demixrivers-blog · 5 years
Christmas was coming and whilst Demetria was certainly in the festive mood, she couldn't help but feel as though it was commemorating something different -- another year stuck in Brielle, without her family. Knowing that she no longer had any boy toys around to play with, the beauty found herself in the recreational room, DISTRACTING herself... What the fuck had they done to the tree? It looked as though it had been decorated by a bunch of five year olds who were partially sighted. With the roll of her eyes and a sharp exhale fleeing from her nostrils, the beauty found her fingertips dancing around the crimson baubles and begun placing them in a much more suitable way -- one that actually looked as though it had some sort of organisation to it. Hearing footsteps behind her, the brunette was in no mindset to stop what she was doing until it actually looked somewhat decent... Spending the holidays in a nut house was one thing, but doing it in a poorly decorated hospital? That was just criminal. 
“I am not going to apologise if you’re the one who decorated it. It looked pretty shitty, I’m doing you a favour.” 
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demixrivers-blog · 6 years
thank u, next
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demixrivers-blog · 6 years
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   PARTYING. Finally, something in Brielle that the blonde should have felt familiar with. And of course, a part of her was, but it was difficult to get into your element whilst rolling around a metal pole. Noah had been acting as more of a wall flower than a party girl at the time Demetria had strolled up to her, draped head to toe in red that contrasted greatly with the narcissists own WHITE. Curled locks spread lightly across her hollow shoulders, and blue eyes lined with mascara coated lashes that bat in discomfort. With somewhat relief, gaze lingered on the brunette vixen as she strut away, but a quick breath was once more retained as Noah realized she hadn’t gone as unnoticed as she’d hoped. 
   “I think I’m FINE here.”
Red and white – the two sides to a conscience that rest atop of each shoulder. Metaphorically, Noah and Demetria could have gone together in the best of duos… The angel and the devil, though it was no surprise that they CLASHED too. Rolling her eyes at the spite within her tone of voice, the QUEEN allowed an exaggerated sigh to exit through her nostrils – her perfect button nose flaring as a rather forced smile splayed across her cherry lips. Truth be told, Demi would have bit back with a F I R E given the opportunity, though she knew how bothered Charlie had been about the blondes health lately – was her PRIDE really that important? 
“I knew we would meet sooner or later but if this is about me dancing with Charlie, then you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Let’s just say I’m into older guys with a little more… STRENGTH to them – the complete opposite of your boyfriend, okay? You should try this punch by the way, I’m pretty sure somebody put vodka in it.”
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demixrivers-blog · 6 years
Gracie stopped in her tracks, eyeing the girl she’d just bumped into. She wanted to bend down and pick the lipgloss back up, but she was too invested in deciding how to deal with talking to this girl whom she’d never seen before. The first impression, she reminded herself. Don’t make her think you’re weird. Gracie’s arms started shaking, and she instinctively crossed them to hide this sign of her anxiety. Remembering what the girl said, she shifted her eyes to her mobile phone in confusion. Sneak it in? She didn’t know mobile phones were against the rules. “It’s… okay. I’m not hurt or anything. And um, no, that’s my phone… didn’t know they were against the rules around here. Don’t tell anyone… yeah?” she said, lips pursed to stop them from trembling. She knew her mom would have her hand it over soon anyway, and she wanted to talk to Dad a bit more before that happened.
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Crouching down to quickly pick up the lip gloss tube that was lifelessly rolling around on the floor, Demetria picked herself back up and brushed her palms along her body – as though to brush any DIRT off of her body left behind from the vermin fucking patients that roamed the corridors. Demetria Rivers was a MEAN GIRL; the worst in her high school, in charge of social cliques and willing to do anything to protect herself and those she was close to. If she had to hurt someone’s feelings, it was second nature to her. If she needed to piss somebody off or ruin a relationship, then job done. It paid off being the queen B I T C H – people knew who you were but most importantly, they respected you… Whether it was out of fear or genuine feelings of likeliness to her. “You didn’t realise they were against the rules?” The beauty scoffed, a judgmental tone ringing along her vocal chords and rolling off of her tongue – though she meant no harm by it… It was just the way she spoke. “This place is practically a PRISON. Of course they aren’t allowed… I won’t tell anybody. As long as you let me stalk my ex-boyfriend every once in a while. I’m Demetria... Demetria Rivers. Don't forget that name, it'll be of value to you later.”
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demixrivers-blog · 6 years
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     a dainty digit twirled a thin lock of hair ( barbed wire ) around bruised knuckles, her unoccupied hand cupping the base of her throat to shield the other’s view from the markings left by her… predatorial companion. IRRITATED brows furrowed in the other’s direction, annoyance clear in the murderesses expression; how nosey. why did demetria rivers believe everyone in this world owed her something?? even something as MEASLEY as an explanation?? ❝ you’re observant,❞ stated the girl factually, peeking with a foreign interest in the direction of the magazine in her roommate’s lap. homeless certainly wasn’t chique… fashion had only seemed to spiral down a pitiful whirlpool of tastelessness- NOT that audrey concerned herself with it anymore. ❝ …and i think i’ve met gutted and bloated CORPSES with better bone structure than you. do you just make noise in order to hear yourself talk?? ❞
Honestly, Audrey reminded the beauty of her old roommate in some ways – her quick wit, the violent tone in her voice, the disregard for any human emotion. It was like having some dolled up version of Abigail in her room, only she got the feeling that the raven haired girl actually liked her… At least, SOMETIMES. Demetria could see that Audrey was trying to get a glimpse of the magazine and so she shifted her position on the bed, angling herself so that the magazine was pointed in her new roommates direction – and people thought that she was CARELESS. Soon enough though, her eyebrows soon furrowed – body bolting upright and twisting towards the brunette who was sat on her own bed. Wow, so insulting– so HURTFUL. 
“First of all, where the fuck does my bone structure come into ANY of what we have been talking about? Second of all, I was actually paying you a compliment – saying that you are too good for him, not because I want to know the ins and outs about your fucking relationship. God, Audrey. I like to think that this room is a sane place until you start gargling bullshit like that.”
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demixrivers-blog · 6 years
“Softer side?” he scoffed with a small chuckle, “I don’t gotta soft side, D. I’m all tough all the time,” he said, barely getting it out before he was chuckling softly, pressing his forehead against hers. He took a deep breath, taking her all in - her scent, her voice, the look of her face so close to his. “Well I s’pose not, nah,” he agreed, “I guess ya have your work cut out for ya to find somethin’ then.”
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Was Atticus in love with her? She couldn’t quite tell, though he always looked so allured by her. Demetria Rivers was certainly a charmer – somebody who drew most men in and kicked them back into the dirt, though she couldn’t quite shake Tic. She wasn’t as head over heels for him as he was her but that was what she did… She used people. It wasn’t every day that you actually managed to form a bond with the people that you were using though. “Yes, you do TOTALLY do have a soft side.” Demetria spat back, eyes wide with a teasing glimmer as she prodded at his chest – allowing his forehead to press against hers. There was something that felt so safe about Tic and whilst she should not have led him on whilst her heart belonged to Jared, she always felt WANTED when she was with him. “I might just have to call you CASANOVA instead… That works. You do like to seduce woman after all, but I know nobody compares to me.”
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demixrivers-blog · 6 years
Where the beauty was enjoying the spotlight. The plastic crown lowered onto her head by the silver haired head of the institute. He was wondering who had put his name in the race. Even though he was fucking sure it had to be Demi… But the thing he was truly wondering about was how the fuck he had won. Sure he had made some friends in here. Most people knew him. But how in the hell had he gotten all these votes. He was guessing he would end up as Duke, not as the bloody KING of the ball… How~ Just fucking how?! It all seemed like a big scheme thrown together by his friend to fuck with him. He knew she would do it. But also knew she wouldn’t. What was there to win if you rigged the vote. 
He softly shook his head as the girl outstretched her hand. “Isn’t it the boy that usually asks the queen for the dance and not the other way around…” He said a little embarrassed but taking the hand of the brunette as she pulled him down from the platform. “Just so you know. I do not~ And I repeat. I do fucking not like this dancing with everyone fucking watching Demetria. So you better help me out here before I actually turn into a statue and can’t move anymore.” 
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Smiling brightly, as though the night sky was alight with thousands of stars, Demetria tugged Charlie off the platform – nearly causing him to lose his balance. A giggle fled from her lips, ears perking up at the words of PROTEST that came screeching from his body like a set of car tyres desperately trying to stop along hot tarmac, though she wasn’t letting Charlie get away unscathed. She knew all eyes were on them already, so why not put on a show with her best friend? Rolling her eyes playfully, the beauty beamed as she took one of his hands – placing it on the small of her back as her hand rest atop of his shoulder. It was almost nerve wracking, waiting to hear what song they were going to play for their dance but with the DJ lights shining displays of orange and green – the classic Halloween colours, her eyes lit up as soon as they started playing a song from that new musical… Rewrite The Stars, it was called. As the music begun, Demetria stepped backwards, half expecting Charlie to follow with her but instead, he stepped in a completely different direction – basically tugging her around the dancefloor clumsily as she burst into a fit of laughter so out of control, that she physically couldn’t bring herself to dance with the GRACE that a queen should have. 
“I don’t give a shit, Charlie Swann. We fucking WON and we need to celebrate – even if we are both dancing around like a pair of idiots that don’t know their left foot from their right.”
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demixrivers-blog · 6 years
➤ ➤ CONTINUED FROM HERE with @spitfirefelix​.
Listening attentively to the DEMAND in the males voice, Demetria allowed viridescent irises to swiftly drift into the back of her skull. The beauty still had zero understanding as to what this ‘favour’ was meant to be... What purpose was the haunted trail to somebody like Felix Marshall unless his intentions were to burn the entire building down? The trail wasn’t anywhere to start. Doctor Wright’s office would have been at the top of her list had they switched bodies. If it turned out that was what his plan was, the beauty could have surely tempted him to head straight to the office instead. Her seductress powers made almost anything easily and whilst Felix was kinda cute, he was completely NOT her type... And he was three years younger. 
“Okay, fine – but I still don’t get why we have to go to this haunted trail nor do I have anything to ask you in return. Not yet, anyway. At least tell me WHY we’re going. You have given me zero details other than the fact we need to lay low. Like, hello – have you met me? I don’t know what laying low even means nor do I have any intention of not showing myself off. I look hot. Sorry, no fire pun intended. Remind me again... What fucked up thing did you do to get here?”
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demixrivers-blog · 6 years
“Sure you have,” he growled with an eye roll as she tole him her number of partners, “Just because I don’t broadcast who I fuck does not mean that I am not,” he said simply. When Alistair didn’t get offers - he just took what he wanted. And he’d found plenty of frail, easily maniuplated girls since he’d been dropped into this hellhole. Truth was, he could take Demi if he wanted to. It was be hard, yes, she would certainly put up a fight. So he’d just wear her down first. Every girl had vulnerable moments and he was patient enough to wait her out. At her obvious compliment, another eye roll came from the beastly man, “Be more obvious,” he snarked back. 
“Except I don’t want to be a match at all,” he fired back as they walked into the first spooky room, dark and dusty, with ghouls and goblins around in every dark corner. “This is so stupid. Why do I let you get me into this shit?” he asked, a masked man jumping up from a dark corner and Alistair’s fist went up against the other’s face. It clearly wasn’t enough to be of any actual danger or hurtfulness, but enough to make him go back into his little hole. “Come on, let’s just get this over with so you’ll leave me alone for a while.”
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“Oh yeah? Well, if you’re getting laid – give me a name. I only want one. I don’t need you to list off the girls that are desperate enough to jump into your bed.” Demetria found it rather entertaining teasing Alistair and that was probably because of how much he disliked her. The beauty didn’t hate him per se, though she found his entire demeanour IRRITATING. The whole thinking he was better than any other man that roamed the corridors… Sure, he was probably one of the most frightening but the beauty wasn’t scared of him. If Alistair wanted to harm her, then he would have done it already. How easy it would have been for him to sneak up behind her and snap her neck, yet here she was – still walking and still breathing. 
“You let me get you into this shit because you were BORED, Alistair. That is what this shithole is, boring –“ And with that, his fist swung out in ninja style at the first actor that jumped out at them, causing Demetria to jump unexpectedly. It probably wasn’t funny, though she knew what it was like to H U R T people and how entertaining it was… All of her bidding was done emotionally, however. Were Alistair and Demetria really that different after all? They had their own ways of hurting people and feeling a surge of power bolting through their veins… They were just as bad as one another. “Fucking hell, that was quick. What? You mean you don’t want to be trapped in a haunted house with me? I never would have guessed.”
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demixrivers-blog · 6 years
Demetria Rivers. It finally hit him, this was the name of the female sitting in such minimal proximity that her naked flesh was rubbing the side of his leg. He had tried to read most of the patients` files in the past days so he knew what he was dealing with. Stumbling uppon her file, he thought she would be an interesting persona and she really was. Kit could not deny that fact. She certainly had her ways of getting under the skin of someone even someone tough and rough on the outside like Kit. Now putting a face to the information he had read, it all made perfect sense. Her disorder linked with her appearance… no wonder she was managing to achieve what she wanted especially when it came to male attention. She appeared to be the type of girl who was getting exactly what she wanted and when she wanted it. However, Kit was the same. He could so easily change his attitude like a snake would shed its skin. The only thing that mattered was the end goal. When such was present, there was nothing stopping him of getting what he wanted. Two people of similar nature gathered at same place seemed like it might possibly result in some explosive outcomes. 
Rules for Kit were everything BUT boring. In order for his whole plan of achieving his goals to work out, the dominant male had to establish a certain set of rules. Without rules he would be lost, wandering through the desert like someone looking for water. 
“If you did not care as you said, you would simply say exactly what you`re thinking without second thoughts” he nodded, a slight smirk appearing on his scruffy face. “And where would be the fun if there weren`t any rules? Without them it would be complete chaos and not the fun kind” he gave a light shrug, glancing at the brunette. 
The corners of his lips tucked into a slight smile as he pictured the situation, which the female had just described. On one hand he was aware that was definately not going to happen, but on the other hand it sounded quite tempting to say the least. The very fact that she mentioned his leather jacket suprised him slightly. This old and covered in scratches jacket was so special to Kit that he was just refusing to part with it, but he did not think that someone else would find it attractive - especially a girl like Demetria. She looked classy and evidently very caring of her appearance. Definately not someone who would appreciate an old clothing item like that, but who knew. Everyone had their turn ons.
“Hmm, well If I have to be honest with you Demetria, I can`t be arsed to do that since i am not even on my shift so what do you offer then?” he asked, gazing at the brunette with curiosity in his eyes. This question was mainly aiming to simply test how forward she was willing to be. 
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It was instances like this that the beauty had forgotten all about her teacher beau – the one who was a gentleman, who treated her with such grace that he would much rather place her in his own bed whilst he took the couch ( not that he was anywhere to be seen now ) but Kit? Now, he seemed like a real bad boy. It was no lie that Demetria was into men like Kit; rough and ready, able to throw her around and leave her on her toes. He wasn’t very SECURE – she wasn’t promised a loving relationship where they would talk about the possibilities of what existed on other planets, where he was going to buy her roses and chocolates. No, her and Kit could be together when it suited them and when they both had other priorities – they would take the lead. Chewing on the corner of her lip, her glossed cherry snapping from her pearls as hazels watched his features change attentively, Demetria realised that he wasn’t FLINCHING at anything she did. Why was that? If he was so hot on his job, then he wouldn’t have even been entertaining her and despite not being on ‘shift’, would have sent her back to her room in a heartbeat. He must have been enjoying this. Digits continued to dance over their leather flooring, twisting and turning in every direction as though her fingertips were a solo ballerina with the spotlight following her every move – hypnotic hues glazing over him as though he was some dessert behind a glass counter, calling her name. 
“I don’t care but maybe, I want to hear you express your thoughts first. I’ll give you that – rules can be valuable, which is what makes it all the more fun when it comes to BREAKING them.”
Ears perked up as he outright said he couldn’t be bothered to take her back to her bedroom. It was way past curfew and there was not a single soul around – nobody but them… Even Doctor Wright would have been tucked up in bed at this hours, dentures sat comfortably within a glass next to his bedside table as his wife laid sound asleep, not knowing about the torture he imposed upon his precious castle. What would he think about a patient SEDUCING one of his own staff members? Cocking an eyebrow at the challenge that the security guard presented, the beauty perched herself up on the edge of her seat – lifting a bare thigh over his so that she was able to crawl into his lap, fingers gripping onto the magazine and closing it as she placed it on the seat that she was previously sitting in. “I can offer a night of fun and nobody will ever have to know… I’m a little lonely, you see. Being in this place at night time all by yourself is absolutely DEAFENING.” With her words, the beauty leaned in towards him – placing his palms atop of her exposed skin, soft as silk and as enticing as lace. Petals brushed against the lobe of his ear, sending a hot wave of breath pirouetting over the crook in his neck whilst her fingers intertwined their way through his blonde locks. 
“Or we can just sit and talk about motorcycles whilst I twirl my hair around my finger and act like the bimbo in every movie ever.”
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demixrivers-blog · 6 years
“What is the deal with fire boy, anyway? You two seem to be awfully CLOSE.” Demetria uttered, hazels lifting from the magazine that her fingers had previously been flicking through. Fashion nowadays was getting ridiculous – why did Kanye West even think that homelessness was a trend that should have been followed? Cringing as her nose crinkled upward, the beauty slapped the magazine down on her thighs to look over to her roommate who she still didn’t quite know. “He’s a lil psychotic but kinda cute but I still think that you’re out of HIS league.”
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demixrivers-blog · 6 years
“I know how cold ya are darlin’,” he chuckled, his hand from her jaw moving back into her hair, the bruenette tresses wrapping around his fingers, his other hovering at her hip. “It’s not a bug name,” he chuckled, “Though it’s not good. Kinda sounds like a girl’s name honestly,” he answered sheepishly, moving his eyes to her wide brown almonds and taking a deep breath, “It’s Harper.”
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“Harper…” The beauty hummed, her voice a low purr as she allowed Tic to pull her into an embrace – her arms sitting comfortably by her waist, allowing him to do all of the work in drawing her in. “Harper is kinda cute. It may be a little girly but I think if anything, it brings out your softer side. Although, Harper doesn’t sound like a nickname that I’d call you. You don’t want to seem more feminine than me, do you?”
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demixrivers-blog · 6 years
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“Honestly, it’s pretty good so far. I haven’t talked to anyone yet, my first appointment is yet to come, so - you know that’s a plus for me. Yeah, makes for less awkward situations. Well… of course… no, no, listen… of course I’ll try, that’s what I’m here for, isn’t it? I’ll socialize, Dad, just not yet-” Gracie collided with another body as she paced back and forth outside the main building. She cursed internally and looked down at her feet. “Uh, I’ll call you back,” she quickly muttered before she hung up the phone. “I’m so sorry-” she said, turning to the person still standing in front of her. She felt a blush creep up her cheeks and looked down again.
As always, Demetria was living her own little bubble – invested in her own life and thinking about herself. Holding the little compact mirror up to her face, a cherry coloured lip gloss being pressed to her plump petals, Demetria ensured that the wand curved around her cupids bow – her full pout in its position of glory as she reapplied the sensual colour of her lips. She was going to see Jared and she had to look PERFECT after all, though he had seen her in her worst… Tracksuit bottoms, a messy bun and no makeup. Not that she would ever admit to seeing him outside of the hallways and his classroom. Rushing through the hallways to get to his room before his second period started, the beauty came around one corner and collided straight into a much younger blonde. Clutching onto her shoulder as the glass tube went flying from her fingertips, the beauty squinted her eyes in an attempt to deal with her pain. “Fuck – I’m sorry too. I wasn’t even looking where I was going… Wait – have you actually managed to sneak your phone in or is that the crappy patient phone that everybody gets given?”
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demixrivers-blog · 6 years
Honestly, becoming the PUMPKIN QUEEN was the best thing that had happened to Demetria this week – despite the obvious; having a loving boyfriend ( if she could call him that ) who had treated her to the wings that were on her back. There was nothing more that she wanted to hear than her best friend was her KING; exactly what she needed. Demetria probably wouldn’t have been able to dance with anybody in front of the crowds of patients and staff members that were there and whilst she couldn’t explicitly dance with the man that she did want wrapped around her body, Charlie was the second best thing that she could get – the only person that she would actually WILLINGLY parade around with. As they stood side by side, their plastic little crowns being placed atop of their skulls – Demetria stepped down from the platform, offering her hand to Charlie as though she was the gentleman between the two. She had always teased the male for being slightly feminine, though it was a trait she wouldn’t change for the world. 
“May I have this dance, my KING? ”
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demixrivers-blog · 6 years
"I knew there wouldn't be anybody else capable of being Q U E E N...” 
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Smiling sweetly, a DEVILISH glimmer in her eyes -- Demetria allowed her brunette waves to drape over her shoulder as autumnal hues continued to hypnotise the person she was speaking to. It was a no brainer, really. Who else would have own the vote? Well, maybe Cecily but that was only because she was a child who everybody else seemed to love, Demi included. Crimson wings hung from her small canvas, highlighting the perfect curvatures of her waist and hips whilst stiletto clad ankles carried her over to the punch bowl, turning the sharp structure of her jawline over her shoulder to look at the person she had originally been talking to. 
“Well, aren’t you coming? I need to hear the hottest gossip.” 
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demixrivers-blog · 6 years
He was already growling because he was being forced on this excursion, but now that he agreed, and suddenly was stopped. He pressed against the girl, all but throwing herself at him. He wasn’t surprised, but he wasn’t excited either. He put his hands on her shoulders and pushed her through the door, “Your clear need for sex with everything dragging three legs is pathetic. And you’re not my type, so go whore it up somewhere else, trollop,” he said as they walked through the building. “Just shut up and walk. I didn’t ask for the commentary tour,” he sighed. 
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Now being guided in the direction of the ‘haunted house’ by two gruff, burly palms – the beauty tried her hardest not to trip over her own feet with each new push that the male gave, her hazels ignited with a flame that continuously burned with each new insult that left his lips. Honestly? It was rather comical. Alistair did NOT phase Demetria, though he was the kind of person who was capable of terrifying just about anybody. Maybe, she saw something slightly more HUMAN in him than anybody else did… And that was only because she was used to being a fucking asshole too. There was something about Alistair that resonated with the beauty – not in the dominantly aggressive way in which he pursued things but the determination and fire within his stomach that gave him motive. “My clear need for sex? Alistair – I have slept with one person since like… May. You’re just jealous that I’m getting it from somewhere and all you have is that right hand of yours. You spend time with me and you get a commentary tour, come on – I must entertain you a little. God, you’re H O T when you’re pushy.” She teased, flickering her eyes back momentarily to catch the annoyance plastering across his face. There was something deep down inside of the male that gave him basic emotions, even if they had been so hidden by the WEIGHT of every sin he had committed in his past. Demetria would not dare to ask Alistair – not unless in some bizarre world, they actually became friends – though, her guess was as good as the next and she could just tell that Alistair was not a kind person. 
She never would have guessed that he was capable of killing somebody, but causing severe harm? Yes. Had she been going through a vulnerable period; the beauty would have made the perfect TOY for somebody like him… There would be something so satisfactory about watching somebody so sure of themselves crumble under a spotlight, being bent to the will of somebody who was so irritated by them usually. The helpless plead in her hazels to leave her untouched, tear ducts swelling, whites turning bloodshot in ANTICIPATION. The quiver that her body gave each time he ventured near her, worried about what he may do to her tonight to make her feel anything LESS than human. The desire to do whatever he wanted – handing herself over to him when he needed to relieve his stress, mentally preparing herself for any brief second of pain that he may have inflicted upon her whilst she was vulnerable... Unluckily for Alistair though, Demetria was stronger than EVER at this moment in time but maybe that was what he needed – somebody to keep him on his toes. The seductress could act deprived if needs be– she could act broken, she could act like a shell of what she once was, she could be dragged and thrown around a room and she could have been degraded through horrid names, as long as she was getting some sense of ENJOYMENT too. Who knew that Demetria Rivers would have found herself swooning over Alistair Malone? He needed somebody that was capable of keeping up with his every move but more importantly, he needed somebody who could act scared and yet, dominate in her own world too.
“Come on, you piss me off– I piss you off... We’re a match made in HELL.”
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demixrivers-blog · 6 years
“I may have heard that once or twice, yea,” he chuckled as he stood up, seeing the girl mosey towards him. “Uh-huh,” he hummed, closing the space between them with his own wicked smile, “But don’t act like y’all ain’t hypnotized by me,” he chuckled softly, running his single finger along her jaw and under her chin. “Well, whatcha thinkin’ D?” he asked slyly, running his hands down to her hips, “I mean, ya could go with A or T if ya wanted. Or…” He said, giving a slight sigh, “I’ll tell ya somethin’ no one else knows. My middle name.”
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Honestly, the beauty could have rolled her eyes so hard within that moment – she wasn’t entirely hypnotised by Atticus but who cared? He didn’t have to know that… It wasn’t as though she could openly and outright tell him that she was actually dating a tutor that worked within the institute – no, she would have to keep up this ruse instead, this CHARADE. “I’ll try my hardest not to act like that but you know me, I’m stone cold – until it comes to you.” Allowing her cherries to curve upward into a smile, the beauty allowed the male to control her jaw with nothing but his finger. The beauty had a lot of time for Tic, despite the fact that they were usually too busy competing for one another’s attention. What did that matter though? Allowing his palm to roam across her body, following the curvature of her bones, she let out an excited giggle – hazels glimmering. “Your middle name works perfectly. Please tell me it isn’t another bug related name though. I’m not quite sure how I’ll cope if your middle name is something like... Mantis.” She spoke softly, referencing one of the first things that she had ever said to him – when they first met.
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