death2anewmeaning · 5 years
my favorite /FAVORITE/ thing abt pokemon blogs is that some people just get specifically attached to one pokemon and rave about them in their tags and like even though ive never been particularly impressed by that pokemon i love seeing other people so passionate about them like okay i see it now yes yes onix is now my rock son as well
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death2anewmeaning · 6 years
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death2anewmeaning · 6 years
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death2anewmeaning · 6 years
bisexuality is not trans-exclusionary tell ur friends
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death2anewmeaning · 6 years
The moment the father became my favorite character
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Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
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death2anewmeaning · 6 years
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I made a thing.  Happy pride 🏳️‍🌈
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death2anewmeaning · 6 years
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death2anewmeaning · 6 years
from @LegitimatNoodle on twitter
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death2anewmeaning · 6 years
Wizards of the Coast is fundraising for Lambert House, a Seattle-based organization for LGBTQ youth, through these Magic and D&D shirts! All proceeds will go to Lambert House. Magic: https://www.customink.com/fundraising/lambert_mtg
Dungeons & Dragons: https://www.customink.com/fundraising/lambert_dnd
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death2anewmeaning · 6 years
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death2anewmeaning · 6 years
What your favorite Commander colors say about you:
Mono-White: You haven’t had friends since 1999.
Mono-Blue: You play the min-maxed wizard in your Dungeons and Dragons group.
Mono-Black: You’re probably into BDSM or something.
Mono-Red: You listen to Eurobeat while you play Mario Kart.
Mono-Green: You’re an animal rights activist. You have definitely thought about fucking a tree.
Azorius: You haven’t had friends since 1999 and also you regularly get shoved into lockers.
Dimir: You’ve carefully built and maintained the extensive profile of an edgy Sonic the Hedgehog OC without telling anyone.
Izzet: Your taste in music consists of nothing but songs from the 1980′s and experimental theremin tracks.
Simic: Your favorite movie is The Shape of Water and everyone knows why.
Boros: You were one of the people who signed that petition to put the Robocop statue in Detroit.
Orzhov: You are very good at pretending to be rich on Tinder in order to get laid.
Selesnya: You own twenty Rasta hats and can tell the difference between each one at a glance alone. You have attended Burning Man every year since the 60′s.
Golgari: You regularly cook and eat roadkill.
Gruul: Your first fandom was Shrek.
Rakdos: hurt me daddy
Naya: You are obsessed with The Land Before Time.
Bant: Every inch of your living space has been power washed repeatedly and plated with three layers of chrome.
Esper: It is your goal in life to build the ultimate sex robot.
Grixis: You’re a dentist.
Jund: You’re a regular customer of Bad Dragon or equivalent.
Mardu: You have a framed pin-up poster of Genghis Khan hanging on your wall.
Jeskai: You like to astral project regularly.
Sultai: You call snakes ‘danger noodles’ whether they’re venomous or not.
Abzan: You have some kind of fetish for shrinking/growing. Mostly growing.
Temur: But everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked…
Witch-Maw: You’re the asshole at the table who plays Atraxa.
Ink-Treader: You bless the rains down in Africa.
Dune-Brood: You hate sand. It’s all grainy, and it gets everywhere.
Glint-Eye: You ship the partner commanders together.
Yore-Tiller: You’ve written hot, steaming Tezerret/Ral Zarek fanfiction.
Five-Color: You don’t exist.
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death2anewmeaning · 6 years
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Finally came around to creating Scottex, artwork done by the amazing Isharton. I really want to see a Jund planeswalker somewhere down the road.
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death2anewmeaning · 6 years
My favorite dragon has been and always will be Prossh. He was my first commander and my first Magic product purchase. I hope to see more references to him or even a straight up card of him in a set. Maybe a little something for his little Kobold snacks, I meant buddies!
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Today is Appreciate a Dragon Day!
Show your appreciation by letting us know which dragon is your favorite from Magic: The Gathering. There are so many epic ones to choose from!
🎨: The Ur-Dragon by Jaime Jones
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death2anewmeaning · 6 years
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death2anewmeaning · 6 years
Sorry, what? We had a petition go around to have Danny De’Vito play as Pikachu. Dafuq?
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Pikachu is a species of Pokemon, while Detective Pikachu the character is a peculiar sort from the Pikachu set, a self-styled investigator who is good at finding things. Ryan Reynolds will play the role of Detective Pikachu.
Source: hollywoodreporter
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death2anewmeaning · 7 years
honestly i went into this for the meme but it’s actually fucking fire
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death2anewmeaning · 7 years
Explorers of Ixalan only furthered my inner Jester
Commander Player Archetypes
An idea put forward in the latest Command Zone, I just had to expand upon it. What category do you think you best fit under?
The Mentor
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Often the one who has been playing the game the longest, The Mentor willingly points out how to better play even to their detriment in the game with the goal of wanting everyone to be better players and keep enjoying the game. They lend out decks so everyone can play and get their enjoyment from cultivating the playgroup.
The Rebel
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The player who has to fight every fight, especially against whoever is currently leading the game. Always playing to win and do so proactively, progressing themselves toward the victory. Attacks whenever viable and will refuse to just let the game go someone else’s way.
The Judo Master
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One of the most valuable skills in playing Commander is ‘avoiding hate’, and The Judo Master is best at this. Through subtle board positioning and well timed plays, they manage to just slip under the table’s threat radar and someone else takes the heat while they continue to deflect, dodge, and avoid conflict.
The Contrarian
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Absolutely against convention or reason, The Contrarian seeks to show the futility of alliances or words by taking decisive actions that go against the hopes of other players, often meeting offers of ceasefire with guns ablaze.
The Opportunist
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A player who lies in wait for the right moment to strike or rise from the shadows in hopes of ‘stealing’ the game from under others, The Opportunist is not deceitful or disloyal, merely takes the chance to win when they see it. They have no qualms about letting others do the heavy lifting.
The Lone Wolf
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No allegiances, no table talk, just the board state. The Lone Wolf is the one who plays the game and does not participate in politics. They stay their course and are comparatively stoic, having little to no interest in the excessive chatter of the silver-tongued.
The Merciless
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The player who will eliminate the player who got mana-screwed without a second thought. The Merciless do not deal in half-measures. Devastating a player’s presence in the game is not enough. Complete annihilation is the only real option.
The Politician
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Making up and cutting deals constantly, The Politician hopes to maneuver in the game socially not just to avoid personal harm, but to advance to victory. Encouraging players to eliminate each-other while trying to remain mostly unscathed, The Politician can do the most with as little as possible.
The Architect
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A player who seeks to craft a specific experience, be it some kind of synergy or a game ending combo, and have no ambition beyond that. They seek to accomplish a personal goal in the game built into their own deck.
The Jester
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Always seeking to make the game ‘a little more interesting’ by playing decks with game-changing cards or always encouraging a new game mode like Archenemy or Planechase, The Jester is eager to experience the biggest can of worms they can open.
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