the second light attenuation exceeds 24db.
The faults are mostly optical path faults and ONU equipment faults. First, check whether the panel indicator is normal. The light path failure depends on the PON light status: the PON light is always green, indicating that the light path is normal, the PON light is off, it means the light path is broken, and the LOS light will be orange.
Test the optical path with an optical power meter. The qualified range of optical power is: 1310nm file: between -8db and -24db. If it exceeds the range, it will affect the normal working quality of the ONU and the user's Internet access will be affected. Check the upper-level optical path and transfer to the optical cable. Test the optical splitter pigtail corresponding to the faulty user optical cable.
1: The attenuation of the 2-way optical splitter is -3db
1: 4-channel optical splitter attenuation to -6db
1: 8-channel optical splitter attenuation is -9db,
1: The attenuation of the 16-channel optical splitter is -12db,
1: The attenuation of the 32-channel optical splitter is -15db,
1: The attenuation of the 64-channel optical splitter is -18db,
If the output optical power of the optical splitter pigtail is qualified, please replace the fiber core between the optical cable transfer box and the building. Generally, we will lay at least two fiber cores in the building. After the replacement, we will test at the end. If the optical splitter comes out, the optical power of the pigtail is unqualified, please replace the spare pigtail, and use the optical power meter to test a qualified pigtail and connect it to the building pigtail.
If the optical path is faulty: first unplug the pigtail on the ONU to test the optical power. If there is no light or the power is unqualified, please find the optical splitter 1—32 pigtails corresponding to the ONU on the flange of the optical cable transfer box. Unplug the pigtail from the flange to test the optical power. If the pigtail is unqualified, you can replace any of the 1-32 idle pigtails. Remember: the main fiber of the splitter cannot be unplugged, which will affect all ONUs.
After reading this article, do you have a comprehensive understanding of the common failures of optical network units? For more details, please feel free to contact us. If you have any needs, we will give you the best optical network unit price.
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devotedlyshinyblaze · 3 years
3 Reasons Why Not Have A Light in Freezer
I believe that many attentive friends will find such a phenomenon in life. When we open the refrigerator compartment on the upper floor of the refrigerator to fetch things, the lights inside will light up, but when we open the freezer compartment to fetch things, the lights will not turn on. Do you know why? Why is there no light in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator? As a freezer light manufacturer, next, we will answer for everyone.
Why don't install light in freezer?
✔️Economic cost
From an economic point of view, whether it is in the freezer or the refrigerator, the cost of installing a light that will automatically turn on when the door is opened is almost the same. And it does not change with the number of times you open and close the refrigerator door. This is what economists call "fixed costs."
Fixed cost means: the cost that does not change with output changes within a certain technical level and production scale. For example, fixed asset depreciation expenses, management staff salaries, etc.
For example, if the cost of installing a light in the refrigerator compartment of a refrigerator is the same as the cost of installing a light in the freezer, both are $2. Then the refrigerator with the lights in both the refrigerator and the freezer is definitely more expensive than the refrigerator with lights in the cold room only.
However, it is impossible to decide whether to install the lamp in the freezer based on the economic cost of Andon alone. The separate design of the refrigerator compartment and the freezer compartment of the refrigerator is to serve people, so we also need to consider how often users use both.
✔️The difference between the refrigerator and the freezer
Before talking about the frequency of use by users, let us first understand the difference between the functions of the refrigerator and the freezer. At present, most refrigerators on the market are divided into two layers-the upper refrigerator and the lower freezer, and they have different functions.
Cold room
The refrigerator door shelf in the freezer compartment is suitable for food that is not perishable or ready to be eaten.
The position near the door on the upper floor is suitable for direct entry of food.
The leftovers at home should be packaged in advance and placed on the back wall of the upper floor.
The lower door of the refrigerator is suitable for all kinds of vegetables and fruits.
The lower back wall is suitable for food that has not been cooked but must be kept at a low temperature.
The upper layer of the refrigerator freezer has the lowest temperature and is suitable for quick freezing.
The middle layer is suitable for food that does not need to be heated for a long time.
Frozen fish, raw meat, seafood, etc. are best placed on the lower level.
✔️Usage frequency
The purpose of installing a lamp in the refrigerator is to make it easier for users to find things. Especially in the middle of the night, you come out of the room and want to drink, but you are too lazy to turn on the lights in the living room. At this time, the lights in the refrigerator are very useful.
According to the classification of items placed in the refrigerator and freezer compartments above, it can be seen that the beverages and uneaten snacks that people usually drink are placed in the upper refrigerator compartment. So, try to compare the number of times you open the refrigerator and freezer in a day, whether you don't remember how many times you opened the refrigerator, but the number of times you open the freezer is only a handful.
From this point of view, it is very necessary to install a light in the cold storage room. On the other hand, the freezer room that is not used very much in the day has natural light during the day and does not need to turn on the light. The probability of using it in the middle of the night is even smaller. It can be seen that it is not necessary to install a light in the freezer.
Comprehensive consideration of the economic cost of Andon and the user’s frequency of use of the refrigerator and freezer can be obtained. It is more cost-effective to install the lamp in the refrigerator than in the freezer and refrigerator, and consumers are more willing to do so. So pay the bill. Therefore, in most refrigerators on the market, the lights will not turn on when the freezer is turned on, because there is no Andon.
Of course, nothing is absolute, and not all consumers think that installing a light in the freezer is not cost-effective. If you ask who is willing to pay for the benefits of this type of feature? I think the higher a person's income, the more likely they are to be willing to pay for this additional function. Therefore, in order to enjoy the convenience brought by the installation of lights in the freezer, consumers have to be willing to spend more money.
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devotedlyshinyblaze · 3 years
Whether the Rugged Phone is Worth Buying
With the continuous development of communication technology, more and more smart phones appear on the market for consumers to choose from. However, with that, people have more and more requirements for mobile phones, from simply calls, texting, to the current camera, mobile phone operating speed, fast charging and so on. But while pursuing these, it is necessary to ensure the durability of the mobile phone. Fortunately, almost all mobile phones are rugged phone.
What is a rugged phone?
Three-proof mobile phones or rugged mobile phones refer to mobile phones with slight dustproof, shockproof, and waterproof functions. They are mainly aimed at young users who love outdoor sports or professional users with special needs. With its professional performance, including anti-fall and anti-rolling, the rugged phone can be competent for applications in extremely harsh weather conditions and special occasions.
What types of rugged mobile phones are there?
There are two main categories of rugged mobile phones on the market:
The first category is ordinary rugged mobile phones. Its ruggedness function is only an auxiliary function and can only achieve minor ruggedness. This kind of mobile phone is generally stylish and has no obvious difference from ordinary mobile phones on the market. IP56 and IP57 can be classified into this category.
The second category is just professional rugged mobile phones. This kind of mobile phone is completely different from ordinary mobile phones in terms of shape and rugged coefficient. It can even withstand immersion in water and crushed by cars for a certain period of time. Its target audience is professional outdoor mountaineering, wading and other adventure sports enthusiasts, and some people who like the military, because of its unique shape and strong physique, have a soft spot for it. IP67 and IP68 can be classified into this category.
What is the IP rating system?
We can often hear what the selling point of a certain rugged phone is IP57 and IP58 waterproof. But what is this "IP"? What does the number behind mean? In fact, the IP here is the abbreviation of Ingress Protection, which means The degree of protection of the shell of the electronic device against the intrusion of foreign objects from the outside. The IP classification system was originally proposed by the International Electrotechnical Commission and defined in its own IEC 60529 standard. The IP classification system is represented by IPXX. The first X represents the level of protection of the enclosure from intrusion of solid foreign objects (dust level), and the second X represents the level of water resistance (waterproof level) of the enclosure.
Dust proof grade:
0 No protection;
1 can prevent solids <50 mm (diameter, the same below), such as palms;
2 can prevent solids <12.5 mm, such as fingers;
3 can prevent solids <2.5 mm, such as screwdrivers;
4 can prevent solids <1 mm, such as wires;
5 can prevent enough dust to cause harm;
6 completely prevent the intrusion of dust;
Water proof grade:
Level 0 no protection;
Level 1 can eliminate the harmful effects of falling water droplets vertically;
Level 2 has a protective effect on water droplets falling within 15 degrees from the vertical;
Level 3 can eliminate the harmful effects of spray-like water droplets at 60 degrees from the vertical;
Level 4 can eliminate the harmful effects of splashing water droplets from different directions;
Level 5 can eliminate the harmful effects of water jets from nozzles in all directions;
Level 6 can eliminate the harmful effects of the powerful jet of water from the nozzles in all directions;
The top of Level 7 is 0.15-1m away from the water surface, for 30 minutes continuously, the performance is not affected, and there is no water leakage;
The top of level 8 is 1.5-30 meters away from the water surface for 30 minutes without affecting performance and water leakage;
What is the IP58 rating and IP67 rating?
From the above introduction, it can be seen that the protection level IP58 represents that it has a better dust-proof effect, and at the same time, it can be kept in a water-tight state for 30 minutes in a water depth of less than 1.5 meters. The IP67 rating is able to achieve complete dust-proof effect, and keep it in a normal state of use without water leakage for 30 minutes at a water depth of 1.5 meters or less. This level of protection has reached the professional three-proof standard. And our rugged phones fully meets this requirement, you can use it with confidence.
Rugged mobile phones have become a big buying point, mainly because they have pierced some pain points in the lives of ordinary consumers. For example, many users will take their mobile phones into the shower room while taking a shower while watching movies, or accidentally drop their mobile phones in the water, or even taking pictures underwater, the emergence of rugged mobile phones solve these problems to a certain extent.
If you want to have an OEM rugged phone, don’t forget to contact us, as a leading and professional manufacturer, we will provide you with high quality products and reliable service.
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devotedlyshinyblaze · 3 years
The Benefits of Using NFC Smartphone
NFC is the near field communication function, its full name is: Near Field Communication, that is, the short-distance wireless communication technology. The biggest feature of NFC is --- "near": combining the card reader and point-to-point functions on a single chip can achieve near distance data exchange. NFC, which was first jointly developed by Philips and Sony, is a non-contact identification and interconnection technology that enables short-range wireless communication between mobile devices, consumer electronics, PCs, and smart control tools. Today's NFC smartphones have become very popular and widely used in all over the world.
What are the advantages of NFC?
Compared with Bluetooth, NFC has a higher transmission rate for data transmission, and the connection between devices is faster and more stable than Bluetooth. In addition, compared to WiFi, NFC is also simpler than WiFi transmission. It does not require other software, nor does it require one party to create a hotspot and the other to connect to it like WiFi. In addition, NFC not only can realize this simple data transmission, but also has other functions. So, what can you do with NFC?
What are the applications of NFC smartphones?
✔️Access Card
Now many people can use their mobile phones or other wearable devices to swipe their access card to get in and out. In fact, the reason why these devices they use can realize the access control card function is because they have a built-in NFC module. These devices can simulate the information of the access control card through the NFC module, and then store it. When the card is swiped, the NFC will communicate with the access control by using the stored data. Therefore, the access control can be successfully opened, thus realizing the function of the access control card. It's very convenient, and you will never be afraid of forgetting the access card.
Nowadays, people rarely carry cash or bank cards when going out, and as one of the mobile payment methods, mobile wallets also need to use NFC functions. Like the current contactless transaction: The wallet App on the mobile phone uses the NFC function to interact with some POS machines or other transaction devices that support NFC through the NFC protocol, so that contactless transactions can be realized.
✔️Bus card and subway card
Nowadays mobile phones basically support the use of NFC function to simulate bus cards and subway cards. No matter if you go out by bus or subway, you no longer have to buy a ticket. You only need to take out your mobile phone, turn on the NFC function, and swipe it close to the scanner. There is no need to invest in coins or line up to buy tickets anymore, which greatly facilitates everyone's travel.
✔️Top up the metro card and bus card
When everyone had no money for the bus or subway card, they needed to go to a special place to recharge the card. You have to wait in line every time, which is a waste of time. Now with the NFC smartphone, you can recharge only by operating on the phone, which is very convenient.
✔️File transfer
Two mobile phones that support NFC can transfer files through contact, no tedious operations are required, only back contact is required, and you can choose to share pictures, files or other information from one mobile phone to another mobile phone. And the transmission speed is much faster with Bluetooth. It can be said that this way of transferring files is very convenient and fast.
There are other functions: for example, with the help of some software, you can obtain the information on the ID card, or check the recent transaction information on the bank card (IC card), etc. For more detailed information, please feel free to contact us. We are nfc smartphone factory and will provide you with professional services and high-quality products.
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