deesmuse · 3 years
I am so enjoying the sunshine! Went to Hampton Court last week. What an amazing place, worth a visit. Did not realise, Bushy park is huge! I hope someone will look after and make sure the public can access these facilities. If I recall it was Prince Philip baby/ idea.
I read this today:
' Believe in your dreams. They were given to you for a reason'. Unknown
This has encouraged me as my dream is to have a degree. I am doing a part time degree which has been a real mission of late. Two more assignments left for the year, still passing.... phuu. Two more years to go ... just in time to retire! Some people think I am mad, does not make economical sense, getting myself into debt and doing this at my age. Ahh well..... But as the above says there is a reason, we never know what is around the corner......
I trust that the reason will be revealed, I will be able to use it and pay the loan back with money to spare. That is my prayer.
I was thinking of the work I do, and how I got involved in this business, as its not every ones cup of tea....... Who I have met over the years,...... what a privilege it has been.
Did you know I have done over 2000 counselling hours here. In total I guess I have done over 5000 hours working with teens. I hope I have fulfilled another dream. That who ever I have worked with has been able to reach their potential, be educated, learned to process their demise. To be better mothers and fathers. To be a more compassionate, braver, human being with integrity. Work that I do is unseen.
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I am musing, sorry ... I guess its thinking about dreams....
What is your dream?
How are you for filling your dream?
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deesmuse · 3 years
Another good day!
'A friend is one who overlooks your broken fence and admires the flowers in your garden'. Anonymous
Are you that friend who overlooks that broken fence?
Someone said hello to me...., I was so tired yesterday and am worried about a theme that seems to be running through the practise. It all came out.... goodness me.....afterwards I felt bad but she said to me they are lucky to have you..... she was admiring the flowers in my garden...
So I say thank you to her that meant a lot to me.
Enjoy the sun shine.
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deesmuse · 3 years
What glorious weather! I have been sitting outside reading and enjoying the sun. It does change ones perspective on things!
'Too often we react emotionally, we get despondent, and lose our perspective.
All that does is turn bad things into really bad things.
Unhelpful perceptions can invade our minds --- that sacred place of reason, action and will -- - end throw off our compass.' Ryan Holiday
Two people with the same circumstances may have two very different experiences, based entirely on how they perceive the situation.
We are wired to find evidence for what we believe. If we are powerless, we will find evidence to support that belief.
What is your belief system?
Why do you believe what you believe and what evidence do you put out there to support your belief.
What is truth?
Who is telling the truth? (when we read the newspapers, listening to the authorities, organisations, government etc.)
Where and what are the sources. Are they looking for power and control?
My perspective is that It seems there is a cancer which is seeping through our belief systems which is disturbing as it is disrupting culture and our identity.
Have a good day.
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deesmuse · 3 years
Good evening,
‘When you realise something good makes you light up and feel better, scoop it up and let it brighten up your day, It is ok to be cheerful.’ Unknown
With all the pressures of late: Direct components of Covid: a death, isolation, being ill, and recovery.
Others might be home schooling, teaching, running a household, looking after other members of the family, finances, job security, covering for other staff. Some people have not been affected by the pressures of Covid. Be mindful of those who have
This is very heavy to be carrying around the whole time, consciously or unconsciously.
What have you realised makes you light up and feel better?
I have been walking up to 7km at times. Walking passed the houses, noticing the variety of front doors. The ones that cheer me up are the old ones with stain glass designs on them, the craftmanship, wood, the brass knockers. As I pass the door I wonder if you open the door what would you find?
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I was thinking how the animals are feeling? Have you noticed if your pets are behaving differently. They too must be affected by what is happening.
This week, notice what makes you light up and feel better, scoop it up. What gives you that smile?
Its ok to be cheerful.
Have a good week.
Dear readers,
New to tumbler
'One can be a brother only in something. Where there is no tie that binds men, men are not united but merely lined up.' (Antoine de Saint Expupery 1900-1944)
Found this interesting this was some of his thought from what he wrote:
Brotherhood - Are you united or just lined up 22.3.2021 by Chief Willian Jolley
When presented with the question of what does Brotherhood (specifically in the fire service) mean to me, the more I thought about it, the more I realized how difficult it was to describe. I attempted to define it but found that also was difficult to do. A good analogy for me goes something like this; What is air? I can’t see it, but I can’t live without it. If I am under water, I can’t breathe it without SCUBA gear. If I’m in a fire, I need SCBA to breathe it. For something that is so vital to my existence, it really is very transparent. I have come to appreciate cold weather because at least then I can see my breath, if only for a moment. Brotherhood is like that. You can’t see it, but you can experience it, and in the fire service we definitely need it.
Antoine De Saint-Exupery said this about brotherhood, “One can be a brother only in something. Where there is no tie that binds men, men are not united but merely lined up.” Globally we are all in a brotherhood. We all breathe the same air, we all see the same stars, and we are all warmed by the same sun. So we are in a brotherhood, a brotherhood of man, if you will. But what about the firefighter Brotherhood? I have researched the term and find that we are very good at having tattoo’s and t-shirts espousing “Our Brotherhood” and some very nice designs to go along, but we really aren’t very good at describing it. “I’ve got your back?” It has to mean more than that.
I did find this quote which comes closer to the meaning I was looking for. “You cannot see brotherhood; neither can you hear it nor taste it. But you can feel it a hundred times a day. It is the pat on the back when things look gloomy. It is the smile of encouragement when the way seems hard. It is the helping hand when the burden becomes unbearable.” Peter E. Terzick
Encourage someone today.
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