Capstone Progress Blog 03/12/19
Keenan Hursh
EDPX - 3990
Research and Inspiration:
While attending the SXSW conference in Austin I have made it a primary goal to attend sessions that specifically address building brands and creating companies that will have beneficial impacts on society and the environment. 
I attended a very interesting session discussing the artistic and visual expression of climate science data and scientific studies on climate change. We have all seen graphs and charts that display our scary future but we need to add amore human and emotional element to this story. This panel featured artists such as data visualizers and photographers that work with scientists to tell a more wholesome and complete story to the public.
I attended another session featuring executives from Patagonia, Lyft and Airbnb that focused on brands roles in creating a new politics and representing public opinion. Today, in the US, our government can’t seam to get anything done and it’s not clear if politicians have the same agendas as their constituencies. We need to start voting with our dollars and supporting companies and brands that have the same ideals and values as us. 
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I attended a session titled “Keep going” which discussed how difficult it can be to get up every morning and follow ones passions with the current state of affairs in our world. This session featured authors and creatives who have struggled with success and failure in the past, but who have overcome blocks and barriers to get to their successful positions today. Especially with regards to the global climate crisis, it can be nearly impossible to be optimistic at times, but as they said “the best cure for depression is action!”
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Progress and Process:
I have finally finished the complete re-design of my logo and I immensely prefer the new design to the old one. I believe that the previous logo used very recognizable and common symbols that perhaps did represent my brand but not specifically enough... This new logo highlights the idea of the network Mycelium creates and forms and that is exactly why the company is named after it to begin with. The new logo portrays both the natural, organic, and biological network of mycelium itself but also the digital, and synthetic network of artists and individuals I have begun to create. 
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Since I have been in Austin, TX for the last week at the SXSW conference I haven't had time to work on the video but have been developing my website and redefining exactly what the mycelium collective is. I have come to realize two distinct things I want this platform to do besides just supporting artists and creatives. 
The Mycelium Collective needs to be an intermediary between climate scientists, creatives, and the public.
We need to also be an intermediary between creators and companies/corporations that hold the same environmental and sustainable values as us. This could be an excellent way for up-and-coming artists to find employment or contracts for work ultimately becoming a mutually beneficial medium for all involved. 
The collective should also be a platform that generates and catalyzes real world actions such as marches, protests, or think-tanks. I want this to ultimately become a community where like-minded and passionate individuals can come together to create something collaborative and amazing.
especially after attending the SXSW conference I have been thinking a lot about exactly what I want this brand to be and represent. By redesigning the logo and re-stating exactly what we do, I have made very minor pivots or expansions on previous ideas. Over-all the brand is still trying to achieve the same goals, but I have now realized the specific ways in which we will collectively achieve this.
Comments from Last Week:
0 notes
Capstone Progress Blog 03/05/19
Keenan Hursh
EDPX - 3990
Research and Inspiration:
Mycelium Networks (visuals):
I’ve been researching exactly how Mycelium grows and forms a network in order to re-design my logo. Similar to other growth structures like branches of a tree or roots of a plant, these trails/limbs divide and separate in a structured way to maximize the area or volume they occupy. Often times starting from a single spore or source the mycelium grows outwards radially trying to connect to any living or biological entity in the area. The largest organism in the world was actually a Mycelium network in the state of Oregon that stretched for hundreds of square miles in an old growth forest. 
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Natural and Biological Fractals:
This simple fractal that portrays equal and binary division 
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Progress and Process:
Logo Re-design / Development:
I am currently in the process of redesigning the logo. I know exactly what I want it to look like through hand drawn illustrations but need to complete a vector rendering in Illustrator. I will finish that this Tuesday (03/05/19)
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Video Editing:
I have continued editing and improving my video. Over-all I have kept the same footage but made the text shorter, simpler, and larger. I have decided not to film myself in a certain location talking, because for such a short video with already strong visuals, this would be distracting and I don't want the Mycelium Collective to just be about me. This is a collective and democratic platform, that isn't just about Keenan. I feel that a simple voice recording will suffice and I have recorded two samples so far, but will continue to experiment.
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Overall I have made some decent progress this week with brand image and video development. I haven't done too much to the website recently but will upload some more assets in the near future. 
Comments from Last Week:
Should probably change your logo at this point
Currently using very common and widespread symbols.
A simple google search found very similar designs 
You should diversify more
Need a very recognizable and unique design
Feedback on rough sketches:
Half of the logo should be organic/fluid 
Half should be digital/angular/synthetic
Portray the “mycelium network” both how it actually appears in nature but also in a digital sense
Your platform is combining these two realms/worlds
0 notes
Capstone Process Blog  02/26/19
Keenan Hursh
EDPX - 3990
Research and Inspiration:
Dear Future Generations: Sorry
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This video is a perfect example and reference of what I’m trying to do with my own promotional video. In a very simple but powerful way the narrator sends a strong message. There is very few text on the screen, but when there is it is huge and bold, highlighting the important parts of the message. This video also does a great job of putting a face and personal opinion behind this message. over-all I hope to achieve to similar style video. I want to explain exactly what the collective is and why it exists as simply and. meaningfully as possible.
Alex Begosky - The COMMON Project
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Alex Begosky is a fascinating individual who left the corporate and volatile world of traditional digital advertising and marketing to reinvent capitalism for the social good. He aims to do this with his project and film the COMMON project which is an open source medium for social innovation, designed to solve some of the largest problems of our time in creative and innovative ways. This new project is a perfect area to look for inspiration for my own collective. I feel that our two platforms are very similar in critical ways, and are trying to address some of the same key issues.
Progress and Process:
I have been editing and modifying my video, adding larger and less text, and recording some audio for narration. I have not yet gone out into the field to do any filming and recording of myself speaking to the camera, as I just learned how to use the Leviere mics in the Video art class. I plan to go out and re-record some of the narration in interesting and wild outdoor places.
Feedback from Last Week:
Use the words “story telling” in both your website and video.
 This is a big topic right now and is exactly what you are trying to do. 
Need to be very clear that you are telling a story or perhaps many stories.
Dig deep into Alex Begosky. He could be a very interesting person to research and find inspiration from. 
Use him as a reference/inspiration
He has kind of done what you’re trying to do, very similar
use large and bold text for the visual narration:
less words, keep it simple
maybe include relevant statistics
reference the Dear Future Generations “sorry” video
Have a call to action at the end of the video
Need to excite people and motivate them
end on a positive tone
0 notes
Capstone Process Blog 02/19/19
Keenan Hursh
EDPX - 3990
Research and Inspiration:
N/A for this past week. I have been developing and polishing my assets.
Progress and process:
I Have written and implemented a narrative into my film:
I wanted to open with the portrayal of our current situation as a species and then address exactly why the Mycelium Collective exists and what we plan to do to address said situation. I want this video to be short, sweet, and to the point. It should highlight and communicate exactly what we do in a simple and effective manner 
(each bullet point is an individual scene)
As a species and planet, we currently face a growing and imminent threat.
Earth’s climate is warming and changing faster and more unpredictably than ever before.
Our planet, the only home we have ever known, is on a grave and deteriorating path.
If we stand any chance of saving our world and all of Its beauty
We need to act now!
We need to collaborate and innovate together!
The Mycelium Collective is a brand-new platform that connects and supports our worlds creators.
We support any medium of creation that is themed around environmental sustainability or the outdoor world.
If you have a story to tell or a perspective to share, please reach out!
We’re looking for as many artists and activists as possible to address our collective future.
The Mycelium Collective (all white logo)
Connecting and Supporting our Worlds Creators
example of closing scene with the all-white logo and our slogan.
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I have also started reaching out to potential collaborators within my immediate social circle. I plan to build the base platform and develop credibility utilizing my own personal connections before expand outwards and beyond to other artists. The first creator I plan to collaborate with is my friend Josh Bennett who is an avid photographer and photojournalist. He takes beautiful photos of natural environments and does an exceptional job of telling his own story of a place. Josh has a unique perspective and eye, and I believe he will make an excellent collaborator who will produce intriguing and beautiful content. 
Here is a link to his website:
Here are some screenshots of his work:
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I have also updated and simplified the website based on feedback from last weeks critique. I agree that I was spread to wide and thin, and need to focus and expand on fewer, more essential aspects of the platform. I removed the “shop/support” page as well as the “public/blog” page. These could potentially be avenues to explore in the future but for now I agree that they are distractions from the purpose of this platform. 
Over the past week I have been refining and simplifying the website. I removed a couple of unnecessary sections/pages that are more or less distractions at this point. I need to simplify the website and strengthen the few sections that are currently there. In order to do this I have began reaching out to potential collaborators within my social network. I have reached out to a couple photographers and videographers and have one confirmed collaborator. I plan to continue to find artists so that I can not only fill the platform/website with assets but also support like-minded individuals. 
Feedback from Last Week:
Laleh and Cherish:
right now the website is a big mix of things. Need to simplify and unify.
Get rid of the shop section, it is too much and takes away form your concept and legitimacy 
Need to more clearly communicate your mission and goal. Need to clarify what the collective is themed around or is focusing on
Get rid of the public/blog section. It is also too much right now. Not necessary at this point and is kind of distracting
Some of your shots and text have too long of a run time. Need to shorten some stuff so that the video doesn't drag on.
Keep the text but also add narration/audio as well. This adds a human element 
Maybe add your face to the video to make it more personal
Need a human element, looks too corporate right now. Too basic
The shots I have are effective and work well. Keep moving in the same general direction 
Class Feedback:
I think the font might look a little too stretched for the logo (stretched is fine, but it is obvious here). I am also wondering what your intention behind using the Yin / Yang symbols is. I would just be careful because it can be a very culturally significant symbol, and if you're not using it right, it might come off the wrong way.
 Your website is very clean and has lots of different aspects to it. I would maybe consider lessening all the tabs you have and instead focus on adding more to the tabs you have left. I like that you are trying to create a cohesive website for artists to be able to use, share, and experience. The video you have for your website, is it connected to the overall website or is it more of just an example of a video that can be on it? I think it would be really cool if you created more of an abstract video about the environment to really display your EDP skills. Another idea for the final would be to display your website on a tv screen so everyone can see it and scroll through it. Or maybe find a way that people can interact with the website itself and see other people interact with it during the final.
 I feel like the headings are too big right now. Once more content is included I think they should be minimized so that the user is not scrolling through a huge image before reaching the actual content.
 I really enjoyed the drone shots in the intro video. I'm wondering if you should have a whole tab dedicated to talking about the copyright involved on this site. A lot of photo-sharing sites like Unsplash completely rip the rights from the photographer, but I think for your purposes you should really address valuing the artists work and what copyright would look like on this kind of platform.
 Your website is looking really good so far, my recommendation is to showcase your skills from EDP in an abstract video that represents the environment.
 The layout of the website is very pleasing to the eye. I think you’re really starting to do well making a brand for it. I really wanna see some promotion like lots of twitter and Facebook stuff and to get the word out there.
 I think your greatest obstacle is something you actually can't control: interaction of other artists and engagement from the public. How are you going to incentivize artists to join your collective? How are you going to gain public awareness/prestige? These are questions that need answers, and honestly I don't even know how to begin answering them, not being a business person. The "success" of your capstone project very much depends on factors only other people (the other artists, the public) can control...and to me that strikes me as really risky. I really liked your company's logo, the graphic design there is nice, but right now you have that large white chunk around it at the top of your homepage...that didn't strike me as impactful. I think you might be better off with a natural image at the top of your page (since your focus is on climate art) with the logo floating on top, maybe on a white circle so it stands out. I also liked your video...but in the section of it you showed there was actually a minor text error. It should be "Earth's," not "earths." Definitely have your stuff proof-checked for things like that - we all make mistakes! Finally, personal opinion here, but I think you're kind of missing the mark by having a slightly dated meme as your motif for your sticker/advertising. "Lost in the Sauce" was funny, sure, but I think it has little to nothing to do with your aims as a company, and seeing a meme as your only product will kind of lower people's interpretation of your professionalism and the sophistication of your brand.
 I think your website is professional and contained lots of the information. I like your introduction video. The drone shot is very cool. I think lessening the tabs could help the viewers reaching the actual content in a shorter time.
 I think your website is a good start but i think you can definitely push the boundaries of Squarespace to make a more unique looking aesthetic. It just feels a little generic (obviously you're going for a minimalistic look, but i think you can make it a little more individual beyond your logo). There were also just generally too many words in the video, the sentences felt a little clunky.
 Your website template looks like an inviting design, easy to read, clear layout, but still intriguing enough to want to know more. For the logo, I like the different concepts you incorporated and it’s a really cool design, but I’m not sold on the color choice. It looks nice but is there a reason you choose those blues and purples. I know its been done so much, but you are talking a lot about the world and the environment, and purple doesn’t normally have that connotation but green does, or even a darker blue. For the video I thought it was really well shot, I think audio/narration like Laleh said would help a lot, and in a couple shots be careful where you place the white text cause it was moderately difficult to see against some backgrounds.
 So far, I love the design of the website, but I agree with Laleh on the critiques she gave about different sections. What I would suggest is that you revisit the video/videos as well as the pictures and think about how their design could be more indicative of the nature of your collective. It's a collective of environmentally-conscious artists, but the videos and photos don't read that way to me. They're very simplistic nature shots which are beautiful, but not reflective of an artist collective. It'd be nice to see more interesting and dynamic videos, photos, and other projects on your page!
 I like that I’m finally getting to see this collective come together. Your piece is more of a business idea than an artwork, so it’s cool to see that perspective. However, I think that in pursuing the business side of things, you’ve lost your artistry. In the video, if the collective is about artists and their artwork, show some artwork—even if its your own, or from EDP students. I agree that a voiceover will help, and having a face to the brand will also help. I also agree with Laleh in that the website has too much going on, and that you should narrow it down. Remember that you can always add things later after you get it off the ground. There’s something about the text in the logo that looks strange to me, like it’s too puffed up or something, I’m not sure, but maybe take a look at editing the design. I think something like a logo should really reflect your brand, and right now it reads like a logo from a website that is just getting started—and you don’t want that. I think you’re at the point where you should start contacting artists about featuring them on your site. You can message people through their websites, their Vimeo, etc. I think having actual artwork there will help.
 I think you have a really strong concept for your project! I love the idea of creating a collective. The website has a clean & professional design layout. I think the logo looked balanced in white/black but felt a little chaotic in colors. I wonder if changing gray scale instead of color would have a stronger impact on the logo (maybe not just a thought)
 Your website looks great. You have so much information available and it has a great personal quality. This being said I think the colors of your logo are out of place. The entire look of the website is so fresh and clean, but the logo has a cheesy 80s vibe. I love it, but it just doesn't work with everything else especially since this is such a hip company!
 I think the color choice you have incorporated into your website fits perfectly with the concept of the collective. I think the submissions for art on your site is an exceptional idea for so many people have no clue where to put their artwork. Of course there is red bubble and etsy, but no where specific to nature and sustainability, at least that I know of. I really liked the video you composed for the website as well. I did agree with some that it kind of looks like a welcome to Colorado video, specifically. It would be amazing if you could somehow get some beach shots or even go to a reservoir to get that kind of aesthetic.
0 notes
Capstone Process Blog 02/12/19
Keenan Hursh
EDPX - 3990
Research and Inspiration:
N/A for this week. I have finalized my idea/concept and have just been developing it recently.
Progress and Process:
The website is officially published and I own the domain: www.themyceliumcollective.com
Anyone can now visit the site and start interacting with it. Users can even send messages to my own personal business email account if they have questions or would like to join the platform. 
Due to feedback from last week I changed the colors of the logo to send a slightly different message and to prevent any miscommunication. The original color scheme was green and blue to symbolize the dominant colors of nature and life on our planet but in order to make the yin-yang more visible and achieve a different vibe, I changed to a teal and purple color scheme:
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I also tried another color scheme which was an earthy orange/brown with a dark blue/teal. I like this color combination as well but ultimately the purple and Teal pops a little more, and has a more cohesive color palette. I will however use the gold and green colors as secondary colors used by the brand.
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 Style Guide:
Purple: R=170, G=40, B=198
Teal: R=19, G=137, B=148 
Gold: R=191, G=130, B=34
Green: R=98, G=217, B=129
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Logo: Ariel Black
Titles: Proxima nova
Body: Titillium Web
Video Progress:
I have began compiling my video and constructing a narrative. Below is a list of in-order shots I plan to use for the first iteration of the film which will likely be around 30 seconds long. 
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^I want to open with a scene of a damn/reservoir while talking about the current climate and environmental situation we are in as a planet. I think these shots of a frozen reservoir will be effective in communicating our impact on the planet
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^another reservoir shot
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^I then want to fade our to some nice natural shots of unobstructed nature so show a stark contrast to the previous shots. 
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^Another natural shot
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^I then want to transition to shots of wind energy and renewable power to support the nature shots from earlier. 
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^Another renewable energy shot
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^generic abstract shot for narration
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^generic abstract shot for narration
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^generic landscape/nature shot for narration
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^generic landscape/nature shot for narration
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^generic landscape/nature shot for narration and transitioning to darkness/night.
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^final/concluding shot. Will slowly fade to darkness and was filmed at dusk as the sun was wetting. I want the video to naturally flow from dark to light and back to dark.
Over the past week I have been finalizing the website and documenting the individual components that make up my brand such as colors, fonts, website/URL, etc. The website is officially published and can be accessed by anyone on the internet. I own the domain and am looking to buy other, similar domains in the future to protect my IP.
In addition to this I have been developing a narrative and compiling shots I have gathered in a critical and meaningful way. I want to tell a narrative of the situation we’re currently in as a planet and what exactly the Mycelium collective is and what we’re going to do to solve that problem.
Feedback from last Week:
Change the green
Looks like a marijuana leaf
Modify the yin-yang
Make it more visible
Need shot list and put on blog
Need a Narrative
Look at start-up videos.
Kick-starter actually has tips for making promotional videos
Figure out how long to show shots?
How and when should you give info?
Need to be very clear with what you are
Need to write a script and put it on blog
Combo of screenplay and script
Take screenshots of the shots you will use etc.
Keep the video tight (around 30 sec.) for the midterm.
Need to develop website more. All of the pages need to be there, and you need placeholders. Cannot be empty.
Need to select official colors
Look up how DU uses / selects colors
Need a style guide
0 notes
Capstone Process Blog 02/05/19
PrKeenan Hursh
EDPX - 3990
Research and Inspiration:
IP/Trademark and Domain research:
There is technically another company/entity that exists with the same name “mycelium collective.” They have an Instagram account with several hundred followers and I believe they own the domain myceliumcollecrtive.com but it is currently inactive. Although they have the same name, I believe I shouldn’t get into any legal issues due to several key facts. First of all, they are based out of Europe, and because IP and trademark law only exists on a national level without international licensing it is legally acceptable to have the same name. The other mycelium collective is a hand-crafted jewelry/trinkets maker that posts photos of and most likely sells their creations. because the products/services they provide are completely different than what our platform will be doing it is also legally acceptable to have the same name because individuals will be able to differentiate between us.     
Progress and process:
Updated Logo:
added the yin-yang symbol into the flower of life design. This makes the design more unique
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I have also begun the process of gathering footage for my video. I have compiled roughly 45 shots that fit with the theme of our brand and the video I’m going to make. From drone footage, to time lapses, to dramatic landscape shots I believe I will be able to combine all of this footage into a cohesive and powerful film. 
Over the past weekend I had an entrepreneurship class/grind that focused on developing skills in Wordpress. We had to develop a fully functioning website with legitimate content so I decided to use the Collective as my idea. Over the course off the 6 hour session we learned all of the basics and essentials needed to build a site. It was interesting budding the same website on a completely different platform to learn the key differences and similarities between web-development softwares. We also learned a lot about SEO optimization and ways to increase visits and clicks on a website. This class provided me with a lot of very valuable information on building and maintaining a proper website.
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Over the past week I have further developed my brand image. I have decided to stick with the name “Mycelium Collective” because it makes more sense and is more descriptive of what the platform will do. I have also updated the logo incorporating a yin-yang design which fits perfectly within the sacred geometry of the Flower of Life design. This symbol of balance slightly changes the meaning and interpretation of the logo and makes the overall design more unique. 
I have also experimented with developing the website on an additional platform to compare my options (Square Space and Wordpress). Wordpress is unique in the fact that it has tons of plug-ins that expand what you can do beyond simple building blocks. These plug-ins are very innovative and useful tools, especially when trying to run a business. However, I do not believe that Wordpress is as clean, stylistic, or aesthetic as Square Space and they mostly have the exact same functionalities and customization.
I have also began planning my video and started gathering footage. I have collected drone footage, time-lapses, and interesting landscape/nature shots that will compile together nicely. I plan to include narrative and original sound/audio.
Feedback from last meeting:
Should change the name. sounds like a mushroom/drug group 
In the slogan should say creators instead of creations. Creations is too vague 
Spreading yourself too thin, getting de-railed.
Need to focus more on what exactly the company needs to be. 
For midterm proof:
Have what you have now but laid out properly:
All of the sections
Mission statement (should call it something different)
Tabs, pages
Clear copy
Need a rough edit of the video:
Maybe write up a narrative
Look at Alex Bogusky CP&B
Bogusky left to do something else
Fearless revolution is a project of his
0 notes
Capstone Process Blog 01/28/19
Keenan Hursh
EDPX - 3990
Research and Inspiration:
Research on Co-ops (Cooperatives):
“A cooperative, often shortened to “co-op,” is a business that is owned and operated by and for the benefit of its members.”
Moo.com for Business cards
GoDaddy.com for available domain names
Progress and Process:
Updated Logo: new colors
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Website Pages:
I have built a website hosted on Square Space (the same platform I use to host my photography website) but have not published it yet because it is still in development, and I need more content to fill the space. I have divided it into several key categories:
Photo / journalism
This section is dedicated to photographic journalism and writing that has been uploaded by collaborators or myself
This section hosts videos and animations 
Graphic Design
This page focuses on graphic design and illustration  
This is an open, public blog platform where anyone can connect and share content they feel to be relevant to our platform.
Anyone can post in this, there is no application or compensation etc. 
This section is where I explain exactly what the Co-op is. It includes the mission statement as well as a description of why it’s named after Mycelium.
Still in development, this page will host merchandise that users can buy that feature art from our co-op.
Contact / Collaborate
This is the final page of the current website and it allows anyone to reach out to us if they have questions of any sort or want to join the teem and contribute to our platform as collaborators.
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“Lost in the Sauce” Design
This will be a series of graphic designs that relate to living life outside. The expression or saying “Lost in the Sauce” is one that my friends and I use frequently and I have often thought about what it means or how to interpret it. To me the “sauce” is someones passion or what they love to do, and to be lost in that is a very beautiful and positive experience. This first design is desert themed whereas others will relate to different ecosystems, seasons, etc. I plan to have a sinter theme, a forest theme, and maybe a water/underwater themed one.
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Over the last week I have made significant progress in the creation of this collective platform. I am now calling it The Mycelium Co-op (cooperative) because the name Mycelium Collective was already taken by an independent jewelry and trinket maker... I also added colors to our logo and brand utilizing green and blue to symbolize the most abundant colors of life and nature. 
I have developed and designed the over-all framework of the website using square-space as a platform because it looks professional, is very customizable, and I have a lot of experience using it. I designed the website to have a very minimal and clean aesthetic while also being very logical and functional at the same time. 
I have also started to create a series of designs called “Lost in the Sauce” that could be sold as merchandise in the forms of stickers, shirts, etc. to help support the platform and company. 
Finally, I have laid out exactly what assets I plan to have completed by the end of this quarter:
Completed Video/Film explaining/introducing the collective
Include visuals of nature such as time lapses, animals, etc.
Have a narrative explaining/describing the collective 
Utilize some sort of open source music
Develop and create a soundscape for film 
Completed series of “Lost in the Sauce” Designs 
could order stickers
Completed Website with real assets on display  
Completed mission statement 
Completed “about” section / history  
Have stickers available for purchase
Published and public website/URL
Functioning email for contacting me 
My Ideal Jobs Are:
Outdoor/adventure photographer
Graphic Designer 
Mountain / Ski guide
0 notes
Process Blog 01/22/19
Keenan Hursh
EDPX - 3990
Research and Inspiration:
“Supporting and sharing our world’s creations?”
“A Collective and supportive Network”
Mycelium Research:
Mycelium and it’s fundamental impact on ecosystems is very symbolic of what I want to achieve with this collective platform. It supports plants of many different species and allows forests to connect and exchange nutrients. Mycelium is a crucial part of any forest ecosystem and it also captures and stores carbon assisting in and exchanging with plants as they photosynthesize.
Flower of Life Research:
The Flower of Life is a very widespread and universal symbol of creation. It can be found in nearly all of the worlds major religions.
Formed of 19 intersecting circles
Originates form center circle with all others built around it
part of Sacred Geometry
Portrays that all life and consciousness originates from a single source or origin.
Thought to portray the process of cell division and therefore the process and changes of organic life on earth
overarching / umbrella design that encompasses many other prominent designs, symbols, and patterns of sacred geometry
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Progress and Process:
Current Name:
Mycelium Collective
Logo Idea:
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Website Design Sketches:
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Over the past week I have been focusing on developing and building my Brand image as well as beginning the process of the prototyping and building a functional website. I have decided on a new name, the Mycelium Collective, due to Mycelium’s symbolic role in an ecosystem and due to crticism’s of the original name. This part of a fungi serves as a versatile and influential network under the soil that connects plants of all sorts, even different species, allowing them to transfer nutrients and chemicals back and forth. What Mycelium does for a natural ecosystem, is exactly what I want the collective to do for artists and creatives. This platform is designed to connect and support many different types of artists and the main theme/goal of the collective is to protect and promote a healthy environment and world. 
I have also began developing a logo which is based on the Flower of Life symbol. This is a universal symbol of creation and more specifically the creations of nature and life. I want to utilize this symbol to represent the platforms emphasis on natural creations and the natural world. For a slogan, I want to use “Connecting and Supporting our World’s Creations” because it is straight and to the point and communicates exactly what I aim to do. I have began prototyping a website and drafted a mock Home page of what I would want this platform to look like. I want it to include the logo and slogan as well as cycle through relevant/new/popular media that has been created and added to the platform. This way visitors can immediately view specific examples of the media/art we support and make.
Last Feedback:
Check out Moo.com for business cards 
Need assets and media for website and for promotion 
Website/platform should be a 2 week project. 
Switch sketches over to digital assets 
Lay out graphically each section/page of the website. 
Finding other websites that do this.
Connect people
Connect two things (talent/client) 
Start website
Change name
Clump collaborative categories into larger categories. 
Not everyone considers themselves an athlete. Be careful with descriptive words
Categories should make people feel comfortable. Be inclusive and not exclusive   
Could include a DIY section.
 Earth ships?
 Cherish has friends in film focused on environment / earth
 Instructions for sustainably doing or making things.
 DIY sustainability. Resource 
Naming sections is incredibly important! 
How is this happening? Don’t want to be liable for other’s actions. 
Need to decide on a tone. Are people just seeing other’s art or are they actually connecting? 
Need a collaborative section. Maybe use this word instead of collective. 
Look at other similar websites.
How do they deal with being the intermediary?
How do they connect and support relationships?
Could have a document for potential collaborators to fill out / sign
May need a screening/selection process
Collaborators may need to apply 
Need to figure out how to connect people. Don’t want to take too much information, don’t want too little. 
How will artists be compensated?
If they are collaborating?
Need fair guidelines for compensation 
Need a mission statement. Explain the supporting of the artists, etc.
Mission statement has to be in a video 
Kickstarter has tutorials on the best videos.
How to advertise a product/service
Why it exists?
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Website / Platform Sketches
EDPX - 3990
Jan 17, 2019
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Design Idea: Flower of life
Potential Idea/Symbol for a logo
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The Flower of Life is a very widespread and universal symbol of creation. It can be found in nearly all of the worlds major religions.
19 intersecting circles
Originates form center circle with all others, build around it
part of Sacred Geometry
Portrays that all life and consciousness originates from a single source or origin.
Thought to portray the process of cell division and therefore the process and changes of organic life on earth
overarching / umbrella design that encompasses many other prominent designs, symbols, and patterns
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Capstone Project Inspiration
EDPX - 3990
National Geographic:
Explore today through the eyes of our explorers, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers
Culture and History
Exploration and Adventure
Science and Innovation
The National Geographic Society is an impact-driven global nonprofit organization that pushes the boundaries of exploration, furthering understanding of our world and empowering us all to generate solutions for a healthy, more sustainable future for generations to come. Our ultimate vision: a planet in balance.
We are faced with a world drastically different than when the National Geographic Society was founded in 1888. We face immense environmental and climate problems including resource shortages and innequalities.
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Hello Zukeen:
Magazine Publication and Social media platform documenting the outdoor and creative pursuits/adventures of several friends. Including photography and journalism featuring surfing, traveling, and the creation of art.
Describing quotes: 
“Ambitious and perhaps naive, one writer, one designer, one photographer and a gang of contributors have joined forces to create for you, my dear reader, something spicy. Something with a bit of kick.”
“There is no simple way to describe Hello Zukeen. It’s a snapshot of a time and place. A chronicle of many youthful endeavours. A story of creative ratbags doing cool things.”
“It is a documentary of sorts, driven by a strong visual aesthetic. It might not be the worst magazine you will ever read.”
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Environmental Impact:
“The quality of Patagonia depends, to a large degree, on whether we can reduce our impact on the environment. This means auditing the materials and methods we use to make our products, taking responsibility for the entire lifecycle of our products and examining how we use resources at our buildings and facilities.”
“We believe the environmental crisis has reached a critical tipping point. Without commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, defend clean water and air, and divest from dirty technologies, humankind as a whole will destroy our planet’s ability to repair itself. At Patagonia, the protection and preservation of the environment isn’t what we do after hours. It’s the reason we’re in business and every day’s work.”
Corporate Support / Sponsorship:
Patagonia has been assisting grassroots activists for over 40 years assisting in solving the environmental crisis.
Patagonia is an incredibly responsible business, sustainably sourcing or recycling nearly all of their product and investing in environmental solutions.
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Capstone Blog: Week 2
Brand Development coming up with names and slogans:
Name: Creation Collective
“Supporting and sharing our world’s creations?”
“Creation not consumption?”
“A collective platform of digital media focused on sharing stories of environmental sustainability and the great outdoors”
Collaborator Categories:
Graphic Design/Illustration
Audio/Music Producers
Ideas for content:
Graphic Designs
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Updated/Expanded Project Proposal:
EDPX - 3990
Additional Research / Inspiration:
We’re in business to save our home planet 
National Geographic:
Explore today through the eyes of our explorers, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers 
Skills Needed:
Currently have:
Website development
Videography / filming
Editing / Post production
Graphic Design 
Brand development
Need to be learned:
Effective collaboration
Fair compensation and pricing/revenue model
Intellectual property legalities 
Network of creatives and collaborators
Tech (cameras, Accessories, Lighting, Mics)
Fully functional and aesthetic website
professional, promotional, and informational video
Multiple other assets of my contribution
Does this project add value to the word?
Yes, this project, if successful, will add immense positive value to our natural world. The goal of this platform is to actively educate and inform the public on environmental climate change and to inspire others. 
begin developing brand image:
name, logo, slogans, etc.
Start planning a website:
layout, sections, hosts, etc.
Continue brand development:
begin developing a business model
Begin planning the video:
rough proposal, develop plot/narrative 
Begin formatting and creating website:
platform most likely square space
Begin shooting / filming video
Comments from Rough Proposal:
Rough Proposal – Critique Comments
Could be a platform designed to actually take serious action. Beyond just the art itself. Could be a platform for initiating activism 
Could be educational, or have informative aspects 
Should have some form of tangible action 
What will be my specific deliverables??
Laleh: Need more than just a website           
Should make a video about it and other promotional media 
Could have collaborative group meet-up where multiple people create something together 
Could instill values and practices of a social (maybe even face-to-face) community of sorts
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Rough Proposal - Capstone Idea
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Honeybee Water Station
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For my final Biomedia project, I designed a universal honeybee water station. This prototype is specifically designed to create numerous shallow puddles of water allowing many bees to drink from it without drowning. 
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These water stations can be placed adjacent to local honeybee hives as well as areas around DU’s campus that have lots of flowers and honeybees. Using class data Casey mapped where most of the bee hotspots are around campus and we plan to implement these stations in those exact spots, allowing bees to have enough water no matter where they are on their long daily journeys. 
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Here is the map we will be using:
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Aposematism - Image Sonifyer
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This project for my EDP BioMedia class explored the idea of aposematism, or warning coloration, in the natural environments. These animals have specifically evolved and adapted to stand out from their environments, essentially the opposite of camouflage, in order to warn their predators to stay away. 
For this project I transcoded visual data in the from of images of animals in their natural environments into sonic data. I wanted to express the contrast they have with their environments as sound.
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Plastic Consumption Week 4:
(R) = Recycled Product
Juice Container (R)
Bubble wrap Packaging
Almond Bag (R)
Almond Bag (R)
Microwave Burrito packet
Windshield fluid bottle
Automobile Oil bottle
Cereal Bag
Ziplock Baggie
small Juice bottle (R)
Disposable water bottle (R)
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