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There is a quote which says: “It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” We believe that this reinforces the fact that if we never rise up to face our fears, we can never soar up to the heights which we’re destined to reach. Every success of completing what may have been challenging at the beginning, like taking your first paragliding flight, starts with an “I can” mindset. Facing our fears brings fulfillment, and it all begins with the courage to take that step.
After you have set your goal and have a vision for reaching your target, it is important to stay motivated until you achieve it. If your first paragliding course lesson does not go well, for instance, it does not mean you should quit; you need to keep on working at it until you finally get it right, and make it to the top, pun intented…
In as much as we need to focus and work hard in order to realize our dreams in life; it is also important to have some fun on the journey. We should never lose our youthful curiosity, never stop trying new things. Taking time out from your work schedule to try out random activities like bungee jumping is part of having fun. Such activities will not only give you an adrenalin rush, but they leave you with happiness, which brings a sense of fulfillment.
You will find fulfillment in pursuing extreme activities – things that make your heart beat faster. Engaging in meaningful experiences adds value to our lives. Paragliding is one extreme adventure that is sure to give you the thrill of a lifetime! Check out this Hippo.co.za article where Fly Cape Town Paragliding was featured under extreme adventures.
You only have one body, so take good care of it… it’s been said that “when you look good, you feel good”. And feeling good about yourself automatically gives you more confidence to step out and reach for your dreams. Try to eat healthily and do get some form of exercise, because you need a strong healthy body to engage in challenging activities!
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Becoming A Better Paragliding Pilot
One of the great things about paragliding is that it is a very easy sport to learn. This means you can be up and flying in almost no time and feel competent doing so. However, many paragliding pilots think that they are experts too soon, especially when it comes to safety concerns.
Everyone can always get better at their craft, and the following are a few ways you can become a better paragliding pilot.
Do Something Different
Routines are good, but sometimes when we do the same thing over and over, we can become too comfortable. We all have our favorite places, but by choosing to fly new sites every once in a while, you can avoid laziness.
A new site will make you inspect the area closer before you launch and keep details in the front of your mind.
When we fly at one of our favorite sites,  sometimes we fail to notice changes in conditions and reach a false sense of security.
Safety must always be a top priority. Even though paragliding is fun and relaxing, it still involves flying hundreds of meter above the earth’s surface, which is dangerous if mistakes are made. Plus, by mixing up your location, you will have a new view and a new experience the next time you paraglide.
You can also modify your landing approach. Again, sometimes it is good to mix things up a bit. However, you may not be able to travel to faraway places to experience a new launching spot.
One way to achieve some variation in your routine is through using a different approach to your standard landing aproach, coming in from all different sides.
Safety Procedures, Revisited
One of the biggest mistakes that paragliding pilots make when they paraglide is taking safety procedures for granted.
It is very important to inspect your paragliding equipment both between flights and always again before you launch. This is especially important when you travel.
Most new pilots will conduct a standard safety check as they were instructed to do in paragliding training. It is the veterans that generally get lazy and take shortcuts. That leads to mistakes and accidents.
A standard safety check will include:
1) Inspecting the reserve and the pin beforehand and at check in.
2) Next, your helmet and chinstrap should be in good working order, in addition to your carabineers and harness buckles.
3)Then, check the edge of both A’s and brakes to make sure they are clear, as well as your speed bar and stirrup.
4) Finally, inspect the side that you turn to  and also your radio.
When you paraglide, it is important to always start with the end in mind. What goes up must come down, so you should know what to expect before you launch.
The projected weather conditions should not be a surprise. Remember that you can always become a better paragliding pilot, so even if you are experienced and the location is familiar, it is important to prepare and maintain all safety measures as if you were flying for the first time.
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6 Most Breathtaking Paragliding Destinations
Traveling is one of the best ways to broaden your mind. Not only do you get to meet new people and explore new scenic vistas, but as a paraglider you have a front row seat to some of the most amazing views on Earth. Here’s a few of the best paragliding destinations for keeping your head in the clouds.
The Cham’ is one of the world’s mountain flying meccas, and for good reason. The high peaks and pristine glaciers of the French Alps offer a captivating backdrop for dozens of unspoiled alpine villages and hamlets dotting the landscape. Paragliders launching near Chamonix also get a bird’s eye view of Mont Blanc, the highest peak in Europe, towering over the landscape at 4,810 meters. Mont Blanc is also one of the turnpoints in the grueling Red Bull X-Alps adventure race (which I’ll be competing in next July). Fliers with a little extra time can check out the birthplace of paragliding at the picturesque town of Mieussy, a mere 50 kilometers to the west as the crow – or glider – flies.
The island of Crete is the birthplace of perhaps the oldest story involving man and flight: the myth of Icarus. Now the Greek island is a haven for paragliders who enjoy its stunning panoramas of mountains and gorges – all while competing with eagles for views of the sparkling Aegean. A sip of tsikoudia, the traditional Cretan drink, tastes particularly good after a day spent soaring over the scenic plateau of Lassithi.
This scenic hideaway offers some of the best mountain and valley flying in East Asia. Located roughly a two-and-a-half hour drive from Seoul Airport, Danyang County is home to the scenic Namhan River as well as the “Eight Views of Danyang” – a collection of natural sites that includes the famous Three Peak Island. Of course, the best view is always from the sky, and paragliders get to take it all in from the launch point at the peak of Mount Yangbangsan.
If you’re looking for scenic beauty, you can’t go wrong with the country used as the backdrop for The Lord of the Ringsmovies. Crown Terrace offers excellent ridge soaring with heavy thermals and great mountain-to-valley views with an altitude limit of around 900 meters. Weather in Crown Terrace can go from balmy to downright scary in a matter of minutes, so knowing how to read the signs is crucial.
The area in and around Lima remains one of the most versatile paragliding hotspots of South America. The crisp sands and azure waters of Costa Verde and Miraflores offer a good mix of urban and beach flying, while height-addicts can choose from any of the 37 peaks in Peru rated 6,000 meters or higher. For history buffs, there are also routes that soar over some of the oldest temples in the Western Hemisphere, including the 4,000-year-old Huaca El Paraiso just northwest of town.
We’d be remiss to leave out one of South Africa’s best destinations for flying. Cape Town offers a little bit of everything, from mountain flying at Table Mountain National Park to the beautiful vineyards of the Constantia Valley. Launch sites from Lion’s Head and Signal Hill offer fliers stunning views of both city and coast – all while gliding over the scenic waterfront of Camps Bay at the foot of the “Twelve Apostles” mountain range. If you go, be sure you drop in at Fly Cape Town Paragliding and say hello!
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Learning To Paraglide
One of the great things about paragliding is that it is a very easy sport to learn. This means you can be up and flying in almost no time and feel competent doing so. However, many paragliding pilots think that they are experts too soon, especially when it comes to safety concerns.
Everyone can always get better at their craft, and the following are a few ways you can become a better paragliding pilot.
Do Something Different
Routines are good, but sometimes when we do the same thing over and over, we can become too comfortable. We all have our favorite places, but by choosing to fly new sites every once in a while, you can avoid laziness.
A new site will make you inspect the area closer before you launch and keep details in the front of your mind.
When we fly at one of our favorite sites,  sometimes we fail to notice changes in conditions and reach a false sense of security.
Safety must always be a top priority. Even though paragliding is fun and relaxing, it still involves flying hundreds of meter above the earth’s surface, which is dangerous if mistakes are made. Plus, by mixing up your location, you will have a new view and a new experience the next time you paraglide.
You can also modify your landing approach. Again, sometimes it is good to mix things up a bit. However, you may not be able to travel to faraway places to experience a new launching spot.
One way to achieve some variation in your routine is through using a different approach to your standard landing aproach, coming in from all different sides.
Safety Procedures, Revisited
One of the biggest mistakes that paragliding pilots make when they paraglide is taking safety procedures for granted.
It is very important to inspect your paragliding equipment both between flights and always again before you launch. This is especially important when you travel.
Most new pilots will conduct a standard safety check as they were instructed to do in paragliding training. It is the veterans that generally get lazy and take shortcuts. That leads to mistakes and accidents.
A standard safety check will include:
1) Inspecting the reserve and the pin beforehand and at check in.
2) Next, your helmet and chinstrap should be in good working order, in addition to your carabineers and harness buckles.
3)Then, check the edge of both A’s and brakes to make sure they are clear, as well as your speed bar and stirrup.
4) Finally, inspect the side that you turn to  and also your radio.
When you paraglide, it is important to always start with the end in mind. What goes up must come down, so you should know what to expect before you launch.
The projected weather conditions should not be a surprise. Remember that you can always become a better paragliding pilot, so even if you are experienced and the location is familiar, it is important to prepare and maintain all safety measures as if you were flying for the first time.
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