devilswinging · 3 years
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ooc. so i’m probably once again going on hiatus
the want to write bendy (or anybody!) here on tumblr just doesn’t exist at the moment. i’ll probably still check in from time to time but yeah.
soft hiatus? i guess? i have things drafted so i’ll likely reply when/if i get the muse to write bendy again, but please be aware that you don’t have to respond once i do! it could be awhile and i get that interest gets dropped!
🌈「veemo」🌈#7132 is my discord if anyone wants to add me! just mention who you are so i don’t accidentally remove you during a friends list purge!
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devilswinging · 3 years
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hi! so! the update’ll be under a cut but!! like/reply to this post if you want a starter! i might end up going into your memes and sending you something tho
anyway! update time! in convenient bullet points!
i have basically fully recovered from wisdom teeth surgery! i still have one (1) hole in my mouth but other than that everything’s back to normal!
i am fully vaccinated! the suffering of side-effects is over, i can finally be free! for the most part. still gonna social distance and wear a mask cause god forbid anyone assume i’m not a decent human being, but still!!
we’ll still be fairly low activity, but i’ll be doing my best to remember to be here!!
if you want my discord, please feel free to ask me for that!! i am much, much more active on discord!
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devilswinging · 3 years
If NIffty were to pull her hand away from him, viscous ink would be sticking to her palm. Ew.
At her remark, however, Bendy gives a sad little chuckle and shakes his head. “Nah... Y’see, this form’s got a lot’ve history behind it. Ain’t the looks itself that makes the monster, doll... ‘S the actions.” Bendy shifts his position so instead of crouching on his toes, he’s now on his knees. Still towering over her, unfortunately? Yes. You can’t not tower over someone at over eight feet tall. But at least it wasn’t a huge gap with him so low to the ground.
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She touches him, and he flinches. Of course he wouldn’t actually hurt Niffty! Not unless he had to.
“It- Heh… Pretty big overreaction, huh?” Bendy gently puts a hand on Niffty’s head, the whole of his glove practically being as big as her skull! “This… is prob’ly who I actually am. Part a the reason I’m here ‘sides bein’ a demon from the start… I prob’ly should’a told ya but… when ev’ryone’s a demon, bein’ a monster don’t really mean much, huh?”
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“A little, heheh…” She chuckles softly, trying to lighten the somber mood. Niffty tilts her head back a bit when he rests his hand on her head, peering up at Bendy.
“I don’t think that’s true, though!” The petite cyclops insisted, shaking her head. “It’s one aspect of you, yes. And it did scare me…but I don’t think you’re a monster, Bendy.”
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devilswinging · 3 years
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Niffty shakily looks up at the ink demon. Was it just her imagination or did he sound…remorseful? Slowly pushing herself off the wall, she cautiously approaches Bendy. Even in this form, she knew it still had to be him. 
She reaches out hand to gently touch his arm. The cyclops is still frightened of him she knows that much but…she doesn’t think he’ll actually hurt her. ‘”It’s okay…” She says in a hushed tone,. It’s as if she’s afraid that if she raises her voice higher she might spook him. “I’m the one who should be sorry. I shouldn’t have pushed you like that. Please forgive me.”
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She touches him, and he flinches. Of course he wouldn’t actually hurt Niffty! Not unless he had to.
“It- Heh... Pretty big overreaction, huh?” Bendy gently puts a hand on Niffty’s head, the whole of his glove practically being as big as her skull! “This... is prob’ly who I actually am. Part a the reason I’m here ‘sides bein’ a demon from the start... I prob’ly should’a told ya but... when ev’ryone’s a demon, bein’ a monster don’t really mean much, huh?”
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devilswinging · 3 years
No more playing nice. No more barking, defending herself with mere words. These anonymous creatures played and toyed with lingering emotional scars for far too long. Many other occurrences ended in the bluenette swinging one or several of these nuisances twinkling into the night sky, but a hoard required extra man power.
Or in her case, supernatural power. 
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The little devil darling began his transformation, all while Vivi smacked and batted the approaching grey enemies targeting her demonic friend. No one would dare touch her precious friend, another member of her own family, someone she held very near and dear to her own tattered heart. Cute, adorable cartoon or eldritch abomination, Vivi never left Bendy in the dust. 
And would never let him rot away. 
“I’ll do my best to keep my ice off you Bendy. I don’t want you to get hurt, but don’t hold back when it comes to these pests in front of us!” Vivi raised her bat up above her head, and in one fell swoop it crashed down on the barren ground. A thick layer of ice shot out from the bat’s head, twisting and turning upon any sort of contact be it organic or not. Those grey fae found themselves trapped in frozen, icy sea.
Perfect for a little game of slice and dice. 
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As if a little ice would slow him down. It would, of course, ink’s not incapable of being frozen, but it won’t stop the not-so-little demon now. He doesn’t care.
These people have harmed someone he cares about for far too long.
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One by one, their enemies were frozen. And one by one, as the demon pounced and leapt between them, were they eviscerated and torn apart. Bodies shattered like icicles. Heads separated from bodies. Limbs torn away from torsos. All by the demon’s claws and teeth.
The more he slew, the higher, the louder his laughter became. Of course Vivi would never let him die, or be forgotten, or anything of the sort. Just as he would never let her come to harm, or pain, not if he could help it.
They have each other.
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devilswinging · 3 years
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“MURDERER.” Tisiphone exclaimed, her voice echoing within the chambers as she throws her whip at the ink demon’s legs, having it wrap around his ankles and violently pulling him toward her direction.
“MRRR... MURDERER!” She’d continue to yell, yanking her whip back before having her foot dig underneath him to flip him out onto his back. He wasn’t like any shade she recognized. But he wanted to provoke her - to Hades whatever shade he was.
He’d learn to not talk to a Fury like that.
Her arm reels back, the leather scaled whip lashing out against his now exposed back quickly with a sickening crack. One of her feet makes busy into pressing down against his rear to keep him pinned against the stone cold floor. Her hand rears back once again, “Murder.”
It’s almost like she expects him to be afraid of her. And if he were a sensible human (or former human in this case), he probably would be. But he isn’t. He’s a demon.
When the whip makes contact with his inky flesh, Bendy just bites his lip and takes that one hit, but that’s all she’ll get. At least all she’ll get without a fight.
With a growl, Bendy struggles against her, unsheathing his tail-blades and claws, wriggling to get free and up onto his feet, putting a little bit of distance between demon and Fury. “Heh, murderer, huh? Ya know, yer really not all that great at readin’ what people are.”
As if he hasn’t taken a life. Not that she needs to know that.
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“An’ yer not that great at takin’ a joke, either! Jeez, s’like yer tryin’ to kill me or somethin’!”
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devilswinging · 3 years
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Meta Knight has been in the studio for all of 5 minutes and he's already confused and maybe a little lost. One of the innate powers of a Star Warrior is to be able to sense demons, but it feels like this entire place is dripping with demonic energy. Is the whole building a demon? Does that make any sense at all?? The answer will be revealed after this commercial break.
The small knight continues his utterly fruitless exploration through the halls, coming up with nothing but a migraine and a new appreciation for how cartoons are made.
To say that the whole of the studio is a demon isn’t too far from the truth. Rather, the whole building is the domain of a demon, and quite the powerful one at that.
As the small knight shuffles along, the ink bubbles and oozes from any place it can get out. From the floors and walls, a cascade of black in every direction, growing only thicker as the master in question approaches.
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“Yer not a toon,” Bendy growls, looming over Meta Knight, completely unfazed and unafraid. “Ain’t a human, neither. What’re ya? How’d ya get in here?”
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devilswinging · 3 years
“Ye can sit on my shoulders.. trust me, I grew up where the dulaman harvest is. If I can deadlift at least 38.5 kilos I’m sure that having your sit on my shoulders won’t bother me at all!”
Elin rummaged through her bag and pulled out a straw hat, handing it to the demon with a grin
“This will help with the brightness, keep the sun out of your eyes”
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“I mean, ‘ccordin’ to Henry I’m ‘bout 40 pounds so I’d say ya prob’ly’ve got this,” Bendy laughs, hefting himself up onto Elin’s shoulders.
He does reject the hat though. “Nah. I wanna get used to the brightness a it all. Who knows when the next time I’ll see it is?” Technically, that’ll just make going back to the studio all the worse. But does Bendy care? Not really. He’s going to enjoy this while it lasts.
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devilswinging · 3 years
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Oh, this was something the little devil always looked forward to. He wasn’t even going to speak a response to Vivi’s war cry. He’ll let the Ink Demon speak for him. And the anons get to see the transformation in all it’s ugly, dripping glory.
His small body elongates in a way unnatural even to toons. Bones that were not previously there snap, crack, bend and stretch and it sounds painful. But that grin remains plastered on the demon’s face, as if he’s felt worse. His vertebrae form long spines, trailing down the bone to the base of his tail, of which the tip snaps open to reveal two blades on either side of the spade, then snaps back shut so it can be used without him thinking about it. Likewise, the claws on his hands elongate, and he brandishes them as weapons.
Standing back to back with Vivi now, the Ink Demon finally, finally speaks.
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“I’ve always wondered what happens when ya drown in ink when yer body’s colder than Hell frozen over!”
This is enough. 
No more talking. Words were meaningless when they all but fell in the sea of grey faces.
Actions spoke louder! 
Actions would silence these annoyances! 
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“I’ve had it now. You call me a she-devil!? You call me and my team a bunch of murderers!? You antagonize, you toy with our emotions, you beat me into the ground with your condescending tone! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!” All at once, Vivi shot out a wave of pure energy coming straight from her body. Blue, icy trails penatrated the grey faes bodies and on random sections they found small ice patches sticking to their skin. 
You wanted to see her malicious side? 
You provoked her far enough to see just how vicious this investigator could become! 
Not just her as well! Many others came to her aid, providing their own forms of power and assistance. She greatly appreciated them for coming to her side. 
“It’s not only me you’ll be dealing with now. You’ve invoked the wrath of others whom I’ve established close bonds, friendships, and some in a working process. You won’t just be having to handle my snowstorm.” 
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devilswinging · 3 years
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- might be a little choosy - might be a little slow - if you want henry’s sideblog instead of bendy, dm me
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devilswinging · 3 years
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The color drained instantly from her face. Niffty backed away, her eye widening as her gaze traveled up to the terrifying ink monstrosity that Bendy had become. She did this. Her innocent teasing had turned him into this…thing
Regret and dread filled her entire being. Her back hit the wall and she brought her hands up to her face. She wanted to look away, to run, do something. But her body would not move, no matter how much she willed it to. She was absolutely petrified with fright.
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“I'msorryI'msorryI'msorry–” The apologies spilled forth from her mouth. Her body began to tremble, as she pressed herself closer against the wall. “–I didn’t know…”
And how could she? She’d only known Bendy for a little while. How was she supposed to know that the cute little devil could transform into a nightmare come to life?
It only takes a second of seeing her terrified of him that causes Bendy to realize what he’s done. What he’s back to being. It only takes a second for him to recoil himself, still crouched on the ground somewhat but now with both of his hands - one smaller than the other, still only partially regenerated and likely staying that way - over his mouth.
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She can’t see his eyes under the dripping ink, but they are full of regret.
“I-I-I-I-” Even his voice sounds different. Deeper. Raspier. A clear contrast to his higher-pitched, cartoon-like voice. “I-I’m sorry- I-I should’a told you, I-” He pushes some of the ink away from his eyes, so he can actually look at her.
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“I’m so sorry.”
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devilswinging · 3 years
“Either is fine but really. Whichever you’re the most comfortable with giving me is best.”
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Bendy just shrugs.
“Been better, been worse. Nothin’ really goin’ but nothin’ really wrong, y'know?”
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devilswinging · 3 years
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@prxmetxmebxtch​​ said: “Hey little devil. How you doin buddy?”
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“Do ya want the real answer, or the one ya wanna hear?”
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devilswinging · 3 years
Alice started to feel frustrated and a bit offended. She just wanted to help! And what’s wrong with feeling a little sympathy?!
“Yeah, ‘cause you’re clearly happy right now!” Alice’s sass leaked out. “I can feel your emotions, ya know! What is that you really want? What do you want me to do?” 
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“I want you to GET OUT, OR DROWN IN THE @#$%IN’ INK!”
Bendy once again bangs his fist on the wall. “Quit. Meddlin’. With things. That I ain’t WANT ya meddlin’ with. I don’t care if I ain’t happy. I don’t care that ya want to help. I don’t care. I want to be left alone, ‘til the day those traitors walk through them doors right there.”
“An’ then I’ll kill ‘em.”
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devilswinging · 3 years
No copy Bendys? Or ripoffs of the original? Here Vivi thought starting animation companies or other big names would try drawing their own copycat version of the devil darling. Art theft ran rampant in today’s world, but is it possible things were more tame way back then? People in power always hid some kind of greed, whether it’d be for their own selfish needs or making their company look all the better. 
It didn’t matter the year or the times. Call her even more curious then. 
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The process of making cartoons? Vivi knew how art worked in a digital sense considering most artists and larger animation companies used up-to-date technology in the present day. “Well, I have some idea? I know it involves a lot of paper and drawing the same pose over thin sheets. At least…I think that’s how it went?” His tone implied a switch in emotion. She leaned down listening attentively. 
Bendy has to giggle when she explains the technical way. “Not that way, silly. Physically. Y’know. Like me, but not exactly like me. There’s a right way an’ a wrong way. I mean, ya ain’t wrong with what you’re sayin’ - that’s how they animated on the silver screen noways - but I’m talkin’ ‘bout physical, real-life toons like me.” “Plus.. I weren’t anythin’ worth rippin’ off, admittedly. I was one a the less-popular toons a the time... Like Goopy Geer, or Foxy!”
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The little toon waits for some sort of reaction before continuing. “Well! Typically, a toon’s made real when their creator an’ studio love an’ believe in ‘em an’ what they can do, so they just LEAP off the page! It’s like a fairy-tale really!” His tone drops, just a little. “Not the toons a Joey Drew Studios. Ya can prob’ly guess that Joey didn’t genuinely believe in any a us. So we couldn’t’ve just leapt off’a the page like any normal toon.”
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He holds out a hand, and extends his claws. Probably something she hadn’t actually seen from him before. “He bought the Ink Machine to bring us to life. Bastardizin’ us via makin’ us demons. We weren’t made the real way for toons.”
“That’s why there ain’t no other toons like us. We’re unique ‘cause we’re bastards.”
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devilswinging · 3 years
Elin knelt down to sit beside him, hesitantly and gently placing her hand on his shoulder in a comforting manner as she nodded her head.
“Aye, the world is full of color… Color, life, and beauty.”
The wind ruffled her hair, dancing across her freckled face in small strands as her gaze grew distant for a few moments.
“If you like you can stand on my shoulders so you can see further, you’ll be able to see the road leading into town I reckon-”
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“Heh, in these shoes? I think I’ll pass an’ spare yer shoulders the pain a havin’ metal pressin’ against ‘em.”
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Regardless of what he just said, he stands up on his toes to try to see it anyway. “... yer prob’ly right ‘bout the height thing, though.”
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devilswinging · 3 years
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Alice was leaned back, being held up only by her heels as she was thrown almost entirely off her weight as a pie slammed into her face with a loud, comedic squish.
Pie tin slowly drags down her face, hitting the floor and tumbling against the hard wood. Her face entirely covered in white cream until her eyes peak out, lashes blinking through the cream as she tries to get the pie out of them.
Her hand then goes to SLAP at her face, wiping down the cream off her face and into her hand with one clean swipe. “Oh, YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE! But, you know me! I can’t ever go sharing it without YOU!”
And with that, her hand moves to go and SMACK right back against his face - the blow entirely softened by that of the confectionery that was piled up within her palm as she SMEARS it all over his face with a widen grin.
The SPLAT! of the cream all over his face cause the demon to recoil, before bursting into uncontrollable giggles. When was the last time they’d played around like this? Laughed like this? Goofed off like the toons they were meant to be?
Too long. And he’s not going to stop now! However...
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“T-Time out! T-Time out, eheheh, i-it’s been too long, hold on-” She’s free to keep going. It’ll come back to him.
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