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“It’s 3am and I can’t get over the fact that it’s been 5 months since I’ve felt the warmth of your breath on my skin. 5 months since I’ve felt your lips brush against mine. 5 months since I’ve felt your skin pressed against mine. 5 months since I’ve heard your voice say I LOVE YOU. These past 5 months have been hell. I miss us. I miss you”
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One day, you’ll remember the girl who loved you so much that she forgot to love herself. You’ll remember her when you wake up, when you eat, when you’re about to sleep. She will be your greatest nightmare. You will be the one crying, and she will be the one happy with someone else.
One day, you’ll regret losing her. You lost the girl who did everything for you. You lost the girl who was always there for you when no one else is. You lost her because of your ego. You lost the girl who stayed by your side even if you threw harsh words to her. You lost the girl who tried to understand you when she needed you and you were not there.
One day, you’ll realize that she was the one for you. The girl who stood by your side even if you don’t appreciate her. The girl you chose to let go because you’re full of pride. One day, you’ll realize that the girl you screwed up and left for another girl, was the girl who kept on fighting and defending you when she hears gossips about you.
One day, you’ll see her happy and contented with the life she have when you left her. She will thank you for letting her go and for making her realize she is worth of something so much better, that there is someone out there who is willing to do everything for her. She will look into your eyes with no feelings for you at all.
One day, when you see her, you will feel like you’ve been stabbed in your heart a millions times for giving up on her. And when that day comes, no matter what you do, no matter what you say to her, it will not make sense because she was already done spending years of her life trying to make you love her as she loved you…. But you didn’t.
(via mybpdfeelsdrivemeinsane)
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i don't know whats harder to be honest, the thought of us never being together again or trying to forget all the memories we made and plans we made for the future. yes i know people say "just forget about him" or "don't think about it" but it is so god dam hard to forget the things you did with the person you love so god dam much, and its even harder when that person made you so happy and feel so loved but that person one morning got up and left, he left with no explanation, no reason, he just got up one morning and realized he didn't actually love you the way he thought he did or even said he did, and that's what makes it hard to forget because you where the one left in the dirt trying to mend yourself.
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i'm scared, i'm scared to fall deeply in love with someone again. the last boy who i fell deeply in love with destroyed me in so many ways, he destroyed me to the point where it was 2am and i was collapsing on the bathroom floor crying my eyes out wishing i wasn't here anymore, i loved that boy so much that he would hurt me but i would still run back to him no matter what, he treated me like absolute shit but i still gave him so many chances to change, he would go out and party with his mates and other girls while i would be at home crying wondering if he is gonna end up going home with someone else, he would call me names and abuse me verbally just to make him feel better about himself, he fucked me up and the hard thing is that no matter what he did i would always end up back with him no matter what because i loved him, and that's what i'm scared of, i'm scared that another guy will come into my life and do the exact same thing because i fall to easily.I fall way to easily into love.
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The only thing i'm 100% sure of is that he didn't love me the way that he said he did. He proved that when he left, he threw me out like i was nothing. Ill be honest it hurt, i gave that boy my everything, my all. I put my walls so high but he broke them, he broke my walls with three simple words, I love you, three words that are so easy to come out of someones mouth without meaning.  And that's the hard thing, anyone can say I love you without meaning it just to get what they want. And i will never give a boy my all like i did with you until i am 100% certain they are down for me like i am for them, Until i am sure they wont hurt me like you did.
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“It’s mine, it’s mine, it’s mine, who’s world is this…?”
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VIA WeHeartIt
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It's 1:30AM and your all that's on my mind
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All I want is you in my arms
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via weheartit
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U can see the pain in my eyes
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