decepticonranks · 1 month
One of the most insane corporate decisions in entertainment media ever in my opinion is still Hasbro doing the 1986 animated Transformers movie where they violently kill off over 10 recurring beloved characters on screen, including the main guy, and then were surprised when children showed severe anguish over seeing Optimus Prime slowly dying of his wounds in a fucking hospital
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decepticonranks · 1 month
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Criminal Sentences, Vol. 9
(Sentences from various sources for criminals and/or dangerous muses. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"I've been known to kill a man or two."
"For every problem, there is a solution."
"I used to get into a little trouble when I was that age. Didn't you?"
"Flattery will get you nowhere."
"I've never shot a man in the head. That's more your field of expertise."
"I thought for sure you were dead."
"I won't become a murderer!"
"Don't worry, your little secret's safe with me."
"I don't like anyone meddling in my private affairs."
"I find your use of the word 'mercy' strangely inappropriate."
"Being feminine doesn't mean that you are not a murderer."
"Did you really kill all those men?"
"What are you hiding?"
"You're the most cold-blooded man I've ever known."
"Have you ever killed anyone? I mean, have you ever got actual blood on your hands?"
"Oh, I'm not your friend."
"I regret that we met this way."
"My first impression was correct. You are a barbarian."
"You will cease to pry into my personal matters, or I shall certainly break your neck."
"Why have you got a gun?"
"Wait, wait, wait - how is this legal?"
"If you're going to stab me, stab me in the front."
"The first step to not getting caught is to not tell anyone what you're doing."
"Was this an attempt at a poetic death?"
"We all have our darker side. We need it; it's half of what we are."
"There are ways to convince you of your errors."
"You need to leave the country."
"Give in to yourself. You will be happier."
"So, are you ever going to tell me why you're on the run?"
"There is nothing wrong in doing what you want."
"I'm not a psychopath, I promise."
"I have a reputation for ruthlessness. You will find that it is deserved."
"I'm not afraid. In fact, I find this rather enjoyable."
"What better place to dispose of bloody clothes than a hospital? Just put on a fresh pair of scrubs and bingo!"
"You're the greatest liar I've ever met."
"What are you? A mercenary? A gun for hire?"
"Why are you endangering your life by coming here?"
"Who are you? What do you want from me?"
"I never believe a word the police tell me."
"I have done everything else for you, but I will not murder for you."
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decepticonranks · 1 month
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                      ❝ Dark is the night when moral choices become irrelevant. ❞
Jesse Anderson, Decepticonranks, Bayverse + G1 & Comic influences, Mutuals only, 18+,   Triggering content, Penned by André
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decepticonranks · 4 months
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                      ❝ Dark is the night when moral choices become irrelevant. ❞
Jesse Anderson, Decepticonranks, Bayverse + G1 & Comic influences, Mutuals only, 18+,   Triggering content, Penned by André
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decepticonranks · 4 months
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"It's not something I talk about often." No doubt putting it lightly, but that was besides the point. "Survival usually depends upon silence and luck. Among other things."
( @wanderingguest - anna)
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decepticonranks · 4 months
soundwave was always there. always watching and waiting. jess couldn't even begin to fantom what went through their mind at any given time. so much information at once - it was enough to give jess a headache to even think about it on the best of days.
then again, he was human. soundwave and the rest of the decepticons were not. something that he always seemed to forget or at the very least push to the back of his mind.
granted, he was going to be playful and be nice. that was the case. now he was just going to be spiteful to be spiteful. he didn't need a true reason for it now - not when she was saying he was the bad guy! he wasn't! he never had been! it was everyone else pointing the finger at him!
"and here i was thinking of buying out the entire place. every. single. thing. you have. of course, now, that you're being far too rude to me," he trailed off for a few moments, letting his words hang on air. "i think i'll change my mind on that."
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"unless you plan to be far more nicer to be, which i doubt." only time would tell. then again, he could always have 'cade destroy the shop, but.... he wasn't going to go that far. not when that would just case far more complications. not to mention... he didn't want an army of autobots on his ass tonight.
barricade was always nearby. always watching. always waiting. it was the USUAL for him to be near - if he wasn’t, that meant that something was up. a rare occurrence and one that only happened in a few instances. even so, ‘cade rarely interfered unless it was necessary. such an assumption was for the most par debatable - jess could handle things by himself. however, that didn’t mean there were times far more force did prove to be beneficial as well.
as he entered the door way, his hands slipped behind the small of his back. to the question -instead of going into a debate, he answered plainly and truthfully. a step forward in all reality - though, he wasn’t too sure how it would be taken or if she would even care to listen.
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“soundwave,” he says barely missing a beat as he spoke again. “he can pretty much pick up on anything or,” a pause, “anyone. it doesn’t even take much if it’s someone like you. now, the location of something far more… classified? that’s another story entirely, but can still be done.”
“then again,” he says, taking a step forward, “there are times where they need someone else to do things.” not that he figured she’d understood, but that was neither here nor there. “someone they can trust - not the bad guy. just someone who earned their place and understands exactly how things are.”
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´ ・ .  ✶ ━━      brows lift at the mention of the communication officers name.  of course it was soundwave that found her.  he always seemed to be the one to track her down.  he was up there somewhere  …  spying.  always spying.  ellie had the sudden urge to just up and leave america.  fly home.  live off the grid.  but she wasn’t about to let the scary aliens win.  not when she had something to fight for.  something she had put a lot of money towards.  “  i don’t know whether to be offended or not.  ”  ellie mumbled.  she wasn’t THAT chronically online.  the brunette busies herself with packing away any left over pastries  ,  cupcakes or muffins into containers  -  choosing to ignore the fact that jesse was getting closer to the counter.  
                        nose scrunches slightly  ,  slamming the lid down on the tupperware  ,  blue eyes glaring at the human.  “  definitely the bad guy.  ”  she would die on this hill.  she didn’t want any part of this war that was raging on.  she just wanted to be left alone.  but she had the misfortune of letting slip about her special ability.  now the autobots and the united states military were breathing down her neck.  while the decepticons where trying to scare her into submission.  she didn’t know whether it was because she HAD this ability to shift between realities and time or it was simply the idea that they could somehow replicate it.  they could do an awful lot of damage if they could suddenly time travel. 
                       “  what do you want  ,  jess  ?  ”  her tone exasperated.  she’s tired.  she’s been up since 5 am.  it was now nearing 6 pm.  she wanted to sleep.  “  because if you’ve just come here to threaten me.  i would suggest to not even bother.  ”  taking the tupperware  ,  ellie steps into the kitchen  -  towards the fridge stacking the containers inside.  “  so you can either buy something or go away.  ”
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decepticonranks · 4 months
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Starter call!
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decepticonranks · 4 months
was it kindness? perhaps or maybe it was because he thought it was the right thing to do. no matter the case, apparently, jess was going to opt to do something unusual. helping. something he normally would only reserve for a few - though, he supposed that now was a better time than ever to do it.
hands went out to take the box, holding it tightly as a slight grin spread across his features. it was only for a few moments before it faded; while heavy, the box was still light considered what he had to carry before. a reason to why he had little to no complaints about it. at least none he would tell her.
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“where do you want it put?” a simple question, nothing more or less-  otherwise he’d just follow her with it. though, he knew that would just be annoying to them both.
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´ ・ .  ✶ ━━      his voice catches her off guard and causes ellie to yelp slightly.  stumbling back away from her car  ,  the heavy box in her arms almost teetered over  ,  but she managed to steady it.  blue eyes focused on the man who had appeared at her right seemingly out of nowhere.  “  oh.  ”  she started  ,  a blush crossing her cheeks as she cleared her throat.  the day was bright  ,  sunny even  -  but it was warm.  her little bakery sat proudly just to her left and she was finally moving in.  she stared for a couple of seconds longer  -  before she remembers that the box was heavy.  very heavy.  full of freshly picked ingredients.  “  uh yeah  ,  yeah sure  ,  thanks.  ”  came her hurried reply (feeling like her face was catching on fire)  ,  holding the box out for the man to take.
╰   ––––––– ✧   @decepticonranks​      :      asked      ❨        i’ll help you with that.         ❩˙
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decepticonranks · 4 months
an eyebrow lifted all the same. really taking traits? well, now that he thought about out? yeah, jess could see it - no wonder 'cade seemed to enjoy taking rides late at night and stopping for donuts, among other things.
however, a moment later, jess rubbed a hand over his face. "you know," he says. "...now i see why some of them act the way they do."
"It's his altmode infulance kiddo" trauma explained driving "..... sometimes we take Alt-Mode traits in robot mode"
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decepticonranks · 4 months
being here was due to boredom and a little bit of nagging guilt. the latter was an emotion, which was rarely spoken about or felt for that matter. he could have explained more about what he did feel and why it was that way, but he wasn't going to. guilt was guilt - it would either pass in time or it would not. either way? he didn't really care.
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"do you really want to know?" maybe. perhaps. perhaps not. jess wasn't going to elaborate unless she wanted him to get into the details and yes, he would get into them. he wouldn't leave anything out - even the parts that she would hate. especially those.
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´ ・ .  ✶ ━━      her body rests against the front door frame.  her brows raised ever so slightly  ,  as jesse stood in the hallway of her apartment.  ellie hadn’t expected him to show up.  but she wasn’t letting him in  ,  not just yet anyway.  there’s that little mean streak in her that makes her want him to beg  ,  especially after what the decepticons did to her bakery.  she still isn’t over that.    “  so you should be.  ”  she replied  ,  arms crossed over her chest.  “  what happened this time  ?  ”  she had been trying to keep low and out of the decepticons radar  ,  but being involved with their human  ,  it was really hard to keep being a nobody.
╰   ––––––– ✧   @decepticonranks​    :      asked      ❨        hi, welcome to i feel guilty.           ❩˙
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decepticonranks · 4 months
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"I think it's time we've had a chat." Bold and straight to the point. Jess wasn't going to beat around the bush this time. "Don't you agree?"
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"Yes, that's me, Doctor Gordon. What can I do for you --?"
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decepticonranks · 4 months
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                      ❝ Dark is the night when moral choices become irrelevant. ❞
Jesse Anderson, Decepticonranks, Bayverse + G1 & Comic influences, Mutuals only, 18+,   Triggering content, Penned by André
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decepticonranks · 4 months
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There were many things that could have been said at this moment, but he wasn't going to say any of them. No, he would simply move his hands behind the small of his back, fingers moving around to slowly push a button on his watch. No doubt it would be taken as an act of defiance, but what did he care? It wasn't like she truly knew him or knew of him.
And while Jess expected Barricade to come barging in a few moments later. There was nothing. No one came to his signal or maybe they were too far away; no matter the case, he was alone and that meant that he had to rely on just himself. Something that he rarely had the opportunity to do.
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"I understand that you're upset, but I need you to take a step back and keep your hands where I can see them."
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decepticonranks · 4 months
“it was an incredible experiment.”
"An incredibly stupid one," he says sharply. "Not to mention that now everyone knows who I am." Did he care? Somewhat, but it just made things far more complicated and Jess wasn't ready nor willing to deal with the consequences. Not that it mattered now.
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"It better have been worth it."
( @paramounticebound )
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decepticonranks · 4 months
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decepticonranks · 4 months
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I may or may not just remembered this blog existed due to hearing New Divide played by many people on a video on youtube.
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decepticonranks · 10 months
barricade was always nearby. always watching. always waiting. it was the USUAL for him to be near - if he wasn't, that meant that something was up. a rare occurrence and one that only happened in a few instances. even so, 'cade rarely interfered unless it was necessary. such an assumption was for the most par debatable - jess could handle things by himself. however, that didn't mean there were times far more force did prove to be beneficial as well.
as he entered the door way, his hands slipped behind the small of his back. to the question -instead of going into a debate, he answered plainly and truthfully. a step forward in all reality - though, he wasn't too sure how it would be taken or if she would even care to listen.
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"soundwave," he says barely missing a beat as he spoke again. "he can pretty much pick up on anything or," a pause, "anyone. it doesn't even take much if it's someone like you. now, the location of something far more... classified? that's another story entirely, but can still be done."
"then again," he says, taking a step forward, "there are times where they need someone else to do things." not that he figured she'd understood, but that was neither here nor there. "someone they can trust - not the bad guy. just someone who earned their place and understands exactly how things are."
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´ ・ .  ✶ ━━      her eyes narrow as a huff crawls out her throat.  standing up straighter  ,  ellie watches as he lingers near the front door.  ellie had thought it was just a rude customer who couldn’t read the CLOSE sign on the door.  she hadn’t realised it was jesse who had found her bakery until she looked up  ,  almost jerking back at the sudden appearance of the man.  eyes had then drifted out the window to see if barricade was lingering out on the street.  it didn’t look like it  ,  but that not cop was a sneaky little shit. 
                         she had been too busy cleaning the tables to even yell at him to leave.  she had ignored him for a couple of minutes.  still mad at him.  until he spoke.  her brows raised high into her hairline.  “  right.  ”  she mumbled making her way back behind the counter.  placing the cleaning bottle back in its proper spot.  “  i think working for evil aliens bent on destroying the world to be the definition of a bad guy  ,  jesse.  ”  looking back him  ,  she rests her hands on the counter  -  keeping the bench between her and him.  and barricade.  “  how’d you even find me  ?  ” 
╰   ––––––– ✧   @decepticonranks​​      :      asked      ❨        “Look. I’m not the bad guy here! All I do is work for them!” A pause. “That could have came out better!”          ❩˙
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