deorexploreseve · 16 days
Yes I understood it quite well, you're right about that. It wasn't a lack of understanding that motivated me to comment, but a difference in perspective.
I have gender dysphoria and body dysmorphia about different things in my life. Are those things "all in my head"? Is my body, as it is, perfect? I am disabled with a genetic condition that causes debilitating pain, among other things. Is my body perfect as it is? A message belongs to more than just the sender.
Yes, body positivity and acceptance is a good thing. So too is understanding that different people have different experiences around that, and showing compassion regardless of that perspective. Those things can and should co-exist, and neither invalidates the other.
I'm not derailing anything, I am posting it on my page same as anyone, and engaging it far more meaningfully IMO than the people whose whole comment was to make fun of the lighting. I'm not mad at them either, but I find it curious it was my relatively-thoughtful comment that got that rise out of you.
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deorexploreseve · 4 months
Wow, this "gender free" fashion brand sure doesn't have any AMAB models.
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deorexploreseve · 4 months
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deorexploreseve · 4 months
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MyCn18: An Hourglass Nebula - January 18th, 1996.
"The sands of time are running out for the central star of this hourglass-shaped planetary nebula. With its nuclear fuel exhausted, this brief, spectacular closing phase of a Sun-like star's life occurs as its outer layers are ejected - its core becoming a cooling, fading white dwarf. Astronomers have used the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) to make a series of images of planetary nebulae, including the one above. Here, delicate rings of colourful glowing gas (nitrogen-red, hydrogen-green, and oxygen-blue) outline the tenuous walls of the "hourglass". The unprecedented sharpness of the HST images has revealed surprising details of the nebula ejection process, and may help resolve the outstanding mystery of the variety of complex shapes and symmetries of planetary nebulae."
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deorexploreseve · 4 months
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Reflection Nebula NGC 1999
NGC 1999 is a reflection nebula. It does not emit any visible light of its own but shines only because the light from the star just to the left of the center illuminates the nebula's dust.
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deorexploreseve · 4 months
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This July 27 image of Jupiter taken by the Near-Infrared Camera on the new James Webb Space Telescope is artificially colored to emphasize stunning details of the planet: auroral emission from ionized hydrogen at both the north and south poles (red); high-altitude hazes (green) that swirl around the poles; and light reflected from the deeper main cloud (blue). The Great Red Spot, the equatorial region and compact cloud regions appear white or reddish-white; regions with little cloud cover appear as dark ribbons north of the equatorial region.
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deorexploreseve · 4 months
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deorexploreseve · 4 months
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deorexploreseve · 4 months
Testsoterone and my absolutely terrible meow.
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deorexploreseve · 4 months
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deorexploreseve · 4 months
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Crown shyness (also canopy disengagement, canopy shyness, or intercrown spacing) is a phenomenon observed in some tree species, in which the crowns of fully stocked trees do not touch each other, forming a canopy with channel-like gaps. The phenomenon is most prevalent among trees of the same species, but also occurs between trees of different species.
Trees at Plaza San Martín (Buenos Aires), Argentina
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deorexploreseve · 4 months
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[2434/11080] Cinereous tinamou - Crypturellus cinereus
Order: Tinamiformes (tinamous) Family: Tinamidae Subfamily: Tinaminae (forest tinamous)
Photo credit: Nick Athanas via Macaulay Library
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deorexploreseve · 4 months
Okie doke. Your comment is heard and received, you have a nice day.
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deorexploreseve · 4 months
Eeeeewwwww, I work for HIM now?!? I've met him before and not only is he a moron, he's a zealous moron. He is also a pill pusher who got his whole rural community hooked on opioids, and now you are promoting him to Secretary? Eewwwwwwwww.
I guess them's the breaks of a job like mine. He also hates people like me so lets hope he never tours the lab.
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deorexploreseve · 4 months
Current exploration goals
I am in Myyhera right now, and I have two accounts with three toons each up and running.
The second account has all three toons trained to do Planetary Interaction and Industry, and the main toon is capable of piloting Porpoises and Orcas to assist my other main when necessary. I have my planets set up in a lowsec system and regularly producing Wetware Mainframes, an average of 1/hr. That's 396 Million a week, or ~1.6 Billion a month. That's enough to Plex that account if I wanted to, honestly. But, I'm skimming some of that to actually play with and so that's not the direction I am heading. Also, I lose some of those profits to ganking and such over time, just as the nature of the game.
The primary account has the main character dedicated to Planetary Interaction and they are contributing to the aforementioned Wetware Mainframe scheme. However, on top of that I grind combat sites, Limited Sleeper Caches, Standard Sleeper Caches, Wormhole Data and Relic Sites (and soon to be C1-3 Combat sites as well), and pick up the Deadspace modules I get from those to either use or resell. I also have that and all of these accounts set up for manufacturing and industry, because I get a TON of salvage and I'd rather turn it into something useful than sell it at the market. I currently have a 3.5B stockpile of stuff on my hands that I'm not using, just waiting to get the proper T2 BPCs. I am researching that on my main, taking all of my BPOs to 10/20 and then copying and inventing on them. I am doing similar with my alts.
My two other characters I'm just getting started with. I presently have them set up to do industrial research, and am working to get them up to speed for Planetary Interaction. I will be making Ukomi Superconductors and Organic Mortar Applicators so that I can ultimately make Magpie Mobile Tractor Units and Packrat Mobile Tractor Units, as well as the base versions. I have a bunch of BPCs that I have acquired from my various adventures, and I want to use them rather than just selling them off for whatever ISK I can get.
I'm also finding the daily challenges really useful. I log on to my alts for like half an hour each day to complete the two challenges, and collect the Skill Points from the dailies, then I log out. It gives me an effective 6 hr of skill points every day, which with my skill queue paused is super nice and even with it moving is a good boost. Also, the ISK helps offset the base cost of PI, which comes from moving extractors about, import/export fees, and other such nonsense.
All that being said, I'm growing restless. I want to go to somewhere new. I have an Occator that can fit the necessary ships and I have the Rigs to replace what I'll lose when I pack up the ships, so it won't be THAT complicated to take the whole fleet some place new. I just need to decide where, I'm thinking Oulley or Orvolle, maybe, or something else even more out of the way like the ORE stations in Outer Ring or whatever.
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deorexploreseve · 4 months
Because when different people read different messages, they take different things from them. What that person meant to say and what they said are not the same when that message is received by diverse audiences across the varied media environment of the internet.
So, yes, I took something different from it. Does that make their message about body acceptance wrong? No, it absolutely does not. But, it also does not mean that the idea of things being "all in your head" is universally applicable. The use-cases where it's not are what I was pointing at.
A lot of people take criticism of any kind to mean that I am taking down the message in its entirety, and that's not the case. Body acceptance is a very positive thing, where it is possible and for people who are positively attuned to it. However, there are people who need to change their bodies to suit their minds and that's okay too. That the message has a blind spot inherent in it does not mean it is not useful.
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deorexploreseve · 5 months
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Total Lunar Eclipse from Sydney
Credits: Barden Ridge Observatory
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