death--lotus-blog · 7 years
In Kalinigrad, a pedestrian passed through a car standing at a pedestrian crossing, waiting for the green light.
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death--lotus-blog · 8 years
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                my SOUL is a hidden orchestra.                 i know not what instruments–what                 fiddlestrings && harps && drums                 and tamboura–i sound && clash                                     inside myself.                                                     all i hear is the symphony!!
as interpreted by ELLE. | art cred.
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death--lotus-blog · 8 years
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katarina with a more modern edge
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death--lotus-blog · 8 years
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death--lotus-blog · 8 years
Continued from here
If it were anyone else, his hand would be already cut off and laying on the floor. Instead her head tilted to his hand’s direction.
“You could say so.” A snort left her lips, her smile growing into a girn.
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death--lotus-blog · 8 years
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// The only person Talon would likely ever cry over if they died. Marcus may have spared him, but she was the first person to ever treat him like family.
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death--lotus-blog · 8 years
                                             ᴋ   ɪ   ʟ   ʟ                                              ᴏ  ʀ   ʙ  ᴇ                                              ᴋ ɪ ʟ ʟ ᴇ ᴅ
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death--lotus-blog · 8 years
"Fools who run their mouth oft wind up dead."
“I prefer cutting people open first, than talking.”
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death--lotus-blog · 8 years
Talon winked at Katarina. "Hey Katty~. You like the new outfit~?" He pulled on his team jacket, trying to act cool. (sswtalon)
Her gaze rolled up and down on him, althought her body language showed no signs of approval. Her hand reached out just to tug his hoodie playfuly.
“At least now your face could be seen better.” Finally she remarked, her lips forming a small smile.
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death--lotus-blog · 8 years
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death--lotus-blog · 8 years
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death--lotus-blog · 8 years
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death--lotus-blog · 8 years
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Kandjar Dagger
Dated: 18th century
Culture: Mughal
Medium: steel, jade, gold, velvet, gemstone
Measurements: H. with sheath 20 in. (50.8 cm); H. without sheath 18 ½ in. (47 cm); H. of blade 13 ¼ in. (33.7 cm); W. 3 1/8 in. (7.9 cm); D. 15/16 in. (2.4 cm); Wt. 15.2 oz. (430.9 g); Wt. of sheath 4.6 oz (130.4 g)
Source: Copyright © 2015 The Metropolitan Museum of Art
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death--lotus-blog · 8 years
❝ I may have punched him, it’s a blur. ❞
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“Are you kidding me?! That guy ate a massive punch in the face and got knocked out. I’m suprised you don’t remember.”
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death--lotus-blog · 8 years
“Hamilton” sentence meme (part 1)
❝ I may have punched him, it’s a blur. ❞
❝ He looked at me like I was stupid - I’m not stupid. ❞
❝ It was my parents’ dying wish before they passed. ❞
❝ God, I wish there was a war! ❞
❝ We could prove that we’re worth more than anyone bargained for… ❞
❝ Let me offer you some free advice: talk less, smile more. ❞
❝ Don’t let them know what you’re against or what you’re for. ❞
❝ Fools who run their mouths oft wind up dead. ❞
❝ What time is it? Show time! ❞
❝ Give us a verse! Drop some knowledge! ❞
❝ Who’s the best? C’est moi! ❞
❝ Ooh, who are you? ❞
❝ I am not throwing away my shot. ❞
❝ I probably shouldn’t brag but damn, I amaze and astonish! ❞
❝ I gotta holler just to be heard. ❞
❝ Don’t be shocked when your history book mentions me. ❞
❝ I will lay down my life if it sets us free. ❞
❝ When I fight, I make the other side panicky! ❞
❝ Geniuses, lower your voices. ❞
❝ You keep out of trouble and you double your choices. ❞
❝ If you talk, you’re gonna get shot! ❞
❝ What are the odds the gods would put us in one spot? ❞
❝ Am I talking too loud? Sometimes I get over excited. ❞
❝ I imagine death so much it feels more like a memory. ❞
❝ See, I never thought I’d live past twenty. ❞
❝ We have to make this moment last. ❞
❝ Every action’s an act of creation! ❞
❝ Oh my god, tear this dude apart. ❞
❝ Chaos and bloodshed are not a solution! ❞
❝ For shame, for shame… ❞
❝ It’s hard to listen to you with a straight face. ❞
❝ My dog speaks more eloquently! ❞
❝ I’d rather be divisive than indecisive, drop the niceties! ❞
❝ Honestly, you shouldn’t even talk. ❞
❝ If you repeat yourself again I’m gonna scream. ❞
❝ The price of my love’s not a price that you’re willing to pay. ❞
❝ Why so sad? ❞
❝ Remember, we made an arrangement when you went away - now you’re making me mad. ❞
❝ Despite our estrangement, I’m your man. ❞
❝ Soon you’ll see, you’ll remember you belong to me. ❞
❝ You’ll be back. ❞
❝ Time will tell, you’ll remember that I served you well. ❞
❝ Oceans rise, empires fall! We have seen each other through it all. ❞
❝ I will send a fully armed battalion to remind you of my love! ❞
❝ You say our love is draining and you can’t go on, but you’ll be the one complaining when I am gone. ❞
❝ No, don’t change the subject! You’re my favorite subject! ❞
❝ My sweet, submissive subject… ❞
❝ When you’re gone, I’ll go mad! So don’t throw away this thing we had. ❞
❝ I will kill your friends and family to remind you of my love. ❞
❝ Rise up! ❞
❝ Can I be real a second? For just a millisecond? Let down my guard and tell people how I feel a second? ❞
❝ The elephant is in the room. ❞
❝ I cannot be everywhere at once! ❞
❝ I’m in dire need of assistance… ❞
❝ Permission to state my case? ❞
❝ Your reputation precedes you, but I have to laugh. ❞
❝ I was just like you when I was younger. ❞
❝ Your head full of fantasies of dying like a martyr? ❞
❝ Dying is easy, young man. Living is harder. ❞
❝ Are you aware that we’re making history? ❞
❝ Why do you assume you’re the smartest in the room? ❞
❝ Soon that attitude may be your doom. ❞
❝ Every day you fight, like you’re running out of time. ❞
❝ I’ve seen injustice in the world and I’ve corrected it! ❞
❝ Now what I’m going to say may sound indelicate… ❞
❝ Yo, who the eff is this? ❞
❝ Why do you always say what you believe? ❞
❝ I’ll keep all my plans close to my chest. ❞
❝ I know I talk too much, I’m abrasive. ❞
❝ For once in your life, take a stand with pride! ❞
❝ Every day you fight like it’s going out of style. ❞
❝ The fact that you’re alive is a miracle. ❞
❝ Would that be enough? ❞
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death--lotus-blog · 8 years
“Kill you?” A loud snort followed her words. “You’re not on my list, kid. I have no interest in killing you.” 
While speaking, her eyes carefully examined every little detail possible, hoping that it can help her find out more about the mysterious man in front of her.
Hunting had always been a favorite pass time for Uffe. He would take days, even weeks just to hunt down one of his prey, but he seemed to have lost the scent of a deer he had been tracking. As he grumbled his way down the beaten path, he paused in his movements, sensing that someone was coming his way.
 Suprised that she was noticed, the assassin took a few bold steps towards the stranger. Lips formed a smirk as she left a small sigh.
“Another one? Boy, I hope you’re worth my time.” Her sharp dagger spun on her finger, almost cutting the air. 
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death--lotus-blog · 8 years
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name. Katarina Du Couteau age: 24 height.  5'3 eye color. green hair color. red sexual/romantic orientation. heterosexual species. human allergies. none relationship status. single 
[ ♚ ] introduce your muse.
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