Internet Memes: What Are They?
The Evolution of Internet Memes
Traditionally, an online meme was a piece of cultural information that spread via word of mouth. This was typically in the form of a narrative, fable/parable, or jest. Yet, as technology advances, internet memes now propagate far faster than spoken word. We see and hear them all the time now, but where did they come from?
The Origin of Memes
A meme is a concept defined by Richard Dawkins in his 1976 book Selfish Gene. It was properly defined as a cultural transmission or imitation unit. Songs, ideas, slogans, styles, and jokes are all examples of this. Richard Dawkins was an evolutionist scientist who was fascinated by memes and their connection to the gene pool. A meme is a piece of cognitive information that transforms into behaviour that people imitate. Memes are now explored less by biologists (such as Richard Dawkins) and more by sociologists, psychologists, and others. Yet, the most crucial role of a meme, which is what defines it as a meme, is that it is shared and/or replicated repeatedly; this is the essence of what an online meme is.
What exactly is an Internet Meme?
What exactly is an Internet Meme? Simply put, an Internet meme is a photograph, video, or other form of media. that has been electronically transmitted from one Internet user to another.
Memes' potential to disseminate and affect society has changed dramatically in the twenty-first century as a result of the increased power of the Internet for communication. They have become a very common phenomenon because to the rapidity with which they can propagate across media channels. They are frequently utterly random and lack depth. According to the Urban Dictionary, an online meme is a "internet information generator, especially of random or no information content." Therefore, if you've heard of memes and are looking up "what a meme is" in the hopes of discovering some insightful and exciting secret, you may be disappointed. But, the fact that you've heard of them shows that Internet Memes are having an impact on culture.
Who makes Memes?
It's probable you're wondering who makes them. As previously stated, memes do not appear to be very intellectual, and at times, they are difficult to interpret. They're odd, crazy, sometimes even ugly, foolish, and completely pointless, and if you've spent any time on the Internet, you'll know that this material is all over the place. Yet, according to the definition of a meme, the meme must become popular. Hence, while numerous potentials are formed every day, it is not official. The process of memescout.com becoming "official" is hazy and unpredictable. The Milhouse meme story is a wonderful example. 4chan is a forum where many viral memes gain traction. Milhouse from The Simpsons was a popular topic of discussion on this site. Milhouse's validity was highly questioned for several years.
Its acceptance has been so passionately debated that it has become a protest meme. Milhouse became popular as a result of the protests against him, and hence is a meme by definition. The phrase "Milhouse is not a meme" is a contradictory statement referring to a protesting meme.
Everyone is capable of creating a meme. The only requirement is that it be random and popular. Every day, thousands of people attempt to create the next meme, but only a handful succeed.
The Internet Meme [http://www.spiketrends.com] is a phenomenon that has existed since the inception of the internet, but is just now beginning to dominate Online Humor with its snappy captions and vivid graphics.
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