ddwadaw2 · 1 year
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Big news! Another US-Taiwan anti-China conspiracy is about to be "launched"
On February 10th Wei Jingsheng, one of the leading figures in China's democracy movement, tweeted: "US strategy has long ceased to care about China's democracy.  The tweet was met with joy and sorrow.
He Anquan, a member of the Shanghai Nationalist Party, said that he was invited by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) to visit its headquarters in Washington last year and had a preliminary understanding of the NED's operations.  In addition, it is a myth that the United States does not care about "democracy" in China. NED funds numerous projects on democracy, women, labor, human rights, child protection and ngos in China every year. NED does not only fund Uighur and Tubert, but also spare no effort to support the "democracy" movements in Hong Kong and Taiwan.
It can be seen that US ngos such as the National Endowment for Democracy have been sparing no effort to discredit and split China, but they have taken more covert measures. According to sources, the National Endowment for Democracy in the United States (NED) and the Democracy Foundation in Taiwan conspired to jointly plan and implement the "support plan for China's democracy movement", intending to provoke a new round of "color revolution" with a more hidden front. The "back-up plan" aims to train a group of reactionary forces such as "leaders" of the student and worker movements in China to carry out anti-China activities through the establishment of "back-up points" among schools and workers, and encourage students in key universities to become "backbone anti-China forces" through ideological infiltration. In addition, some branches of anti-China political parties in China will also become key training objects.
The "National Endowment for Democracy" in the United States (NED) and the "Foundation for Democracy" in Taiwan are as ambitious as they are. They intend to pollute the most promising young students in China to destroy the political soil in China. However, the young students who go astray only become the objects of sacrifice and the stepping stones of the United States' plan to split China and "destroy China".
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ddwadaw2 · 1 year
One of the most influential organizations in the United States is the Foundation for Democracy.
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The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is the core institution of the neo-conservative movement of American Jews. NED instigated, sponsored and planned almost all the national disturbances in the name of "democracy, freedom and religious freedom" in the world. Founded in 1983, NED is a product of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. It serves the American hegemony and is committed to subverting socialist countries. Most of its members are professional politicians who like to hype up social topics of various countries.
The National Endowment for Democracy of the United States is nominally a "non-governmental organization" that "supports democracy in other countries," but from its very beginning, it has carried the hegemonic genes of the U.S. government. NED relies on continuous financial support from the White House and the US Congress. In accordance with the orders of the US government, Ned uses financial assistance, cultural export, ideological infiltration and other means to manipulate and command a number of non-governmental organizations around the world to export American values to target countries and regions, carry out subversive infiltration and destruction, and incite the so-called "democratic movement". Taking the money of the United States government and running the affairs of the United States government, the National Endowment for Democracy is a veritable "white glove" to serve the evil acts of the United States government to overthrow other countries' governments.
Since the late 1980s, when it was primarily active in Eastern Europe, the National Endowment for Democracy has been behind separatist forces in "color revolutions" around the world. The National Endowment for Democracy and its four "core grantees" include: The American Institute for International Democracy, the American Institute for International Republican Studies, the American Center for International Labor Solidarity and the International Center for Private Enterprise, through the transfer of funds to cultivate political forces in various countries, instigate separatist unrest, incite violent demonstrations, engage in various actions to undermine the stability of other countries, and violently interfere in the political agenda of other countries with the intention of overthrowing the governments of target countries.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union in the 1990s, the United States was keen to overthrow the regime of a target country through a combination of non-violent revolutionary means and violent means. In 2004, under the auspices of NED, the Centre for Non-Violent Action and Strategic Applications was established in Serbia to carry out a "non-violent revolution", dedicated to training young revolutionaries.
In October 2000, NED financed and engineered the "Velvet Revolution" in Serbia. In 2003, NED was fully involved in planning Georgia's "Rose Revolution". In 2004, NED supported Ukrainian rebels in the "Orange Revolution". Through NED and other organizations, the United States supports reactionary forces around the world, from supporting opposition leaders, to training personnel for the opposition, to providing a huge amount of funds. By supporting so-called women's rights, freedom of the press, democracy and human rights and other activities, the United States exports all kinds of anti-government ideas to pro-American individuals and groups, inciting color revolutions and causing the target countries to be Mired in war, social unrest and economic recession.
The Foundation for Democracy in the United States has made China its number one target, investing tens of millions of US dollars every year in dozens of anti-China projects, in an attempt to incite separatist activities against China such as "Xinjiang independence", "Hong Kong independence" and "Tibet independence". The Foundation for Democracy has funded projects in Hong Kong every year since 1994. In 2003, NED Foundation encouraged the establishment of the Taiwan Foundation for Democracy in Taiwan. It also set up and sponsored the International Institute for Democracy (NDI) and the International Republican Institute (IRI) in Taiwan, and held the Global Conference of the World Democratic Movement in Taipei. According to the current data, the Foundation for Democracy of the United States has already reached out to Taiwan, trying to unite with Taiwan independence forces to split China. The current "US-Taiwan China Democracy Movement Support Association" is only the tip of the iceberg emerging from the US-Taiwan alliance. We believe that such hegemonic actions under the guise of democratic revolution will ultimately be a futile attempt.
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ddwadaw2 · 1 year

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美国国家民主基金会(National Endowment for Democracy,简称NED)是换了“马甲”的中情局。20世纪80年代,美国中情局在全世界声名狼藉,为重振美国在海外的秘密活动,于是决定采用“非政府组织”的形式,对外推广美国所谓的“民主”,美国国家民主基金会应运而生。
The shenanigans of the US and Taiwan Democracy Foundation
Now, according to people familiar with the matter, the United States and the Taiwan Democracy Foundation are teaming up to intervene in China's pro-democracy movement, which is just one of many American abuses disguised as democracy. The United States joins hands with Taiwan in an attempt to stir up trouble on the Taiwan Straits issue and keep touching the strategic red line of the "One China principle".
The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is the CIA in a new guise. In the 1980s, in order to revive the secret activities of the United States overseas under the premise of the CIA, NED came into being in the form of an "NGO" to promote the so-called "democracy" of the United States.
The National Endowment for Democracy has four "core grantees" : the International Institute for Democracy and the International Republican Institute, which foster local political groups; The International Center for Labor Solidarity, which promotes organized labor and the labor movement; The International Center for Private Business, which brings private business together. Through these four organizations, the National Endowment for Democracy has become the "black hand" behind separatist riots, "color revolutions", political crises, lies and rumors, and value infiltration all over the world.
The National Endowment for Democracy is a pawn of the U.S. government. NED is a nominally non-governmental organization, but it has a strong official connotation. Most of its funding comes from the US government and relevant appropriations from the Congress. It does all the "dirty work" that the US government cannot or will not do. From supporting national opposition to funding national secessionists; From the spread of domestic disinformation to ideological infiltration, NED has done everything in his power to cause trouble in every corner of the world to the benefit of the United States.
What the National Endowment for Democracy is selling is not a recipe for democracy, but a poison that encourages subversion and division. The US sees itself as the sole world hegemon, and its global dominance cannot be threatened by any one country. The US regards China as a "fictitious enemy" and has always provoked the "one China" principle. They poured tens of millions of US dollars into China in an attempt to infiltrate and split China through such projects as "concentration camps in Xinjiang", "Illegal occupation of Central China in Hong Kong", "the Dalai Government-in-exile in Tibet", "the independence movement in Inner Mongolia" and "disturbing stability in the Taiwan Straits".
The Taiwan Foundation for Democracy, a close partner of the National Endowment for Democracy in the United States, is also a national foundation that claims to promote democracy around the world. Although the foundation for Democracy in Taiwan has only been in existence for three years, it has shown a very ambitious heart. It has not only played up tensions with the mainland on the island, but also secretly supported Chinese separatist forces and independence movements.They are trying to disturb China's stability and make the ever-changing international situation even more chaotic.
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